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Messages - Kerol

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General Discussion / Re: The GM Policy
« on: September 29, 2008, 07:05:16 pm »
Aside from restoring dozens and dozens of players from map problems a day, rename bad names, help players with quest issues, forward bugs to the tracker and test them thoroughly, help settings to actually fix the quest issues and engine to fix engine issues, help players with game play problems and advices via help channel, we don't get to do much.

Edit: And last names are not removed anymore - simple as that.

I'm really happy how this went. I hope he'll stick around :)

All I can say about your initial post: We're working on (all of) it.

We're well aware of most of these problems and trying to get them fixed, but it takes time, as usual. Maybe you'll want to check back in a while to see if things changed for the better by then - or if you know how to code - help us fixing these bugs. Currently, very few engine devs are really active, so every new knowledgeable face and hand is welcomed :)

PS: Tester team needs more good people badly just as well.

Fan Art / Re: PS Webcomic!
« on: September 15, 2008, 07:10:03 pm »
I freaking love it :)

The style only makes me focus more on the details :)

General Discussion / Re: Version 1.0
« on: September 15, 2008, 03:07:51 pm »
Because 1. PS has a tradition of (good and bad) surprises and 2.shortterm roadmaps wouldn't disclose the longterm midterm plans, thus would only promote the constant whining about whatever, which frankly gets on all our nerves.

General Discussion / Re: Version 1.0
« on: September 14, 2008, 01:01:01 pm »
.. And where feasible and appropriate we take into account the wishlist, as well as new technical and social possibilities.

We have long-time goals that were mentioned in several documents like autonomous tribes, housebuilding, advanced AI, the points UtM mentioned (but I have to correct him - PS engine is supposed to handle much more than 1000 players) - these things guide our efforts.
However, with people always coming and going it is sensible to only make fixed internal shortterm roadmaps that are adapted as resources are available.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [EVENT] Octarch's Festival
« on: September 14, 2008, 11:51:33 am »
Post your screenies here!  :sorcerer:

Wish list / Re: Stepped Install
« on: August 29, 2008, 08:46:37 pm »
This is the wishlist. The devs will have to decide if something is worth looking into after all the arguments are discussed. Bashing an idea from the start is inacceptable.

Complaint Department / Re: My Critique To PlaneShift
« on: August 22, 2008, 10:10:01 am »

(Probably my first and last one-word post)

General Discussion / Re: Making a Request
« on: August 10, 2008, 07:21:40 pm »
I am answering your post as representative of the GM team.

The GM and settings team has taken initiative to increase the rate of events and also the amount of people involved in events tremendously.
A great number of ideas has been collected to achieve this goal, including exactly what you have suggested. We are discussing and working on making all these ideas fit together to enhance the RP and game experience of players. The idea of having players as Vigesimi is related to this.
If you check #planeshift on IRC these days you probably will find the name PS_Survey which is our newly created survey bot. By chance the first survey that has gone live is exactly about this topic.

The idea of approving players in any "official" position has been discussed last GM meeting and it was decided to postpone the decision until experience has been gathered and acceptance by the player base can be ensured.

I must discourage any attempt to RP any such role. We don't tolerate impersonation of staff or NPCs. Hydlaa guards have an official role that is not granted to players at the moment.

This thread is now locked to make sure this official stance is not buried by other posts. Feel free to join #planeshift-gmtalk to discuss the topic directly with us.

Wish list / Re: Reactive landscape
« on: August 06, 2008, 08:45:24 am »
If there were other features ingame such as bogs or streams and fallen trees or stony terrain people will avoid these because they slow down your journey(or so i hope),
 so if these were in real life paths would not be straight but would be going around these types of things like in real life where paths go around marshes.. see where im coming from?
Yes, this also fits very well with another idea I had not long ago:

For developers it is possible already to place items in maps and selectively turn on collision detection. You probably noticed the table and chairs near Harnquist's - that's an example for this feature. In guildhouses all items have automatically collision detection enabled.
This is not only possible for furniture or items but any mesh.
The second thing are the stalactites that apparently have fallen down from the skydome long time ago and now are spread over the landscape.

Now it would be possible to remove the stalactites from the static maps and make them item-meshes with collision detection.
It would be already relatively simple to place them manually in the maps and so forth, but I was thinking a bit ahead:
The starting point would be a blank landscape map, except "special" fallen stalactites. There would be dangerous areas, specified by devs.
In these areas the engine would randomly figure out a point in the map in a more or less random time frame. At a given time, a grey spot appears on the ground, which grows fast and gets more and more black. After a few seconds, the spot disappears and an impact effect comes into play. All entities in a given range are killed and a "fresh fallen stalactite" item is placed, still covered by a dust effect.
After a while the dust disappears and only the stalactite would remain.
Since there's rain etc. the "fresh fallen stalactite" item would be replaced by an "older fallen stalactite", then by a "pile of rocks" and finally vanish completely again.

Making the event of falling stalactites rare enough to not fill the landscape with stones  but often enough to freak people out and make them avoid these areas would have similar effects like the one you described.

Edit: Of course this would also imply that specific items don't have labels. It is already strange enough to have table and chairs with labels.
Edit2: And it would require action locations to be stickable to dynamic meshes, too.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [Event] Stampede!
« on: July 30, 2008, 03:43:57 pm »
Are there more nice screenshots? We'd like to post the best on the main page if possible :)

Or come on IRC server freenode, channel #planeshift-gmtalk.

If there are not enough events occurring in your time zone APPLY TO THE TEAM
THAT way  :sorcerer:

Wish list / Re: Reactive landscape
« on: July 20, 2008, 10:57:42 pm »
This is an Idea that would have to be implemented very carefully.
Like any other  >o)

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