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Messages - RlyDontKnow

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Wish list / Re: Let's go orange when away.
« on: March 12, 2011, 05:35:27 pm »
not exactly true, anyway, there's no such thing as a OOC state atm - i.e. as you did outline: the server doesn't know whether a client is afk at all.

what does this mean? to get this done there'd be the need to first add all the infrastructure needed to keep track of some sort of client status (away being an example here, others could include "looking for rp", "busy", ... - sorta like an IM status) with everything that is needed for such a thing. i.e. some way for the client to set it's status, telling the server about it, keeping track of it on the server side, notfying others if required, ...

both are known bugs - sound is an issue with openal 1.13, the black char is a bug that has been fixed on svn already.
anyway, yes: both will be fixed in the next release

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Re: Maps
« on: February 28, 2011, 04:56:57 am »
it requires an up-to-date client (0.5.6)

Development Deliberation / Potential Testing team new member
« on: February 15, 2011, 12:28:19 pm »
ok tnx i'll try


renderer.cpp: In member function ‘int CalRenderer::getVertColorsAsStandardPixels(unsigned int*)’:
renderer.cpp:698: error: ‘unimplemented’ was not declared in this scope
make[3]: *** [renderer.lo] Errore 1
make[3]: uscita dalla directory "/development/cal3d/src/cal3d"
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Errore 1
make[2]: uscita dalla directory "/development/cal3d/src"
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Errore 1
make[1]: uscita dalla directory "/development/cal3d"
make: *** [all] Errore 2

this is the error while make cal3d

any suggestion?

make sure to use revision 507 for cal3d - HEAD is broken more often than not

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: New trainers!
« on: February 04, 2011, 07:40:36 am »
Well in the Irka Festival, we don't care, it's just the best is the best, there's no junior, middle and senior tournaments, and having more classes means more tria for prize money, which the GMs have told me they cannot provide, nor can they even provide quest items (even if the quest is bugged) So it's a  :thumbdown:

that's why there are usually entry fees that provide the money pool to actually award prizes in the end ::)
as for stats checking with classes: I doubt it'd be an issue to get a GM to check the stats and even if it is, I'm sure it'd be possible to find a suitable solution ;)

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: New trainers!
« on: February 04, 2011, 05:36:15 am »
doesn't really work out as there are more stats then just strength, tho ;)

Development Deliberation / Re: Gravity - PS World Physics
« on: January 25, 2011, 04:55:55 pm »
the gravity can be tuned somehow, unfortunately I don't remember where atm, but you'd want to set that to 0.
once that's done, it'd be a matter of defining your movement modes accordingly (you need one which makes you move along the y axis for sure - in both directions).

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: New trainers!
« on: January 20, 2011, 03:46:15 pm »
What I'm saying is the players with 200k pp and several million just ran around and within a couple hours maxed the new cap. not really fair... just gives them more of a advantage

seriously... that's nonsense... if you're already at the old cap, earning trias or pp shouldn't be an issue at all and the major time drainer in trianing is practicing which is the very same for those that have "leftovers"

Complaint Department / Re: Unbalanced professions
« on: January 20, 2011, 03:44:07 pm »
Here's another point. A sword costs 90k if you buy from Hangtyr. I don't, but a decent sword usually costs about 20k.
Guess I have to set something clear!
Pal I don't know where you're getting this number from, but definitely not from Keella or me!
If you or someone else buys a sword of finest quality he/you will pay 15.625 trias for a single sword. Nothing more, nothing less. Which is way far from your mentioned 90k. Next time your are referencing me. make sure to talk to me at first!

probably been fooled into paying the old prices by someone (as ~100k for a *pair* is what you payed for q300 sabre some years ago)

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: New trainers!
« on: January 19, 2011, 04:04:28 pm »
I might reconsider if tournaments could maybe have events for different levels.

not sure how it's handled nowadays, but there used to be 2 classes (amateur for up to level 50 skills, expert for anything beyond that), however that's mostly up to those who organize the tournaments. if you see the next one, maybe just ask the one organizing it whether there'd be the possibility for a similiar seperation ;)

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: New trainers!
« on: January 19, 2011, 02:13:11 pm »
Dzyan The Pp system is like this already. The lower your physical stats are the more PPs you will get against higher level mobs. Likewise the higher your physical stats the less PPs you get.

not exactly true, your mental stats are taken into consideration as well.
my personal recommendation (one could think that's common sense imo): raise your stats in accordance with your skills.
if you want to become a warrior, train only the according skills and stats and train those *simultanousely*

also note that there are still "end-game" NPCs around that give you with all phy. stats at 400 and all mental at 200 ~150PP/kill

for side-effects of the training cap: there aren't any. you don't have to train crafting further to get the same result, nor mining nor combat nor anything else.

