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Messages - Harwen

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Wish list / Oooh!
« on: October 03, 2003, 10:32:51 pm »
Originally posted by Commando
Ok, i know this is the medival ages, but I think this thing don\'t affect the game play in a negative way.

What about a book in the libary that u can read and write to the forum? I think that should be great.. But as i sad before, its a litle sci fi

That\'s a great idea Commando, it looks like that glowy book would be great for your idea. I could never imagine what that thing would be used for, hehe. It would also be a great place to send newbs to their dooms, er...I mean to a direct link to a players guide with pictures up doesn\'t seem like they will read something OUT of game.

Wish list / Great
« on: October 03, 2003, 10:27:24 pm »
Originally posted by Vengeance
The whole point of MMORPGs is to team up with people and get to know them.  Thus grouping is very important for social interaction in the game.  There are a couple of objectives we need to have with this, however:

a) Don\'t totally preclude soloing.
b) Reward grouping, no matter the size.
c) Make very large groups possible, and give them things to do also.
d) Make it so that finding a group doesn\'t take hours.
e) Enable friends at very different levels to group together.
f) Do NOT enable friends at very different levels to power-level their newbie friends by grouping them in hard raids.

I believe our grouping ideas will do this.

- Vengeance

That\'s just....beautiful!

I like the idea of about 20 people in a group treking throught he labyrinths, I am a little insecure hehe. Spiders creep me out.

Guilds Forum / Good Need Evil, badly
« on: September 28, 2003, 12:25:56 am »
Any group who volunteers to be the direct target of all the (pardon) \'do-goody\' guilds certainly has to be worth something. The Cabal are cool,  they\'re jerks, and really are the mobs going to hatch evil plots for you to foil? NO! The Cabal will. Who will make suffering a household name? The Cabal. So what do we need them for??? Conflict. Simple as that, they\'re the Yang we da Ying.

Let\'s give them the hand, while they give us the finger rather smugly. (only to have it chopped off later : )

It\'s just some good \"clean\" conflict.

Cabal, let\'s dance.

General Discussion / You know what?
« on: September 27, 2003, 01:41:11 am »
This is so horribly pointless, I don\'t care anymore about this stupid game, this has become emotionally draining for reasons I don\'t care to say, it\'s only a stupid game, right?

If anyone else tries to degrade my argument on the ridiculous basis that I am just a newbie, let them know this, THIS GAME HAS A LEARNING CURVE OF TIC TAC TOE.

The inventory works, so why give us hope at all?

 And you SHOULD get a reward for being there for 2 years, did I exclude you?

Forget you all  and the hopless dream that was planeshift.

General Discussion / Heh...
« on: September 27, 2003, 01:26:32 am »
Let me get one thing straight.

I never called myself an \"Oldbie\", nor did I call myself I newbie either. It\'s not like there is much to the game to get \"Old\" or experienced at, I was just calmly explaining my views on a subject. If  you are going to get trivial about a matter and not contribute to the conversation, my email is avaliable.

Anyways, I agree totally with anyone who has a weapon. They know how much work it took to get that shiny sprite in your hands.

To everyone else who is too lazy or just a stick in the mud. Understand, what is the reason for crystals in the first place? What was the entire reason for such high weapon prices at all? If you were going to wipe everything so ruthlessly (again I apologize) then why make the galkard so expensive? Why disheart us from playing this game everytime a new release is put out? What is so bad about the elite being the elite? I am not saying I am \"the best\" but I did spend most of my free time in between work and school (yes, work I am 19, I have a job I go to college) trying my hardest to collect crystals to get a lonsword so I could make my guild proud. I am really into the game, I have escapist problems, sue me. I, and I am sure many people like me would suddenly find a terrible flaw in this great game you have if you decide to \"wipe\" everything.

1) Collision Checking (understandable)
2) It can\'t be our real lives (understandable, marginally)
3) It is a waste of time.

That might get me deleted right there, but 3 months to play a single game is a long time. I haven\'t gotten bored, I have seen 456 rubys and I haven\'t gotten bored a single time I picked them up. I defend your game to the T online, I support newbies (like me) by giving tours of the city, and giving tips. I am a quick learner, what can I say.

