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Messages - Mogweh

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General Discussion / Planeshift character models
« on: February 07, 2012, 08:00:40 pm »
I have spent the last week playing with MakeHuman and Blender for an event post picture. What fun!

I remember seeing someone's animation using ps character models imported into blender.

Does anyone know where I can get hold of these? eg a kran or a Menki

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Black and Blue
« on: February 07, 2012, 05:00:57 pm »
I should warn anyone with a gentle disposition to click here and forget you ever saw this page.
It contains details of mutilation and a murder most horrid.

Murder Most Horrid

“She will serve as a warning to any who enter the church of the Black Flame without the purest of heart”

Our ship had been sailing for many days and my old condition had returned. I could not sleep. My stomach cramped and my bowels howled as I squatted over the hole in the deck floor, the dark sea below raging against the hull. Nothing but a simple wooden cabin with a half door to retain a modicum of decency. The boat pitched with the waves, and the door, attached by a mere loop of twine, jarred back and forth threatening to expose me at any moment as I clung with one arm out stretched to prevent myself from slipping over onto the filth, not all of it mine, on the deck floor.

Much later, I made my way along the corridor, infecting door handle and railing as I grasped them desperately to remain upright. The cabin door to my private quarters burst open and as the ship bucked cruelly beneath my feet I soon followed collapsing on the edge of my bed. I wasn't sure if it  was there or back at the latrine that I had resolved to succumb once more to that gentle itching inside my head. My mind scratched away at it, peeling through layers of rational until finally exposed, my resistance gone, and a pure understanding of what I must have – deserve to have.

Fumbling with excitement, hands shaking, I attempted to fit the small silver key into the lock of the chest. I had to stop and take a deep breath. With the left hand steadying the right, I once again sent the key towards it's target. The lock snapped open and my nails dug into the sides of the lid as I heaved it open. At the bottom was the little treasure trove, an old box smelling of pipe weed and mint, filled with a pocket watch that belonged to my grandfather, and a small book of poetry preserving a pressed white flower and a lock of blond hair. Most importantly was the silver flask, perfect in design, so shiny and robust, topped with a small cup engraved with the image of a Nolthrir maiden dancing, arms stretched upwards towards the crystal, her body surrounded by flames. How beautiful it was. As I took the flask tears stung my eyes, but as my mind continued to scratch away, they left nothing but wetness.

I filled the cup with the dark brown sticky liquid. The familiar pungent odour filled the air. The liquid fell fiery into my stomach, stinging my tongue but leaving that pleasant metallic taste I had grown to love. I turned to look at my face in the mirror. I bared my teeth, and force a little brown saliva through them. I giggled to myself and looked about me to check no one is watching as a wave of euphoria filled my chest, and my breathing deepened, and my heart, the footfall of my life, finally began to take up a meaningful pace. I gloated at the image looking back at me as my pupils expanded into large black holes and my vision took on a warm blur.

I plunged my tongue into the cup to wash it clean before returning it, and the flask, back securely into the trunk. My mind was calmer now. I craved for company. The landscape of my mind was fading a little and I needed to talk to someone to bring it in to clear focus.

The waves had become calmer and the idea of navigating passage to the bar seemed more appealing. I looked into the mirror once more and my thoughts were drawn into the conversation I would like to have. I would tell a story. A story I had told many times before in situations like these. How did it begin? I fought to concentrate, but it was hard and my azure eyes began to fascinate me.

Time passed.

The ship pitched once more and brought me to my senses. I stared back at the occupant of the cold mirror, and for a second I did not know who it was, nor where I was. I panicked and began talking to break the silence. Words formed on my lips. The sounds seemed strange at first, but eventually they became clear and as they did I remembered how the story began and without pause I launched into telling the tale.


The priest stamped his foot ominously on the large, dark wooden trap door. The steel bindings shifting with each blow. His eyes flickered to the door, “Down there. That is where failure will get you.” he said matter of factly in a slow rasping voice . “Service for service. That is the way of it. Speak you request.”

I nodded, my eyes meeting Osofus',their pupils contracting to pin points as the Kran raised the flaming torch to better light up my face, “Service for service”, he repeated.

“I-I-I seek a means to end J-Jacula's life.” I stammered pathetically.

