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Messages - chrischoo

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Guilds Forum /
« on: February 23, 2004, 11:54:36 am »
Just a reminder that we will only process applications endorsed by Mogura  :D . The reason is that we don\'t want to have guilds who don\'t need the webspace and yet are hosted on our server.

Guilds Forum /
« on: February 23, 2004, 11:51:55 am »
Mogura asked me to post on the forum and ask for the guilds interested in webspace to contact me directly. You can drop me an e-mail by filling up our contact form at . Fill in your e-mail address, put the Subject as \"Fragnetics PlaneShift Guild Webspace Hosting\" and I\'ll process these applications.

Since there aren\'t a large number of clans keen on this service (and since we have some capacity) we\'ll set up accounts for up to 3 guilds.

So far Mogura has mentioned the Arcane Order and Mercenary Guild. Arcane Order looks like they\'ve got what they need (so I\'m not really sure what you need unless you\'re actually paying for a service).

I\'ve been really busy with other things so I haven\'t been keeping myself updated with every PlaneShift event, but I can assure you that this webspace offer still holds.

Our web server supports PHP and MySQL. No custom CGI Scripts or anything fanciful, but from our experience PHP and MySQL has been more than enough. For domains hosted with us we will grant unlimited e-mail addresses. The only limitations are 50MB of webspace (for PlaneShift-related stuff) and e-mail combined, a 1-time setup of subdomains if required, and 1 MySQL account.

General Discussion /
« on: January 25, 2004, 09:13:49 am »
The transfer of copyrights to the PlaneShift team has legitimate reasons I can understand. I don\'t agree with the statement that copyrights (where art is concerned) should be free for all. These issues have actually been covered in the whole Open Source discussion, and it is recognized that an open source license for art does not always work.

Free software and free art are not the same thing. Think of a good piece of music you enjoyed... What if it was Open Source? What if it was now being played by a band that you hated tremendously? What if that band made oodles of money because of that piece of music, that they didn\'t create?

Open Source is about choice - The choice of buying proprietry software and getting equivalents for free. Programmers, and hence artists, have the same right to decide whether their work should be made open to all, or kept within a closed group. The PlaneShift team has apparently chosen to open source the engine, while trying to protect their content.

It is completely legitimate. The reason this may not have worked before is mostly because this whole open source thing is a new movement, but straddling the middle ground does not always mean worse results, and on the surface there are many reasons (if you\'ve read), why the licenses were structured this way.

One powerful force that drives the team is passion. Given that almost everything is contributed (time, effort, software, hardware etc) for free, and the fact that the project is still going strong, it shows that the system has worked well so far.

Maybe it will fall apart in future? Maybe Open Source will die? Maybe proprietry licenses will die? Your guess is as good as mine.

Wish list / More Scalable Server Query
« on: January 22, 2004, 10:09:20 am »
I notice that right now, the server status page uses PHP to perform a server query at port 13333. From previous experience I feel that using PHP to perform queries dynamically is not going to be a good idea in high-traffic scenarios.

What I suggest is that Port 13333 only listen to local queries, and that a script that generates a static HTML page concerning the server status of PlaneShift be done instead. The script could be run every minute, with the HTML file included in pages such as this forum, and on

I have a few reasons for this:
1) In high-traffic scenarios the web-server is not going to be able to handle requests efficiently. We noticed this during the times when we were Slashdotted in 2002 and 2003. We decided to make our webpages static as far as possible to prevent this from happening again in future.

2) This prevents possible DoS attacks on port 13333. I\'m not sure if the main PlaneShift port can be attacked easily, but limiting the queries to local users or a restricted list of remote users seems like an ok idea to me.

3) Overall decreased load on the PS Server, which listens to the query port at 13333 apart from running the main PlaneShift game itself. Our web server would also become slightly more responsive.

I see 3 simultaneous connections to the query port this moment.

Devs what do you think?

