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Messages - kyp14

Pages: 1 ... 24 25 [26]
General Discussion /
« on: March 08, 2003, 04:46:46 am »
many thanks i\'ll try to stick the hair i ripped out of my head in frustration back on my head
Kyp14 ;)

General Discussion /
« on: March 08, 2003, 04:24:12 am »
same here it would be nice if they put the download links in the forums as well becasue i been waiting for ages and to go on and find the site down the day they put it up (or yesterday) is more than  just annoying ;(

Wish list /
« on: March 02, 2003, 06:36:34 am »
A bit of topic but I think i liked your other sig better link
unless of course you want to be cast into hell just for the Adrenalein rush   ?(

as for the blacksmith i agree with link keep combat out of it to many would have been good MMORPG have stuffed up from making that mistake where the world revovles around murder

Kyp14 :]

Wish list /
« on: March 02, 2003, 04:09:37 am »
I am that Nazi guy got the nickname in class
some one in my class decided to give me stupid
extremist nicknames like Nazi etc so thats what
i called myself    

although now they give me even more stupid nicknames
that contridict themselves like  Jewish Nazi, Black member of the cu clucks clan or whatever they call themselves and last but not least Christian member of
an Islamic Extremists partys.

as for the sig i don\'t know if somone else had the same
one but being a Jesus freak is a common thing among my freinds seeing where all christians.

As for the Mapping contest i think it would be cool to
do it at a later date give me time to get used to the
CS 3D editor (that is if there is one)

I also came up with other cool idea and am to lazy to make another thread. Has anyone seen the Panzoor Dragoon trailer with the dragons that are being used  like ww2 bombers I thought it would be cool if there was a dragon air force in planeshift just imagine on a huge battle field with 2 partys fighting each other one is losing but then on the horizon you see this squadrron of Dragons fly over and bomb the other party pretty much smashing it. it would be cool

Kyp 14

Wish list / Have A Mapping Contest
« on: February 28, 2003, 10:26:31 pm »
hey i\'m new  
anyway i\'m a quake 3 mapper and duh i enjoy
mapping i was thinking wouldn\'t it be cool
if PS had a mapping contest were people
got to design a city or  town or somthing
and the winner gets his town or city or
whatever in the game i\'m not sure if this is
possilbe but the advantages would be

1. You can make somone very proud and happy

2.You\'ll get the community even more involved in the
project then they already are will get some work taken of your hands

kyp14 ;)

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