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Messages - Akaye

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General Discussion / Re: Harnquist Gone?
« on: August 21, 2006, 12:55:52 pm »
Quote from: Datruth
I thank the Gms and Devs for implementing all these things in OJaveda .....

 :) The Gm's don't impliment anything we just police the game and make sure everything is how it should be, etc. Only the dev's have that authority.

I think Harnquist is probably running off to have a drink with the potion lady above the tavern. (Forgot her name)  :whistling: They were a little cozy at Zorbels birthday party, and I have since seen them attend events in the tavern and sneak into the corner to hang out with one and other.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Why isnt is so "Massive"
« on: August 21, 2006, 12:27:47 pm »
Quote from: DaveG
We hit 190 for a bit yesterday.

 :o Holy kitty crud! I haven't seen it hit that ever. I think the most I have seen online is around 160.

Welcome to planeshift Colin. As you can see it is a very small community. There is only one server. It all depends on what you consider big and small for a map. I used to think Planeshift was small but then we had an client update and now it isn't so small. Then again if you are coming from playing a game that was huge, the planeshift map might seem tiny. Anyway have fun and don't forget to read the players guide.  /me points to her signature location.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: problems seing labels in game
« on: August 11, 2006, 09:40:03 am »
Quote from: Induane
You could try typing   /redraw labels 

I thought it was /repaintlabels or do both commands work?

General Discussion / Re: Thus it ends.
« on: August 09, 2006, 01:52:49 pm »
Quote from: Mirashi
Here, Ayake, a few people are saying they're glad you're a GM, you'll make a difference, but I still fail to see you ingame, and right now I consider you just like the others - lazy, and unwilling to go ingame for about 10 minutes without going afk to help people.

What you just said is really rather rude and shows how closed minded you are. Do you have a full time job? Would you want to start out your day with people demanding you to go into game and do things for them?  Or would you just want to have your coffee and sit and chat with your daughter (I have one) and read up on the forums? She is telling me about what she has been doing all week because I haven't seen her much. Which is more important to me do you think? Listing to your whinning about gm's being in game or hearing how her week went. What do you think is more important to her? PLus as I have mentioned in my other post (And this clearly tells me you are being lazy and not reading them) that I have yet to learn my job. What use would I be to the people of planeshift if my answers were always "I don't know?" I need to read the Gm guide that Talad gave me and learn the commands.

Do you think I am stupid enough to just go into game and start Gming, or smart to sit down and actually read what I am and am not allowed to do. I think Talad would prefer the last I suggested. Why do you think people are excited that I made gm? I can tell you why, because I don't rush into things and when I do a job I do it right. I put time, thought and effort into it. If you think you can do better then why don't you apply for the gm team? Your rants are becoming tiresome. I will enter the game when I damn well feel like it and when I have the TIME. I am NOT here for your beck and call. Now if you'll excuse me I have to log off to feed my daughter (because that is more important than helping someone out of the DR in the game :/ ) and then go to work.

General Discussion / Re: Thus it ends.
« on: August 09, 2006, 01:30:54 pm »
Quote from: Mirashi
The only GM I saw online so far today was Noxide, and my petitions still haven't been picked up. They're bug reports, so I could report them on the bugtracker, but before I do I want to make sure with a GM that it hasn't already been reported.

 :) Sometimes the bugs you report have already been reported. As I said in my last post, it is better to report your bugs on the forums in the technical section. This is what I have been told by some Gm's, and Dev's.

Quote from: Mirashi
But still, moderaters should stay on the forums, GM's should stay ingame. I've seen times when there have been 4 GM's on the forums, and none ingame, which by the way the servers WERE up at that time. It's disgusting to me, and I hope you, Ayake, can make a difference like everyone says.

I am not allowed to voice my opinion on the forums because I am a gm now? That seems silly, a Gm is only another player but with experience with the game. Plus we represent planeshift. I think it is a great idea that Gm's are active on the forums. It helps new comers understand and see how this community is. If Gm's didn't answer on the forums then people would start to get upset about Gm's "not caring" as they have done with the dev's in the past.

Quote from: Mirashi
But at the same time, three GM's are on the forums, none ingame.

Maybe they are all busy. I know I am.  :sweatdrop: I am sitting here having my morning coffee, trying to stay caught up with planeshift before I have to go for a nine hour shift in a half hour.

