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In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Player made group quest
« on: February 02, 2016, 02:26:37 pm »
Thank you, Hope to see you there too!


Estamos creando una nueva misión hecha por los propios jugadores. Si tu idioma es diferente, por favor échale un vistazo a la misión para cualquier ajuste de traducción necesario para su correcta comprensión y funcionamiento. Si debiera añadirse alguna otra traducción, por favor menciónalo y la incluiré. Implementaré el juego con suerte el viernes por la tarde para poder jugar el fin de semana. Echa un vistazo a los tablones de anuncios para leer el documento de inicio y la primera pista.


¡Pterosaurio derribado!

Un vuelo secreto desde Ojaveda hasta Amdeneir para el Octarca se encontró con una tormenta severa y no ha podido llegar a su destino. La localización y condiciones del mensajero y su valiosa carga son desconocidas. Todos los guardias están en alerta máxima, y se han despachado patrullas desde todos los pueblos para buscar y recuperar la valija. Se ofrece una recompensa por definir por la devolución inmediata de la valija.

Parámetros de juego sugeridos

Grupo de 3 personajes, más o menos, como queráis pero de forma que todo el mundo pueda jugar.
Solo caminar, nada de correr.
Debes llevar lo necesario para realizar una búsqueda expansiva y extensiva para varios días: agua, una fogata, medicinas...
Se pueden usar comunicaciones de rango extendido, como por ejemplo groffels.
Sólo se permite buscar en caracter (IC) - usa la pestaña de Grupo para no dar ventaja a los otros grupos.
No modifiques ni suprimas ninguna pista que encuentres para no malograr las otras búsquedas.
Juega con las etiquetas de items desactivadas para que no encuentres las pistas demasiado fácilmente.
El juego puede o no expandirse a través de varios mapas.
Envíame un mensaje privado a través del juego o de los foros para poder determinar el primer grupo ganador, incluyendo el tiempo en UTC y la fecha, además de una prueba como que se ha completado el objetivo.
Todos los materiales se retirarán después de una semana.

Hope this helps

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Player made group quest
« on: February 01, 2016, 12:55:54 pm »
Edited: Thank you my skull can be quite thick. I took this as a quote of the forum and not a proper translation for the original.

My thanks and you you will be a particiant.

Great ! And good luck working on this !

I think this translation would be better :
Chasse au trésor en groupe

Ptérosaure disparu

Un vol de ptérosaure secret allant de Ojaveda à Amdeneir pour l'Octarch se heurte à une forte tempête et n'arrive pas à sa destination. On ne sait pas ce qui est arrivé ni au ptérosaure ni à la cargaison.
Tous les gardes sont en état d'alerte, des patrouilles ont été expédiés à partir de toutes les villes du Dome afin de trouver et récupérer la cargaison. Une récompense, à l'heure actuelle inconnue a été promise pour le retour immédiat de la cargaison.

Paramètres de jeu suggérés

Equipe de 3 personnages mais ajustable, gardez en tête que l'event est destiné à avoir des interactions avec d'autres groupes
/togglerun mis à "marcher" seulement
Vous devez prendre les dispositions nécessaires pour effectuer une recherche avancée réaliste c'est à dire de l'eau, de la nourriture, un feu de camp, des fournitures médicales, etc ...
Vous pouvez utilisez des oiseaux voyageurs pour transmettre des messages dans de longues distances, etc ...
Recherche jouée en IC seulement (Utilisez l'onglet "groupe" pour pas perturber les autres)
Ne pas enlever ou altérer des indices trouvés pour contrecarrer d'autres groupes
Tous les indices et les énigmes seront dans les zones accessibles à un nouveau joueur
Jouer avec les item-markers désactivés de manière à ne pas trouver les indices trop facilement
La quête peut se passer à travers plusieurs maps
Me PM en jeu ou sur forum afin de déterminer le premier groupe à avoir gagné. (indiquez heure/date et preuves)
Tous les matériaux placés seront enlevés par moi même après une semaine

I look forward to your fix then.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Player made group quest
« on: February 01, 2016, 08:33:41 am »

Congratulations to:

Master Deryna Diecaster of the Chaaran Order
Acolyte Djugu Reg of the Chaaran Order

I was contacted at 7:02:24 AM
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) +0000 UTC
with the correct secret answer.

Dont let this stop you from start or finishing as there are still awards left!

The quest is now active.
There is a sign up book for those seeking other members to join in the quest at the tavern in Hydlaa.
Remember it is about the Roleplay. Camp when dark, talk strategy, break for food, assign a leader...
Walking from one end of map to the other by road varies from 10-20 min 2-3 in games hours.
Turn on the sounds and effects and enjoy the game with others!

Good luck!

A new, player made group quest in the making. If you speak another language please look over the quest for any translation adjustments needed for proper use and understanding. If any other translations should be included please say and I will include them also. I will implement in game hopefully friday evening for weekend play. Look to your city boards for the starting document and first clue.

Пожалуйста, проверьте правильность грамматики. Перевод с английского, используя Google Translate.

Новый, игрок сделал задание для группы в процессе становления. Если вы говорите на другом языке, пожалуйста, смотрите по поисках каких-либо корректировок перевода, необходимых для надлежащего использования и понимания. Если какие-либо другие переводы должны быть включены скажите и я включу их также. Я реализую в игру, надеюсь пятницу вечером в течение уикэнда игры. Посмотрите на ваших городских советов в качестве исходного документа и первый ключ.

S'il vous plaît vérifier la grammaire. Traduit de l'anglais en utilisant Google Translate.

Un nouveau joueur fait groupe quête dans la fabrication. Si vous parlez une autre langue s'il vous plaît regarder par-dessus la quête d'écarts de conversion nécessaires pour une utilisation et une bonne compréhension. Si d'autres traductions devraient être inclus s'il vous plaît dire et je vais les inclure également. Je vais mettre en œuvre dans le jeu, espérons vendredi soir pour jouer le week-end. Regardez vos commissions municipales pour le document de départ et le premier indice.

Por favor, compruebe si la gramática correcta. Traducido del Inglés a través de Google Translate.

Un nuevo jugador hecho de misión de grupo en la fabricación. Si habla otro idioma, por favor mirar por encima de la búsqueda de cualquier ajuste de traducción necesarios para su uso y comprensión adecuada. Si se deben incluir cualesquiera otras traducciones favor decir y voy a incluirlos también. Voy a poner en práctica en el juego de esperar que la noche del viernes para jugar el fin de semana. Mira a sus tablas de la ciudad para el documento de partida y la primera pista.

Bitte überprüfen Sie die korrekte Grammatik. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt mit Google Translate .

