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Messages - RoberetGoldsmith

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Single Author Stories / Re: The tale of Roberet's exit
« on: December 18, 2011, 06:19:20 pm »
;D I understand the neglect of a slow moving story.
Very good writing, I enjoyed it.  :thumbup:

Thanks and yeah I've been busy recently.... moving to a new country and all that kinda halted all PS related fun. I'll get to writing another bit for this eventually...

Guilds Forum / Re: [Guild] Stillwater Peace Corps
« on: October 09, 2011, 05:46:38 pm »
This is a dead boss guild, not up to Empire standards mind...but nothing is ;).  If I was without a guild ( and used my alts more actively) I'd be sooo tempted to join this guild, best of luck.


i am posting this for a member the bloodstone brethren who has quit the game now.

PROBLEM: The actions of a group [StillWater] of power leveling duelers with extreme stats are endeavoring to control access to the planeshift game mining area surrounding the hill top between the Ojaroad1/2 passage and the derghir npc village. This works against the often adveritised economic balance that the game claims to seek for the good of all. The idea to demand payment for the digging of the ore is outside all current game conditions.  With the new Tribe combat rules, the Beast npcs will be the preferred access control, as opposed to a profit-seeking monopoly of player characters.

This situation involves a single and unique resource [platinum ore] that is a crafter resource for new products recently introduced into the game, and the free access and income of the miners that support the crafter needs. The control of this resource is made possible by having this resource in a pvp open kill zone.  With this zone having unclear boundaries and an action group of exploiters in the area, it is also unclear if the quests involving the derghir npcs will also come under contention by this group seeking leverage. As it has been mentioned by the members of this guild that it is their land and intend to clain a derghir build is their guild property to support their claims of ownership.  If this area has been licensed to the guild, then a GM controlled "government representative" of appropriate rank should appear as an NPC in game to declare if it is true that the named guild had ownership rights to do as they deem in their best interest, given the issues involved.

A proposed solution for the situation should be considered before more players take exception to the matter and leave. 

Options to deflate tension of the situation:

1) Create a new second platinum mine that is NOT in a PVP kill zone for the other player characters to use that have no desire to opt into the guild declared ROLEPLAY incentive, but wish to continue as before with their own options for entertainment.

2) Remove the PVP kill area from the currently only platinum mine.  Add npc beasts if some access difficulty is desirable for balance tuning.

3) Censor the activies of the player characters seeking to usurp access to the area in mass placing claims on the resource of the platinum ore.

4) Watch as similar groups further entend their control of game resources as the opportunities present themselves.

Yours Henik Largen

The bold bit is a bit of an issue for me, I find PLing a dull affair, thus at a disadvantage for certain RPs....but that has been discussed before and has many threads about it...probably. It will be an age old issue I feel.

SPC is ace, I fully support what they are doing.

 As a player of a number years(Thus giving me the right to lecture,just read through this and imagine me wagging my finger at you all.;P) groups like these are quite boss. It is a bold RP that has ruffled a few feathers...fantastic!

 I think it needs to be reminded that PS is an RP(so sorry if your exciting mining is halted, I doubt you enjoy it that much anyways) game and that also you are not your character. A lot of people over the years have got a little emotional about what has happened to their character,and  often upset ooc because of something that happen to their character in rp. I think the Tragic Wedding is an example of that, having read some post on other threads.  Not saying this RP was done perfectly( hence the creation of this thread....I figure) but what SPC are trying to do should be encouraged(with some constructive criticism) rather than have a reception of moral outrage that it has been given by some.(Asking for bans etc....bitch please!) 

Peace and Chicken grease my peoples.

Single Author Stories / Re: The tale of Roberet's exit
« on: September 28, 2011, 07:45:17 pm »
[ O neglected story don’t cry, I’ve written another cringey worthy pile of ill thought out puke for you. Note the restricted dialogue with Roberet and Ariuy, I figured any attempt at long conversation would be cringe worthy to read at best. ]

Roberet sits reading a report, "These can get tiresome can't they?" he says reading it, he looks up and around to find himself talking to nobody. He cracks a small smile to himself, putting away the report and bringing out the pieces of paper he saved for his story. He begins to write again.

