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Messages - emeraldfool

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 93
The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Happy Get drunk Day
« on: March 17, 2007, 11:26:06 am »
*sigh* A few ground rules:

1. I will not be kissed by anyone or anything for any reason, unless they are hot.

2. I do not own, nor will I ever own, a pot, sack or crock of gold, and if I did I would not relinquish it to anyone on the grounds that they 'catch' me.

3. I will not pose for a greeting card, tattoo, sticker, graphic or any other design.

4. The O' in my name does not give me fairy powers. I can not cure your diseases, rashes or infections, so do not stick them in my face.

5. I respond to other greetings besides "Top o' tha morning to ye me lad", and if I ignore said greeting it does not mean I'm too drunk to understand and that you should say it slower and louder.

6. I can not be held responsible for any wishes I grant that do not - after some testing - appear to have come true. This especially applies to wishes of immortality.

7. I do not live in a forest. This means a) I can not be used as an example in an environmentalism campaign, and b) I can't speak to squirrels.

8. The fact that I am not wearing green does not mean I have been exiled from my community for wanton vandalism.

9. The fact that I am not wearing green does not mean I vomited on all my other clothes.

10. Any sentence containing the words 'Lucky Charms' should not be spoken in my vicinity.

That is all.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Psions and Psionics
« on: March 15, 2007, 03:55:01 pm »
I am going to take a look at the video, it's so strange but this always happends to me .. I talk about somthing and I end up hearing it everywhere there after. At work somone  mentioned that video that is posted here. It's also the same with words .. I learn a new word and my family and the peope I am around all of a sudden start using that word even though they never have before. When somthing like this happends I always have to look into it more.

That's actually very common. I forget the word for it, but basically your brain tends to block out small things that it doesn't understand. You're actually hearing and seeing these things all the time, you're just not aware of it because you forget about it almost instantaneously. But once you do understand it, your brain registers these things, so it appears that suddenly everyone's talking about it, whereas really it's just you that finally gets what everyone's talking about.

They say that only about 10% of what we experience is actually stored in our memory - the rest is as if it never happened.

Complaint Department / Re: Life stories as default.
« on: March 15, 2007, 03:27:59 pm »
I mean in descriptions. If it helps you visualise the character, it should be there.

Not really. Part of - if not the most important part of - creative writing is getting the idea across without boring the reader to death, or bogging down the narrative with details that most people are going to forget in a few minutes anyway.

General Discussion / Re: Iron more common?
« on: March 15, 2007, 03:23:05 pm »
Each mineral deposit in-game has a core where the vein is the richest, and a radius around it for which the richness of the strike decreases gradually.  Two identically equipped and skilled players will *not* have the same results mining 2m apart.  Also, in case you're wondering, to my knowledge, nothing in the mechanics of mining has changed in a long time.

That's odd, because I've been going to the same spot, doing the same thing for ages, but recently I've been getting Iron about 5 times faster...

I could post some screenshots if ya'll would like...

Fine, fine ... be difficult and nitpick at every single thing that is said.

I correct myself: "Jumping and running like it is used in Planeshift, in a functional, non-athletics-as-a-sport, way cannot be studied and is purely stat dependent."

My point is that there is a technique to running and jumping that can be studied, and improved.

Complaint Department / Re: Smilies.
« on: March 15, 2007, 01:46:44 pm »
This is the lamest discussion I've seen on the forums in a long time.  Emoticons are a textual substitute for lack of facial expression on the characters.  Other substitutes exist, such as *smile* or /me smiles, but they are all the same fricken thing.  Get over yourselves.

The last thing PS needs is a bunch more "rules" from RP Nazis governing what can be said in what channel.  Just relax.  If you find it annoying, take solace in the fact that I find YOU annoying, so it all evens out. :-)  :-)  :-)

- Venge

Uh-huh, but since when was the last time you RPed? Why should your opinion be the one that matters most when it doesn't even concern you at all...?

(Sorry if that sounds aggressive, I'm too lazy to word it better :P)

General Discussion / Re: In your eyes: whats racism in PS? hmr
« on: March 15, 2007, 01:29:11 pm »
Personally, I don't care one way or the other

Rest of post deleted for pointless argument over word choice and definition of breeding, genetics in Yliakum, etc.  See perfect illustration of pointlessness above. - Venge

Complaint Department / Re: Life stories as default.
« on: March 15, 2007, 01:18:56 pm »
Adjectives are rarely unneeded.

You're scrupulously facetiously joking with irreverent irony, am I not most veraciously correct?

General Discussion / Re: Iron more common?
« on: March 15, 2007, 01:14:29 pm »
People on the dev team are hardly ever wrong when they explain changes to the game :) Comes from being... I don't know, on the dev team.

I meant I'm finding iron is easier to mine regardless of what's happening with the gold.

General Discussion / Re: In your eyes: whats racism in PS? hmr
« on: March 15, 2007, 12:49:17 pm »
Post deleted for pointless argument over word choice and definition of breeding, genetics in Yliakum, etc.

General Discussion / Re: In your eyes: whats racism in PS? hmr
« on: March 15, 2007, 10:01:08 am »
Post deleted for pointless argument over word choice and definition of breeding, genetics in Yliakum, etc.

General Discussion / Re: Iron more common?
« on: March 15, 2007, 09:27:59 am »
Maybe it's not that iron is easier to mine, but rather that gold is running out.

Actually, I was raving about this before I even knew about the new gold shortage (See first post: "Normally (with lvl 10 in mining) it takes me 1-3 tries for a gold ore (maybe 1.5 on average)" - gold now takes me about 10-12 tries)

Wrong wrong wrong wrong, wrong wrong wrong wrong. You're wrong. You're wrong... (I love Dr. Cox :P)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: pi day
« on: March 15, 2007, 09:09:34 am »

Pi to 70 billion places \o/

500+ MB just for some random numbers?

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Psions and Psionics
« on: March 15, 2007, 09:07:19 am »
Im going to just give up and bow out of this thread. Its geting to the point where it seems like a religious debate. Some people have faith in it and some people dont.

Idoru's right - like I said, there is no definitive 'proof' one way or the other. It's a matter of faith, or lack there of.

There are plenty of explanations for things like these, such as Mass Hallucination Phenomenon or Non-Actuated Hallucinations. The thing is, a lot of the theories refuting things like Psionics, were built around refuting them (i.e. they saw a bunch of people talking about it, and then came up with Mass Hallucination as an explanation, instead of it being a pre-established occurrence)

Like Zan was getting at, that's how science works: you take the unexplainable, and attempt to explain it in a way that's universal and consistent. Once you reach a consistency, you call it 'proof'. Whereas in reality, your explanation is as good as any. At the root of it all, science is exactly the same as religion - words and concepts. The difference is simply which you believe in and which you do not.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Comments on "Faces Behind the Players"
« on: March 15, 2007, 08:14:07 am »

As for self piercings.. why? just why?

I'd like to think it was for the piercing, and not the pain, but 28 different times... :P

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