“I will give you the means, eager young Menki, but first you must pay your due. You have brought one amongst us who does not belong. She is weak. She does not follow the teachings. She must be snuffed from existence.” he stamped a few more times on the trap door, “before your mistakes take you to dark places” he held my stare for a moment before continuing. “By some happy coincidence”, he smirked, ”She will provide you with what you require. I will explain the ritual of true death and what is to be taken. Now, take a seat. This will take some time.”



I struggled with accepting Osofus's words but eventually came to accept them as a truth. She must die.

I waited. I tried to persuade her to follow through with what she started. “You could be one of the best, a goddess before insects!” I urged. This is too much, and she wouldn't listen.

Time passed and we escaped Hydlaa. For a while it was just the two of us. Happy. But I grew tired of it and her health became fragile as the child within her belly grew. I knew beyond any doubt I could not let it survive. As Enkidukai cannot mate with Nolthrir, I knew it to be his and the betrayal I felt in my heart stung.

I journeyed alone for some days as I bolstered my resolve. On the way home I bought her a gift from a local market. She'll like that, I thought. Outside the house I looked up at the tree, and threw a rope over a high branch. I made a noose at one end and tidied away the excess rope. Many minutes passed as I tried to decide if the noose should be on the ground or hanging in mid air, like in so many paintings I had seen.

I entered the house. The recognition in her eyes as I slipped the gift around her hair. The green silk ribbon. Her hand reached for her swollen belly. We acknowledged it for a brief moment and for the last time I looked into those beautiful eyes. That hurt. I looked away as the blade came down and into her gut. Now I had to be quick, I couldn't have her drifting off to that Dark Bitch.

Not wanting to see her face again, I quickly grabbed her hair and slit her throat. Blood gushed and she weakly put her hands up to me, squeezing my arm before slumping unconsciously to the floor. I put that out of my mind as I dragged her off to the tree by her legs, then fixing them to the noose before I hauled her up as fast as I could and tied off the rope.

She stirred and half opened her eyes as I slashed deeply into her womb then thrust in my hand grabbing as much as I could before dragging it out and throwing it onto the floor for her to see. I don't know if she saw it before she died, I like to think she did. Such poetry.

My heart was racing and my body shook. I dropped to my knees. Filling my hands with her blood and gulping down as much as I could stomach. It was for power, or so I had been told. Vomit erupted from my mouth and it took a second more cautious attempt to keep any of it down.

I got to my feet and cut further down the middle of her chest to get to the heart. I was told specifically not to damage it and I pushed my hand inside to try and lift it up, sawing the blade into anything that I could feel was attached to it. Once it was out, I wrapped it in the silk scarf; wiped my hands clean and took a step back from the disfigured corpse, to consider for a moment how I should proceed. A body slumped over the back of a rivnak was going to be quite unmistakable, and taking Rigwyn's advise for once, I accepted the fact that she would need to be dismembered and stacked up into a pile before being wrapped.

It was then that it struck me as funny: how was I to cut up the body?

I took out a small paper and began filling it with tobacco from a pouch in my breast pocket. I then rolled and sealed it, running the edge along my tongue before I lit one end of the paper and took a long draw on the burning ember, closing my eyes as I filled my lungs with heavy sweet smoke. Blood mingled with the taste of the tobacco, which I enjoyed.

Having taken the time to calm myself I remembered that my old axe was packed away from when we escaped Hydlaa. I retrieved this and even though it was covered in rust as I did not have time to oil and sharpen it properly, when swung with enough force it did manage to take the limbs off, eventually.

Just the head and I could start to pack her up. My hands were now trembling violently. I had never had much of a stomach for that kind of thing and I couldn't be sure I would make a clean cut with the axe. Dropping to my knees I took up the dagger again and dug it into the bones of the neck. They were tough, and I had to really work the head in circles before I was left with just the sinew and muscle to cut through.


I dumped the bundle at the priest's feet, “The offering, my friend.”

Osofus looked down and carefully began to remove the bindings, “A little respect then if you please. An offering must be treated with care if it is to be worthy.”, he chided.

I nodded, “Of course”

“Who was she to you, again?”

“A close friend. One who was dear to me.”

“Very good, very good. It is most auspicious to offer that of a... loved one”

“Did I say love?” I answered a little to quickly.

Osofus smiled knowingly and rubbed his large stone hands together making a slow rasping, “Most auspicious indeed. I will have you a fine axe made and blessed.”

I lowered my head, “As you wish. I merely serve.”