After many hours, I was, after some serious consideration, ready for the celebrations. It must be noted by you dear reader, that being brought up by one of the families did have its benefits, one of these benefits was a fine fashion sense and of course the capital to fund it. I distinctly remember wearing a white shirt made out of the finest materials, white with pretty patterns on the breast of the shirt, it was a tight shirt, a vain attempt to show off my athletic figure. Complemented by clean black trousers with a belt which had a golden buckle(A family trademark...somewhat) and clean black boots. This by the villages standard was rather minimal, however the days heat had not let up yet and although cooler than day, the eve still had a warm feel to it. I was in no mood to sweat the night out.   

"C'mon Rob, even mother is ready!” Brust shouted. I was still standing staring at the mirror at the time, I hurriedly applied a pleasantly smelling fragrance and raced out of my room to the downstairs where the rest of the family were waiting. Arco and Brust were wearing similar formal clothes to me.  Mother and Father were in far more extravagant clothes, with mother in an elegant blue dress with copious amounts of jewellery on her.

My dear reader to this point I have neglected to write about my parents, they were good to me, they had their faults as we all do, but were very good to me.
 My father kept himself busy with the farm, he was a very blunt man, perhaps too blunt for the sensitive village politics, which is why he involved himself as little as possible with most quarrels between the families. He spent most time with Brust, being the heir to his farm it was only natural for him to do so. He wanted  Brust to be the perfect son, the prize of the family and thus spent a lot of time trying to mould him. Arco and I always felt a little neglected as a result of…. none the less father still wanted the best and little expense was spared on us. 

My Mother was rather different; I feel I inherited a lot more of her personality than my fathers. Unlike father she was constantly involved in the politics of the Village, encouraging the farms extravagance to show off. She went along way in keeping the family name being one that was highly respected. A feat more impressive when it is put into consideration that we, her sons, did occasionally give what I can only put as grief to other sensitive families. Her elegance and grace was combined with a sharp mind and tongue, always able to understand fully any situation. She was very caring to all three of us.

"There he is!" My father said, holding my mothers hand "I think we can go now....unless we have forgotten something?" he looks to my mother
She shakes her head slightly "No, we can go." She responds with a disarming smile, this facial expression changes to a sterner look as she looks at Arco, Brust and I "Now my sons, do enjoy yourselves but do not upset anyone, there are other peoples sensitivities to consider and more importantly this families good name to consider. Is that understood?" We all nodded, not that this was the first time such a reminded was given and forgotten. 

Making our way to the tavern the night was warm and beautifully still, we could see the village centre lights becoming bigger and bigger as we walked, a beautiful sight. I felt at ease, all was calm, my nerves of seeing this girl once again had not hit. A good sign I thought at the time. As we walked into the village centre, it was alive and buzzing, a number of stalls offering a variety of goods and jovial music could already be heard coming from inside the tavern.
Mother and Father, hand in hand began walking to each stall, briefly inspecting them before moving on to the next one. For my brothers and I, there was only one option, the tavern. We calmly walked in; Brust walked over some of the families children that were around our age.Being brought up together and all having the pressures of being sons of the families, we were friends with then naturally, however that same pressure also meant that a bravado had to be kept, even in childhood friendship….the rivalry was there.  Arco walked straight to the bar, a surprising move I thought at the time, banter was his speciality, especially with contending with children of the other families. However I saw a large group of dwarves by the bar, equipped with the finest armour, though it looked used. They were outsiders, hunters, often employed by folk of the village to keep violent beasts from coming near the farms. More to the point they were one of the few groups of people that Arco treated with serious respect, he worshipped them. I figured the contrast between his clean and dull life to theirs was the attraction.

As for me, I stood at the entrance looking around the room for her. I looked around the room over and over, at first I could not see her amongst the large crowd at the tavern, my heart sunk, she was not here I thought at the time. Then I saw her, not talking to anyone, quietly sitting on a chair, nursing a glass of wine. It was then the nerves, as always just right before conversation with her, started to hit. Before I could move, she caught me looking at her, she stood up a gave a small smile to me. I fear dear reader my description of her could not do her any justice; alas I shall give it a try. She had smooth long brown her going just past her shoulders, big teal blue eyes with thin rich red lips and the softest skin. Her name was Ariuy, and no other lady In my many years, has made go through the turmoil of emotions that she has.
As I walked up to her, I remember my stomach being in a knot, nothing out of the usual for encounters with her. With a thousand thoughts engulfing my mind and my stomach crippled it was minor miracle that I managed to get myself over to where she was sitting. It was also a minor miracle that I had managed to sat down next to her and strike conversation.  However once we began talking it seemed the easiest thing to keep up.  As clichĂ© as it may be, I’ve never felt so comfortable talking to anyone else, it  just seemed as if all was right in the Realm when I was with her. We conversed through the night with little distraction, only other thing I remember was Arco stumbling out of the Tavern, it turned out he couldn’t keep up with his dwarves company. 