Quote from: Easton
To me, being a GM is a job, not in ANY WAY an award

PLease by all means stick with Zorbels. I am ok with that, people have become used to calling me that. The two characters just have different responsiblities.
*hugs* Easton my friend you are mixing up my example. In no way did I say that Gming is a reward. No way!!! It is alot of work, and that is what I was trying to get at. People seem to be expecting miracles from the Gms. What they are not understanding is we have lives, and we move on. We have other things that interest us and it isn't fair to strip them of their title because they seek out new things to do in life. Also we are a small team, we can only do so much. I think once we have a bigger team these issues won't be there as much. I do agree though, if a Gm is in IRC and they have the time to help a player but don't (or at least doesn't have a good reason on why they can't help if they are active in IRC), then maybe they should reconsider being a Gm. After all that shows they are not commented as they once were and that is just being plan out lazy. Idling in IRC is not a tell tale that the gm doesn't want to help though if they haven't been entering text. They could just simply not be there.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Re: Im confuzed...
« on: August 09, 2006, 01:06:03 pm »
This will answer your questions, but incase you miss it....don't run the updater.
Client Version is 0.3.015b - INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS!

General Discussion / Re: Thus it ends.
« on: August 09, 2006, 12:54:09 pm »
Quote from: Mirashi
Instead of picking roleplayers, you should pick people who will actually test, and help others.

I do all of those things.  ???

So let me get this straight ....... because you can't find anyrhing on the forums about my testing the game, means I don't test the game? Well if someone asked me instead of just taking it upon themselves to assume I don't, I would tell that person that I test the game everytime I am logged on. I have always reported through petitions and IRC. I just recently found out that posting my findings in the forums was the proper way to go about it. Most of what I find has been reported by another player already.

Now as a Gm I have responsiblities. I accepted that I was to help people in game. For example if they were stuck and needed moving or a name change because the name didn't fit into the planeshift settings. I am there to take petitions, and help resolve any conflicts that may arise between players. I am here to answer any questions with answers that are not considered spoilers for newbies. I am here to help make more roleplay events for the players of planeshift to enjoy.  I am to report any bugs that I may find, or give ideas about the game that I think Talad and the devs may find helpful. I am here for many more things I am sure I don't know yet because I just started not even three days ago with being a GM ...... between my new full time job and a Gm guide presented to me by Talad I still have a ton to learn.

Quote from: Mirashi
I think a few posts back someone mentioned only favorites becoming GM's, and I think that person was right, because I digged in Zorbels' history and found her in a lot of stories and RP events, along with a few others such as Rilar, and Keyaz.

Where in all of this do you see roleplayer? Gm characters are OOC, and Zorbels the charcter has nothing, absolutely NOTHING to do with my Gm character. It is the face behind the player that got the Gm job, not the character Zorbels. Otherwise I would be using Zorbels for my Gm character.

I am insulted just a tiny bit that you think I recieved this title as a gm only because I roleplay or favortisim. Though in a silly way that can also be taken as a compliment. I recieved this job as a gm because I like to help people, I am a fair person, I am smart, I have been dedicated to this game for a year and two months, I have developed good relationships in planeshift with many of the players, I listen, I pay attention to detail, and because I passed the interview which has nothing to do with anyone but Talad. I have never meet Talad in my life, so I am pretty sure I didn't get the title Gm because I am favored. Also roleplay is a big part of the game, so it is an added bonus if the Gm has such a skill set. When Noxide (Another Gm) came in to game, I had not seen him once roleplay. He was more for the technical side of the game. People complianed to my own ears that he didn't roleplay enough to be a gm. Now I am being told I roleplay to much and thats the only reason I got the job .... well that and favortisim. I think Mirashi you should perhaps research a little more, because not everything I have said and done revolves around roleplay.

@ everyone: This thread started out being Proglins thread about his tournaments, and how a certain "TWO" people had been causing him headaches with his tournaments. I don't think it was his intention to have people gang up on the Gm team and begin to point out faults or have the public make up a system for the Gm team. IF you all take a look at the bigger picture you will see that the team is to small to meet the publics demands right now and the rules we follow aren't set by us, we just follow them.

Look at the list, some of these people are full time students and getting ready to go back to school after a summer of visiting family and their vactions. They may even on top of that have part time jobs. Some of them have full time jobs. Some of them have other activities besides sitting at the computer all day serving PS players. Some of them are devs and have other responsiblities to the game. Some of them have families they need to spend time with because that is important. One Gm I know of likes to travel alot and doesn't always have access to a computer. Oh and lets not forget that some where in all of this we need to eat, sleep, and meet our basic daily needs. Please keep in mind that Gm's try to do their best and will continue too. We follow the rules that have been given to us and put in time when we are avalible.

