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Messages - kinshadow

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Forum and Website Discussions /
« on: March 07, 2003, 11:59:45 am »
Originally posted by Golden Aegis
I like this idea, but kinshadow what is a \".plan file\"?

It is where an individual developer posts what they have been doing and where they are going in the project.  Kind of like a dev \"blog\".  Popularized by John Carmack of Id (Quake , Doom, etc.)  Ideally, you would have a dev bio page with a link to each \'.plan\'.  That way, if someone interested would like to know what\'s going on in a specific area, they just check the related devs .plan (similarly to Voldengrath comment).

Forum and Website Discussions /
« on: February 28, 2003, 04:02:08 pm »
I think a PlaneShift \'.plan\' file would be a good addition to the website.

General Discussion /
« on: February 28, 2003, 12:26:58 pm »
Originally posted by Dirk McDirk Pants

that may be a good idea.

The entire purpose would just to become as big as possible!

By the way Austin is the coolest city ever, go UT!

Texas Guild...hmmmm.... I\'m in.  Where do I sign up?  I agree Austin is pretty neat, but \"go UT\"?



Single Author Stories /
« on: February 28, 2003, 12:21:09 pm »
Originally posted by Dirk McDirk Pants
I wanted to read it, but I dont have acrobat. Anyone know where to get it?

If you are in MS Windows, go here.  If you use Linux/Unix, get \'xpdf\' from your source of choice.  

Single Author Stories /
« on: February 28, 2003, 12:18:07 pm »
Originally posted by Shaded
hmm i enjoyed the stories, (:( had no time to read them all) but please, someone has a clue, if there is all of such work listed somewhere?
or r there any lists of obejcts that will b or r already implemented into the game? i mean everything is welcome as book isn\'t it? so perhaps if there would already some plants b implemented we could write an alchemy book for creating portions. or if there would b a list of objects needed for smithing we could write a smith guide, miner guide, whatever... so anything like that available? on the other hand i wonder if the developers would find it intresting to implement such features... just thinking of the coding of the alchemy part is already huge. this reminds me a bit of morrowind u would like to have books similar to that game?

Well, if your talking about in-game books, I would stay away from writing anything that has to do with \"rules\".  Mining, alchemy, etc. are all systems being worked and not yet  released to the public.  Thus, if you have idea about those, please put that in the wish list forum.  ParaSite\'s thread was calling for \"general\" books.  Tales, mini-histories, fables, all set in the PS world and based off info on the website fit in this.  My story was a probably a little more \"out there\" (in size and content) than most in-game books.  

If you wanted to do a non-rule-specific \'miner\'s guide\' (or whatever), that may be interesting.   Just talk about tools, known metals, cave formations, etc.  Just don\'t refer to anything \"game specific\" that isn\'t on the main website. I.E., you can refer to the Stone Labrynths on a place to mine, but don\'t give specific names and places there... just refer to general cave formations.  \"Sedimentation can flow over the richest vains, so it is sometimes wise to remove a few layers to see the tale the rock holds.\" or one a little closer to the \'rules\' edge : \"The best mining spots may lie on slippery terain.  This can be combated with spiked shoes or building a mining platform.\"

Wish list /
« on: February 28, 2003, 12:20:12 am »
Originally posted by Link
If you do not cease your actions, you will be banish from our kingdom.

LOL.  That is priceless!

Originally posted by Dirk McDirk Pants
By the way cmhitman, Im 20 years old.

Dirk, don\'t take any of the comments too personally.  Most of the people on this board get-off flaming newbs (Link and cmhitman are top flamers).  Also, don\'t take this the wrong way, but you might want to think of a new nickname so people don\'t jump to conclusions about your age.

Wish list /
« on: February 27, 2003, 08:05:24 pm »
Originally posted by cmhitman
first the devs dont want smithing to be that big of an event in game.

Well, I don\'t know how the other devs feel, but I would personally like to see an intricate crafting system.  The more effort/stragtegy you put in the more you get out.  This would involve many types of metals/styles/etc.  Dirk\'s ideas have some nice points, but would need a lot of tweaking work.

Originally posted by cmhitman

limb loss is realistic But I dont know how they plan on doing that. I figure they\'ll have some prescripted movment or animation a players character does when someone deals them a fatal blow.

Implemenation problems would most likely delay that kind of feature for a long, long time.

Originally posted by cmhitman

and huge how old are you.. 12?
I dont know about being huge but
The npc combatants will require teamwork

That wasn\'t nice.  The Size of monsters will probably be limited by cave size, but due to the fact its a really big cave, I would expect to see some pretty big monsters.

Dirk, most of the monsters you have listed are \"conventional\" fantasy.  PS take will be a little more \"out of the box\".

As for wearables, configuarbility, etc. ; some look options are already there and some are planned.  The stature with weight, etc. is a neat idea, but several other features must be gone through before that would be possible (ie probbably not any time soon, if ever).