General Discussion /
« on: January 18, 2004, 06:31:35 pm »
Originally posted by Kiern
Official servers have to be approved, otherwise have far as donations, there really isn\'t anyway to donate to them since their not a real company, and from when others have asked they don\'t expect them right now least that\'s the PS dev team, I don\'t know about fragnetics (server people) or others.

The unanimous view on our side (Fragnetics) is that it won\'t be right to collect any donations given that PlaneShift is a huge project being worked on by a number of people for free. There are other server providers who contribute to PlaneShift as well - this forum being one of them. An effort to collect donations would need to be started from the top (devs) IMHO.

However, we wouldn\'t mind it if you guys shipped over additional servers.  :D

General Discussion /
« on: January 18, 2004, 09:53:15 am »
The distribution of PlaneShift through the SourceForge mirrors seems very efficient IMO. SourceForge has a tremendous amount of resources. On our part we\'ll probably put up the download on 2 of our web servers. Although we\'re expecting a lot more traffic for CB I\'ve never doubted the ability of the PlaneShift servers (development and live) scattered across the Internet.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: January 02, 2004, 04:49:15 pm »
Can you describe exactly what you\'ve typed into the server settings? Have you been able to ping our server?

General Discussion /
« on: January 01, 2004, 09:16:09 pm »
Originally posted by Mogura
The 3D department might never finish their work, and we might have to use the same old models from MB.

I\'m quite sure we won\'t be seeing the old models again. To use the oft-misquoted quote - there are some things we know we know, and others that we know we don\'t know, and also things that we don\'t know we don\'t know.

From what we\'re seeing on the website, we know that new 3D models are what we can expect  :]  I think it is also safe to say that the release date is something we know we don\'t know.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 30, 2003, 11:43:10 pm »
Yup I\'m in +8 GMT as well, but I certainly wouldn\'t mind catching New Year for those who live in the past.

Wish list /
« on: December 27, 2003, 06:32:23 pm »
I\'ve always wondered whether it would be possible to actually have quests that involve getting items or cooperating with specific members of another guild or race. So let\'s say you could be asked to present an item that a regular player owns (sayyy... Mogura :P) and then you get the item to the NPC or another player even.

I think it\'d be fun if quests involved a human element, which could always be provided by regular players or some of the devs who want to have some fun as well. The whole idea of having NPCs is to replace the human touch, but does it always have to be that way?

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: December 23, 2003, 12:00:15 am »
hey yandao - good to see another singaporean around :) What you have sounds like a weird problem. How long did you wait before deciding it hanged?

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 20, 2003, 02:49:21 pm »
I think that what you\'d need is more of a positive attitude than anything else. But this attitude isn\'t something that just comes and hits you in the head. Part of it comes from life experiences and how you\'ve grown and learnt from them.

From where I come from we have 2.5 years of compulsory military service. This period is usually an all-time low in life - there are absolutely no academic persuits and you certainly feel yourself getting a lot dumber.

For a number of people, at least for myself, things take on a different dimension when we get out. I\'m a freshman at a local university now, and although I still hate studying, the experience feels a lot more different as compared to the ladies who are just attending another year of school.

I hope that I speak for some of the people who have replied who have said that it really depends on whether you want to end up flipping burgers. I am quite certain that you won\'t want to get to that stage before you realize that you could have done better, especially when you were presented with the opportunity to do so.

Forum and Website Discussions /
« on: December 19, 2003, 08:37:23 pm »
I agree with this. The Server Status should ideally be located somewhere on the main PlaneShift site as well. After all it\'s just a few lines of code. Not many people seem to know where to look when the server goes offline/down. The more places the status of the server can be accessed the better... IRC, JPEGs, Websites, anywhere.

Nice sig!

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: December 19, 2003, 03:22:07 pm »
It looks like things are returning to normal now. The root DNS servers are updating and should be accessible again.  :D

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: December 19, 2003, 01:21:56 am »
All these domains point to the same machine, which is used as a virtual host for web hosting services as well. You would notice that all these point to the IP address, which you will need to use over the next few days because the domain will not be available.

There is just one machine running the MB version of PS at the moment.

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