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Messages - StitchedChin

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Friggen Awesome Character Creator Thingy
« on: September 08, 2008, 12:24:54 pm »
Svuun has to be related to Vera De Milo...  nice job Svuun.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [Event] The Night Rogue Strikes!
« on: August 11, 2008, 12:14:46 pm »
Talalas walks up to the plaza fountain, a slight smile almost hidden beneath his beard.  Hopping up on the numbered, stone block facing Harnquist's shop, he clears his throat.

"Citizens, one rogue has made us all on edge, one rogue!!  How can this be?!  We must stand together, we must work together, we must fight for our freedom and our city together.  We need answers and until we know the right questions to ask, we need to have armed patrols around the plaza at night to help protect the innocent.  He has taken by dagger point what wasn't his from a fellow Hammer, he crossed the line.  He has taken innocent lives with no regard, his line for negotiations has been erased.

We have been given the okay from the guards to protect ourselves, with magic or steel.  I believe we should have multiple groups of four or more well trained warriors patrolling from the East gate to the North gate at night.  The Night Rogue has murdered many citizens in all parts of Hydlaa, sometimes right in front of witnesses.  Yahh of the Bloodstone Brethern was able to wound the Night Rogue, just before falling to the rogue's deadly blow, so the Night Rogue can be hurt, he is mortal.  Together we can take him down and send a message to any other that feels they can do what they wish in the city.  The citizens of Hydlaa should not stand by and should never adhere to his demands.  If he wants to be with his brothers, then maybe he should join them in jail or learn how to read because he'll be spending a lot of time in the library in the Death Realm."

Talalas takes a draw from his beer mug.  Wiping the froth from his beard, he watches to see if anyone is paying attention.  Holding his head high, he continues.

"With the ability to hide and even vanish out of thin air, he must be using the many shadows at night to get around undetected.  We need answers, we need to find how he can hide so effectively, and how we can hinder his ability.  I think we need to find a way to light the city better at night.  Maybe Raithen or Levrus will know of a way to shine light into the shadows so we can track or deter this Night Rogue.  Not everyone needs to wield weapons and use glyphs either, we can use everyone's help to set up traps.  Anything that can slow the Rogue down, distract his concentration, brighten his dark clothing, louden his steps, ruin his escaping ability.  This should be done and ready to go before it gets dark.  Come together people of Yliakum or we will continue to fall individually.  You'll find me in the plaza at night and searching for him at the encampments during the early morning.  He is one, we are many.  Bring this Night Rogue to justice or he will suffer his fate at the end of our swords, the force of our axes and the power of our magic."

Talalas hops down from the stone block, looks for any volunteers and begins to get to work.

Wish list / Re: Weapons Repair
« on: August 06, 2008, 06:18:25 pm »
Here is the link:

Ah, that's a whole new can of worms, figuring out to make fair and reasonable repair times based on actual quality of weapons and not just NPC resale price.  That is good info to know though and explains why expensive armor takes about a month to repair and a looted sword valued at 2k takes 15 minutes compared to a q300 sword.

Wish list / Re: Weapons Repair
« on: August 05, 2008, 11:17:54 am »
Looks good to me.  I like the idea of using a prep table or anvil to "really" fix the weapon or armor.  It should speed up the process too, so instead of waiting 10 minutes to repair some high quality item in the middle of nowhere, you can do it in under 5 minutes with a full blacksmith shop at your disposal.  And yep, keep it simple for this type of feature request, the graphical feature addition or mini-game is a whole different beast.  I think Ulfer already added a feature request for this, I think your bullet points will do well in his post.