“And the heart? That is most important. You took it; wrapped it as instructed?”

“I did, as you instructed. The blood letting was immediate. I took the heart for the offering”

“Better have sealed it well.” the Kran snapped, “Can't offer rotting flesh” he said smacking his lips.

We both laid out the body parts. The entrails were burnt and after some hours the soot was gathered into a brass receptacle. As we waited for the soot to cool, the priest handed me a larger copper needle and a ball of thick black twine. The ritual of retribution, I had heard of it, of course. The once beautiful Nolthir's body parts were sewn back together. Her legs at the arm sockets and the arms into the leg sockets. Once completed the effect was quite disturbing. Osofus nodded with satisfaction as he lifted the macabre corpse onto the altar block near by.

“She will serve as a warning to any who enter the church of the Black Flame without the purest of heart”

Taking the now cool receptacle he sprinkled a circle of black soot on the floor leaving just a small gap. “We are now ready for completion. Enter the circle”

I entered and dropped to my knees as Osofus sealed it with the remainder of soot. He  nodded reassuringly to me and began reciting a strange and eerie verse. I didn't understand it, it was in the old tongue. However, eventually I heard a familiar line, “Odium, tractatio, flagitio, seditionis, impatiens, persuasio, statuere et occultum”. I've heard those words many times before, “Hatred, manipulation, sedition, patience, persuasion, determination and secrecy” the “qualities” as they are know. As the kran continued for what seemed an age, my mind craved the touch of my flask, and as I considered taking a surreptitious mouthful while the priest droned on, he abruptly stopped speaking. I almost jumped. He looked up at me and nodded wordlessly.

I took my cue and I lifted the heart above my head with both hands. Rapt, I intoned , “Take this most precious offering, Black Flame, from a devout servant. As I devote my life to you and strive for the goals of existence: 'Power and the control of the truth'. To engender the qualities within myself: From hatred I gain strength, to manipulate all things, to spread sedition in the minds of others, to have the patience to wait, the power of persuasion to alter logic, the determination to persist and the art of secrecy to walk among our enemy as a friend. Let us together ride rough-shod over the fool-insects, trample the weak, inhabit the good, violate their sanctity and pour scorn on their devotion to their crippled gods. Take this heart, from one who was pure and died at the hands of a 'friend'. Through this act I demonstrate my devotion to you, Black Flame. My god.”, my voice lingered and I felt something akin to love well up in my chest, then in an instant I thrust the heart into my mouth and begin to bite into it. Congealed sticky blood spewed out and down my chin. Osofus screamed, “Not a drop must be spilled!” and he quickly placed a silver plate under my chin to catch the errant blood and matter. Biting and retching my eyes filled with tears as I forced the lot into my throat. By sheer strength of will and faith I swallowed it down.

With my jaw hanging loosely and the clotted blood upon my chin I looked up at the kran. “All of it!” he whispered with a hint of menace. Wiping my finger around the jaw and chin I slurped up the remainder of the blood and licked the plate clean as my mind battled with the abject horror of the spectacle in which I was a part.

“Good” the Kran smiled cruelly, nodding in satisfaction, “A close friend now, indeed” he mocked. Osofus held out his hands with his palms up, “Service for a service.” he rasped as he indicated for me to stand.

I reached for my cane squeezing the engraved hilt hard, letting it's image bite into my palm as I pushed down heavily and lifted myself uneasily onto unsteady legs. He turned and taking  an axe in both hands he reverently passed it to me, “I give the means to vanquish your enemy, Jacula. I have named it, rather fittingly,  'Mellas'. Take it Mogweh with the Black Flame's blessing.” The Kran attempted to stifle his mirth, “May she keep you safe”, he finished, as he could no longer contain his laughter which echoed though the chamber surrounding my still body and emotionless face.

I lowered my head and gazed at the axe. For a moment I entered an inner world where nothing but me and the axe existed. How beautiful it was, and soft to the touch, and cool, and so carefully engraved, and wonderfully balanced. It fascinated me and an urge to be alone with it overwhelmed me as the kran's laughter broke through my mind. I turned to escape it, hardly noticing a Lemur who had just entered, his face sneering at me as I tried not to run out of altar room and into the adjoining library.  As I reached the door the priest called to me, “Oh Mogweh.”

“Yes?” I replied, not looking back.

