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Messages - Armenelos

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PvP,PK and Thieving /
« on: March 04, 2004, 09:35:31 am »
Hey you know I resent that, I come to this forum to look at stuff for thieving and possibly a little PvP. Just cause you don\'t like to kill other people and I do, doesn\'t mean I\'m suddenly preying on the weak. I actually prefer trying to take on someone higher, nothing\'s funner then beating someone who is supposed to be the best or at least superior to you.

You see it as trying to kill someone, I see it as a new challenge. What\'s more of a challenge then something with its own mind to do different strategies... A monster can only do so much and then when you\'ve found the perfect way to beat it, it offers nothing but another monster bashing, but if you fight people or steal from people then you have the extra spice of something new. Which is a human mind. Who nows how they\'ll react, what they\'ll do next. It\'s never planned, so it adds a little flavour to some boring games.

Whether were here because we all are preying on the weak or whatever other reason, we all recognize that extra zing this gives us. Maybe you need to realize it\'s not a game and have fun with fighting someone else.  I seriously believe everyone should make a character and go PvPing or thieving once in a while. There is a thrill in chasing down the \"prey\" or seeing if you can pull this or that off.

And Paxx, not all of us want this world were everything goes, I\'m not for a PvP all the time world, even though it may sound like it, I like the ideas of duels, but a wilderness in the middle of never never land would be kind of nice too for those of us who get bored of the same monster all the time.  The devs want us to interact and make friends well as much fun as rping and exploring and meeting friends is, fighting new people helps out this cause a lot. Even if it does end in a fued, it\'s still part of rping. Not everyone is gonna hug and kiss and dance around and love each other in any world.
You all claim to want to appeal to the masses, well hey aren\'t we a mass? But what does it matter, I can plead for better thieving (which I really want) but that depends on the PvP system, and if we\'re going to be screwed in that then we\'re going to be screwed for thieves. So whatever, I\'m still going to stay for your game, maybe I\'ll like it, maybe I won\'t, I\'ll have to wait and see.

All those people who are against PvP and Thieving need to lighten up and remember its a game not your life. Whatever you did, you can more then likely get it back, so quit complaining and maybe try to PvP or go be a thief sometime.  It\'s a lot harder then fighting the amazingly good ultra boss that you\'ve taken on countless times and you know that if you go use this spell to shoot him and then attack him with your staff that he falls down in a few whacks and then you start your cycle all over again.

Well that\'s my 2 cents. Probably not worth anything but to bad.

General Discussion /
« on: February 29, 2004, 06:38:36 pm »
Well then according to you there should be a wipe since something new is being added, like, attacking, monsters, new money, etc... and a lot of it is changing...

Granted or negated Wishes /
« on: February 22, 2004, 11:41:39 am »
I\'m gonna have to agree with Whemy on this. Weapons should be rare no matter what. Everyone makes good points and not so good ones, but I still am in favor of the more realistic way. Mind you it still shouldn\'t be just weapons that are rare, armor too, even basic armor should be at least a little challenge. Sorry but I saw something in here about a cow, you kill it and you have armor. That\'s completely bull, there is way more to it to get your leather armor.

A game I loved for starting out was Dungeon Siege, you got a knife, and around you were some farm equipment, choose what you want and then your on you way. That is how it should be for this game. For lack of a better term \"I don\'t want it all handed to me\" it ruins the fun that goes into getting even a basic armor//weapon.

Adventuring isn\'t all about fun with lots of risks and rewards, there was also the idea that maybe you\'ll discover something new and maybe name it after yourself. Maybe they should do something like this for Planeshift. Don\'t name everything, leave some parts of the world unnamed and let people go out and find them and call it their own. That would give more fun to adventuring, it would give you another purpose to do it besides profit.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 20, 2004, 05:07:06 pm »
yah they are pretty good, I just heard of them this week, so I\'m sure I have enough songs to listen to by them.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 20, 2004, 04:41:31 pm »
Right now I\'m liking Pitiful by Blindside but I love Glycerine by Bush, Don\'t Speak by No Doubt, Wonderwall by Oasis, Wish you were here by Pink Floyd, Painted Black by Rolling Stones, City of Angels by The Distillers and so, SO much more.