Wish list / Re: Weapons Repair
« on: August 04, 2008, 01:11:13 pm »
I'm not sure if UTM is really talking about "mini-games" like playing Tetris while you repair your weapons, but I'm thinking the skills should just be more interactive.  So having an alternate to just typing repair your left hand would be actually taking the components of a repair kit and work it on the blade.  You'd be able to see the areas on the blade that are damaged and maybe you can see them in better detail as your skill increases.  If you miss a spot or accidentally over sharpen an area, you ruin it, or even cut yourself if you are careless.  Maybe using an interface like golf games use, where timing and accuracy are used, or simply just using the mouse to move the sharpening stone over the blade.  If you use the kit properly and "focus" on it better, then you'll have a better result.  And it'd be great if others can see what you are doing too instead of just standing there, so they see you working on a sword or piece of armor.  This could work for other skills too, like smelting, cooking and mining, but I know this is tough, takes a ton of work, time and graphics power, but I always like to try to wish high on the wish list!   :)

I checked the graphics options on a Lenovo laptop with the 965 Intel graphics chip, O/S Vista 32-bit Premium.  They have options for the Intel graphics chip which you get to by right clicking the Desktop and selecting Graphic Options.  You can set Brightness, Contrast and Gamma, and even select a profile that once selected will load up an application, which I assume you can map to PS. 

Seems like this thread is a bit old news, but figured I'd post in case someone new runs into the brightness issue.  The new updated maps seem to have improved in brightness for me at least.

Hey Cilay,
What type of settings changes have you tried?  I've messed around with turning down a bunch of the settings, down to 15 and 16 bit color, even going to the worst possible settings on each of the others like anti-alias.  Usually I can "fix" things by doing that.  If it still crashes on you after that, then I'm wondering if we can rule out the graphics card.  Also, may be able to try a beta driver, if you have the patience for trying that out :).

Shaman, if you are still having brightness issues and happen to be using Nvidia drivers or have a graphics card control panel to go to, try changing the gamma and/or brightness there.  With the windows's version Nvidia installs it is pretty nice, you can set the changes to occur only when you load the PS exe.  With Ubuntu, I load PS, then open up the Nvidia graphics settings and it triggers the gamma changes.  My LCD monitor is maxed out on brightness and still really dark without making this adjustment, I can't even see my character at some places.  This helps a lot, brightens up all maps.  All monitors and graphics cards are different, so it is tough for the game to work for each.  Though someday this type of adjustment in PS setup would be a nice add.  I'm sure if you have an ATI card, there should be very similar settings somewhere.  Need any help with it, post some specs and we can see what you can do.

Wish list / Re: Stat raising by quest
« on: July 21, 2008, 05:01:40 pm »
My understanding from Prolix was this would be in addition to the current way of leveling, so it isn't forcing you to quest, but giving a broader range of players access to improving their stats and skills instead of camping and mining.  I was totally "behind" a lot of other characters when I started because I concentrated on quests instead of just mining and leveling, though I had felt like I had accomplished a lot in the game.  Now if you go by factions, then yep, I have some nice ones.  But this also gives a more relevant reward to the quests instead of PPs and trias.  If a quest has to do with melee, carrying something, learning something, making a long journey, convincing someone to do something, then why shouldn't that affect the stats you used to accomplish the quest.  It doesn't have to be much either, I was hoping for a simple little +1 to endurance from time to time on those long journied quests.

Aren't there already training type of "quests" linked to a certain skill and the improvement in that skill.  Some even give you the first level's worth of training.  Going back and reading Prolix's last response, sounds like more interactive tasks to raise the stats from an NPC would be more fun.  Instead of just hitting a button to raise your strength, the NPC gives you something to accomplish first before you "deserve" that stat boost?  So you can go to an NPC and say "Train me in Agility", and they'd say, "Try to take the pebble from my hand, grasshopper."  or something to that effect.  I like that idea as well if that is also what you are thinking.

Not fudge, that makes it a fudge chocolate cake, a totally different dessert  :P.

