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Messages - John80sk

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16]
Fan Art /
« on: March 02, 2006, 02:33:26 pm »
Once again thanks for the comments, and especially the contructive criticism (can\'t get better without it can I)...

Well, anyways, a WIP shot of the Xacha
And one with the wireframe showing for falcon

A new render of the CLOTHED Nolthrir shouldn\'t be far off, but the UV map took longer on her as it usually does for female characters.  I also ended up scaling down the head quite a bit (really need to find better female reference pics)

Very good, and let me guess. You\'re using 3DS Max, those renders are very characteristic of the daylight rendering system.
Yessuh, 3DS with a skylight and lightracer... you can get a similar effect with Yafray/Gmax, although not really as high of quality.

On a side note - it would be great if characters could really wear clothes, armor etc.
Ah, and what about rule \"models shown publicly won\'t be included in game\" ?
Well that seems rather illogical, as people will see them sooner or later anyways :P

Btw: would you like to work in out 3d one of my drawings?
Well, won\'t hurt to send the image my way, I like any excuse to skip out on my texturing assignments to work with 3ds

are you going to join the developement team?
I\'d be interested, just not sure if I have the time

Fan Art /
« on: February 27, 2006, 08:31:12 am »
Thanks for the comments, I added clothes today, which with this low poly of work basically consisted of welding the breasts together since the concept art seems to involve a bathing suit type deal... Also started on the texture, but it\'s not complete enough for me to bother showing.

I had another case of insomnia tonight though so I decided to model a male Xacha.  1579 polies but there\'s a ton of optimizing I can do.¤t=XachaMRender.jpg

Fan Art / Low Poly Character
« on: February 26, 2006, 08:11:15 am »
I\'ve been playing Planeshift a bit now and noted the shortage of 3d models so I thought I\'d take a crack at low poly character modeling.  No texture yet but I\'d like some opinions before I start uv mapping.  Meant to be a female nothrir, but I\'m not sure if that\'s what it will stay, heh.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, 1,448 polies

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