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Messages - helios21

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Venalan I think is a good idea to give out a starting pack for new players (at the tutorial end). The starting pack could be chosen by players, an example:

- I want to be a warrior starting pack: two pieces of armor and a couple of weapons, some tria, a few potions
- I want to be a mage starting pack: 2 basic glyphs, some tria, a few mana and health potions, a couple of light armour pieces and one light weapon
- I want to be hunter: 2 pieces of armour, one light weapon, one bow, 65+65 arrows, some tria a few potions
- I want to be a crafter/... : some tool (rock pick, hammer, ...), some basic material, like a few ores, some tria, a few potions

those are just drafts of course :)

I wouldn´t add too much in there. As I was new I found it to be quite nice to have to get some stuff by myself or be given it by other players. I found it to be easy to buy glyphs from Levrus for example. And I was given a complete leather armor by a friendly player who played this game for a longer time already.

Having everything thats needed can make the initial finding where stuff is a bit boring…

What about adding a mount so players can see we have them? <-- good idea! :)

That means that an NPC has a mount? Well that would be nice. Although I think it will become kinda obvious that there are mounts pretty soon. Still, its part of the setting I think, so I think thats nice.


General Discussion / Re: Last login information
« on: March 23, 2013, 07:02:08 am »
Sure, privacy is important, but anyone could parse and mine such data from,
which is a public (and useful!) site, so I don't really see the problem.
And yes, there was a button that allowed to hide yourself. *shrug*

Yes, that came to my mind now, too.

What I was pointing out at was the leak of *in-game* information to the whole internet community. But yes, such a leak is already happening, and its even displaying all players and does not require to input a player name. So I think it would be consequent to

1) Either put above page behind a password protection that only lets registered players see it. Or change it to "nr players online" with link to such a page within myplane.

2) Allow other such pages as well, such as Karnath´s one.

I tend to option 1 at the moment. I prefer my online times better not be accessible outside of the game. All instant messaging systems I know of work in a way that online status can only be seen by people I allow it to. I believe that this is for a reason.

Thanks for pointing this out. I think I will raise this issue on the next dev q&a or in a wish report.

Still I am sad why such a page could not be discussed, without someone leaving a guild and another one possibly becoming bitter. And I still think its good to discuss it before implementing it. Just "I could implement seeing last five login times for the given player name. How about it?". So no investment in time, before some kind of agreement is reached.

I appreciate Karnath´s effort to try to contribute to PS, but still believe discussing it is perfectly valid.


General Discussion / Re: Last login information
« on: March 22, 2013, 08:00:34 pm »
Thanks, Karnath.

My suggestion would be:

1) Have it opt-in

2) Have it password protected for Planeshift players.

Thus I think myplane would be perfect fit, cause password protection already in place there.

Just to make clear that I am not against the feature in general.

Goodnight and dream well,

General Discussion / Re: Last login information
« on: March 22, 2013, 07:44:11 pm »

I do not really like that and have privacy concerns. For me its a difference whether I can see the information in game with my planeshift login or whether anyone - whether involved with the game or not - can see it on a public webpage. What I like that at least the players name needs to be entered, but I really do think this is best placed within myplane as an *opt-in* feature like most other stuff in there. (And player names can be extracted from myplane so someone make quite a log of online presence without even logging in to planeshift.) In game without parsing and counting my logs I can also only see last login time not last five login times.

Yes, it can be argued that one can get the information by having an alt logged in all the time and parsing logs and anyone can do it. But this kind of argumentation for my just doesn´t work regarding data protection and privacy concerns. Anything can be circumvented and collected unless I choose to not login to the internet at all or in some cases encrypt stuff. But there are rules on whats approbiate and what is not approbiate for a reason.

Begin able to get the information in game at least adds some accountability. If someone is known to abuse that information, his account could be banned. Having the information on a public webpage is quite something different for me.

I am a bit sad too that a member of our guild left the guild in an reaction to this. I think he overreacted somewhat, but still, I prefer discussing something like this *before* its implemented. And thus can understand some anger about it.

Thus, I kindly ask you to remove the page, Karnath, until after it has been discussed.

I also think its better done as an opt-in feature to myplane.

I remember the dev q&a where Gonger raised this issue and I remember some planeshift developer being quite reluctant about it due to privacy concerns.


Linux Specific Issues / Re: Random Crash on lps client
« on: March 17, 2013, 06:12:51 pm »
Hi aladedragon,

glxinfo looks like NVidia proprietary driver. Hardware accelleration is enabled. Seems to be a pretty old version of NVidia driver. In case you used the Debian standard installation method via package, it might be the newest you can get for Debian Squeeze. Consider upgrading to Wheezy. It has newer NVidia packages.