all that the (final) raise of training caps (read: there won't be training past 200/400) does is... raising the caps.
the NPCs you may fight ingame were designed with those caps in mind and so were many other things, hence that change.

also you don't have to train to the cap to enjoy the game - really, it's nonsense. actually it's not even really useful for most skills (e.g. the difference between magic level 150 and 200 is negible atm and so is the difference between crafting level 100 and 200). those who'd like to may feel free to, but nobody forces you to by any means. after all it'd be boring if everyone was a "master", wouldn't it?

so... post in a nutshell: apply some common sense and don't overdo it - take the caps as what they are: caps, not minimums to reach ;)

Complaint Department / Re: Unbalanced professions
« on: January 19, 2011, 07:51:51 am »
you can have just as much bad luck with metallurgy (a lot turning to dust/sludge), you can have while looting, however for looting it's mostly killing the "right" things. 50k/h isn't that hard - even on low levels. on high levels it's mostly being a little lucky and getting something really valueable (looted weapons may be worth up to over 100k a piece), so yeah - somewhat less predictable, but still quite profitable in the end.

Wish list / Re: Better Merchanting.
« on: January 18, 2011, 10:01:01 am »
* RlyDontKnow pokes Vaka to the Why Rule

that put aside - something very similiar has already been proposed before and denied for the very same reason: it's extremely exploitable unless you cripple it so much that it's completely pointless

This idea could be given to players who are trusted, so say like people like Eyantar and Narivis. Who are stuck with heavy loads but need PP to gain their strength well enough to carry.

elitism anyone? ::|

So finding another IP address, finding another PC or be smart enough to hold 2 IP addresses on one computer, or access a server on the other side of the world to access PS and have a PS client on that server, to get 30-50PP per trade and only one trade to each account a day sound not worth the time to exploit. But someone like Eyantar or Narivis could gain 4,000 PP in a week.

there are millions of guides out there how to set get multiple IPs up and working from one box, that put aside there may be the other extreme: vast amount of people sharing the same IP address (half of turkey has only 1 IP address, germany used to have a provider where all users shared the same IP, ..) - to sum it up: that's simply anything, but a useful criterium

General Discussion / Re: Why not just get rid of rp all together?
« on: January 17, 2011, 02:05:41 pm »
so it's only possible to RP once you're bored because you cannot train anything anymore and you do need to max out all skills? ::|

Development Team Blog / Re: Making formulas - what is so hard about it?
« on: January 17, 2011, 11:21:36 am »
While crafting materials or items, there seems to be a minimum skill level per result, so if your character with a skill below the minimum tries to craft, the result will certainly be waste, the probability of success will be 0% (e.g. a Pile of Dust, some inedible food, etc.). With the minimum skill and a whole level of theory training, there will be success to produce the expected result, but with a gradual quality, based on the skill level and some random factor.

In relation with the progression of the probability of producing a resource or the degression of the loss of quality while crafting, there is a degression of the experience earned as well, so if your skill level is above a maximum skill (per resource or result), the resource production probability and the maximum crafting result quality (before subtracting a random value) will stagnate, and the earned experience will be 0.

Are my guesses correct so far? Or am I really wrong at some point?

And where is the point where support is welcome - for the development of the value between min and max skill, or for the distribution of the random malus, or ...?

for crafitng there are various inputs.
first there's a minimum and maximum level for both the primary and secondary skill. (note that you cannot perform the task if you don't meet the minimum requirements, so the script doesn't have to handle it)
second there are process specific data (2 values that shall influence the result's amplitude and distribution)

the script gets those process specific data together with the current quality of the object worked on and then calculates the new quality by some means. as weltall outlined this is currently a fixed calculation randomized by a logarithmic distribution, however this may be any arbitary calculation performable via mathscripts (e.g. it could as well be a product of gaussian distributions, something reduced to a linear operator, some constant value, whatever you can think of that's performable with numerical primitives and the given inputs).

for quality stagnating: that's a consequence of the current formula, however it's by no means required to be like that
for experience I'm not 100% sure without re-checking whether this is dynamic, yet, but if it's not, it's prone to be changed to a script in the future

finally, for some examples of how those scripts look like - as nova outlined - just take a look at the math_scripts.sql in svn that holds the sample scripts (of which calculate damage shows most features available in math scripts, but is also a little over-complex for most applications)

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