Eine neue, Spieler gemacht Gruppenquest in der Herstellung. Wenn Sie eine andere Sprache sprechen Sie bitte die Suche nach irgendwelchen Umrechnung Blick über die ordnungsgemäße Verwendung und Verständnis nötig. Wenn andere Übersetzungen enthalten sein sollten bitte sagen und ich werde sie auch gehören. Ich werde in Spiel hoffentlich Freitag Abend für Wochenende Spiel umzusetzen. Da oben in der Stadt Boards für das Ausgangsdokument und erster Anhaltspunkt .


group scavenger hunt

pterosaur down

A secret pterosaur flight from Ojaveda to Amdeneir for the Octarch runs into a severe storm and does not make it to its destination. The whereabouts and condition of the courier and cargo are unknown. All guard are on high alert, patrols have been dispatched from all towns to find and recover the cargo. An unstated reward has been offered for the immediate return of the cargo.

suggested play parameters

team of 3 characters more less whatever makes you happy but meant for involvement with others
/togglerun set to walk only
Must pack provisions needed to perform a realistic extended search i.e. water, food, campfire, medical supplies, etc...
may use long range communications birds, etc...
search performed ic only (use group chat tab as to not tip others)
do not remove or tamper with any clues found to thwart others changes of recovery
all clues and play will be in areas accessible to a day one player
play with item text markers off so as to not give clue locations away too easily
play may or may not extend thru multiple maps
whisper and or forum pm me to determine 1st wining team with utc time and date in msg and proof of completion
All materials placed will be removed by me after 1 weeks time


Gruppe Schnitzeljagd

pterosaur unten

Eine geheime pterosaur Flug von Ojaveda zu Amdeneir für die oktarch läuft in einen schweren Sturm und es nicht zu ihrem Ziel machen. Der Verbleib und den Zustand des Kurier- und Fracht sind nicht bekannt. Alle Wächter sind in höchster Alarmbereitschaft, wurden Patrouillen aus allen Städten versandt zu finden und die Ladung zu erholen. Eine unausgesprochene Belohnung wurde für die sofortige Rückgabe der Fracht angeboten.

vorgeschlagen Ausspielparameter

Team 3 Zeichen mehr weniger, was auch immer mit anderen, die Sie glücklich, aber bedeutete für die Beteiligung macht
/ Togglerun setzen nur zu Fuß
Muss Bestimmungen packen benötigt, um eine realistische erweiterten Suche das heißt Wasser, Nahrung, Lagerfeuer, medizinische Versorgung durchzuführen, etc ...
kann verwenden Langstrecken-Kommunikation Vögel usw. ...
Suche durchgeführt ic nur (Verwendung Gruppe Chat-Reiter wie andere nicht bis zur Spitze)
entfernen oder zu manipulieren nicht mit Hinweisen gefunden zu anderen Änderungen der Erholung vereiteln
Alle Hinweise und spielen in Bereichen zugänglich zu einem Tag ein Spieler sein
spielen mit Artikel Textmarkierungen aus, um nicht geben zu Anhaltspunkt Stellen weg leicht
Spiel kann oder auch nicht verlängern durch mehrere Karten
flüstern und oder mich Forum pm 1. Essen Team mit UTC-Zeit und das Datum in msg und den Nachweis der Erfüllung zu bestimmen
Alle Materialien gelegt wird nach 1 Woche Zeit von mir entfernt werden


Chasse au trésor en groupe

Ptérosaure disparu

Un vol de ptérosaure secret allant de Ojaveda à Amdeneir pour l'Octarch se heurte à une forte tempête et n'arrive pas à sa destination. On ne sait pas ce qui est arrivé ni au ptérosaure ni à la cargaison.
Tous les gardes sont en état d'alerte, des patrouilles ont été expédiés à partir de toutes les villes du Dome afin de trouver et récupérer la cargaison. Une récompense, à l'heure actuelle inconnue a été promise pour le retour immédiat de la cargaison.

Paramètres de jeu suggérés

Equipe de 3 personnages mais ajustable, gardez en tête que l'event est destiné à avoir des interactions avec d'autres groupes
/togglerun mis à "marcher" seulement (walk)
Vous devez prendre les dispositions nécessaires pour effectuer une recherche réaliste c'est à dire de l'eau, de la nourriture, un feu de camp, des fournitures médicales, etc ...
Vous pouvez utiliser des oiseaux voyageurs pour transmettre des messages dans de longues distances, etc ...
Recherche en IC seulement (Utilisez l'onglet "groupe" pour pas perturber les autres)
Ne pas enlever ou altérer des indices trouvés pour contrecarrer d'autres groupes
Tous les indices et les énigmes seront dans les zones accessibles à un nouveau joueur
Jouer avec les item-markers désactivés de manière à ne pas trouver les indices trop facilement
La quête peut se passer à travers plusieurs maps
Me PM en jeu ou sur forum afin de déterminer le premier groupe à avoir gagné. (indiquez heure/date et preuves)
Tous les matériaux placés seront enlevés par moi même après une semaine


Estamos creando una nueva misión hecha por los propios jugadores. Si tu idioma es diferente, por favor échale un vistazo a la misión para cualquier ajuste de traducción necesario para su correcta comprensión y funcionamiento. Si debiera añadirse alguna otra traducción, por favor menciónalo y la incluiré. Implementaré el juego con suerte el viernes por la tarde para poder jugar el fin de semana. Echa un vistazo a los tablones de anuncios para leer el documento de inicio y la primera pista.


¡Pterosaurio derribado!

Un vuelo secreto desde Ojaveda hasta Amdeneir para el Octarca se encontró con una tormenta severa y no ha podido llegar a su destino. La localización y condiciones del mensajero y su valiosa carga son desconocidas. Todos los guardias están en alerta máxima, y se han despachado patrullas desde todos los pueblos para buscar y recuperar la valija. Se ofrece una recompensa por definir por la devolución inmediata de la valija.

Parámetros de juego sugeridos

Grupo de 3 personajes, más o menos, como queráis pero de forma que todo el mundo pueda jugar.
Solo caminar, nada de correr.
Debes llevar lo necesario para realizar una búsqueda expansiva y extensiva para varios días: agua, una fogata, medicinas...
Se pueden usar comunicaciones de rango extendido, como por ejemplo groffels.
Sólo se permite buscar en caracter (IC) - usa la pestaña de Grupo para no dar ventaja a los otros grupos.
No modifiques ni suprimas ninguna pista que encuentres para no malograr las otras búsquedas.
Juega con las etiquetas de items desactivadas para que no encuentres las pistas demasiado fácilmente.
El juego puede o no expandirse a través de varios mapas.
Envíame un mensaje privado a través del juego o de los foros para poder determinar el primer grupo ganador, incluyendo el tiempo en UTC y la fecha, además de una prueba como que se ha completado el objetivo.
Todos los materiales se retirarán después de una semana.