Code: [Select]
Sun Mar 17 22:40:25 2013, Received scale factor for effect crystal_casting that don't use param scaling
Sun Mar 17 22:40:28 2013, <src/client/psclientchar.cpp:540 HandleEffect SEVERE>
Sun Mar 17 22:40:28 2013, Failed to render effect spell_failure
Sun Mar 17 22:40:30 2013, <src/common/effects/pseffectmanager.cpp:309 RenderEffect SEVERE>
Sun Mar 17 22:40:30 2013, Received scale factor for effect crystal_casting that don't use param scaling
Sun Mar 17 22:40:33 2013, <src/common/effects/pseffectmanager.cpp:309 RenderEffect SEVERE>
Sun Mar 17 22:40:33 2013, Received scale factor for effect life_infusion that don't use param scaling
Sun Mar 17 22:41:43 2013, <src/client/psengine.cpp:1885 FatalError SEVERE>

Well, there seem to be some issue with rendering spell effects. And some other art related issues, but I think they do not explain the "crash" or sudden end.

But this does:

Code: [Select]
Sun Mar 17 22:41:43 2013, Server is not responding, try again in 5 minutes. Check page for status.
Sun Mar 17 22:41:43 2013,

It means that either the server really does not respond or your connection to it is broke.

From all I can tell this is no crash at all. Just a lost connection.

I suggest you run with --console for some time and if you see a real crash post a link to a pastebin again.

Also include as much detail on your hardware and software configuration as you can. I know you use Debian Squeeze. What desktop environment? Is compositing enabled? And stuff like that.

If you always get only "Server not responding" in log, I think the issue is your ISP.

Good luck,

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: release!!
« on: March 17, 2013, 01:25:15 pm »
I restarted the cooking quest chain yesterday. I think its pretty well structured now. Thank you a lot for it.

I am a bit confused about the baking book, cause it seems to be that it already includes all dishes, and it has hints that some dishes can only be done with higher skill level. From herbal I have seen stuff added over time. Is that specific to cooking? Or is that just the way the new, nicely reorganized crafting books work?


The fixes I talked about made it upstream. Spell effects work nicely. Everything else is fluent, except for houses with lots of stuff in it, like our guild house, and if spell effect like flame spire is zoomed it quite closely.

I started to experiment with the settings a bit, and reducing texture quality from "Highest" to "High" and especially reducing shaders from "Highest" to "Medium" seemed to have helped with speed a lot.

Currently testing with almost full HD resolution on Debian Sid with mesa from git.



I have some news regarding Linux intel graphics users. I am using PlaneShift with Intel i5 Core Sandybridge on an ThinkPad T520. With Mesa 8.0.5 I had to disable GLSL like described here. Gfx was fluent except for spell effects which let the machine crawl down to less than one fps. This was very annoying since it disturbed role play events where other players casted spells quite a lot.

I thus reported this with Intel gfx developers:

Bug 59086 - Slow spell effects with Planeshift on Intel Sandybridge HD 3000 graphics

Kenneth Graunke fixed this already. The Intel driver was falling back to software rendering due to missing Y-tiled blits in CopyTexSubImage function that Planeshift/CS3D uses for spell effects. Result: Spell effects are fluent now. Even with four effects at the same time. At 1680x1050 (and I except the same for Full HD)!

In order to test the fix I installed Mesa 9 and with that Planeshift did not start with GLSL disabled anymore. Thus I removed the option

Code: [Select]
Video.OpenGL.UseExtension.GL_ARB_shader_objects = false
from my PlaneShift configuration file. And the game works just marvellously with GLSL enabled.

As a regression I had a gfx glitch I reported as well and Kenneth fixed already:

Bug 60172 - Planeshift: triangles where grass would be

Another gfx glitch that has been there since I started playing the game may be an CS3D issue:

Bug 60185 - Planeshift: Another gfx glitch with some black area around plants

but Kenneth wants to look into that as well.

It will take some time till the fixes will trickle to the distributions. I am currently playing Planeshift on Debian GNU/Linux Sid with Linux 3.8-rc6 and a self compiled Mesa 9.2 devel from git master branch + the patches that fix the issues mentioned above. In case there is someone who wants to use these improvements and is not scared by having to compile stuff oneself, I can try to provide some instructions. (I think such a recent kernel is not needed for that.) Please tell me if you want that.


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