The night went on and the Tavern was now at the point of being unpleasant, it was packed out and there was barely space to breathe.

“I’m starting to not like it in here…..want to accompany me outside?” Ariuy said looking around at all the people.
“Sure, it’s getting a bit unbearable in here..isn’t it?”  I replied then had a look around myself
Ariuy finished her last bit of wine and we headed out of the tavern
“Think we need to walk off that wine, c’mon lets go for a stroll” she said smiling. As we began to walk she grab hold of and held my hand, that moment we stared into each other’s eyes, said nothing and carried on walking hand in hand. We made our way to the other side of the lake, the night was still warm.

“Say Robbie” she said letting go of my hand, and pausing our walk to look over to the island on the lake, “Fancy a swim?” she continued revealing a mischievous smile to me
“What? In these nice clothes” I said with some amusement on my face
She simply shrugged and smiled at me
“Last one on that island over there is a gobble” she said laughing, just before she made her into the lake and started swimming towards the island. I immediately followed and started swimming myself.
We made our way onto the island and sat down together to catch our breath after frantic swimming.
“Think I won that one!” Ariuy said laughing
“No fair! You had a head start” I responded laughing as well. After a few seconds we stopped laughing and gazed into each other’s eyes and then slowly we kissed. What followed after that was a night of sheer passion which before or after I have never had.
Little did I know at that time that this would be my biggest mistake and one that would change everything for me.

Roberet stops for a moment, he begins to read it over what he has read with a slow smile appearing on his face.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Have a classy night in
« on: September 28, 2011, 06:41:03 pm »
Oh my God, I think I love you.

P.S. Do you remember doing the Rivnak quest with me? Seriously, we did the whole thing at the same time and didn't say two words to each other. I still felt a bond of kinship with you though.

   You should have said hello, it would have been nice to have some company on the lonely road to Rivnak glory. Not sure if I do though, but yeah bond of kinship for sure.

We're like this now

* RoberetGoldsmith crosses fingers

Thats me on the top by the way..... *

*Props if you know where thats from

The Hydlaa Plaza / Have a classy night in
« on: September 25, 2011, 07:45:13 pm »
Grab yourself something nice to drink and eat, kickback on a comfy chair and open up these three.

First tab

Second Tab

Third Tab

Stay classy.

*smoking jackets are recommended.

Single Author Stories / Re: iXi 's first Rivnak
« on: August 26, 2011, 09:34:39 am »
Ha, I liked that.

Single Author Stories / Re: The tale of Roberet's exit
« on: June 18, 2011, 04:33:44 pm »
[Finally got around to doing the second bit for this, now comes with dialogue! Once again Feedback is encouraged.]

"Karlyle I'd like that map in soon as possible. Thats all" Roberet said before saluting and walking to his desk. He takes out the piece of paper he was writing on previously and begins to write again.

It was a seemingly perfect day, the crystal was shining onto the village and with a cooling breeze going by through the crops in the fields even the toiling workers had a pleasant day. This at the time was not appreciated by my younger brother ( A year younger)Arco or I. We were stuck inside.
 Arco was much like myself, there were however notable differences in appearance, slightly shorter in height and with his hair much scruffier than mine,  and in manner. He was much more eager, always the first to do say something and do something.
 We were inside in, what seemed like at the time the stuffiest room in the farmhouse. A small study room littered with books and had only the one window that showed just enough of the day to mock us with. The two of us at the time were listening to our mentor, a Ywnm by the name Mordicus Bakker, going through the finer points of the Fifth Epoch. As sons of one of the families we were treated with the finest education money could buy, or rather that money could bring to the village. Although partly out of love for us, it was also quite obvious that it was just part of the families’ attempts to outdo each other.

