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Messages - Akaye

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: How is Canada Perceived From Where You sit?
« on: January 18, 2007, 10:40:30 pm »
Quote from: Datruth
Directed towards canadians:

So your sitting in canada, watching your hockey, and looking at a world map.
Who would you list as your 5 best friends, as countries go anyways.
And who would you list as your 5 worst enemies, countries again.


Just trying to get into the minds of those canadians :thumbup:  :D


Erm, that will bring no good to this thread. It will offend people and start fights in my opinoin. Besides this isn't a popularity contest. As countries we should respect one and other whether we agree how one lives or not. There shouldn't be better and worse, though I know this isn't the case.

General Discussion / Re: Happy new year and new web site
« on: January 18, 2007, 10:15:28 pm »
I think karyuu should be hand fed cookies and worshipped for her awesome work in this community and the website is just another thing under her belt that shows how dedicated she is.

 :sorcerer: I love the site karyuu! User friendly, all the information you can get on planeshift, and it looks fantastic. It is a great improvement of what was. You have out done yourself and for this I applaud you.

Quote from: Xordan
I think the screenshots around the site are really great, they make the game look so pretty! :)

Quote from: Nurahk
I also look forward to the day I have something better to do with my time... :)

Like play with monkeys for real? Karyuu doesn't like monkeys <.< So you can't join the fanclub. :P

Wooo hooo no monkeys in the fanclub!? I am in!

General Discussion / Re: No help for the new if they try to RP!
« on: January 17, 2007, 03:50:50 pm »
re-read your post again, but it tells more about the story you actually rp on the server and not the one you write, about your characters life things that have happened, not a substory rp taking your previvous example, your groffle missing and you're in hydlaa to look for it.
but both are stories, one which you live out on the server and one to determines your characters personality before he became independent and went out on his own (or whatever happened :p.)

Thanks for re reading my post.  :)

My concern from your last post is that you are seprating the background story from what you role-play on the server. Don't they all go together into one story at one point? That is what I have done. I could log in today and do a role-play and once done it becomes an event in my life that has come to pass, therefore adding itself to my background story. So there is the main story but sub stories with in the main. As I have said before your stories are just your character written by you and it is you who gives that character the personality. You can add things to your character without even having a story for it. That is the beauty of creation of a character. Then you have something in which you can role-play out and build on the characteristic.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Comments on "Faces Behind the Players"
« on: January 17, 2007, 03:45:49 am »
Well now theres a peacer looking all old school heavy medalish. Neat.

Heeeeeeeeeey, chazarus actually looking like a happy drunk in this picture. Or maybe he isn't drunk and is just posing. Hmmm .....

Nice to see you again cherrpow. It looks cold where you took your pic. It's weird because I swear if you stare at your hair in the picture long enough,  I can see the top of your hair begin to turn into icicles.

:o Holy hell karyuu, your hair got super long since I last saw a picture of you! It is puuuuuuuuurtty.

Fan Art / Re: Cherppow's backpack
« on: January 17, 2007, 03:16:29 am »
New toy for Cherppow means awesome art from him for us to view and stare at amazed wondering where all these ideas of his come from! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.  :sorcerer: Only one thing, the little animal in the left hand corner kind of freaks me out. It doesn't look very stable, and I am hoping it doesn't have sharp teeth either. It reminds me of a muppet gone mad. :P

General Discussion / Re: No help for the new if they try to RP!
« on: January 17, 2007, 03:02:37 am »
Quote from: Peacer
@Akaye: so nothing has happened to this character before he gets created by you? He've just been stoning all his life not really anything interesting has happened to him? His personality comes from his life, and this life is his background story :). I'm sure you know that :O.

Peacer if you are going to respond to my posts then can you please read them and not just skim them. You more often than not misunderstand what I am saying or talk about something that has nothing to do with what I said.

I clearly stated that a character has a background story, yes. What is a background story? It is your life that has already come to pass. So of course interesting things have happened to your character. Or maybe not, maybe your character leads a boring life. The point is you build on that story as you role-play in Yliakum everytime you log into the server. You have role-played long enough that I am sure you know that. :/

BTW his/her personality comes from you and the stories you tell or the actions you role-play out as that character. It doesn't all come from the background story. I have nothing in my "Zorbels life story" thread that tells of her fear of heights (That is my background story, and it was created since the first day I started playing planeshift. I didn't make a background story until I had enough role-play in planeshift to begin one). It just became because I wanted to have a weakness for her and I decided one day to start role-playing it out.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Scariest Monster
« on: January 16, 2007, 10:12:44 am »
:o Oh gesh , how could I forget the gentlemen! Nice post Zanzibar, good choice.

Hey bibous you think you could get through a thread without a debate about something that isn't about the topic?  ::) Take it into pms or start a new thread. It isn't hard I assure you.

General Discussion / Re: No help for the new if they try to RP!
« on: January 15, 2007, 06:50:56 pm »
So, are you saying that oyu have a background story, then if it doesnt work after quite a while of trying, you then scrap it and go for another?

