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Messages - drah

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Forum and Website Discussions / Re: Resurrect, Hijack or Moan?
« on: June 17, 2007, 08:58:44 pm »
Resurrection it is... now to find one that isn't locked...

EDIT: gotta laugh... takes more time trying to find the post I'm duplicating (except those already locked) than writing the post itself... thanks anyway Karyuu. :)

(and even if I was to post there.. it would make my post a duplicate (literally) which I think would be an even greater violation of the rules .. so it's probably just as well.)

Forum and Website Discussions / Resurrect, Hijack or Moan?
« on: June 17, 2007, 08:32:05 pm »
Well, I just had another wishlist thread locked, shame really because it leaves me few options:

Resurrect a thread older than 120 days.
Hijack another thread where the OP only briefly mentioned the subject.
Hijack another thread that is kinda related.

I'm wanting to discuss or contribute further ideas towards something - but also in light of developments since most related threads were made... but it seems this is curtailed by prompt locking of threads and my only other options are trying to hunt for a related thread that isn't also locked (a little tricky on this particular subject) or to post where it's not entirely appropriate (a 'teleportation' thread for instance)

What should I do?? ... and I'm joking about the moaning... just want to know the preferred protocol.

Maybe if a post is regularly 'duplicated'... make it a sticky? - Or create a sticky-thread / sub-forum for "mounts,teleporting,travel & transportation" - to reduce the likelihood posts will be 'duplicated'.  A bit like the PvP/PKing area.  You could probably do the same for crafting, magic and weapons/armor seperately. -- That'd also make things easier for devs/settings teams to go through if they ever want to recap on all the suggestions relevant to a particular type/category of wish.

My point isn't really that much to do with my post there imparticular (I expected it to be locked I guess.. and the idea probably sucked), just that it's sometimes awkward to post there in general because finding a related thread that you can post on isn't as easy as it should be.

I agree Realm 8 appears to limit them to level 160... and that when we raise a level we "rank up" implying the value that is getting incremented is itself the "rank". (Though I'm just assuming that much)

Anyway, for those that aren't sure, here's my understanding of the Realms/Ranks, I'm pretty sure it's correct:

Realm = Levels/Ranks
1 = 0-19
2 = 20-39
3 = 40-59
4 = 60-79
5 = 80-99
6 = 100-119
7 = 120-139
8 = 140-159

General Discussion / Re: Are the Smelters of Gold Being Greedy?
« on: June 08, 2007, 07:05:34 pm »
Going off the settings, we should assume that Trasok can smelt gold, yet he pays for 240 tria per ore. 

Therefore, the going rate for gold ore is 240 tria... not 400 and certainly not 500.

The rate smelters offer... is higher than the standard going rate, and is therefore fair.

Complaint Department / Re: OOC pulled IC like mad
« on: June 06, 2007, 10:49:10 am »
* drah slaps himself...

^^ My last post... meant for the other thread about IC/OOC. ;)

Complaint Department / Re: OOC pulled IC like mad
« on: June 06, 2007, 09:32:21 am »
As someone who is in a guild that is often the target of alt-espionage... I can sympathize with people being irritated by it.

Though.. Zanzibar is, in my opinion, correct. -- You should do more background checks... you should also keep an eye out for tell-tale speech patterns [typing] with any you suspect of being a spy, but of course... that takes a lot of work.  Also keep your lower ranks uninformed and keep your secret plans amongst your top-ranks only. - If you trust someone with all the guild's knowledge in the first week or two that they join... you're a fool.

However... anyone who plays a spy with one of their alts... should (again, my opinion!!) actually meet up and report things back to their real master in public (can be somewhere discrete.. but the meeting and dialog should take place openly) to at least give the chance of being listened to.

If I ever get an alt character into a guild to spy on them (I'm talking hypothetically as I haven't done this yet!)... that alt character will not feed information back via /tells and will not pass information through an alternate character.  He or she will have to hunt down someone in the guild they're really beholden to and report back in public chat.

I guess I'm trying to say... there's a good way to do alt-espionage... and then the (already prevalent) bad way.

The good way has the potential to be interesting, even exciting roleplay.
The bad way... well... that's why people complain about alt-espionage.

Complaint Department / Re: Progression Points and Artisans
« on: June 03, 2007, 02:50:17 am »
^^ Brings me back to... why only gain experience from your successes??

Don't people learn from their mistakes still?

Wish list / Re: Map-Gameengine
« on: June 03, 2007, 02:44:16 am »
I wouldn't get too excited until a dev responds. - That said, I too would love PS to use a similar mapping system to Morrowind/Oblivion/etc.

As for map redesign, well... Couldn't you leave the majority of the map data the same?? - Wouldn't it just be the edges between maps that'd need the attention before splitting things up?

General Discussion / Re: Version 0.3.019
« on: May 31, 2007, 06:39:25 pm »
Looking forward to .019 and I'm glad to hear that it's not being rushed.  With us being allowed to continue using .018 in the interim, there's nothing to complain about really :)

As for radioactivity in Yliakum... Granite!?!?

In terms of the basic map itself... The polygon count shouldn't really effect the performance for an online game any more than an offline game in terms of the network-related lag.  Ultimately, it's only the stats/actions/etc that are involved in the transactions of data.

The engine, I suspect, is a bigger part of the problem. 

I did see a Crystal Space sample of water with ripples, but this was an isolated example with just the water surface.. no terrain maps or anything.

Still, if there's a stronger 3D engine in the works... I'm definetely looking forward to seeing it.

That said, I don't care too much personally...  If I want my jaw to drop at graphics of an RPG... I've always got Oblivion. ;)

Complaint Department / Re: Where are the GM events?
« on: May 19, 2007, 12:22:15 pm »
There definetely seems to be a heavy bias in terms of the alignment of potential candidates for the quests... as in, too many quests that are geared towards good players only.  Also the quests can be linear... go to a location, return with someone or something with predictably A GM in each location.  End of quest.

Also, there's not much in the way of pitching different player-chars up against each other in GM quests from what I've seen, maybe that'd make things more interesting too.

^^ Additional confirmation here too.  Same location.

EDIT: Whoever did it... thanks for moving me!!

General Discussion / Re: Update progress report...
« on: May 07, 2007, 04:32:29 pm »
The best things come to those who wait!!! :)

Complaint Department / Re: The TRUE IC
« on: May 06, 2007, 05:28:08 pm »
Well, to clarify... I guess you mean... when they throw that crud at you even when you are IC?

(Also, on a side note... I think Dragons have been mentioned before... and are apparently against the settings, so maybe avoid that bit!)

Complaint Department / Re: The TRUE IC
« on: May 06, 2007, 04:28:58 pm »
As for the expectations of Draklar and others... I understand where you're coming from, but I think people can be a bit harsh too.

I think considering the scope of this game's audience (geographically speaking)... if someone can construct sentences in English that are perfectly legible as English (and without modern slang) ... they should be cut a little slack if they're not using "thou" or "ye" instead of "you", etc. -- Sure encouragement is good... but typically, those that encourage (rather than set out to cut people down in public) are rare.

I've seen many experienced players using modern English for a long time... so I suspect the link that Cyber is inferring, is that he, as a "baddie", is more likely to get people being nitpicky about his use of language than "goodies".

Naturally, players are much more likely to look for something to be critical of if your character is in conflict with their character, that's just something you have to deal with when playing a "baddie".

I've seen it happen enough times to know there is a pattern... but, there's only one thing you can do about it...

Try to make your roleplay (especially conflicts) as true to the settings as possible, near to flawless if you can.

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