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Messages - Zalya

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Wish list / Re: Potion of polymorph
« on: April 24, 2014, 10:47:51 pm »
I love this idea. I'd pour it into people's drinks, and it would be incredible.

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Re: Crashes when selecting race
« on: April 23, 2014, 09:45:02 pm »
GMA950 isn't supported. I was able to get PS working on my mac book sometimes, but like all unsupported graphics cards, it was prone to game shattering bugs. Getting a new graphics card in a mac book will be hard, as I believe the graphics card is integrated. You'd have to get a whole new motherboard, and at that point it would be cheaper to get a new computer. You can fool around with the settings and see if you can make something work, but it is unlikely that it will make much of a difference.

Complaint Department / Re: What books would you want written?
« on: April 12, 2014, 09:38:01 pm »
I'd like to know more about the political history, and previous wars of Yilakum. Particularly the Enki-Ylian war. Religious books would also be fun. One thing that PS is lacking are stories we can draw from. Almost all the books are formal, educational books. History is most often pieced together from written experiences, not necessarily the text books of the era. We look to shakespeare for insight into the 16th century, and the Canterbury Tales for insight into the 14th century. Even in fiction, we know more about the Lord of the Rings universe, because the Lord of the Rings is a story, not a timeline. Narratives give us far more of an insight into a culture than a book of facts ever will. Timelines, facts, and dates are certainly interesting, and very useful, but to know a culture, a history, a place, you have to live it. Narratives give us the one of the best tools we have to do so.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Without a Way
« on: March 31, 2014, 03:04:23 pm »
Some NPC's do move as well. If you can't find one, you may have to wait a bit until they reappear.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: daemons
« on: March 25, 2014, 04:42:04 pm »
He rather liked people. It was a major failing in a demon.
Oh, he did his best to make their short lives miserable, because that was his job, but nothing he could think up was half as bad as the stuff they thought up themselves. They seemed to have a talent for it. It was built into the design, somehow. They were born into a world that was against them in a thousand little ways, and then devoted most of their energies to making it worse.
-Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett's Good Omens.

I'll just put this here because I didn't want to spam that nice rp thread. I would like to think that pslaunch is a daemon as it launches the client and waits for the client to quit but I really do not believe it works that way. As you can see from the wiki page there are plenty of daemons that exist in the world today. Some are frustrating, some are helpful, all do something even if it is only to waste cycles.

I see Planeshift as more of a gremlin.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« on: March 10, 2014, 11:29:09 pm »
I once ate a whole lemon. Peel and all. Like an apple. If you think I did that for reproduction purposes you would be wrong. Lemon eating will NOT get me a date. And as for survival I did not need to eat that lemon. In fact, it made me really sick afterwards. But I did it anyways. Of course I made ten bucks off of it, so I guess that is a motivation. I guess we have to factor in greed.   

General Discussion / Re: Proposal: RP dice!
« on: March 07, 2014, 11:49:25 pm »
Normally in these types of situations I find a /tell works just as well. If both players are OOCly on the same page it makes things run smoother. There was talk of a universal rolling system before, but not everyone could agree with it. I find that just talking to the other player makes it far easier to come up with a compromise to fit the situation. 

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« on: March 07, 2014, 04:35:02 pm »
One thing that has helped me in the past was actually a tip from a directing book. The tip was titled "Every scene is a chase scene. Every character must want something. If not, why would they partake in any sort of action? It can be simple enough. Perhaps character A wants to know where character B is from. Perhaps character B does not want to talk about where they are from. This back and forth, giving and taking is essential for creating engaging stories on stage, and in RP. I've often fallen into the rut of "Well what do I say next to keep this going?" And a good way of getting out of that is asking myself "What does my character want here?" Often times we ignore the little goals. Identifying what they are is incredibly helpful for playing a character in any situation.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« on: March 06, 2014, 09:45:47 pm »
No, Zalya got into plenty of trouble on her own. :P Now a days I tend to make characters with very well thought out back stories so I can jump right in and have a well thought out character right off the bat. But Zalya helped me develop those skills naturally as she grew. Her back story came along later.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: The "I'm Bored" Conversation Thread
« on: March 06, 2014, 08:21:10 pm »
I joined PS for the RP at first. Good thing people where so forgiving back then. Because I was god awful at it. I actually had a subscription to World of Warcraft at the time, and I wandered and ended up here. My first two characters where flops, but then I decided to do something entirely different with the third. I decided I wanted her to be shaped by her own experiences, and not be a badass from the start. That was Zalya. I remember one of my first 'RP's' was asking for help to get to Hydlaa ICly. I think it was Merivo who walked me there. There I bumped into a few people at Kada's and over the next few days wound up meeting Elady at the Stonehead. I believe this was while you where away for a bit Illy. And well, one thing led to another, and now four years later Zalya is one of my favorite characters to play.

