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Messages - JeroMiya

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Time of test: 2:47 PM,  6/11/2002
OS: Windows XP Home Edition
Processor: 1.60Ghz Pentium 4
RAM: 512MB PC2100 DDR
Video Card: TNT2 Model 64 (AGP)
Video Card Memory: 32MB
PS Client Version: 0.1.004
OpenGL or Safe Mode: OpenGL
Description of the bug:  Program crashes on ?connect?. After ?Loading basic textures, character, GUI, and World? psclient.exe crashes. It occurs in both full screen and windowed mode (I haven\'t made any other modifications to the config files. Clean recent download). Here is the debug.txt and psclient.txt files generated after the crash (windowed mode):

###Begine debug.txt ####
planeshift.application.client: Planeshift Atomic Blue
planeshift.application.client: This game uses Crystal Space Engine created by Jorrit and others
planeshift.application.client: 0.95 rdev [Win32-X86-VisualC]
planeshift.sound: Warning: Couldn\'t initialize soundplugin.
planeshift.application.client: Cannot initialize iSoundManager
crystalspace.font.csfont: Could not read font file /fonts/ttf/scurlock12.csf.
planeshift.application.client: psEngine initialized.
planeshift.application.client: PSLoader: step 1: success
planeshift.application.client: PSLoader: step 2: success
planeshift.application.client: PSLoader: step 3: success
crystalspace.engine.warning: Warning: badly specified UV coordinates for polygon \'x22_36\'!
crystalspace.engine.warning: Warning: badly specified UV coordinates for polygon \'x22_44\'!
crystalspace.engine.warning: Warning: badly specified UV coordinates for polygon \'x22_52\'!
crystalspace.engine.warning: Warning: badly specified UV coordinates for polygon \'x275_4\'!
crystalspace.engine.notify: Loading bsp/octree...
crystalspace.engine.notify: Compress vertices...
crystalspace.engine.notify: Build vertex tables...
crystalspace.engine.notify:   oct_nodes=993 max_oct_depth=12 num_bsp_trees=666
crystalspace.engine.notify:   bsp nodes: tot=29510 avg=44 min=0 max=239
crystalspace.engine.notify:   bsp leaves: tot=16672 avg=25 min=1 max=200
crystalspace.engine.notify:   bsp max depth: tot=10770 avg=16 min=1 max=55
crystalspace.engine.notify:   bsp tot poly: tot=50358 avg=75 min=1 max=464
crystalspace.engine.notify:   pvs vis nodes: tot=0 avg=0 min=0 max=0
crystalspace.engine.notify:   pvs vis poly: avg=0% min=0% max=0%
crystalspace.engine.notify:   best pvs node at -597.257019,38.301151,-696.700012

####end debug.txt #####
###begin psclient.txt #####

## one modification, blanked out my password in <>
====== Tue Jun 11 19:02:46 2002
Using alternative 3D driver: crystalspace.graphics3d.opengl
WARNING: could not load plugin \'crystalspace.motion.manager.default\'
WARNING: could not load plugin \'crystalspace.sound.loader.aiff\'
WARNING: could not load plugin \'\'
WARNING: could not load plugin \'crystalspace.sound.loader.iff\'
WARNING: could not load plugin \'crystalspace.sound.loader.mod\'
WARNING: could not load plugin \'crystalspace.sound.loader.ogg\'
Mount: $.$/ -> /planeshift/...ok!
Mount: $.$/art$/textures$/ -> /planeshift/textures/...ok!
Mount: .\\art/world/ -> /planeshift/world/dungeon...ok!
Mount: .\\art/world/ -> /planeshift/world/roads38...ok!
Mount: /planeshift/world/ -> /this/art/world/...ok!
Mount: .\\art/ -> /planeshift/models/...ok!
Loading RPG Data.....Loading RPG Data.....1OK!
Connection request approved.  Token is 8758.  PlayerID is 4889.

#### end psclient.txt ########

Jeremy Bell
WolverineSoft Project Coordinator

General Discussion / use clients as servers
« on: May 31, 2002, 01:31:53 am »
One way you can reduce your costs is to detect broadband clients, and use some of the extra bandwidth from these clients to serve other clients. That opens up a whole can of invertebrates, but it works for gnutella and SETI, why not PS?

Jeremy Bell
-WolverineSoft Project Coordinator

Granted or negated Wishes / re: Carbon (Mac OS X) build???
« on: May 31, 2002, 12:55:48 am »
I wouldn\'t suggest starting in on the MacOS X build until the next release of MacOSX is out by the end of the summer (the Jaguar release) and the MacOSX version of the crystal space engine is stabilized. There aren\'t many people working on the MacOSX version of Crystal Space, but they have made some decent progress as of late. Still, it is far from prime time, as even the walktest freezes both of my machines (iMacDV400MHz and PMG4 DP 500MHZ) There are some fairly significant changes with the Jaguar release (10.2.x), and while any work done before this release is still good after it, you might find yourself retooling significant portions of it. I wish I knew more details, but I wasn\'t at the World Wide Developer\'s Conference to get the Jaguar pre-release CD and I don\'t have a software seeding account with Apple. ;( It shouldn\'t be too much of a problem if you do begin development now, but be prepared to make some adjustments.
   The Jaguar release is supposedly as significant or more significant than the 10.1 release, which is saying something. Also, DO NOT waste time with a Carbon CFM or OS9 port. First of all I don\'t think it\'s possible with the crystal space engine and second of all it\'s a colossal waste of time.

-Jeremy E. Bell
WolverineSoft Project Coordinator

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