The Hydlaa Plaza / My Journey
« on: February 20, 2004, 04:24:14 pm »
I looked into my wasteland
And saw the fruitless trees
The bare land went on for miles
As far as my eyes could see

I traveled through my wasteland
And searched the rocky ground
I?m not sure what I was looking for
But I felt like it couldn?t be found

I?m still not very sure
If luck was on my side
?Cause when I tripped and fell over
It hurt deep down inside

But then it came along
A rain so rich and fine
I stood up in awe
As my wasteland changed before my eyes

The trees began to grow
Fruits I?d never seen
The grass began to show
To comfort all my needs

So I traveled far and wide
And ate the fruits upon the trees
I walked upon the grass
That comforted all my needs

I looked into my paradise
And saw something I?ve never seen
A rose stood before me
So beautiful and serene

A feeling came upon me
A smile danced across my face
The thing I needed was found
My heart had found its place.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 20, 2004, 04:23:05 pm »
Here\'s a poem I wrote for a girl I like but can\'t be with right now, which is truly sad. Well actually this is one of a few poems I\'ve written for her...

My heart?s beating
Can you hear it?
You?re the one it beats for
You pour the life into my veins

This night I?ll dream you were mine
But I?ll wake in a cold sweat
Remembering how it was all a dream

You?re touch it felt so right
Those lips, they could make me get down and kneel
Your eyes drank my soul in so deep
As you took me to utopia
This feeling I never want to forget

So, this night I?ll dream you were mine
but I?ll wake up in a cold sweat
remembering how it was all just a dream

Your breath on my cheek is what I need
Your smell on my skin is like a seed
It grows the thoughts inside my head
Into urges that must be done, not said
This feeling is something I never want to forget

So I think I?ll dare to dream of you,
And give into this feeling and these urges.
Tomorrow I?ll wake up and remember?

That dreams do come true.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 20, 2004, 04:21:09 pm »
I reach out for it
But it slips through my grasps
I want it, I need it
But it always floats on past

The love of someone
Is all I ask
But it?s always just
Slipping through my grasps

I plead for it
I beg for it
But they all just stare down and sneer
Like they?re better then me?
Like they don?t know what I mean?

They lead their double lives
Hoping that no one will see
As the crumble from the inside
Begging and pleading on their knees

I realize I?m not alone
That they are reaching for it to


And it?s slowly slipping through our grasps

Fan Art /
« on: January 20, 2004, 06:04:05 pm »
Well I cant think of another other place to ask this so I\'ll ask it here. If I put a picture for my signature how big should it be and what is a way I could make it smaller if its too big?

Wish list /
« on: January 19, 2004, 03:28:38 pm »
So Junilia you want a game that you can do everything as quick as possible with lots of shortcuts.  Isn\'t this game suppose to kind of take your time, work, do something besides hack n slash, so on?

Wish list /
« on: January 17, 2004, 10:16:20 am »
Doing that would also give Animal Trainers more importance since they train animals to carry bigger, heavier things.

Wish list /
« on: January 14, 2004, 08:37:14 pm »
He meant that the theives cant steal from someone if they have a license i think.. But that would ruin the fun to.. what if everyone buys a license? maybe you should have to be so good to get the license? or there is only so many of them? Maybe there should be a theif guild in each city and you need one from that city so you won\'t be pickpockted from in the city or so much of the surronding area. Just some ideas.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: January 14, 2004, 08:16:24 pm »
A PEANUT!!!!!!!!!! omg are you gonna take the Kiern? It\'s almost as bad as monkey to me, now that is the ultimate insult!!! lol, I have an urge to call my friends peanut from now on... Thanks a lot guys and gal(s)

PvP,PK and Thieving /
« on: January 06, 2004, 07:11:24 pm »
hmm good point. I\'d have to say the account though.. cause people can just change their Ip address can\'t they?

PvP,PK and Thieving /
« on: January 05, 2004, 08:40:30 pm »
The glove slap would be amazingly funny. I can see it now, a Big bad guy comes up and challenges a newbie to duel, and instead of the the Big bad guy slapping the newbie the newbie slaps him calling him silly and then runs away. Haha that would be classic. Maybe this could be used when one character has a big difference over the other.

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