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Messages - Andrek

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General Discussion / Re: How does ps make $$$$$$??
« on: July 02, 2006, 05:35:52 pm »
Like some of the other mmorpg's (runescape)   (habbo-hotel)  Why dont you sell PS money on E-bay
That's not only illegal, but would destroy the game.

I pray PlaneShift doesn't sink to that level. Ever.

Why is it illegal.  I do not advocate selling money or accounts on ebay, but I would like to know why it is illegal.

General Discussion / Re: Is it worth playing this game?
« on: July 02, 2006, 05:31:45 pm »
I love the game cause I started in MB but forgot my character's name in it when we converted to CB (I played for a few weeks and needed to quit for school).  Now I play as RL allows. 

You can hop in and find random players to help you... Shameless plug...  If you chose a Enkidukai seek out the Feline's Lair.  We are a fun lot *Thinks about how this may become a thread to promote other guilds and how cool it could be to see the dedication for the game*

It is worth the try if you like a graphical chat room!

General Discussion / Re: pets
« on: July 02, 2006, 04:51:17 pm »
I forget the update page, but I saw that the are working on new commands and the possibility of pets helping you fight.  As well I did read somwhere that there may be a familiar upgrade :p  I just forget where the page is, I always find it via DaveG's links in his sig.

A lot of new forum members causing a lot of spam (and dragging me in) joined ever since the server was shut down for updates. It's not my fault. :P

Heh, I'm not new actually, I've been around since MB XD

But yeah, we just got a bit out of control. Usually I'm good about this stuff but on occasion I let myself get carried away...I have seen tons of new members since the updating fiasco, people really don't know how to handle their impatience.

I sit at home and touch...

Well lets keep to the topic.  I don't use IRC anymore since I spend too much time in all the rooms.  As well once I get on old friends from old servers find me and then I spend all my time online with them instead of being productive.  I used to play any IRC RPG, it was awsome!  But I now keep out until I can justify 10+ hours a day for it (not for at least 3 years). 

Oh and yeah most people are impatient, it comes from a society that can google any product they want and buy it with money they don't have, delievered to their door the next day!

General Discussion / /report and even more exciting!!!!!
« on: June 30, 2006, 12:18:30 pm »
*** 2006-06-29 by Enar Vaikene
- Added chat history and changed the /report command
  Last 50 tell, say, shout and auction messages are stored to every character's chat history.
  This includes what the character says and also what the character hears. The /report command
  writes the chat history of the *reporter* to the log file and then keeps logging for next
  5 minutes. The person being reported gets a warning about it.

*** 2006-06-28 by Michael Cummings
- Fix for Pet session time calculation
- Fix for Pet Relationships
- Started making pets capable of attacking

Please forgive me if this is already posted, I did not know how to search for the topic.

So /report is nice... but the pet relations and possibility of attacking pets is awsome!!!  Kandrek has been teaching Little Sphinx to attack since he adopted her, though she never seemed to learn!

General Discussion / Re: Update coming.
« on: June 29, 2006, 05:31:49 pm »
Sorry Zorbels, but on a good note I finally got the posts to email me!

General Discussion / Re: Update coming.
« on: June 29, 2006, 05:16:54 pm »
<Alliva> is the existing teraain ect gonna change ?
<ThomPhoenix> alliva: yes, Hydlaa will be replaced
<joseAway> everyone knows it's too silly
<Bakuun> Hydlaa is going to be replaced by a platform with rats.
<lammas> that sounds awesome :D
<ProteousG> lol
<ThomPhoenix> yes, Bakuun is right!
<lammas> i'll start up a rat farm...
<ThomPhoenix> note that the rats will be us...
<Bakuun> It's the new virtual reality show - who will be booted off first?!
<Easton> then youll need to implement some cheese or soemthing..
<ThomPhoenix> it's the greatest1
<joseAway> The next release won't have player housing, we didn't have room :D instead you will be kept in a cage

We tried to tell you
You will be caged
Someone's been playing with my /warn command...  :P

Yeah!!! Rat Farms!!!  FOOD FOR ENKI!!!! :P

General Discussion / Re: Update coming.
« on: June 29, 2006, 02:17:18 pm »
Thank you Devs for putting up with some of the crap we give you.  I do look forward to any additional ifno you put here. 

As well I am not recieveing email notifications to the replies (I know that was a side note)

Is there a way we could get a daily update every 24 hours or so?

Server Status / Re: random question about servers
« on: June 29, 2006, 03:18:01 am »
What are the system reqs for a server?  That is if somone wanted to let the dev team use their hardware and bandwidth?

General Discussion / Re: Update coming.
« on: June 29, 2006, 03:12:32 am »
Just wanting to watch this one too.  How is the testing going?  As well what is the anticipated wait time for the new client download?

General Discussion / Re: Update coming.
« on: June 28, 2006, 01:38:11 am »
I just want to stay up to date on this post.

Kandrek sniffs the air, the wind changes with the scent of new things.

Wish list /
« on: January 20, 2006, 04:53:07 pm »
Good ideas for later development.  We do not have enough skins yet.  But I like where you are coming from.

The game is still too unbalanced to loose everything when you die.  It would only cause many headaches and give the spell casters the advantage on but hunt quests.


Sorry just want email notification...

General Discussion /
« on: January 20, 2006, 03:22:43 pm »
Originally posted by Shadowcast
Why is everyone trying to stop pling. Youre not going to and there is no way of it. This thread has become too much on how to stop plers. It should be on how to make lvling easier on rpers.

When I started off, I had a weak attack, High spped and endurance, no mining, you get the picture. Now I made my character to roleplay, as a ranger. Now if I want to raise my stats to become a better ranger, then I HAVE to go and hunt monsters, and of course people are going to call this powerleveling. Well IMO its not, and what most people call pling is not either.

But I want to make it easier for the people who love to rp to have an easier time to raise their stats. We need a system allows them to become a better ranger, mage, warrior, ect. easier and allows them to base their character creation on what they want to become, not on fighting. Right now, to become a good whatever, youre character needs to be a good fighter to start with, otherwise youll have a hard time becoming good in something.

Right here and right now, everyone stop trying to get rid of plers, you cant, you wont, and no system can do that. Lets just concentrait on making this more newbie-friendly, and more rp-friendly.

Agreed, I am sorry if my post came off as anti PLing.  Not inteded to. I don\'t like the fact that I have some chars I was to play with that cannot level due to their non-combantant styles.

General Discussion /
« on: January 20, 2006, 12:47:32 pm »
Oh waaaa  Power levelers ruin my game....

SO now I my childish attitude has you attention :P

Let the levelers Level!  I think of most of them as the orcs or brutes who don\'t speak much.  I have gotten to know a few who are the strong and silent type.  Their character is just that, not worried aobout the politics and interaction with others.

One of them I met in the arena slowly opened up to me, granted I think that most of it was ooc when they started but they were still friendly and willing to talk a little.  It created more depth to their character, but still allowed them to level.

So let them...

As far as magic goes, I guess some day I will level some Char as far as I can with magic, this will make them a power leveler!  Awsome, but my main Menki will always be Kandrek... and too darned helpful to ever gain too many levels :P

General Discussion /
« on: January 20, 2006, 12:22:41 pm »
White Slyaer  Tell me about the game you named.  I am interested in special abilities, ie double mining, power attacks, increaced looting/distance on spells, etc...

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