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Messages - Ironstark

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 9
Fan Art / Re: The Official Phase Two City Contest: Amdeneir
« on: December 23, 2009, 01:25:19 pm »
is it soon(tm)?   ;D

Images dont work for me but i get what you mean, characters are very bright in Kada El's to me.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: The Red Spectacle Wall of Fate
« on: December 15, 2009, 06:14:44 am »
[yes, a rather easy way for the hunted to become the hunter maybe?]

General Discussion / Re: You Awaken in Ojaveda (Poster-Driven Story)
« on: November 25, 2009, 10:51:39 am »
also, draw both weapons, be alert

General Discussion / Re: You Awaken in Ojaveda (Poster-Driven Story)
« on: November 22, 2009, 12:57:48 pm »
kick scratchfever for being so insolent

General Discussion / Re: You Awaken in Ojaveda (Poster-Driven Story)
« on: November 22, 2009, 12:01:20 pm »
check the walls for hidden doorways or treasures

General Discussion / Re: You Awaken in Ojaveda (Poster-Driven Story)
« on: November 22, 2009, 05:06:27 am »
Allow Scratchfever to take the apple

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Poor Sick Dwarf
« on: November 14, 2009, 02:19:57 pm »
Shauni sits inside the howling well for days on end, working hard on creating a new version of the sickness. One that cannot be cured as others! But fails... again and again. The sample lies in a bucket. Fustrated, he creates a ball of black fire, fueled with dark way magic. He fires it into the infected liquid and watches as it sizzles away. He then stands up, and kicks a nearby wall, muttering curses.

He spins around suddenly, looking at the bucket, smelling a foul stench in his nostrils. He creeps towards the bucket and peers over the side. He chuckles evily as he sees a black, foaming broth. He dares not touch it, not knowing what possible horrors he could have unlocked.

[Hey dont ask me how he did it! The main question is how is he going to test it? I could have some volunteers if anyone wants to pm me.  :devil:]

General Discussion / Re: Wipe y/n?
« on: November 07, 2009, 12:12:23 pm »
I know this is strange to ask but how does a wipe help out?

General Discussion / Re: You might be a noob if ...
« on: November 06, 2009, 06:20:23 am »
you would be if a noob if you pay 50000 tria for a torch..

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!
« on: November 02, 2009, 12:03:44 pm »
try updating or maybe the server is just down for the while

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Poor Sick Dwarf
« on: November 02, 2009, 10:58:18 am »
A hooded figure carefully creeps into the Hydlaa Sanatorium, making sure he wasn't followed. He looks around for any signs of blood or contaminated fluids and chuckles as he spots a bucket, a cloth hung on the rim, dripping with blood. He takes a sack from his backpack, puts on some leather gloves and places the contaminated cloth into the sack.
“finally...” he says, “A chance to mutate this little virus to my liking...”
He checks to see that he wasn't spotted, and runs away from the sanatorium.

[of course this might go haywire or... he could succeed and mutate the virus. Lets see how his experiments go...]  :devil:

Fan Art / Re: PS Webcomic!
« on: October 31, 2009, 04:20:11 pm »
umm, are there going to be any more episodes?

General Discussion / Sorry.. No really..
« on: October 30, 2009, 05:19:06 am »
Yep, Im sorry guys for many reasons. Mainly because of my IG behaviour over the years, e.g. me being OOC, godmodding and all sorts of things in that area. I think I started this game at the age of 10-11 and now ive been playing for MANY years. I just feel my childish behaviour those years ago and even up to a year ago should not go unheared of. So im turning a new leaf, im keeping the same player but im going to be aware of my actions and think them through, not be OOC or godmodding. Im just glad a can say that i've never been rude or offensive to anyone, (unless im in character and it's part of a RP  ;D)

Well im finished ranting, sorry for wasting you're time people who dont know me but i hope to see you all ingame soon.

Shauni is back in town!

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Swine Influenza Outbreak
« on: May 13, 2009, 10:45:12 am »
Population of Costa Rica is roughly 4,195,914 (July 2008 est.)

8 cases and 1 death.


It surprises me you dont care that someone has died. Wow, you must be hollow inside... >:(

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