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Messages - Kendrick

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 9
General Discussion /
« on: February 17, 2002, 01:30:56 am »
I kinda like the Idea, the fighters could show off their armor, and mages can cast some eye candy, I\'m not sure about the item drop, but if people want to give away items, I can\'t stop them

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Ways of Magic
« on: February 16, 2002, 07:59:02 pm »
i remember from the old boards that the magic system is like\"The Azure Way, The Red Way ect...\"

What are the Ways, and what do they do?

General Discussion /
« on: February 15, 2002, 03:30:36 am »
Main Entry: 1bi?week?ly
Pronunciation: (\")bI-\'wE-klE
Function: adjective
Date: 1832
1 : occurring twice a week
2 : occurring every two weeks : FORTNIGHTLY
usage see BI-
- biweekly adverb

there for it can be both twice a week, and once every two weeks

General Discussion /
« on: February 15, 2002, 02:21:47 am » has a good guild list

General Discussion /
« on: February 14, 2002, 02:58:09 am »
I admire the degree of your roleplay, Zaylik, good luck with where ever you are going...

But if thou chooses the path of evil, then you shalt taste the dusts of old magics from my hands,  the bitter steel swords of my allies. You shall feel the quick slash of the dwarven axe,  along with  the lightning arrows of the archers that call themselfs members of the Azure Order...

I as of at the moment, refuse to war with you, I have yet to see true evil deeds, just a large mouth, and a black tounge.

Others may fight, that is their choice. Most are so ready to spill blood, that they don\'t care who it is.

This is not a message sent to provoke, just to introduce...

General Discussion /
« on: February 13, 2002, 12:39:53 am »
bi = two
so twice a week?

that right?

General Discussion /
« on: February 13, 2002, 12:31:16 am »

General Discussion /
« on: February 11, 2002, 03:32:00 am »
a huge part i would think

that big tower thing at the top of the picture is (I believe) the Temple of Laanx.

 look at the size of it! Churches are bound to play a part in this game

Poetry, Comedy, and other. /
« on: February 11, 2002, 03:19:14 am »
Yet another, stupid, but true story.

Ector The Brave

It was a cold morning in Jahahalad, a village out side of Yliakum and the sky was bright. Our hero, Ector was juust crossing the bridge entering the small village. A guard, named Cyonamie stands guarding the end of the bridge.

*Ector walks on the bridge.*

Cyonamie: What are you doing?

Ector: Walking... What are you doing?

Cyonamie: I\'m guarding, Towns Quarantined

Ector: What ever for?

Cyonamie: Some Kran loony... he\'s eating people...

Ector: ohh

Cyonamie: Yes, He bites them. urh, as sort of tasting you. If you taste good on the first bite, he\'ll bite you again.

Ector: Ewww.

Cyonamie: Yes. well have fun.

Ector: G\'day

*Ector walks into the town, which is totally desertered*

Ector: HEELLLOO?! Is anyone there?!

*some thing moves in a tent nearby*

Acriag: Whose there?!

Ector: It is I, Ector the Brave!

Acriag: Oh, thats nice!! Hehehe! soon to be Ector the Eaten!

*Acriag jumps from the tent and runs away*

Ector: Crazy fellow.

*Ector walks around the town for a few minutes looking for the mad kran*

Whitti, the Speech Inpedimentist: YOU? There, Where are? you going!

Ector: To find the monster.

Whitti: why would! someone diliberalty,. confront. that beast,

Ector: eaa? Pardon?

Whitti: Sorry! I? Have a bit a of speech impediment, people! call me. Whitti the. Speech
Inpedimentist, I travel the world! spreading the  faith? of Inpedimentists! would you. care
to convert!

Ector: umm.. what are the advantages of the impediment?

Whitti: WELL! protection. from evil.

Ector: What kind of Evil?

*Long pause*

Whitti: the red kind? look! do you want to convert? or not.

Ector: Not really. I would rather slay a kran.

Whitti: VERY! well... good! bye?

*Ector continues his search.*

*Ector hears some one speaking in side of a tent.*

*Ector walks over to the tent and looks inside. The tent is a store named \"Talads Toys\"*

BigFoot: Hello dolly

*Bigfoot holds a doll*

BigFoot: Helllo?

*Bigfoot nudges the doll with his hand*

Bigfoot: are you alive?

*bigfoot taps the doll on the head*

Bigfoot: say something if you don\'t want me to eat you.


Bigfoot: RARRR!

*bigfoot eats the doll*

Bigfoot: yummy yummy!

*bigfoot picks up another doll*

Bigfoot: speak doll!

*bigfoot slams doll on the ground and stomps on it*

Bigfoot: if dolly don\'t speak, dolly must die!

*bigfoot eats doll*

*Bigfoot picks up another doll*

Big Foot: whats your name?

Ector in a doll voice: Alice

bigfoot: ahh! doll talk! doll talk!

doll: dolly is hungry.

bigfoot: ahh! don\'t eat me!

doll: feed me.

Bigfoot: what do you want?

doll: i want your blood.

Bigfoot: *crying* I don\'t have any!


bigfoot: eek!

*Ector jumps in and attacks the kran*

*bigfoot bites ector*

bigfoot: Shh doll is talking.

*Ector pull out his sword and de-heads bigfoot*

*bigfoots head hits the floor, but his head is still alive*

bigfoot: ouucchhhyy what was that for?

Ector: umm... justifiable retribution?

bigfoot: ohh

*big foots body attacks Ector*

*Bigfoots body kills Ector*

bigfoot: come to me, body.

*big foots body walks around stupidly*


I\'m bored with this one. Feel free to finish it, otherwize consider that the end.

General Discussion /
« on: February 10, 2002, 06:58:01 pm »
just make a website ( and advertize your guild... is a good place to advertize

General Discussion /
« on: February 10, 2002, 03:52:32 pm »
most of the people with funky names are going to change them when the demo comes out

Wish list /
« on: February 09, 2002, 03:37:14 pm »
1 metal un-smithable would make armor that uses that metal rare. (you should be able to get this armor by quest)

does it make sense that a single hammer (in the hand of a human) can bend and shape the strongest metal, while at the same time a battle axe can barely put a scratch on it?

I did like the idea of inchanting it.

Poetry, Comedy, and other. /
« on: February 09, 2002, 04:46:43 am »
should I write some more?

Wish list /
« on: February 09, 2002, 03:40:01 am »
This game should not have the idea of being the best in it too much.

I see some people are already forming lines to become \"Top Smiths\", \"Top Fighters\", \"Top Mages\".

This isn\'t a popularity contest. Becoming \"Top\" should not be important.

As for un smithable metal.... I agree with that.

at least 1

BTW don\'t call people stupid just because they think differently from you

General Discussion /
« on: February 09, 2002, 03:07:44 am »
Laanx is a god.

gods can take any form.

when she put the red cloak(?) on, she assumed the form of a male. (i think)

personally i think they should keep her female to prevent confusions.

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