Группа охота мусорщика

птерозавров вниз

Секрет птерозавров авиабилетов из Ojaveda чтобы Amdeneir для Octarch работает в сильный шторм и не делает его по назначению. Местонахождение и состояние курьера и груза неизвестны. Все гвардии в состояние повышенной готовности, патрули были посланы от всех городов, чтобы найти и восстановить груз. Неустановленное награда была предложена для немедленного возвращения груза.

Предложенные параметры игры

Команда из 3 символов более менее все делает вас счастливым, но предназначены для участия в других
/ Togglerun установить ходить только
Должен упаковать положения, необходимые для выполнения реалистичного расширенный поиск т.е. вода, пища, костер, медикаменты и т.д. ...
может использовать длинные дальности связи птиц, и т.д ...
Поиск осуществляется IC только (использование вкладка групповой чат, чтобы не опрокинуться другие)
не удалять или модифицировать любые улики, найденных чтобы помешать другие изменения восстановления
все ключи и игра будет в местах, доступных для дневного одного игрока
играть с товаром текстовых маркеров от того, чтобы не дать места подсказку прочь слишком легко
игра может или не может продлить через несколько карт
шептать и или форум вечера меня, чтобы определить 1-й команды Вино со временем UTC и даты в MSG и доказательства завершения
Все материалы, размещенные будут удалены мною после 1 недели времени


"Caccia al tesoro di gruppo

Lo pterosauro caduto

Un volo segreto in pterosauro, proveniente da Ojaveda e diretto ad Amdeneir per conto degli Ottarchi, si imbatte in una tempesta e non riesce a raggiungere la destinazione. La posizione e le condizioni sia del corriere che del carico sono ignote. Le guardie sono in stato di massima allerta e delle pattuglie sono state inviate da ciascuna città per trovare e recuperare il carico. Una ricompensa non meglio specificata è stata offerta per il recupero immediato del carico.

Parametri di gioco suggeriti

    squadre di 3 membri, più o meno, a vostra discrezione ma atte a creare cooperazione
    /tooglerun usata solo per camminare
    necessario portarsi appresso tutto il necessario per una ricerca prolungata realistica (i.e. acqua, cibo, fuoco da campo, scorte di medicinali, ecc..)
    possibile uso di sistemi di comunicazione a distanza
    le ricerche sono da farsi solo IC (usare la chat di gruppo per non dare suggerimenti agli altri gruppi)
    non rimuovere o manomettere gli indizi così da non contrastare il ritrovamento da parte degli altri (siate sportivi insomma!)
    tutti gli indizi e l'azione saranno in luoghi accessibili anche ai nuovi giocatori
    giocate con gli indicatori testuali degli oggetti spenti così da non dare informazioni sulle localizzazioni degli indizi troppo facilmente
    l'azione potrebbe svolgersi attraverso più mappe
    bisbiglia o manda un messaggio privato sul forum a me per determinare il 1° classificato, deve contenere: tempo UTC, data e una prova del completamento
    tutti i materiali piazzati saranno rimossi da me dopo una settimana

General Discussion / dev meeting jan 2016
« on: January 31, 2016, 07:43:02 pm »
I spoke with someone at the RCD attempted auction who was not able to make the dev meeting so I said i would post my log pertaining to it for them. So:

(16:07:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Zunna: The Dev Q & A started, but there is still time for a quick teleport if anyone wants it
(16:08:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Feas: sure if i can
(16:08:25) [Channel] [1: gossip] Zunna: no problem
(16:08:28) [Channel] [1: gossip] Evirea hugs back!
(16:08:35) Hangatyr says: I tried to find something to pinpoint it, but I failed
(16:08:38) Hangatyr says: All old crafted items, as closed I can track it down is 6 month in the past, kept it
(16:08:38) Hangatyr says: Traded ingots: Mine lost after 3 hours offline, Yokens not after 2 days
(16:08:38) Hangatyr says: Traded shields: Gone after three days, storage and inv
(16:08:38) Hangatyr says: Same bows, traded: after 6 hours still there. Nearly two weeks later the bow lost it too.
(16:08:45) Eonwindd says: yes unfortunately I think it hasn't been looked at recently
(16:09:44) Eonwindd says: I'm checking the bug tracker
(16:09:46) Hangatyr says: Why not if me may ask? This is something we, the crafters ,are proud of.
(16:09:58) Venalan says: Hangatyr maybe after the meeting you should show me some items where the name is gone and I can keep them and get some DB info from them. then we can look in the DB and see if the name is totally gone or just not displaying
(16:10:15) Hangatyr says: I brought this up month ago and Talad said he will look into it
(16:10:48) Venalan says: it sounds like a bug that was some how added aroudn the time lock picking was added, likely a by product of something else that was changed
(16:10:54) Zunna says: Yes but it was December inbetween too. But yes, it need to be looked upon
(16:11:27) Talad says: Hi
(16:11:29) Hangatyr says: Ok soon(tm) then..
(16:11:31) Thoraro says: aye,
(16:11:37) Eonwindd says: to me it sounds like a bug in the code, due to the fact when an item is stored not all properties are copied over and some are lost
(16:11:52) Venalan says: we really just need someone to spend ages looking for bugs in the crafting/item name code
(16:11:57) Hangatyr says: Venalan I will provide you with some of it
(16:12:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Bilores: yes, tele me please
(16:12:04) Eonwindd says: if it's like this, when Venalan will check the items we should find no trace of name
(16:12:17) Eonwindd says: *crafter's name
(16:12:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Jilerel: 60 people online.
(16:12:38) Kiaerulf says: I suspect its related to the server crashing and not storing all info
(16:12:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Jilerel: I honestly never saw this much.
(16:12:55) [Channel] [1: gossip] Anysu: I know sun be a day with many on!!
(16:12:57) Eonwindd says: if the name will still be in the database then it's only a display problem
(16:12:58) Zunna says: --- we are speaking about items loosing the crafters name yet
(16:12:58) [Channel] [1: gossip] Dilihin: Me neither
(16:13:06) Venalan says: when a server crashes it reverts to the last stored data, if if it was crashing it would always have been present
(16:13:07) [Channel] [1: gossip] Anysu: Sunday.
(16:13:08) Hangatyr says: it is loosing the info while I am online, no crash involved
(16:13:12) Venalan says: the server has always crashed :)
(16:13:17) [Channel] [1: gossip] Evirea: It's the dev meeting I think. Tends to spike quite a bit on dev meet days.
(16:13:28) [Channel] [1: gossip] Anysu: Good point Evirea
(16:13:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Zunna: yes but there is an event after :D
(16:13:34) [Channel] [1: gossip] Evirea: Well that and the fact that there is...
(16:13:36) [Channel] [1: gossip] Evirea: Yes, that xD
(16:13:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Jilerel: Don't forget ! Just after the dev meeting is the festival ! No seriously. Don't.
(16:13:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Dilihin: im not coming to meet now but devs: would whisper command with low range be bossible, no?
(16:13:39) Kiaerulf says: I have just experienced it after a crash
(16:13:40) Mishka says: Where's the queue now?
(16:13:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Zunna: (player event btw )
(16:13:47) Eonwindd says: yes, my guess is crashes has nothing to do with this bug
(16:13:54) Hangatyr says: Ok thanks for listening
(16:14:00) Esanor says: Gaheris starts the queue
(16:14:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Bilores: Tele me to dev meeting please
(16:14:15) Eonwindd says: the queue is where Ghaeris stands
(16:14:21) Eonwindd says: *Gaheris
(16:14:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Zunna: ziim zam zoom
(16:14:30) Gaheris says: Thank you Eonwindd.
(16:14:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Bilores: thank you
(16:14:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Zunna: yw :)
(16:14:47) Gaheris says: I actually have three questions. But i'll readd the queue in between
(16:15:08) Gaheris says: First question: I cannot find any logs from previous Meet the Dev's. Are they stored / place somewhere?
(16:15:08) Eonwindd says: welcome Gaheris, yes please re-queue
(16:15:26) Venalan says: no Gaheris, not unless someone at one has a copy
(16:15:48) Eonwindd says: no, sorry. There are no logs store currently. I may check my own and maybe post them on the forum
(16:15:49) Gonger says: Check your own logs, if you set them under Options.
(16:15:57) Talad says: I used to keep some notes in the ps wiki
(16:15:57) Eonwindd says: *stored
(16:16:04) Gaheris says: I was logged / posted in the past?
(16:16:07) Gaheris says: I = it
(16:16:14) Talad says: but not recently
(16:16:16) Eonwindd says: yes, by weltall
(16:16:23) Mordaan says: If you are missing any, maybe I can fill them in.
(16:16:42) [Channel] [1: gossip] Lerras: can i get a tele tot he meeting?
(16:16:42) Gaheris says: Not really, just curious what has been asked already.
(16:16:50) [Channel] [1: gossip] Zunna: sure
(16:16:57) Venalan says: 2012 was the last time a dev meeting was posted on the forum
(16:17:03) Gaheris says: Thank you for the answer. The word is to the next one.
(16:17:21) Mishka says: *taps the mic* Yes, hello, you all know me. I found a job, and I decided to spent whatever little time I have before leaving for it playing games, this one included. My first question would be (rather a suggestion): can we have Harnquist's old shack relocated somewhere accesible? Some of us are nostalgic and like visiting the past. Maybe you could add it to the Explorer's Outpost.
(16:17:21) Eonwindd says: hi Mishka
(16:17:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Lerras: thank you
(16:17:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Zunna: yw ^^
(16:17:53) Venalan says: I'm sure we could come up with somewhere nice for it
(16:17:59) [Channel] [1: gossip] Jilerel: Who's a musician here ? And wants to get a job for in a few hours ?
(16:18:13) Zunna says: totaly agree. Since it exist it can be used
(16:18:26) Mishka says: That'd be great if you could bring back that piece of what for some was our PS childhood.
(16:18:40) Mordaan says: is the old one still available somewhere?
(16:18:47) Eonwindd says: well actually it's never gone :)
(16:18:48) Venalan says: its in the npcroom map
(16:18:52) Uadjet says: Ah, I do remember that place.
(16:18:53) Mordaan says: ah
(16:18:54) Eonwindd says: exactly
(16:18:57) Venalan says: easy enough to add it somewhere else as well
(16:19:13) Mishka says: I'm sure it is, Venalan. Okay, next question.
(16:19:14) Hangatyr mutters "GMs always get the goddies"
(16:19:19) Zunna says: lol
(16:19:25) Eonwindd says: easy... for someone able to deal with maps :)