Fan Art / Re: Art...sort of
« on: February 20, 2014, 08:21:49 pm »
That one is my favorite.  :love:

General Discussion / Re: Time compression
« on: February 06, 2014, 04:21:29 pm »
I'd love to see it change as well for RP reasons. Right now I can literally spend a whole two in-game days just talking to someone. It makes little sense. What I'd like to see is different NPC's around that train the same thing, and offer the same services, so there is always somewhere to go. It would be neat if the ingame time was comparable to RL time in some sense. Maybe not the same to account for different time zones, but something like 19 hours to a day, or maybe just six light cycles per day, instead of six days per 24 hours. We have a unique setting anyways. It would not be going too far to change the way time is measured.

Wish list / Re: Turn-Based Combat and Quicktime Events
« on: January 29, 2014, 08:04:06 pm »
Personally, I love the idea of a turn based system. It would allow for much more in the way of fun, and RP in my mind. At least in a turn based system you could actually type a response in a mechanics fight. Honestly though, I don't see any sort of overhaul happening any time soon.

The great thing about PS though, is that it is different from most other MMO's. It needed focus on combat as its defining trait. Other parts of the game can be fun, and equally as rewarding, and they won't require a complete overhaul of the current system.

General Discussion / Re: A Dice Based Roleplay System - Discussion
« on: January 24, 2014, 08:53:12 pm »
I would love to see RP and game play work in synergy. I just don't see it happening though. They are just on entirely different wave lengths right now. It just doesn't make sense for everyone who visits Hydlaa for the first time to know jack squat about everything. What about all of that time they spent before arriving in the city? Of course you can't be a famous weapon smith right off the bat, but must you know next to nothing? I would much rather spend that time I could put into grinding, doing something that I actually enjoy, like RPing, or learning new things as a player. If I don't touch the mechanics, but I do my research, get good at writing sword descriptions, and find a good source of stock props why can't I be a purely RP'd smith? I'd put in just as much time as someone else would, and get far more out of it in my eyes.

And then there is the training factor. PS assumes that all people learn in the same way. It makes absolutely no sense that every single person in the world has to learn from the same trainers. PP, and tria are also broken too. Not much of the system, or anything about any MMO's makes sense when you try to add narrative logic to it. The two just don't mesh. No computer is ever going to be able to think on its feet, and make creative narritive choices on the spot. Not while any of us are alive anyways.

Sure anyone can type /roll and /me, but it takes real skill to make it interesting. Its the difference between
SoandSo swings a sword
SoandSo narrowly dodges the blade. Kra spins around using the momentum to heave his own sword down towards kra's attacker with crushing force.
Being descriptive, and reactive in an RP is a skill in and of itself that deserves far more attention than spending 300 hours learning how to smith 300q sabers.  When I see a good RP'd fight, I get excited. I feel like I can picture it. When I see a purely mechanics driven duel, it just looks like two idiots running back and forth, idly swinging weapons in the others direction. Its just not fun.

I personally can't touch the mechanics. It makes me frustrated, and I never feel accomplished when all is said and done. I've tried, and it didn't work for me. So I RP whenever I can. I won't let numbers define my character as much as I won't let numbers define me. Stats and rules should bend to the story, not the other way around. Only a real, human player can do that. That is what makes RP so engaging to me. The flexibility, the creativity, and the reliability. If I wanted to play a game for the game play alone, I would not play Planeshift.

I am glad though that these points are being brought up. I love to hear other points of view. It often times gives me a new perspective on things. Perhaps we only save the dice conventions for special player run events?

General Discussion / Re: A Dice Based Roleplay System - Discussion
« on: January 18, 2014, 03:06:25 am »
I know pathfinder is similar to 3.5, but this is, as of right now, it's own idea and using 3.5 as a base.
Pathfinder is essentially 3.6. It takes 3.5, makes some minor changes, fixes some balance issues, and changes some general settings stuff. It is almost exactly the same.

I was thinking that it would be ideal to integrate this dice system with the game as closely as possible - giving buffs and de-buffs for racial abilities and so on. For example, settings wise, Enki are supposed to have keen night vision, however, in the game, it's not implemented. The entire concept of illumination, terrain and distance is not really a factor in PS, so their night vision trait is never seen or experienced.  You can account for this in roleplay, but most of the weight is on the players to do this cooperatively. In the same way, Kran should have a natural bonus for armor because of their skin, red way users should have an affinity for blacksmithing, and so on.
I actually did some of the work for you in terms of the races if you end up using Cortex. The Cortex system uses what are essentially trait bundles for races. I already put together a list of traits for each and every PS race. I had planned on working out a magic system for a PS campaign as well, though I never finished that. I'd be more than willing to continue it if there was interest in it. Send me a PM if you want to see those bundles.

I'm always skeptical about using the d20 system for anything that isn't Dungeons and Dragons. The d20 system simply doesn't have the flexibility or pacing to use for PS. Its very rules heavy, and that tends to take away from the story, especially for those in PS used to far more freestyle RP's. Classes don't work well in PS, because everyone is so different. Its harder to box Planeshifters.

One of the things I was planning on doing with this kind of idea, was taking a small group out of Yilakum to explore the labyrinths. It would give me plenty of freedom as a GM, as I could make things up, and not have them suddenly become non-canon because of a settings update. It would also make death a far scarier subject, as there would be no DR outside of Yilakum.

I believe the d20 rules are also available online

The good thing about d20 is that the OGL makes it a lot easier to gain access too.

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