“Whisper Bless”


I smiled sadly into the mirror as my story ended and gazed at my reflection until my features distorted and I couldn't recognise what was looking back at me. It all happened such a long time ago. The ship pitched uneasily and shook me from my reverie. As I steadied myself I felt the gentle itch begin to nag again at my mind. “I'll go and tell my story later. I should rest”, I lied, as my eyes were drawn to the trunk at the end of my bed and my hand unconsciously reached for the small silver key on the chain at my neck, checking for it's existence, pressing it lovingly into the palm of my hand.

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Re: Cry of the Fallen
« on: February 06, 2012, 04:43:38 am »
Nice imagery and some of the lines are really enjoyable to say out aloud, "With rod red hot and arms held taught" great stuff.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Black and Blue
« on: January 29, 2012, 06:41:24 am »
It was a fun rp. Thank you for correcting my spelling Jilata ;)

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Black and Blue
« on: January 25, 2012, 10:34:57 pm »
"Vikka Suunie"

Vikka Sunnie, bare knuckle fighter and head-hunter for the mob has been out of town for a while keeping his head down after a spot of bother he had over beating a Laanx priest near to death some time back. Now he is back in town and looking for some coin.

Not his usual gig, handing out flowers, but if that's what the powers that be want, he's not the kind of dwarf to argue. Besides, they are not the kind of people you want to disappoint, nor say no to.

Vikka's eyes narrow as he watches Sacho wander through the Arena. Then lifting the cloth scarf from around his neck up over his nose he picks up his war hammer and begins to follow. As he gets closer he runs up behind Sacho and thrusts the butt of his hammer at the back of the Menki's head, hard, attempting to knock him out.

Sacho quickly moves out of the way and turns to face his attacker. "What are you doing?"

Vikka drops his hammer and rushed up close to Sacho his fists up as he drives his knee towards Sacho's groin, "Paws up Menki" he mutters.

Sacho casts a flash of light in an attempt to distract the dwarf as he moves to attempt to dodge again. He extends his claws. "This is your last warning."

Vikka's breathing quickens and his eyes widen menacingly as he ducks down to avoid the spell and jabs at Sacho's throat, "'nuff chat, lets see what cha got"

Sacho's eyes narrow as he moves back and partly up the stairs to try to get some distance from the attacker. He positions his hands and claws as an experienced hand to hand fighter would. "So do you work alone or are you with a group?"

Vikka keeps the distance between himself and Sacho as short as possible following the Menki as he dodges, running forward and easily catching Sacho as he makes for the stairs. He swings again at the Menki's head, "no runnin' from ya fate, son" he puffs his face filling with blood

Sacho quickly moves to dig his claws from one hand deep into the dwarf's arm once he catches onto his cloths. "Ah, but you are already getting red." With his other hand, he moves to attempt a blow to the dwarf's head.

Vikka flinches as Sacho scratches his arm, ducking the blow from the Menki's next attack he steps forward and drives his knee once again at the spry Menki's groin.

Sacho jumps straight at the dwarf from the higher steps. The hit to his groin makes it's mark, but at the same time the Menki is now coming down on the dwarf. His claws move to attack the neck as he comes down to land on his attacker.

Vikka's breathing can be clearly heard now as his nose wrinkles and his mouth (from beneath the scarf) forms a viscous snarl as the Menki lunges at him. Vikka makes a grab for Sacho and twists his body so as the pair fall he is on top. Looking into the Menki's eyes he snarls, "Time for a night night kiss" and leans into bite at his cheek.

Sacho's claws lay against the dwarf's throat. "Stop, or I will bleed you." His other arm lays in a defensive posture to block any possible attacks.

Vikka makes a grab for Sacho's wrist as he feels the claws at his throat, lifting his head back he snarls, "can ya muvva sow? Tell 'er ta stitch this" and drops his forehead down towards the stubborn Menki's face.

Sacho digs into Vikka's neck with force as Vikka pulls his claws out of his neck. Then the head butt makes its mark with a crunch and Sacho goes limp.

Vikka puffs furiously as he leers over the unconscious body of the Menki, blood runs freely from his throat and he shakes his head, clearly stunned from the clashing of heads. Getting to his feet he looks down and gives Sacho a kick in the stomach, "Nonce!" he snarls.