(16:19:33) Venalan says: yes, quite
(16:19:37) Mishka knew this was going to be a popular suggestion <3
(16:19:51) Esanor says: This forge may have been modeled mot as relocatable instance, who knows...
(16:19:56) Esanor says: *not
(16:20:08) Esanor says: Only Talad would.
(16:20:09) Eonwindd says: Gaheris, your next question
(16:20:10) Gaheris says: Since, no others are in the queue, second question ;)
(16:20:19) Mordaan's "childhood" was Molecular Blue
(16:20:19) Menille says: I remeber it had a leaky roof
(16:20:21) Kiaerulf says: I thought some rookie burned the thing down when i tried melting iron
(16:20:26) Menille says: remember*
(16:20:30) Kiaerulf says: he* tried*
(16:20:49) Gaheris says: I've mentioned the encouragement of groups in the past here, maybe you remember. I also added it on the forum. Eonwind, thank you for your reply.
(16:20:57) Talad says: we may reuse it in a village
(16:21:02) Talad says: but was very very basic
(16:21:06) Gaheris says: Eonwindd* that is
(16:21:13) Mishka says: LFM xalpa raid pm class
(16:21:18) Zunna says: yes it could be an "old fisherman cabin" somewhere in the wild or something too
(16:21:19) Mishka says: ;D
(16:21:35) Gaheris says: How can we (the players) add / assist in the progress of this wish?
(16:22:07) Eonwindd says: easiest way is to join us and help :)
(16:22:31) Gaheris says: I'm a system engineer, not a programmer ;)
(16:22:39) Eonwindd says: if you join us in IRC #planeshift-prospects
(16:22:51) Eonwindd says: we don't need only programmers
(16:23:15) Venalan says: we do really need a few experienced programmers to help make the base system. the 'rules' for how those systems work can really be made by anyone
(16:23:27) Eonwindd says: like I said in the post there some implementation that requires programmers, but some don't
(16:23:46) Eonwindd says: just an example:
(16:24:22) Eonwindd says: to xompletely implement all new combat styles we'll need about 15-20 new quests
(16:25:01) Gaheris says: Maybe i can spend some time you one of you and see where i can help with my view and experience in mmorpg's (while maintaining the unique aspects of PS)
(16:25:02) Eonwindd says: we already have a "frame"
(16:25:32) Eonwindd says: but at some point we'll need to write them and it takes no small time
(16:25:45) Bilores says: not to be a stick in the mud of progress but why not fix the existing problems before creating new ones?
(16:25:54) Zunna says: That would be great Gaheris
(16:26:10) Hangatyr chuckles
(16:26:15) Thoraro says: I agree fix old problems first
(16:26:27) Eonwindd says: Bilores that's in the plan to go back and complete old project, but we also need to move on
(16:26:29) Shkirr looks at Bilores and points at "No programmers" thing
(16:27:04) Eonwindd says: because some gameplay aspects will need more content to be introduced or they will never be fixed
(16:27:04) Gaheris says: Then i'll speak one of you afterwards. I think Mishka got a second question. Thank you for your time and see you soon for my third question.
(16:27:25) Mishka says: Hi, it's me again.
(16:27:42) Bilores says: I am a multi language programmer, industrial automation and product test. I have looked thorugh the ocde base. Spaghetti, whith meatballs.
(16:27:50) Zunna says: If you guys don't mind less "new things implemented" but more "old things fixed release" then it's what will happen next, in summarise
(16:28:13) Zunna says: and by fixed i mean "completed"
(16:28:21) Shkirr nods at Bilores
(16:28:22) Eonwindd says: hi Mishka
(16:28:35) Jemima purrs "Let's fis things..."
(16:28:38) Mishka says: I was making armor earlier (still in the process) and then I started thinking: if I have a previously enchanted set of chainmail, why can't the heavy plate I make from it carry over with the previous enchantment? As in, a heated set of chain should make another heated set of plate.
(16:28:53) Jemima says: Building on the code will introduce more problems...
(16:28:58) Eonwindd says: Bilores if you would like to help improving the quality of the code you're welcome :)
(16:29:08) Mishka says: Also, that'd give us double enchantments, for example Heated plate of Quartz, for example.
(16:29:20) Mishka says: Why can't this be done? Is it a limitation? Balance? What is it?
(16:29:27) Zunna says: Yes Jemima, that's why the plan next is to "clean, complete, fixe, etc... then continu on.
(16:30:03) Shkirr wonders who can clean that thing
(16:30:09) Eonwindd says: Mishka engine whise con be done. But it won't be done for balance reason
(16:30:38) Mishka says: Armor would be too op?
(16:30:44) Eonwindd says: yes
(16:30:47) Mishka says: Plate too op pls nerf?
(16:30:53) Mishka says: Well, okay then.
(16:31:01) Bilores says: I would be happy to help, if my time will not be wasted, but I am reticent to participate in an autarchy.
(16:31:18) Zunna says: autarcy? can we have more details ? lol
(16:31:42) Bilores says: ultimate power resides in one person, in this case a god even.
(16:32:18) Bilores says: but don't let me sidetrack anything, this conversation can be had offline
(16:32:25) Zunna says: this game is built by volunteerS, volunteerS. by the effort of many. saying that is scratching their work off the record too
(16:32:40) Zunna says: ^^
(16:32:47) Esanor says: Well, we all know, at least since Karyuu said it: "PlaneShift is no democracy"; it is one man's project...
(16:32:53) Shkirr says: Bilores, I managed to contribute a few small things in the code, but I was working with one of the devs, not sure how can you do that now without joining the team first
(16:32:58) Mishka says: Karyuu isn't around.
(16:33:02) Eonwindd says: Gaheris please ask your question
(16:33:24) Gaheris says: 3rd and last question for this MtD from me.
(16:33:42) Gaheris says: All look at Zunna, isn't she looking awesome?
(16:33:55) Bilores says: sorry guys, I will take this to the forum. No need to sidetrack the meeting.
(16:34:03) Zunna says: lol *thanks Tuux for designing that mage robe :)
(16:34:06) Eonwindd says: guys I'm open to discuss the development and department structure but after the question or queue
(16:34:16) Talad says: Bilores, the devs run themselves pretty much, I guess you are an oldie
(16:34:19) Zunna says: nop Bilores, it is interesting in fact. good idea the forum
(16:34:33) Gaheris says: Which brings me to my final question: Will it be possible to colour/dye your armor/clothes anywhere in the future?
(16:34:42) Mishka says: Tuux could've done a texture, though...
(16:34:50) Eonwindd says: that's something we really want :)
(16:34:52) Bilores says: You callin' me old!
(16:34:54) Bilores grins
(16:35:04) Venalan says: Its something we would love to have Gaheris, but I dont expect it any time soon :(
(16:35:08) Zunna says: lol Mish. well Gaheris that would be awesome
(16:35:17) Zunna says: maybe with Unreal...
(16:35:49) Eonwindd says: we would really like to have more character personalization, however what can and will be done always depends on the availabilities or more programmers
(16:36:04) Zunna says: and artists
(16:36:23) Gaheris says: Understood, then i'll focus on helping with the grouping first. Thanks again.
(16:36:32) Eonwindd says: yes and artists, where some fix to current art is required
(16:36:48) Gonger says: Greetings.
(16:36:55) Eonwindd says: hi Gonger
(16:36:56) Gonger says: We are talking a lot about player initiative here, but unfortunately one of the biggest player initiatives has come to an... abrupt end recently. The RCD, of course. I do not know about the agreements that were the base of the RCD, so nothing from me about the WHAT. However, I found the HOW very rude and disrespectful - to present the people behind the RCD with accomplished facts was IMHO not a good move. Can we have an official statement about that?