Wish list / Re: Stat raising by quest
« on: July 21, 2008, 02:05:08 pm »
I like this idea and was thinking about it when I first started playing PS.  Having this as one of the venues to gaining stats makes much more sense than using PPs and trias gained by doing something completely unrelated;  ie. why I can max charisma by killing trepors and mining platinum, still seems strange to me.  I guess I can see my character is paying for ettiquette lessons, but it should take time to improve and there should be evidence of me actually using that stat, instead of maxing it out with some simple clicks of the button and in less than a couple hours.

Example would be to train Endurance, then actually running a certain distance or be active for a while before it levels up, like skills.  Each stat can be levelled in different ways so that it is more related to roleplaying.  This is actually starting to sound like how Elder Scrolls does it, train Strength, then once you use a skill that is related to strength, like mining or heavy armor, then your Strength levels up.  Quests should be part of this though, so if a NPC wants you to learn something or answer some questions, then when you accomplish it, it adds to your intelligence.  But, also if you don't do quests, then you can train Intelligence by interacting with the community or learning new skills that are best related to intelligence.  Hmm, I wonder if this copyrighted by the makers of Elder Scrolls.  Everything can always be improved on though, except maybe chocolate cake.

General Discussion / Re: GM Events
« on: July 21, 2008, 12:41:41 pm »
I think not giving a reward is pretty good.  Let people just focus on roleplaying and having fun with it, instead of worrying whether they missed something, are on the wrong side or even missed getting the reward at the end.  If there was a way to give select rewards to characters the GMs feel did a good job in roleplaying, though, doesn't have to be something big, maybe even just a mention, or a parade or holiday in their name (just kidding), that may give some incentive to try to stay in character?  That type of effort may be best for the community to support, though.  Someday, if there is ever a way to fix the lag, the event may move along more movie/book script-ishly, force everyone's settings down somehow maybe?

General Discussion / Re: How did you find planeshift?
« on: July 10, 2008, 11:04:42 am »
I clicked on the link:  Ubuntu Gamers Arena - Offsite Link

Unfortunately that link is under construction now, but in there you can search by genre.  I checked out a bunch of games on there, found Planeshift, which they give a nice little description, link the PS website, instructions how to install it on Ubuntu and I think there may have even been a video clip, not positive on that one, though.

I usually go through when I use Vista.  Easy place to see ratings, search by genre, get reviews and descriptions, download some demos, screenshots, video clips, etc.  I think that it is a good place to get some serious online gamer traffic, too.  Roleplayers may be a toss up, but when PS is ready to increase that player base, could be a good place to be listed for players looking to test out new games with little obligation.

Wish list / Re: Shortcut for Chat Tab Switching
« on: July 08, 2008, 10:37:35 pm »
I was thinking of trying that, but seems you have to say something in order for it to switch tabs.  Gives you the error must enter text.  Here's what I checked.
/tellNPC X  --  switches
/tell PlayerName X  --  does not
/group X -- switches
/guild X -- does not

Wish list / Shortcut for Chat Tab Switching
« on: July 08, 2008, 06:09:20 pm »
Are shortcuts for the chat window in the works, per chance, or maybe a new idea for the chat window?  If so, then feel free to delete me.

So, for me, it'd be handy if I could hit [ and ] or something similar to scroll through the chat tabs instead of having to use the mouse, unless this is already possible?  I know /tellnpc swithes the chat window to the NPC tab automatically, if you say something, but I was looking for a way to switch to the chat tab of choice with a shortcut key either directly to the tab you want or a shortcut scrolling feauture?


General Discussion / Re: Say thank you
« on: July 07, 2008, 11:14:12 am »
This may be a given, as the GMs and Devs should know they are appreciated by the 5+ year history of the game, but it is always good to point it out after a tough couple weeks.  And since I'm new, I just wanted to say thank you again for their work on the latest update and ironing things out the past week.  The new icons are great, the game runs much smoother, and it has been fun searching around for all the cool new things.  Oh, and especially thank you for everyone that helped fix that tedious male dwarf bug!  Just when I was getting used to it, it is gone  :D.  Thanks to all with their patience on IRC, the ones that worked on the heart of the game, and in Yliakum.

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