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Messages - acraig

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Complaint Department / Re: My Critique To PlaneShift
« on: August 22, 2008, 01:50:37 pm »
I was to say I am saddened by what I just read:

I am deeply sorry. All of you have no idea how very much.


No worries.  How does that saying go "Can't please everybody all of the time" :).   He is free to express his opinions as he pleases.  I guess he does it there because he's afraid that bid bad moderators will come down on him if he tries to post here.   And that is our right as well since this site is paid for by me and under my total control :) ( yeah I am evil  :devil: ). 

Development Deliberation / Re: Hair Colors?
« on: August 22, 2008, 12:59:34 pm »
The shader stuff is actually fairly easy in terms of hair colours.   The base texture should be a grey or white and then we simply set a RGB value for it.  Right now these values are stored in a table on the database and sent out to clients as part of 'here's a character' message.  We can have any number of hair colours and since this is done server side there is not need for a client update so don't be surprised if you see a pink haired Ynnwn around now and then!

Development Deliberation / Re: Request for Webdeveloper
« on: July 17, 2008, 02:34:28 pm »
I've sort of lost track of it myself.

I know that here has been some work done in developing a new web based server console to manage the game.   Honestly though, I don't really have the time to keep track of this though.  I can help people out with questions they have but in terms of developing a long term strategy, I don't have the time to do that.

Development Deliberation / Re: Request for Wiki Editors
« on: July 17, 2008, 07:31:25 am »
I didn't understand the context when I read the discussion page last night.  It makes sense this morning now and have removed that line.  As for the descriptor email I will see what I can do there.

Development Deliberation / Request for Wiki Editors
« on: July 16, 2008, 05:17:39 pm »
I have setup in an attempt to develop some documentation about PlaneShift the engine.   However, right now it's pretty just me adding some details here and there.   What is needed are people to be editors to keep the pages organized and making sense and some people to start adding some of the required pages.     Right now I am not sure what required pages are but once people start adding pages I can start to add in details.   Maybe a good page to add would be a "Request" page then I can read those and start adding in some of the requested pages.

The Hydlaa Plaza / New mounts?
« on: July 10, 2008, 07:55:16 pm »
Well, maybe not, but these were in our garden the other day.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: No textures
« on: June 19, 2008, 01:16:59 pm »
CG toolkit 2.0 will have a negative affect though on the current released client I believe.  I had to roll back my toolkit and it fixed my problems ( similar to yours ).   It should be fixed in the next release as Caarie mentioned.

Server Status / Re: XML server report no longer updated
« on: June 11, 2008, 12:05:08 pm »
Yes, I hope to have it fixed soon. I've been very busy the last month or so and my PlaneShift time has been limited.   

Forum and Website Discussions / Re: Account Deletion
« on: June 11, 2008, 11:59:08 am »
I turned this on a little while ago because there were numerous "duplicate" accounts made to post garbage and then delete them right away.  This gives me a method of keeping track of those people.   I will delete that account now.

Forum and Website Discussions / Re: Ban "Server Down" Threads!
« on: May 22, 2008, 08:18:24 am »
Don't make me break out the FailCat on this thread.

When the server stops it's usually one of several reasons.
1)  Planned Stoppage for new release.  This one is usually fairly obvious and details are posted on the main site and the forums about server downtime because a new release is being made.
2) Update stoppages.  This is when we fix a bug or have some database stuff to do.  This usually only takes a couple of minutes and there is usually a warning in game about down time.
3) Unplanned stoppages ( ie crashes ).  When the server crashes it will automatically restart itself after a minute or 2. 
4) Unplanned halts.  This is when the server either gets locked up somewhere (we've seen it get 'stuck' ) or it fails to restart itself properly.  In these cases the server will be down for several hours until somebody takes a look.   

The majority of the time it will fall into 2 or 3.   #4 is where most of these problems (and threads) can occur from.   For me, the best bet is if the server has been down for several hours and no information on main site or forums then inform somebody (GM) on IRC and they can get in contact with somebody that will investigate the problem.

Server Status / Re: Server down 05/19/08
« on: May 20, 2008, 02:57:25 pm »
I guess we are not doing too bad if we can bring out this level of emotion :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: What would you ask the PS project leaders?
« on: May 14, 2008, 02:46:19 pm »
People ask us questions all the time.  Normally "When is the server coming up?"  :).   If asking as a journalist it would depend on who the target audience would be.  Somebody from a MMORPG magazine would ask different questions then somebody from a technical one. 

Forum and Website Discussions / Re: Website's Recruitment Page
« on: May 13, 2008, 01:06:02 pm »
I have attempted a fix for this.  Not sure if I got all areas but please try it again and let me know results.

General Discussion / Re: Just a quick question.
« on: April 30, 2008, 11:36:17 am »
Probably more of a 'settings' type question but trying to avoid 'regular' or common monsters.  Probably something like snakes but will have a name that has too many consonants.

Server Status / Re: Server down
« on: April 30, 2008, 10:20:01 am »
We switched hardware so it might take a while to get everything back running smoothly.  There was a DNS change as well to point laanx to the new machine so that might need some time to spread throughout the world as well. 

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