Uyaem -- GMlvl: 5; timezone: GMT+1
Bakuun -- timezone: GMT-8
Akaye -- GMlvl: 4; timezone: GMT-07.00
Chaos -- GMlvl: 4; timezone: GMT-5
Hadfael -- GMlvl: 4; timezone: GMT+1
Kerol -- GMlvl: 4; timezone: GMT+1
Drey -- GMlvl: 3; timezone: BST (for a while)
Frostmorn -- GMlvl 2
Noxide -- GMlvl: 2; timezone: GMT
Syilph -- GMlvl: 2; timezone: GMT+2
Tarel -- GMlvl: 2; timezone: GMT+1

Now to address the inactive issue: If a Gm becomes unable to preform tasks in planeshift due to a busy schedule, I don't think that is fair to say that they should be stripped of their title. That is like giving someone an award because they are a great artist. Then taking the award away because they stopped drawing. How is that fair?  They are still a good artist but they have found other responsiblities and activities in their life and can't just focus on the one. So they should be punished for expanding their knowledge? Give me a break!

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Lost, I'm one nooby newbie lol.
« on: August 08, 2006, 08:17:34 pm »
Ahhh, well the only advice I can give you is to follow other players you see. They are a good way to find out where the exit in the death relam aka DR is known. Good luck.  ;)

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Lost, I'm one nooby newbie lol.
« on: August 08, 2006, 08:13:11 pm »
Try /die ... this command should have you respawn in the death relam. If that doesn't work then please contact a Gm that is active at this time in planeshift.  :'( I would help but I have to go to work ..... 

General Discussion / Re: Thus it ends.
« on: August 08, 2006, 07:24:38 pm »
Wow... that was a lot of reading guys. Basically.... I think it would be a good idea to give the RM's, or EM's another chance. I don't need any powers to organise an event. It wold just make it less stressful. EM's (RM's) somehow sound like a brilliant idea.

 :) Well anytime your ready to give the tournaments another go I will be more than willing to help you. Just say the word!

 There is alot of reading in this thread.  :o It has grown a huge amount since I was last on the forums. I only have one thing I want to address ....

Quote from: narita
This one, maybe
But well... feel free to assert GM never do any mistake, it's your forum.

I notice everytime you post you make it a point to direct it at Karyuu and try to word your post in such a way that no one can say you are flaming but for me you are cutting it close. If you have such an issue with her why not talk to her about it and if you can't then maybe just address the actual topic's and stop trying to focus so much on Karyuu. She didn't say Gm's don't make mistakes. In fact in the thread you posted that you thought you so cleverly pointed out ... she apologized on behalf of all the Gm's and felt that the situation was dealt with in the wrong manner.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: New to PlaneShift
« on: August 07, 2006, 09:40:59 pm »
ThomPhoenix  seems to have answered your question with the same adivce I would give  Vulcanic. :) Great minds do think alike. Anyway, welcome to the planeshift community and I hope those errors get fixed for you. Oh and remember to read the players guide. Clicky ~~~> Players guide Here is another link that may help you. Roleplayers guide You will come to find that a vast majority of the community enjoys roleplaying in planeshift. That guide should help you with your first steps if you become interested. Good luck, and hopefully see you in game soon.

General Discussion / Re: Thus it ends.
« on: August 07, 2006, 09:03:32 pm »
Quote from: Karyuu
No one has time for the GM team right now, so we make do as best as we can. We just got another long-wanted member (three cheers for Akaye!) and this will definitely help.

Thanks Karyuu!  :D Hello everyone. Some of you know me as the character Zorbels in the game. Well I have finally had my interview with Talad and am now apart of the GM team. I joined to help the Gm team for many reasons but the most important to me was the roleplay events. 

That being said I am going to work my little butt off and try to get some events going on, but this isn't going to happen over night. I need to clear somethings with Talad and I also now have a full time job. I am very commited to this game though and plan on helping the Gm team with roleplay events as much as possible. 

This next part is abit off topic but maybe it will inspire some people to not always look to the Gm's to entertain them with events. You should all know (Especially the players who have been around awhile) that you don't need the Gm's to have a roleplay event. All you need is a good imagination and drive to get the events going. I can say truly as the character Zorbels, not once did any of the roleplay events I was apart of or that I held had the help of a gm (With one exception: The shadows roleplay with the war at the end, and thanks to Karyuu she made the event a little more fun). I did the events with friends, and had help from other players for a full year.

What bothers me the most is half the people I see complaining about the lack of gm roleplay events, are people who are fully capable of doing roleplay events themselves being darn good roleplayers and seem to have WAY more time to put hours into the game than the Gm's currently do at this point. In short they are doing the best that they can, if you think you can do better, well then apply to become Gm. After all as you can see the team is not huge and not all Gm's have the time where they can sit in front of the computer hosting a roleplay event. These events are time eaters, especailly when they become big and take alot of work to plan. Try putting one together and I guarantee you will understand.

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Re: 0.3.15b
« on: August 06, 2006, 08:25:39 pm »
You can get the client here. Click ~~~>  Download

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Re: seeds please
« on: August 06, 2006, 08:24:15 pm »
You can get the client here. Click ~~~>  Download

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