Vikka pulls out a crumpled Starphire flower from his jacket and holds it over Sacho for a few moments, as if trying to make a decision. Finally, he says, "Yeah, you get a flower"  and lets it fall onto the Menki's still body.

Sacho starts to stirs slightly.

Vikka looks about himself sharply as Sacho stirs, then rolling a shoulder he runs out of the arena, puffing heavily as he goes.

Wish list / Re: Name Changes & Role-playing Implications
« on: January 23, 2012, 02:29:04 pm »
additional cons:
- gm team additional workload
- "why you and not me" syndrome (we are still quite full of this)
- risk of favoritism

The GMs I have met are excellent at arbitrating fairness with good humour. I guess that is why they are GMs.

This sounds like part of the GM job description to me, as dealing with players is never clear cut.

I think with a well thought out reason for a name change, the GM team are more than capable to deal with it.

Their are always exceptions to the rule,
and is meant to be a fun game after all.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Black and Blue
« on: January 23, 2012, 12:20:59 am »
He beat The Thidin. Is he mad?

Oh this is gonna get even better.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Black and Blue
« on: January 20, 2012, 11:13:51 pm »
*Mogweh claps*

Very entertaining. I'm getting into this. Keep it up.

Guilds Forum / Re: [GROUP] Guilds & Traders Journal
« on: December 21, 2011, 01:16:25 pm »
I've been away from ps for a while and haven't heard about the Guild & Traders Journal before. I'd love to be a part of it, if you get things organised. I certainly have a character who is a little connected and can get you some juicy stories.

Good luck :)

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Having trouble installing
« on: December 14, 2011, 09:31:27 am »
I think there was some monkey business going on with the server around that time too. Anyway, install - update - change pslaunch.bin execute permission and my client was rockin'.

thank you

Linux Specific Issues / Having trouble installing
« on: December 13, 2011, 02:28:24 pm »
I'm trying to install ps 64bit on Linux Mint 11 64bit.

lspci gives this for graphics card:

01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS880 [Radeon HD 4200] (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
   Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. M4A785TD Motherboard
   Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 18
   Memory at d0000000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]
   I/O ports at d000 [size=256]
   Memory at feaf0000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64K]
   Memory at fe900000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=1M]
   Expansion ROM at <unassigned> [disabled]
   Capabilities: <access denied>
   Kernel driver in use: fglrx_pci
   Kernel modules: fglrx, radeon

I have the proprietary ati FGLRX graphics driver installed.

After install, when i run psclient from a shell I get the following error:

  could not load plugin ‘crystalspace.device.joystick’
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
  Major opcode of failed request:  130 (XFree86-VidModeExtension)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  10 (XF86VidModeSwitchToMode)
  Value in failed request:  0x4000002
  Serial number of failed request:  114
  Current serial number in output stream:  118
AL lib: ALc.c:1879: exit(): closing 1 Device

any help gratefully received


The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Does anyone like Battle For Wesnoth?
« on: July 18, 2010, 01:24:48 pm »
Not being a gamer I'd never heard of it, but I read this and decided to have a go. I really like it. Along with all the strategy malarkey I like the change of pace to some of the scenarios and the little storylines that keep things fun.

It's stat-tastically involved, but is well presented and after a short while it all makes sense.

RL has me a million miles away from RP atm and this is a great way to pass time and stir up a few brain cells.

Thanks for bringing this up Tirion  :)

Fan Art / Re: A day in Elvi's life
« on: July 13, 2010, 11:00:36 am »
I though he spent his life zappin' foo's in the ass  :devil:

@Xoel: Telling someone they are a tester doesn't make them any good at it. There needs to be clear instruction of how to test. How to get complete cover of a module being tested etc. Put up all the notices up you like, but if the game isn't being tested then something needs to change. Players need to be encouraged, not told "they can't be bothered". If something isn't working it would be more constructive to look at ways of getting it working rather than blaming. In that regard I would suggest someone who isn't so close to building the actual game and not so emotional, like a PR person.

Sad fact of life, if the roleplayers bothered to test things for the team, as is the general idea of the game at this point in development, we wouldn't have to write it into settings to make you.

I find this irritating. Pushing the players vs devs is counter productive. If you want testing you need to create test plans and test cases. Just throwing software at a bunch of gamers is no way to get a descent cover. Nor is pissing them off by telling them they can't be bothered.

I feel that any comments communicated to the players at large really should come from someone that knows what they are talking about and has some notion of PR.

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