(16:37:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Dilihin: does anyone want to Give me logs from meet, like in IRC?
(16:37:18) Mishka says: The WHAT is what caused the HOW, actually.
(16:37:36) Lisel agrees with gonger
(16:37:37) Mishka lets the guys in charge explain it better.
(16:37:59) Eonwindd says: I will the GMs to answer about this question
(16:38:00) Shkirr nods at Gonger approvingly
(16:38:52) Bodier says: Hi let me try to address that
(16:38:58) Lisel says: ( or if you fucked up, shit happens... we are human, a sorry would have worked wonders. )
(16:39:05) Mishka says: Language.
(16:39:20) Jemima puts up her paw "Well... I know the starting-conditions tabei... When Ad-libertatum and the Family took over the den... No involvement of a GM was there... I even checked with a GM... And he told me there was little chance of involvement..."
(16:39:34) Mishka says: Just because we're OOC doesn't mean you can be a foulmouthed urchin.
(16:40:04) Gonger says: Uhm... can we have the official statement first?
(16:40:08) Bodier says: As far as what happened with the den, we tried several times to encourage it to become more active
(16:40:30) Zunna says: Iridia had a lot of meeting with the tenants actually
(16:40:41) Gonger says: That is WHAT.
(16:40:58) Eonwindd says: peoples needs some time to formulate an answer, please be patient :)
(16:41:31) Mishka says: >Marble Bench greets Ripsholl Llohspir.
(16:41:33) Bilores passes around ale and wine
(16:41:46) Bodier says: each time we talked with who ever was the head we would hear that they had something in store, but we never saw it, now granted we probably could of giving a heads up on outr plann to close it, ..
(16:42:04) Lisel nods
(16:42:21) Bodier says: but in coming up with the idea of RP'ng the losier, we thought it'd be more fun the way we did it/
(16:42:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Jilerel: Meeting finished ?
(16:42:32) Jemima hisses softly "Could..?? Should.!!"
(16:42:42) Bodier says: clowsier*
(16:42:47) Mishka says: Remember: on the Internet, assume everyone is oversensitive.
(16:42:58) Gonger says: But you do understand that it came as a kind of shock to them?
(16:43:05) Zunna says: well it was kind of boiling up since months too
(16:43:27) Bodier says: point is, the teams intent was not to create strife, and whats done is done
(16:43:34) [Channel] [1: gossip] Damola: hi!
(16:43:35) Gonger says: Also, if the RCD should now be open all times, where is the difference to the Tavern? And why not use some empty house? There are even guild houses from extinct guilds...
(16:43:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Damola: can you please teleport me to dev q&a
(16:44:09) Zunna says: the tavern was closed when the head wasn't online
(16:44:24) Mishka says: Which, in my opinion, it's what happened here. And I mean it. I was a member of the RCD community in the past, I knew about the conditions under which it was given, and that this scenario could happen.
(16:44:27) Bodier says: thats true but the Den is theere it has history
(16:44:42) Waesed says: I was at the last Dev's meeting, the day it was closed
(16:45:18) Damola listens intently, and also cautiously
(16:45:44) Waesed says: And people with keys going their own way
(16:46:42) Menille says: Can we have an update on news please.
(16:46:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ceresa: May I get a teleport as well?
(16:46:57) Zunna says: We could dedicate a small meeting and talk of it together, rcd people and gm if you wish guys
(16:47:03) Bodier says: if the den was popen more then it was this would'nt have happened, if we gave a heads up, it still would of closed
(16:47:11) [Channel] [1: gossip] Venalan: done
(16:47:16) Waesed says: kind of late for that
(16:47:27) Zunna says: never too late to speak i think.
(16:47:37) Gonger says: Never too late to say "sorry", either.
(16:47:48) Waesed says: With no players online and little help, it was hard
(16:47:49) Zunna says: to be honest i wasn't around for the exact event. But the RCD discution is on since A YEAER
(16:47:51) Zunna says: YEAR*
(16:47:52) Bodier says: true it should now be water under the bridge, once again it was not done under malice
(16:47:59) Mishka says: I don't think anyone has to apologize.
(16:48:00) Shkirr says: But too late to ask for those people to get involved anytime soon... With that approach
(16:48:01) Gonger says: Thank you.
(16:48:05) Eonwindd says: I think Zunna is right, maybe talking is a good thing
(16:48:15) Mishka says: If anything, for hurt feelings. Not for doing what had to be done.
(16:48:24) Jemima shrugs "At least don't expect Ad Libertatum or the Family as a guild to start new things anymore... In the family... I can't get tha trough the guild-council... you know..? And from waht I did hear... the same goes for Ad Libertatum..."
(16:48:25) Gonger says: No matter what the background, the HOW was rude.
(16:48:35) Zunna says: Gonger did well to bring this topic on the table because it's better to talk then to keep this inside somewhere
(16:48:46) Eonwindd says: Even if things have already happened maybe both sides can have a better understanding of each other
(16:48:55) Shkirr nods at Gonger again
(16:48:55) Zunna says: the gm have been poking the rcd team regularly since more then a year so it's not exactly new
(16:49:08) Zunna says: the problem is the way it has been made, maybe a bit "direct without letter"
(16:49:10) Zunna says: right
(16:49:12) Waesed says: How is Naughty Mothers working out? I have never seen them open.
(16:49:18) Gonger says: Right, Zunna.
(16:49:33) Gonger says: Naughty Mothers?
(16:49:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Dilihin: 61 online
(16:49:36) Eonwindd says: On my side I suggest a small meeting.
(16:49:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Jilerel: Milestone for me.
(16:49:53) Zunna says: Naughty Mother Waesed ?
(16:49:57) Zunna says: :o
(16:49:58) Waesed says: The new place out by Enack
(16:50:01) Zunna says: oh
(16:50:15) Bodier says: its coming near to opening
(16:50:16) Gonger says: Eonwindd, I proposed such a meeting in the forum, and offered my aid as a moderator.
(16:50:19) Eonwindd says: but now is Lisel time to ask her question :)
(16:50:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Venalan: 35 at the meetings
(16:50:24) Lisel says: A personal request, but of larger interest perhaps... is it possible to have an already existing character linked to another account of mine?
(16:50:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Venalan: so a quite a few not
(16:50:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Mishka: And people still say this game is dying...
(16:50:50) [Channel] [1: gossip] Dilihin: ^
(16:50:57) Lisel says: ... for RPing purposes...
(16:51:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Dilihin: rather growing ;-)
(16:51:24) Venalan says: I've not see a character moved from one account to another before, would be a question for Talad
(16:51:28) [Channel] [1: gossip] Elhorien: My shop in placed on the event. Can I ask a question to the dev's using this channel?
(16:51:30) Eonwindd says: Gonger maybe it can still be done
(16:51:50) Bilores raises his hand
(16:51:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Venalan: not so much
(16:52:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Venalan: get someone at the meeting to ask for you?
