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Messages - Valbrandr

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I didnt get to have too many conversations with Auran.. but he was always great to me, for some reason.

But other people I miss are old guildmates like Isitar/Am-heh/ Velix who still keeps in touch here and there and Riffstorm who just tweaked out one day and left.

Too many other people to name like Demarthl and Vanderbal too.  Though I guess Dem is still around here and there?

Zan.. were you another character at some time? This Zeus was around when I first got here 2 years ago. I believe I talked with him ingame just once because he wasnt on hardly at all (though he was really cool the one time I talked with him).. but I dont think you would know this guy, he disappeared maybe a year and a half ago atleast I think so :P.

Elscha that was her name.. I really liked her :). Too bad she doesnt play 21 hours straight anymore :(.

Guilds Forum / Re: The Sheeple Foundation.
« on: August 15, 2006, 07:51:19 pm »
Sorry for the worthless post but I love the Sheeple Foundation :)..

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Dark Empire: Promotional Thread
« on: August 11, 2006, 03:47:45 pm »
So how has the hierarchy changed? And hows DE doing?

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« on: August 11, 2006, 03:45:49 pm »
"Your Fault" ?  doesnt sound very promising to me. Get her all that information she needs then. But Phinehas is right.. this guild just makes me think of The Rangers under Monketh.

Guides and Tutorials / Re: Hierarchy atrocities
« on: August 11, 2006, 03:41:55 pm »
I agree with just about everything you have stated above. I cant think of what I dont agree with actually. Something else has been bothering me as well.. If you say you are an RP guild please dont mention it in your thread .. Im not sure saying your RP works out real well. Maybe just post all the OOC information on your site or something. Because doing it in your guild thread is not only cliche but what your expected to say here.

Guilds Forum / Re: [New Guild] Heroes Of Yliakum
« on: August 11, 2006, 03:33:19 pm »
No offense in advance.. but everyone is making a "lets help everyone" type of guild. There is no originality left to explore in those types of guilds im afraid.. There has to be atleast 5 or so that I have seen created in the last month or so.

General Discussion / Re: Harnquist Gone?
« on: August 11, 2006, 02:36:09 pm »
Hell I never liked him anyway

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Dark Empire: Promotional Thread
« on: August 10, 2006, 04:14:50 pm »
And phinehas your always posting where i posted im noticing.

Thats likely because you are posting everywhere  :ban:

Guilds Forum / Re: [Guild] Community of Vaalnor: SoR
« on: August 09, 2006, 11:54:19 am »
That certain someone will have it to you soon enough.. hopefully by tomorrow. Its been a  bit busy for him lately  :)

General Discussion / Re: Thus it ends.
« on: August 08, 2006, 11:54:07 pm »
Though I wish a group could oversee the GMs so there are limited problems... sounds like too much bureaucracy. It might cause even more problems if its a newly trained group. So, that doesnt seem like its the way to go. Without knowing how exactly everything works now its hard to suggest anything. I dont know whether Uyaem (sp?) reports to Talad about what has happened each week, two weeks, or month.. Communication (if everyone had time) would be key. 

I do think that the way to becoming a GM is a bit broken. Last I knew(when I became a GM) was you inform a GM that you want to become a GM.. if that person is your friend or knows you well enough (or just is bored and wants to bring the name up) they will make a post on your behalf in the GM forums.. Each GM whos active makes a post either saying yay, nay or abstaining.. I cant remember exactly but I do not believe simple majority gets you in.. and there are not too many votes anyway. Maybe up to 15 or so depending.  It is very difficult to get in unless you have a friend on the inside.. or many friends. And if you are a controversial character good luck.  Anyway, if after that point you pass, then Talad has an interview with you. Make it through that and you are a GM.

So for people who just want to help.. and are not out there getting to know people and whatnot.. its going to be tough for you. You have to be known. And sometimes its tough because some of the GMs are inactive (have been and always will be because everyone has obligations.. things come up). Other issues are the requirements, which Im not sure what they are anymore.. I know you have to be 18 (which didnt use to be a req.. crappy if you ask me) and I beleive there is a req on your time spent here.. or maybe that was just implied because you had to be a "Known" player.. 6 months to a year of being with PS. Hmm those are the only ones I can think of.

How can we fix it might be the question. Its a tough one. How do we make a group of people not follow their instincts or bias'? And its not like many people on the dev team can play enough to know who should be there. They make the game and dont get all day to play. Ill have to keep thinking.. its not something simple here.. been going round and round for some years looking for an answer. Let me add one thing though.. I do believe that the GM team has enough people who are genuine and want what many of us want. It will take time as Karyuu said. But hopefully more people who care about PS and less about power/ corruption come forward and rework the GM team. If that were the goal hell I would volunteer (though I might be considered one of those controversial characters these days.

neko kyouran: Some good ideas there.. I believe your right about the rift between GMs and Players.. and your first solution is a good one.

Guilds Forum / Re: Are there any active merc guilds around?
« on: August 08, 2006, 10:14:42 pm »
You could also look into the Union of Vaalnor

Guilds Forum / Re: [Guild] Community of Vaalnor: SoR
« on: August 08, 2006, 10:14:04 pm »

Our main server is down.  We will have a temporary irc channel tomorrow afternoon when Induane gets off of work.  Hopefully Lishom will be back from his Socialist Vacation soon :D

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Weird install problems..........please help
« on: August 08, 2006, 09:54:23 pm »
if you are going to install as root, make sure when you get to the option that says do you want to set permisions  manually, go ahead and do so - .. .but you have this option as well.  as root:  chmod -r 777 /opt/planeshift   or whatever directory you chose to install planeshift in.

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