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Messages - theirah

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the server is up and down. Its coming up a lot more often, but typically only lasts for a min or two before crashing again

General Discussion / Re: stamina changed?
« on: July 01, 2008, 04:37:39 pm »
so...lags prolly not the problem...thought it might be a bit

I know that when loading a map, theres been a problem with stamina going down as you're loading. I think thats also been increased. And jumping into the border doesnt work anymore either.

I think the regeneration is not starting correctly when you stop running and you just stand there....

still guessing from behavior though, which is why I havent put this on bugtracker...

General Discussion / Re: Who or What am I?
« on: July 01, 2008, 01:05:14 pm »

there are other connection things that you can try, opening a port, I think 7777 but not sure (search the forum. There have been a lot of connection posts in the past, and you might find your answer in one.

I think it would be a technical problem with your client....could be that the site hasnt updated itself, so you could try refreshing it a couple times to see.

edit: it is a technical problem. just checked the page, 35 ppl on, I'm in the game, so its running.

alright. thanks! have yet to try it out ingame, but didnt know there were updates available

General Discussion / stamina changed?
« on: July 01, 2008, 03:36:52 am »
I'm just wondering if stamina has been changed in 0.4.01, since it seems to go down faster. My guildmate has said he thinks its also going down faster. I did notice 2-3 seconds of it shooting down at one point (I mean about 30% in 2-3 secs...)...

has anyone else noticed anything about this? or is it just my imagination?

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Re: Not able to connecct to server
« on: July 01, 2008, 02:54:55 am »
you can check to see if the problem is with the server being down or your connection. If the server is up but very few people are on (less than 5), and you cant connect, chances are the server is only on for testers so will show "failed" on everyone else's client.

Got my second look at the new update today, and found that when I walked in that tunnel, I couldnt see anything. It wasnt just dark, it was black. If I turn around, I can still see the other maps bright and clear, and I already have fullbright (at least I think I do, since I had it before the update and used the updater). Very hard to navigate those tunnels in the "forest", and the only way to know where you are is by the positioning of the other maps. Not sure if its just on my computer, or everyone has it.

I run windows xp.

PlaneShift Mods / Re: Glass and paper gui skin
« on: July 01, 2008, 02:46:09 am »
wow! I like the look!

couple, generally less than 5 or so?

server is down. use , if it says timeout or has only a couple people on it, its down.

yes, cheer up luzino. You can still have an even since they're planning to do finish the festival another day.

It might be nice to have a general idea of when an update might be though. even "update maybe coming up soon(tm)" a couple days before the update would be nice.

even without the membership, I dont know any other game with the number of skills it supplies and the things you can do with them.

General Discussion / Re: Approved guilds?
« on: June 29, 2008, 10:48:30 pm » is kinda hard to remember to look right below you when you are accustomed to looking far out.

kind of like the missing whats right in front of you thing

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