"After years of meditation, Talad created a tremendous wave of heat that melted" Mordicus said with some enthusiasm before looking at us "Boys, for such subjects full attention is required"
"It just seems like Talad is creating that wave of heat now. My mind is pounding with all of this information and my body is melting away!" Arco moaned in response, he was sweating quite a bit, damp patches could be seen around his armpits, an unfortunate day to wear a grey cloth shirt.
"Whine all you like Arco, you still have another fifteen minutes of this and I expect you to give your full attention for those fifteen minutes." Mordicus snaps back.
"And Roberet if you stare out of that window for another second you'll be reciting everything I've said this session" Mordicus continued. I snapped out of my stare at the window, I was in the pleasant state of daydreaming until that point, using my hand shaped like a fist to rest my right cheek on.
"Oh sorry Mr Bakker, you know...this heat" I said with long pauses between words, as I tried to come up with a response.
"Don't be harsh on him Mord, his mind is preoccupied with the thoughts for another" Arco says grinning at me before laughing. I respond immediately by punching him on the arm.
"Shut up Arco." I said immediately after I punched Arco,  Brust appeared at the door of the room.
Now Brust was my older brother, about a year older, he walked in taking off his dirty leather gloves, his hair unlike his younger siblings was blonde, but much like mine well kept. He was roughly the same size as I, yet much more different in his attitude at the time. Being the oldest he was always the leader of us three, with this came a large confidence of himself. With him being the oldest and thus the heir to the farm, he was taken out of mentoring and began to learn the workings of the farm, Arco and I was always jealous of this. We viewed it as him having some freedom, In reflection I do now recognise the burden he was carrying, the amount of pressure he must have received from our father must have been hard to have on his shoulders.
"Familiar sounds of bickering…….how I miss your mentoring Mr bakker" Brust said as he stuffed his gloves in his pocket
"Ahhh shut up Brust, you caught a disease from one of those workers yet?" Arco quips snickering. At this point Mr Bakker had closed the book he was working from and put it back on his wooden desk.
"To what do we owe the pleasure Brust?" Bakker says with some sarcasm
"As much as I hate to cut your session short, we need some extra hands at this time being. I hope you understand.”  Bakker sighs and the nods, gesturing for Arco and I to leave.

As we walked outside of the farmhouse we felt the cool breeze hit our faces.
Arco takes a deep breath of relief “Oh that is what I needed, I cherish these moments” he then proceeded to stretch his arms up as high as he could.
I rolled my eyes at Arco before saying to Brust “So what is It you need us to do Brust?”
"O nothing at all dear brother, consider it a favour. Besides we all have tonight to prepare for" Brust said with a smile slowly emerging.
I gave him a blank look for a few seconds whilst my mind, obviously still recovering from Bakker’s lecturing, took its time to remember what my brother was referring to.

“Oh….of course, tonight’s celebrations! The one thing I’ve been looking forward to all month and I forgot about it! This is so typical, I got to get ready!” I said in a panic as
“You still have enough time Rob, we all have some preparing to do, and you don’t think I’ll be wearing these old working rags tonight?” Brust said in an attempt to reassure me
“Brust he is just worrying about how tonight will go with that girl” Arco says then proceeds to snicker
“Ooooh yeah, I forgot about her.” Brust says grinning “Say isn’t Motha trying to attain her affections too?”
“Oh please, have you seen Motha? The man couldn’t get a lady even If he had a bag of circles tied to his trousers.” I snapped at Brust. “He makes blind gobbles cry” I continued. I concluded cockily “Remember my dear brothers I don’t see you two having the burden of such things? Another thing I better you two at. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got to make myself look and smell like something you could fall in love with” I walk away from the two with my head up high.

It is at this point dear reader I best explain something, when I say another thing I was better them two at. You see ever since we were young we’d always want to prove we were better than each other. Anything and nearly everything was a competition for us three. From climbing trees, which Brust was supremely quicker at, he could get up higher and quicker. Trying to wind up Bakker  the most which Arco obviously was best at, getting him to storm out and threaten to resign was never  quite topped by Brust or I. To who could ride fastest on a rivnak which I was best at, sometimes involved all those of the village that were around our age, thus my victories at this were far more satisfying.
At this time the latest of this was girls.

We were just coming of that age when we became to appreciate the female form and all three of us being athletic, we fancied ourselves quite a bit, to put it mildly. Thus naturally girls became our latest focus, at the time I was involved with this girl. Seeing her as often as I could and although I still pretended to the brothers  that she was just there to prove that I was the best, she felt so much more than that to me.

“Overlord, we have a new aspirant waiting at the door” An Imperial says to Roberet.
“Let them In, I shall talk to this latest one” Roberet says as he puts his piece of paper away and walks away from his desk.”

Single Author Stories / Re: The tale of Roberet's exit
« on: June 15, 2011, 05:57:21 pm »

Single Author Stories / Re: The tale of Roberet's exit
« on: June 15, 2011, 05:33:21 pm »
Thanks Mrokki, I'll try and edit it. Certainly make a good point at how many times the word lake is used! thanks :).

