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Messages - Aensor

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IMHO The core problem is that the chains lack their connection. You often dont know where the chain goes on and basically have to do all quests aviable in hope to unlock the next quest towards your goal. Then at some point you have done every but one quest aviable and have to recheck everything again. And so on.
Another problem, two times i spent 2 evenings trying to find the right quests and failed. Finally consulting a kind GM who lookd things up and - 2 times a bugged quest was the problem.
These issues can and will be solved but at the moment it can really be tedious.

For (eventually) more direct help you can join the IRC channel, maybe someone can help you there.

Go here:

Enter some Nickname and as Channel #planeshift and connect.

That sadly doesnt yield much information.

Since you mentioned reinstalling after hardware changes:
You could try to rename the folder where the userspecific configuration files are stored and then start the game so it creates a new, default one. It may contain outdated options enabled and it doesnt get overwritten when reinstalling.
I dont know where it is located on Windows but you should find the files planeshift.cfg and options.cfg in there (also screenshot folder and some more).

And - there should be an error log somewhere in the install directory, maybe it contains a hint what the problem is.

Good luck

Try to delete the file

Code: [Select]
On linux it resides in ~/.Planeshift.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: January 01, 2006, 05:58:30 pm »
I now installed new grafic drivers --> same problem.
I now try to remove the game another time.
Last time i didnt remove it completely, i only installed the game to the same location to overwrite the files.. stupid because some files stayed perhaps like before...


ok it works again. Dont really know where the problem was located.looked into the psclien.txt which is little bit like a startup log of the loading process.. found errors an the tip to start ps with the -relight option. Did that. still same problem but slightly other errors in psclient.txt... started the pssetup.exe and klicked top-right the button then on arena (my character were there)  and finally on relight maps under the list of maps. waited the process to end, then klicked launch. while loading world ps totally hung up. killed process. totally different error in psclien.txt... run updater--> found 800 files in one archieve that had to be updatet (were about 5.5 MB).. After the update it started normally :-D

If that doesnt help you look into the psclient.txt Perhaps we get a clue out of it :-) Good Luck!

Please avoid posting two or more successive posts before others have replied :) --Karyuu

Game crashed.. I went to a party.. came back and there was the same error message while loading the World/Gui... have no Solution yet.. tried to install everything new and uptade.. no success. On my other pc it works.. :-(

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