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Messages - Demagul Riwe

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Single Author Stories / Re: The Kokro Legacy
« on: August 01, 2015, 09:15:14 am »
Great job!  \\o//  \\o//  \\o// I hope you continue to grace the forums with your awesome writing  :flowers: Yliakum has a surprising lack of Kran players, so it's great to see some writing featuring the race rather than just pure lore about them.

There would probably be a lot of RP leading up to plan the journey too. It's doubtful that such an adventure would go as planned, but figuring out how to descend could make some pretty interesting discussion and RP (searching through guild libraries, finding a Death Realm guide, etc.) Of course, all of those are only possibilities. There are so many ways it could go if that happened.

Fan Art / Re: Character Portrait Requests
« on: July 31, 2015, 12:15:55 pm »
Every time you post a new picture I'm blown away yet again. Great work!  \\o//

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: Free.
« on: July 31, 2015, 12:14:44 pm »
Dear sir,

Please write more things.

Everyone everywhere


Can't wait to read about what happens in the future! :D

So... you basically want Minecraft?

Me? Heh, I've actually like spent less than 10 minutes on minecraft in my life. I have no idea what you mean Mishka... I was just thinking out loud there about a possibility.

I really like Dante's ideas. I'm pretty sure that there's still a lot more planning that needs to go into the housing system before it's even a possibility, so this could also lead to some useful discussion.

The housing release is definitely one of the updates I'm most excited about, although I'm afraid it won't be anytime soon.

I really like the current guild house system, in which they're actual buildings on the map, which is something a lot of games I know of don't do. I think it would be effective if the housing system was a cross between this and the masonry skill, so some people could buy houses, and others can buy lots. This ties into S3, in which you suggest to remove decorative buildings in cities. Would it be possible to sell those as houses, and apply the masonry skill to the interior in a way? Of course, there should also be a way to buy lots and build houses, but using both of these would make the game more realistic (because its not like everyone makes houses from scratch irl), and it could give the buildings in cities more purpose.

Complaint Department / Re: Regarding the smithing tables
« on: July 23, 2015, 08:20:40 am »
So this change applies only to smith stuff, right?

I'd love to join, and with an bit of IC convincing Demagul (or Veirys) would too! If something like this happens in early September or later you can count me in!

General Discussion / Re: Scariest PS creatures a
« on: July 21, 2015, 05:34:03 pm »
Why are GORWEALS winning when there are GIANT WALKING BALLS OF MAGMA that frighten the ENTIRE SUNSHINE AND SHADOW SQUADRONS!?  ::|  ::|  ::|

General Discussion / Re: Refining Characters
« on: July 16, 2015, 02:49:50 pm »
I thought I'd post this this general character creation guide (many thanks to Lialym for showing this to me!  :flowers: ) I found it pretty effective for designing some alts I'll have in the future, and I think some people will find it very helpful too!

Wish list / Re: Autares Big Wish List
« on: July 16, 2015, 02:26:26 pm »
If you refuse to let people disagree with you, then why are you even using a forum? IRC would be much better for that kind of thing. As you must have seen seen, though, some people actually have some good contributions to these ideas (Can-ned food, for example). I think it's perfectly reasonable for people to post their opinions and have an actual discussion about it. Otherwise it would just be you telling the Devs what to do and letting none of us (many more experienced players, some of whom know PS like the back of their hands) have a say in it.

Also, you say that you want the game to be made more realistic with your "Crafting timer" but don't want NPCs to move so it's easier to quest grind, that's kind of hypocritical, don't you think? Complaining about how others just stand around and grind, then asking for it to be easier to grind...and for the no more crafting updates, I like crafting and I do a ton of RP. In fact I'm really excited about more crafting updates. More skills to learn probably won't make more people grind 24/7, because it's a pretty specific crowd that does that.

On another note, I do agree with your ideas for special magic effecters for enchanting, furniture, and mines. I definitely support those pretty strongly. See the benefits of letting others have opinions too?  :P

General Discussion / Re: Kran nouns, both amateur and pro
« on: July 10, 2015, 10:32:49 am »
Oh wow I'm surprised you remember that short RP (I still feel so bad about having to leave early  :-[ )

Great job on this guide! I've always been hesitant to start a Kran character because I was afraid of messing up on pronouns, and I'm sure other players have had the same fears. Would it be possible to put this information on the wiki, or a place even more accessible for new players (settings info, perhaps?). Or of course, it would make a nice pinned thread for easy access. This must have taken forever to make, Can-ned Food! I'm really impressed!  :flowers:

General Discussion / Refining Characters
« on: July 05, 2015, 11:54:46 am »
So towards the end of the spring, while I was still able to play PS, I ran into a problem that I think any others have experienced or are experiencing: over-complicating a character. While I do have alts, I've become so attached to Demagul that I often try cramming all of my characterization ideas into this one person. While I AM looking for ideas for how I can refine him without breaking character, I also thought it would make an interesting thread to discuss where that "too much" point is, and maybe even how to build realistic characters (in terms of how much there is to them). Has anyone else experienced this problem? If so, how do you refine your character(s) when it happens?

The Hydlaa Plaza / Demagul's RP Teasers
« on: June 27, 2015, 09:55:37 am »
Update on Demagul: His trail may be growing cold, but the action hasn't even begun. Here's a brief little teaser of what the life of Demagul is like now.

  The tower slowly began to crumble, but the rubble didn't float this time. As he looked around the blank, white sky of his mental realm, Demagul could see the once hovering blocks and stones beginning to drift towards the ground. In one direction was the door to the house. Shelter, perhaps, but it was more likely that the second floor would be more dangerous than the outside. As for the first floor, he dared not even think about what lurked in there.
  In the other direction, there was a large pile of rubble. Some grey stones, the occasional white block, and plenty of broken, unrecognizable artifacts. Looking up to the sky again, he could see the falling debris picking up pace, and he knew very well that he would have to make a move soon. With a quick glance to the pile, he sprinted towards the house.
   "Oh no, my kin, don't go in there. Not if you want to survive, that is" Echoed an oddly familiar voice. Demagul froze. He hadn't heard another voice in what felt like years. There was the shadow from before, but she had disappeared some time ago. "Who are you, stranger?" Demagul demanded, summoning all the boldness that he could muster.
   "I'm your only hope of surviving in here. My name, it's Riwe."
   Demagul clenched his fists. "It's your first n-name that I ask for. If you t-truly are...f-family, show yourself!"
   "I will...once I have a face to show you. Believe it or not, Dem, I haven't spoken a word in my life; until today, that is. And my name, you ask?" The voice laughed coldly, but without any hostility. "It's my first name that gives you your last. If we're lucky, I'm the only of your kin that you'll ever have to meet. Now then, let's get started."
   With a sigh, Demagul listened. Riwe clearly wasn't the shadow from before, but he certainly seemed familiar in some way. The only way to learn was to listen and play along, something that Demagul had nearly mastered by then.

I'll try to keep posting little teasers like this, but they won't be anywhere near consistent. As soon as I get back, the RP can get started for people to join. I hope you enjoyed reading this, and I miss you all so much! :love: I hope you're all having great summers!

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [GM Event] Tevnaa Festival
« on: June 19, 2015, 01:49:38 pm »
If only it could be in early September...Poor Demagul would love to attend

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