Single Author Stories / The tale of Roberet's exit
« on: June 13, 2011, 12:21:45 pm »
[A year ago or so I did have an attempt of writing this story, but it was shockingly bad,so changed quite a bit of it.]

Roberet walks into Imperial Head-Quarters, he slowly locks the door and turns around to see a rather quiet Head-Quarters, with one Imperial occupied by organising items In the Dawn Force area and an Imperial Scholar walking up to the Library.  Roberet smiles to himself briefly, as he put his key back into his trouser pocket, he then proceeds to walk over to his desk. The  desk for the most part is tidy, with a pile of papers, threating to spill out, on the top right corner of the desk. Roberet reaches under his desk to get a new piece of paper, he puts on the desk and begins to write.

Dear Reader

My name is Roberet Goldsmith, Overlord of the Dusk force. As you may be aware I am not a Hydlaa native and when I was younger I had no desire to come to such a place. I write this to, at the very least, try to give a clear account and explain fully why I came to be here In Hydlaa and thusly taken in by the Dark Empire. In order to help you understand fully I believe it would be best if I gave a description of where I was previously.

The Village of Rehykana was the village I was born and raised in, the only place apart from Hydlaa that I have ever called home. It was a quiet idyllic farming village; it was home to seven farming families, all with their own large amount of rich fertile land.   With demand from the major towns always more than enough, the families sold their produce at a generous price, the families were wealthy. As a result of this wealth, each family built a huge farming house, with extravagance clear to see within these houses. They provided the families an opportunity to, effectively outdo each other, the bigger and the more extravagant the better! This desire for each family to outdo the other not just kept to housing. The amount of workers each family employed, the clothes that they wore, the rare items they could get, the list goes on. Even simple public meetings were an opportunity for the families to gain the upper-hand on another.

With this rivalry the relationship between the seven families was at the very best always edgy, although outbursts of any real action were rare, the village of Rehykana, often had a tense atmosphere. 

Apart from the families,  Rehykana was also home to a large tavern, the social focal point of Rehykana society. On the outside it seemed a large structure made of stone and a thatched roof. The inside was far more welcoming, with a warm fire which had comfortable chairs around it, in the left hand side of the room. The tavern had a wooden bar, much like those in Hydlaa, which had a door which lead to the Kitchen.

 A number of wooden tables and chairs sprawled around the first floor, these were often filled with a variety of people. Workers from the farms, travellers, the small group of soldiers who protect the village from variety of creatures, travelling merchants, others who live and work in the village and of course those who belonged to the seven families.  With this the tavern was often the centre of interest, excitement and commotion.

Aside from the tavern, the village was also home to a humble blacksmith workshop which was placed right next to the tavern at the centre of the village, nothing of note to this dear reader. The families preferred not to use the blacksmith, opting to import from cities with blacksmiths with a better reputation, however small practical things were still needed, thus the blacksmith stayed afloat.
The last setting of note was the lake that was a few yards behind the tavern, it was a  large lake surrounded by bushes and trees, despite its size the island which was located in the middle of the lake could be clearly been seen in clear weather.

 I hope this gives you a better idea of what Rehykana was like and how its society functioned. Or rather how the families, busied themselves with petty feuds....although at the time these seemed like the most important things in life. 

I'll start the story on the day when it all began, well rather when it all began to end.

An Imperial walks up to Roberet's desk  and bows "Overlord".
Roberet stops writing and looks up to the Imperial "Hail. What is it?"
The Imperial replies "You're needed urgently at the Plaza sir"
Roberet sighs, he puts the piece  of paper away  and walks out of the Head-Quarters.

[ Tell me what you think, hopefully grammar is not too shocking.]

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Rootbeer
« on: June 03, 2011, 03:25:09 pm »
A thread about root beer?

You utter horrors.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Political stability
« on: April 09, 2011, 10:27:31 am »
Our president is an idiot that is already resigning from his job. Out third vice-president is corrupt, giving information to terrorists. A lot of politicians, including the president of our Congress, have lands all over Spain. Spain is a country ruled by liars, thieves, b**ches, queers (the bad kind of them, not that I have anything against homosexuals) and a lovely bunch of coconuts d***heads and a**holes. All combined with 5 millions of people without job, illegal inmigrants, street crime, mafia and more, and more, and more…

Yea, Spain is a good place to live :D

 I hear the weather is nice....

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Outlaws
« on: March 20, 2011, 07:52:15 am »
Get this guild alive again gosh darnit!

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