After many serious discussions with my friends in the game, I have found that many of them would probaly not play as much or give up on a little thing called justice. We earned our weapons, It\'s fair in my eyes, just because you don\'t have your pretty galkard yet, doesn\'t make it right to take away my hard work.

Go Cabal, you guys rule.

P.S. Watch out for Harwen, Cabal, watch out for Harwen.

General Discussion / Genius
« on: September 26, 2003, 02:00:17 pm »
Nilaya is such a genius, I mean she\'s right, who would want to go around killing newbies --(which I think pvp should\'nt give you experience which solves the problem of massacres)--when you can look cool and defend newcommers and be nice to people, I think that if most people make a promise not to take advantage of our obviously hard-earned \"bonuses\" for the purpose of slaughter --(which I may say is what most of the 2000+ crystal bearers hate the most,...cough, diablo,..cough)-- then we can maybe make a moral code that will protect these new players, we all help newbies anyways, we were them ourselves, it\'s not like we\'re a parent talking to our childs, we were newbies (most of us) less than 4 months ago, our memory isn\'t that bad? I don\'t think it\'s too much to ask (please forgive my arrogence oh mighty Dev god) to have a \"little\" bonus for sticking around (and throwing away our other social-life sucking hobbies) .

Well, I like to thank all you devs for us being able to influence the game like this.

P.S. Nilaya is cool!

The Hydlaa Plaza / Auto What??
« on: September 24, 2003, 09:05:36 pm »
I am sorry, but PS will not be the last dungeon of FF7 where you tape the controller down and make the team fight up to level 99. What are you people trying to do with PS? Making and auto system is truly preposterous (even if I can\'t spell), to say the least boring. If you want a game where you can easily kill all the monsters (even if there is \"danger\" as you call it) Just by pressing a button, go cheat at some RPG...I bet you have a gameshark right?

Honestly using the fact that \"some\" people use PS as escapist lore as a sheild for an obviously weak argument is childish. Realism and the fact ther you are pulled away from your \"normal\" reality is what PS should be all about. Why make it so easy every blacksmith is pumping out spider silk armour every day? Things in PS, all things should come out of hard work, albiet fun, and provide ample rewards for the people playing it. I think you are complaining that it might be too hard, and I also think that if you played enough games, you would understand that there is a much, much more complex philosophy behind gaming, MMORPG\'s, and hoo-boy life in general.

If people do not want to take the game seriously, why should they be rewarded for 1 days worth of fighting around the city, while little \'ol Harwen treks to the deepest pit of the stone labyrinths and back, and then to the highest mountain in the land, just to get an item just as worth while as whatever 1 day of fighting around the city would give.

Why can\'t the quests be frustrating? Are we supposed to pamper the obviosly slow-witted? I agree there could be some \"newb\" quests which are easy as sin to solve, but should these types of quests plauge PS? Heck no!

The only reason the Regulars complain about the NPC\'s is because they seem a little rob-tronic, single command line interface thing. Honestly the only easy thing about the quests should be the NPC interfaces (smarterchild, anyone?). Hard things make people glad to solve them. I always tear out the last couple of pages of a word search book, it takes the fun out of it knowing i have the answers.

Well, anything else? I think that the (almighty) Devs aren\'t exactly here to make the game horrible for us, so let\'s not take every little change they make so personally, think of it as an input and response basis, they give you something, if it turns out to be crap, tell them about it, then, they might change it if your argument is strong enough, or enough people complain as well, simple as that.

Oops, I rambled again :(

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: September 20, 2003, 04:32:36 pm »
It\'s okie, it turns out it was being put on linkdead, but it exited so fast, I didn\'t see\'s increasently harder to create a new char (not that Im going to use it, I love being Harwen), and I am becoming more and more desperate...ugh

Well, Thank you very much for your help...I\'m going to hope one of my other computer\'s work, or that I can fix them so they work also...