(16:52:12) Lerras looks at Bilores
(16:52:25) [Channel] [1: gossip] Venalan: people just don't look here
(16:52:27) Bilores says: Just being polite brodr
(16:52:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Jilerel: Advertise the festival at the end of the meeting :p
(16:52:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Elhorien: ok
(16:52:57) Damola notes "It would have much easier for me to handle if someone talked with me. I am online often enough. Both in game and on IRC. This way I received it as disrespectful of the work of the Den team and in the last time mostly my work. I took some holidays, also from PS obligations, then I opened again, then bam… gone."
(16:53:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Elhorien: I can pickup and replace it later.
(16:53:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Jilerel: Elhorien, I can guard your shop
(16:53:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Elhorien: ok thank you
(16:53:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Zunna: i will Jilerel ^^
(16:53:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Kiaerulf: meeting is over soon
(16:53:54) Eonwindd says: please guys, it's not Lisel turn :) ... maybe we can continue here later
(16:53:58) [Channel] [1: gossip] Kiaerulf: i think
(16:54:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Elhorien: ma I be teleported
(16:54:17) Damola says: Also for Damola I see no easy RP transition to the new state: In fact Damola doesn´t know anything about why this happened, cause no one ever ICly talked to her. How can she comprehend what happened?
(16:54:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Venalan: done
(16:54:31) Damola says: But well… okay… I will go in line in case I still want to speak up more.
(16:54:38) Waesed says: Not tomake excuses but I was in the hosital for heart problems-an old dude, you know
(16:54:38) Zunna says: The seizure has been done IC
(16:55:07) Shkirr says: So disrespect was IC
(16:55:08) Eonwindd says: *it's NOW Lisel turn
(16:55:11) Zunna says: the guards have been putting posters all over the tavern so it's rather clear
(16:55:11) [Channel] [1: gossip] Elhorien: thx
(16:55:19) Zunna says: if you wish, Mogrrim patrol all wenesdays
(16:55:28) Zunna says: sorry Lisel
(16:55:30) Eonwindd says: sorry Lisel for the mistake
(16:55:53) Lisel says: No problem. Well... I asked my question....
(16:55:55) Mishka says: Just say "next" when you guys are ready...
(16:56:00) Damola hugs Waesed "Its okay."
(16:56:32) Bilores has his hand up
(16:56:46) Hangatyr says: You have to line up brodr
(16:56:59) Mishka says: Can O?
(16:57:01) Mishka says: I*
(16:57:03) Eonwindd says: Lisel to be honest it's something I haven't heard of too before
(16:57:07) Bilores says: oh, hmmm, might have drunk too much to stand
(16:57:33) Lisel says: Well... sometimes a character works, sometimes not. I would like to play both at the same time. More RP in the end.
(16:57:57) Eonwindd says: not sure it can be done. Maybe if Talad check out and is doable and post it later
(16:57:57) Shkirr says: If DB is done properly, some manual intervention could move the character, but doubt it will be safe enough
(16:58:26) Mishka says: Why not just make a new char in the desired account, then ask for a skill transfer and a name change?
(16:58:30) Mishka says: Should be easier.
(16:59:00) Lisel says: and change the name? that would work for me too
(16:59:08) Eonwindd says: the GM should still check the account belongs to her
(16:59:26) Mishka says: Just run an IP check
(16:59:28) Eonwindd says: and I don't thing it's something they can do
(16:59:37) Eonwindd says: nope, an IP check is not enough :P
(16:59:56) Lisel says: we could verify via email that the accounts belong to me
(16:59:59) Mishka shruuuuugs? Can I ask already? It's a quick question.
(16:59:59) Eonwindd says: 2 persons maybe able to play from the same IP
(17:00:07) Thoraro says: this is allowed now.. ?
(17:00:17) Eonwindd says: ok Mishka your turn
(17:00:29) Bilores says: familys play
(17:00:40) Mishka says: Hi, it's me again.
(17:00:43) Waesed says: can't log in from same account
(17:00:44) Jemima smiles at Mishka "Most questions are quick to ask... but the answer usually takes a while..."
(17:00:55) Mishka says: Just wanted to ask how the Unreal thingy is coming along.
(17:02:16) Mordaan nudges Talad
(17:02:48) Talad says: email is the best
(17:02:51) Talad says: as IP may change
(17:03:02) Venalan says: It's getting close to an hour and I need to go afk for a while, if anyone has a Q for me please feel free to ask me by /tell at any point im online and I'll answer.
(17:03:09) Eonwindd says: ^ Lisel
(17:03:34) Talad says: Unreal is not progressing much atm, as I'm trying to get different point of views
(17:03:45) Mishka says: How so?
(17:03:50) Talad says: seems most people are trying to redo the network layer
(17:04:00) Talad says: as the current layer is not really good
(17:04:04) Mishka says: I mean, I don't really understand what has to be done to port PS to UE
(17:04:37) Shkirr looks at Mishka "Rework of network layer so it would be suitable for existing server"
(17:04:45) Mishka says: Okay.
(17:04:45) Talad says: I guess that queston is a bit too open :)
(17:04:47) Bilores says: and should it be a port or a rewrite, at least of core code
(17:05:05) Talad says: we can copy/paste a lot of our code
(17:05:07) Vandru says: UI needs to be created too
(17:05:10) Talad says: and then change some of it
(17:05:25) Talad says: for example the string functions are different, but we have a mapping between CS and UE
(17:05:31) Talad says: so we can just change massively
(17:05:34) Shkirr says: And it should work for the UE client somehow, so not an easy task, I suppose
(17:05:42) Talad says: we can definitely reuse the code
(17:05:48) Talad says: not all , but some
(17:06:08) Mishka says: So right now it's somewhat stalled, right? But it's easy enough to work with.
(17:06:25) Shkirr says: Try it if you feel it is easy >.>
(17:06:41) Mishka says: Easy for someone who knows about it.
(17:06:58) Shkirr nods at Mishka
(17:07:12) Mishka says: Okay, just wanted to check up on it.
(17:07:23) Jemima scratches her head "All things are easy if you have done it a couple of times... But this is the first time Talad tries... so... not easy now..."
(17:07:25) Talad says: its not stalled, is progressing slowly
(17:07:30) Mishka looks down at Damola "That's my spot."
(17:08:03) Vandru says: In order to bring these gfx items to PS, like robes and texturing, as well as animations and armors,, the artists need to import current PS meshs and texture into their program, ie: blender.. Is there an easy way for non-programers to import these binaries and work with them? Sharing this infomation on the forums would make things more accesable for the artist, imo.
(17:08:13) Bilores says: Up front planning/requiremetns always save time in the long run
(17:08:19) Jemima hisses at Mishka "Damola's spot now..."
(17:08:35) Mishka is still a cat.
(17:08:52) Jemima pulls Mishka's tail "Mew.!!"
(17:09:25) Elhorien says: Hello to all
(17:09:45) Elhorien says: I wish to ask about jewerly and tell my opinion.
(17:09:58) Eonwindd says: hi Elhorien
(17:10:05) Mishka says: Then maybe you should ask for them to answer Vandru's question.
(17:10:12) Eonwindd says: speak your mind
(17:10:23) Mishka says: (nevermind)
(17:10:23) Elhorien says: At the moment you need to identify the items you craft
(17:10:58) Elhorien says: but when you identify a ring, there no info about whatever it does.
(17:11:13) Elhorien says: for example
(17:11:17) Waesed says: put it