Anyway, nice list.  

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: February 27, 2003, 05:48:17 pm »
I believe the current server code can compile & run fine under MS Windows (in MSVC7).  You just have to run MySQL... no MSSQL support.  If you want to run a server, apply to Luca.  There is a link on the main site.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 26, 2003, 12:48:38 am »
I got out of work yesterday only to find that my car and every flat surface in the city was buried in ice (it was only dry and cloudy when I got there that morning) with 80F+ temps the day before).  My 20 minute commute turned into 2.5 hours (on account of the 50-60 wrecks Austin had that night).  I didn\'t even try to go to work today.  Most people in Austin get pretty stupid when it rains.  They are down-right brainless morons when it ices.

Wish list /
« on: February 24, 2003, 06:36:42 pm »
Originally posted by Grey
Good and Evil are not what these gods are based on.  As with most pantheonic gods, there is an extensive story of their lives and reasons for what they do.  I cannot understand the obsession with making these gods into \'good\' and \'evil.\' I think we have enough of these labels in the real world that it doesn\'t seem very fantastical to put them in another one.

Grey is right.  These gods cannot be pigeonholed into two-dimensional roles.  Both have many \"aspects\" to which human traits can be attributed, but neither is good/evil absolute.  While particular types of characters will probably gravitate toward a certain god,  the categories really depend on the society you are talking about.

An example of my view of this religion would a \"devious\" aspect of Laanx.  Perhaps this aspect embodies the trickster side of humanity.  Thieves and rogues may worship her hoping to gain \"deceiving\" qualities.  On the same coin, another group may worship the downtrodden aspect of Laanx.  This group exalts Laanx\'s trials against Talad and tries to ensure no others are hurt by the \"evil\" in the world.  Paladins/holy warriors (of the RP kind) may flock to this faith.  Talad could have similar aspects and groups of followers.

General Discussion /
« on: February 24, 2003, 11:57:07 am »
I\'ve worked in a smithy as an apprentice for a couple of years (just for fun) and I\'d have to agree that a 50 lb sword is a little on the heavy side.  I don\'t think we\'ve made any \"swords\" (including large fantasy/sci-fi...think klingon) that weigh over 15-20.  Most are much lighter.

It is resonable to see \"barbarian\" style axes and maces that weigh 40-50 lbs.  They are a b1tch to carry and will hurt yours arms after a while.  One of the other apperentices takes his to the \"Texas Renaissance Festival \", but he benches around 400+.  Armor can also be very heavy.  A good chainmail shirt is around 50 lbs and it might be kind of hard for a thief to take your spare off your horse and run with it (depending on the thief that is).

EDIT: Quick addon: Claymores can weigh quite a good deal and although it looks like a sword, you really use it more like an axe.  Longswords, broadswords, etc. are more half-assed fencing/hacking and need more control.  Foils/rapiers need the most control and weigh the least.  Asian swords (katanas, some chinese swords, etc.) fall somewhere between the \"swords\" and the fencing weapons in control and weight.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 21, 2003, 04:28:45 pm »
Originally posted by Link
I love my gamecube, all the games, no matter what they look like, are fun. The Windwaker will be great, and I preordered it and got one of the best Zelda\'s besides A Link to the Past, Ocarina of time for gamecube.

I think most of the GC games are kind of kiddy, but there are some pleasant acceptions to the rule.  On the dev side, I\'ve recently found the GC far superior (as far as support/usabilty) than the PS2.  If I had the option between the two, I\'d pick GC to dev for anyday.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: February 18, 2003, 10:56:43 pm »
Originally posted by sheela
Ok I Get On The Game(wich takes forever even though i have sattelite) and i create a charcter then i put in a pw and i put in as sever and it sits for a while then does nothing so i clicked beack entered that server my name and pw and it said server cudl not be found or soemthing why is that?

gamiix is gone.  A new version (and servers) will be released soon.  Just keep checking the main website.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 18, 2003, 10:53:13 pm »
Originally posted by Dumb Woob
Why can\'t we just send a sniper to assassinate Sudam\'s arse?  I think Bush just wantsa more control over the iraqi government if he does take him out.

The History Channel had a show on this, but I only caught a part of it.  You can\'t assassinate him because he has multiple \"doubles\".  If the US \"killed\" Saddam, he would just keep popping up ...... like a cockroach.  Besides, even if you did kill all the Saddams it would do no good.  Someone else in his corrupt regime would just pick up the mantle of power.

Wish list /
« on: February 17, 2003, 03:19:25 pm »
Originally posted by Grey
Plants, eh?

For instance, a certain plant/root could be used as a staple food crop in one area.  If this crop is processed, it can also be turned into a potent liquor.  A more \"puritan\" community might find this offensive and outlaw the crop completely.  If you try to sell a bulb/leaf/etc. there, you could get thrown out of town.  Perhaps there is even a \"black market\" for it there.

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