You would have to delete your Char of course because you would end up with the old story coming back to haunt you.

I would never suggest scrapping your background story. My god as a newbie how much of a story could you have anyway? You are living the story as you role-play. Otherwise if not you have everything planned which means you are not a true role-player. You are just a puppet master with strings.

I can't see what a back ground story has to do with role-playing with others in the community anyway. I mean your background story is just that, some of your history already taken place for you to chat with people on the server about  to give them an idea of your characters personality. A starting point basically. The role-play begins when you start adding to the story. I have lived many role-play stories in Yliakum as Zorbels, I don't just go with my background story. If you are trying to role-play your back ground story and not getting a response to it then my suggestion would be come up with a (I call them) sub story. A little out line of a very small role-play. (This next suggestion I did once) Maybe your groffel got stolen and you are searching for it. So you start to ask the people in Hydlaa if they have seen it. This opens up a conversation and a possible adventure in searching for this groffel. Maybe one of the players says "Yes I have seen it in ojaveda" well because you are supposably new you can explain you don't know the way. This opens up a position for someone to play the travel guide, etc. Then the role-play begins and before you know it, it was bedtime hours ago and your eyes are bloodshot.

I can understand your disappointment with people not just jumping to help you. But seriously it isn't the end of the world and there are bound to be days were no one is around to help or the people on the server are in huge role-plays and don't want to break them to bring a newbie into it. Don't let one time discourage you.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Scariest Monster
« on: January 15, 2007, 06:27:35 pm »
Quote from: Narure
But he brain washes us when we are impressionable children with his free toys!!!!

 ;D lmao, good point. DAMN YOU  Ronald McDonald! If it wasn't for the shiny new toys distracting me from the very yucky tasteless burger I was eating, I may realise I don't need to buy into your fast food!

General Discussion / Re: No help for the new if they try to RP!
« on: January 15, 2007, 06:18:57 pm »
Quote from: Idoru

this game isn't just for the role-players. It is for everyone.

Unfortunatly, and I mean that most sincerely, I think many would disagree with you.

That is fine they can disagree all they want. This was posted in a thread by a dev (unfortantly I can't remember which one, otherwise I would post it). It is their game and I think the players forget that at times. This is not my out look but the out look of the people who created the game. I am a role-player but I am not going to push it on everyone who logs onto the server. If they clearly don't want to role-play, then they are still welcome to play this game and do what they do whether it is a power leveler or a quester. We try and make this game meet everyones needs. It is not the job of a role-player to be a pain in the ass if this is the players choice and they choose not to role-play.

As for misunderstanding I think I have read your post word for word and I have a clear idea with what you are saying. At the same time when I was a new role-player I didn't wait for a group of role-players to pick me up and role-play with me just because I knew how to use the /me command. I went looking for it. A newbie to role-play has to learn how to involve themselves creatively. This is part of the growing pains of becoming a role-player. It isn't handed to them on a silver platter, and sometimes it is down right frustrating to join a group. If I couldn't find a group to role-play with I would create a story of my own and begin to involve those who were interested in it. There are many ways around this problem that you present, it is just a matter of how much effort the new role-player wants to put in.

General Discussion / Re: No help for the new if they try to RP!
« on: January 15, 2007, 05:49:09 pm »
People come here to play, test, and enjoy planeshift. It is up to them if they want to help and to what level. We have a great rep for this community as helpful and friendly. I think Idoru you have just seen a down day. Try not to focus so much on the role-play others are doing and just contribute your own. If everyone did that we wouldn't hear so much complaining.

The newbie is clueless when first entering game unless they have read the information provided in the forums and on the main planeshift website. It would be nice if some could help the newbie if they are talking to Harnquist and you know for a fact they need to just say a few key words. But remember some newbies don't know what role-play is yet. Not only that but some players have issues with trying to explain game mechanics in character. Personally when I am with a newbie I group with them and introduce them to the game first before I unleash my role-plays onto them. Give them a chance to adjust and become familiar with the game. The person may find they don't like role-play. This game is full of wonderful role-players but remember this game isn't just for the role-players. It is for everyone. 

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Scariest Monster
« on: January 15, 2007, 05:25:47 pm »
 :P Erm, you have that backwards. WE pay him. He just provides the product. He isn't the evil one, we are as consumers.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Comments on "Faces Behind the Players"
« on: January 15, 2007, 05:21:30 pm »
Are you kidding me. Gesh people, you post your thoughts on a persons picture. If the person talks to you I think it is ok to talk back.   If your not sure pm it.  :P Just don't go out of your way to make the thread spin out of control and the mods won't have to burn you alive.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Scariest Monster
« on: January 15, 2007, 05:16:01 pm »
Parallo Ronald McDonald has nothing this clown doesn't.  :P Pennywise is teh scary! The Vanilla ice post I have to agree with. He gave me nightmares that haunted me though out my childhood with his rice, rice and gravy song. (I will never say the true words or it may come to life again O.o)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Scariest Monster
« on: January 15, 2007, 04:44:53 pm »
This is pretty freaky to me.

Blade 2 - The Reaper

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