Everyone wish me luck.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / New Computer !
« on: September 19, 2003, 10:19:33 am »
I have purchased a new computer recently, and after instlling PS and running the updater, I have found that I am unable to log on with my or my brother\'s screen name, It keeps saying that I am still logged on to the server, but even if my other computer is turned off, and I exit PS normally, it still says this, and waiting 2.5 hours doesn\'t help ( I wanted to be extra sure), I tried copying the exact folder to the new computer, but this doesn\'t help at all...If anyone could help, this would be very much appreciated, because it is a very, very fast computer and I hunger 32-bit OpenGL PS in Uber-High resolution.

Thank You.

PvP,PK and Thieving /
« on: September 18, 2003, 02:28:51 am »
I think the theives getting to choose the items is horrible, and that you may want to check up those people online when that system gets implemented. Besides, I don\'t want to have to go through the game and be watching my back 24/7 it might make the game less fun when elder players steal all of the newbs money, (Hey, are you new? Yes? ::Snatches:: /buddy NameOfSucker ) I think that it is a dangerous skill to begin with, I\'m sure the devs are working hard on that one :) But being able to steal should only consist of money, and then a percentage of that would be better, as rich people would me more favorable to steal from than a poor person...Also, crystals would be impossible to steal (would you really accept that? your only diamond? or your hoard of 40 diamonds that took you 5 months to excavate from an island city?) So, you should be able to buy a crystal, and sell it for an equal price, thereby protecting your money in some way,...(crystals should be expensive)...Ever played Lufia? That seemed nice, though shops wouldn\'t really accept crystals as payment....hopefully the currency should be in denominations (like the crystals) so let\'s say 30 trias equals three so and so\'s which equals 3 emeralds and such...Stealing equiped items is just one steals a sword out of my hand...I would prefer though that stealing was implemented in battle,...or at least would be activley stoppable...sadly,...that\'s where the cheating might start...

Another thing about the houses, is making them completeley don\'t need to pick the lock if you can walk through the door...Again, give it time.

General Discussion /
« on: September 18, 2003, 02:08:10 am »

I think that since it is a skill point-based system, (as the monsters become easier and easier to kill, that they stop dropping items,...or have a limit to how many pelts will spawn after a monster is killed, kinda like crystals, the more people, the less the chance, making it rarer if there are alot of people hacking away at stuff...Hmm..I wonder how the dev\'s are going to get at this one? All I know is that, a \"newbie zone\" is really bad, no offense the idea is good, but the concept is bad, grounds where an NPC tells you how to do stuff would be a better idea, for example, a type of corral, or so would be a bit boring, but designating concentric bands of difficulty would be better...I.E. Near a town wall would be the easiest monsters ( unless it\'s supposed to be a secret town, etc) and at a certain range beyond it would get harder and harder....depending where caves and such are, would define their level of difficulty...

...dunno about that money and pelt thing...I want to kill everything on the map so I get money, because I am usually poor in MMORPG\'s, but I would never consider what it would do to the economy here... Personally, if I needed to handle that, It would do something witht he fact that there are alot of different types of currency...check the menu...crystals in fact,...what would their value be when monsters came around? So, here, If the money would denominate like the crystals do, then the cheap items would roll around the higher denominations, and so forth,  the price of items dropped by monsters and the quantity would be directly proportional to the difficulty of obtaining it, and the amount availiable...(plus, I think the server would go nuts if let\'s say 1000 newbs got 50 pelts every day for a week and kept selling them, or just kept them...) They should limit the amount of pelts dropped per day, or per hour, minute, etc. Oops, I rambled!

Wish list / Drakklik
« on: September 17, 2003, 01:16:47 pm »
The Drakklik is a small group of lizard people that live outside the city and like to ambush travellers and explorers. They are nomadic and live in bands. They are as tall as a man, slender and iguana-like in appearance. They move around fast and dart to and fro but are generally weak and an easy kill for newbies. But beware, they work in pairs and often more.

Hit Points: Low

Weapons: A club, knife, small sword, or none (usually)

Magic: None

Notes: There are different types of Drakklik, from leader of the pack, to a simple theif, ranging in weapons and strength.

I think this would be a great addition to the game because it has variety since you can have different types of Drakklik. This could also be another race, but it would be nice if there was a \'common\' enemy to plauge the citie(s), A raid on the city could also be done, as well as seige of other cities by hoards of monsters like this.

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