(17:11:44) Elhorien says: a plain silver ring provides +3 to charisma and is expresed after identify
(17:11:53) Gonger says: No magic ring should ever by used lightly! :-)
(17:11:57) Elhorien says: but a flaming enchanted ring is not
(17:12:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Jilerel: This feeling when you ahve prepared an alt and when you come back to your toaster you don't have enough RAM
(17:12:28) Hangatyr says: Is not what?
(17:12:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Zunna: oh D:
(17:12:43) Elhorien says: is not exprsed anything
(17:12:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Zunna give Jilerel a potion to calm his GRRRRR
(17:12:56) Elhorien says: the text is empty.
(17:12:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Jilerel: My PS client takes 2GB. I only have 4 available.
(17:13:11) Elhorien says: a have a few on my shop in GUG
(17:13:18) Hangatyr says: Thats the fun of it, finding out what it is good for *laughs*
(17:13:18) Elhorien says: you can look there
(17:13:38) Bilores says: on a related note, why do I need to identify an item that I just crafted
(17:13:47) Elhorien says: well, that will be funny. But
(17:13:50) Mishka says: Harnquist gives you money if you give it to him.
(17:13:54) Elhorien nods at Bilores
(17:14:01) Mishka says: That's a useful thing they do.
(17:14:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Mishka: I'm getting 2 more 2GB cards soon! This baby will be 8GB <3
(17:14:32) Shkirr says: After identification you have to check your feelings when you putting it on :-)
(17:14:40) Shkirr says: Or before, doesn't mater much
(17:14:50) [Channel] [1: gossip] Kaerli: 16GB here
(17:15:10) Mordaan says: About the art, not that I'm an authority about any of it, but to at least provide an answer: the code is open source but the assests like art is not. So you'd have to join then team, -then- get sent any art items.
(17:15:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Kaerli: this thing barely breaks a sweat at multiboxing, provided Chromium isn't eating every last drop of RAM :P
(17:15:23) Eonwindd says: Elhorien the reason why you see no text is the item description for magic items is partly incomplete
(17:15:30) Eonwindd says: this is a bug
(17:15:41) Hangatyr mutters "Will me feel better if me identify me ale before me drinks it?"
(17:15:44) Elhorien says: ok
(17:15:46) Mordaan says: (that took a surprisingly long time to type :P)
(17:15:55) Shkirr says: And you need programmers to fix that bug >.>
(17:16:03) Elhorien says: :)
(17:16:04) Jemima scratches her head "Zunna has a lot of models that have to be colored... I guess..."
(17:16:15) Vandru thanks Mordaan with a quick nod
(17:16:16) Eonwindd says: at the time when we expanded item description to include magical properties some effects where left out
(17:16:27) Jemima says: Or if she hasn't it... she only has to ask Tuatenach...
(17:16:37) Elhorien says: Ok, thank you
(17:17:10) Elhorien says: Please, Can ibe teleported back to the event in GUG?
(17:17:10) Vandru says: So, if I would like to make animations for all the races, they'd need to be sent compiled and sent to me?
(17:17:31) Eonwindd says: in the future I would like to complete the descriptions so everything is displayed
(17:17:31) Thoraro looks up and wait for Bilores to speak
(17:17:42) Bilores clears his throat
(17:17:50) Eonwindd says: hi Bilores
(17:18:39) Mishka says: Ruh roh
(17:18:39) Mordaan says: not sure of the details, Vandru. It is the hope that in UE, the process will be much easier. But of course, that may be a ways to go.
(17:18:40) Bilores says: I am wondering about drop rates for powerful items. It is pretty easy to get high defense mods but harder to get high attack, which is understandable.
(17:19:02) Bilores says: but it seems impossible rather than extremely hard to get anything above 2.0 attack
(17:19:14) Vandru says: Ok, understood. I'll get in touch with someone in the #prospects channel. Thank you Mordaan
(17:19:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Glorgal: did i miss the meeting?
(17:19:36) Bilores says: it used to be easier, so there is an imbalance between existing gear and those of us trying to get gear.
(17:19:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Mishka: Still going strong, baby.
(17:19:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Elhorien: Please, Can ibe teleported back to the event in GUG?
(17:19:50) [Channel] [1: gossip] Mishka: Just ask Zunna for a lift.
(17:19:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Glorgal: dang. can i get a lift?
(17:20:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Glorgal: please?
(17:20:13) [Channel] [1: gossip] Zunna: lol guys, taxi are free to come to the meeting, not to get back to wherever xD
(17:20:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Glorgal: tyty
(17:20:50) Mishka says: Oh dang, Hangy-poo is gonna ask... dis gon' b gud
(17:20:55) [Channel] [1: gossip] Elhorien: thx
(17:21:34) [Channel] [1: gossip] Jilerel: The food/drink booth is now open in the festival ! Come take a drink !
(17:21:59) Gaheris says: Goodnight everyone, thank you all for your contribution and Dev's/GM's thanks for your time/patience.
(17:22:01) Eonwindd says: Bilores I am reviewing there days modifiers
(17:22:16) Eonwindd says: night Gaheris
(17:22:27) Menille says: Goodnight
(17:22:39) Eonwindd says: as far as I remeber there are no attack modifiers higher than 2.0
(17:22:51) Hangatyr taps Bilores on his head "Why you so short brodr?" -- and chuckles --
(17:23:06) Eonwindd says: however I must tell these modifiers will really need a review in the near future
(17:23:07) Menille grins
(17:23:36) Eonwindd says: and not for the best - from a player pov - :)
(17:23:48) Hangatyr says: as usual
(17:23:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Gonger: Dev meeting is still on. Longest ever?
(17:23:57) Bilores says: as long as the playing field is level
(17:24:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Jilerel: Seriously ?
(17:24:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Venalan: yeah
(17:24:25) Eonwindd says: these modifiers can adds up to too high damage output, and that's a problem. especially when the new combat attacks will be available
(17:24:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Jilerel: This is milestone day for me ! Highest number of players, longest meeting
(17:24:54) Eonwindd says: therefore we will have to revise them soon
(17:24:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Lerras: ive seen 150ish
(17:24:59) [Channel] [1: gossip] Anysu: long meeting.. wow
(17:25:43) [NPC] Taulim Wilaal says: Please step away from this house, Sir. It's government property.
(17:26:14) [NPC] Aldaaren Phostle says: The dark corners of Hydlaa are filled with beasts in their webs waiting for you to turn your back!!
(17:28:01) [NPC] Aldaaren Phostle says: The beasts from the Laybrinth are in Hydlaa, clackers the size of houses here to destroy you!!
(17:29:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Gonger: I also remember more than 100...
(17:29:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Mishka: I remember 100 on a regular basis, Sigh.
(17:31:12) [NPC] Jefecra Harcrit says: Keep your weapons sheathed while in Hydlaa, citizen.
(17:31:59) [NPC] Jefecra Harcrit says: Keep your weapons sheathed while in Hydlaa, citizen.
(17:33:38) [Channel] [1: gossip] Kaerli: yeah :/
(17:33:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Gonger: Dev meeting over.

Hope you enjoyed. Now back to my unplanned Death Realm visits.

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