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Messages - zhai

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"They're moving fast. They'll be on the road soon". Hoping for an ear who'd recognize it, Zhai whistles a ranger warning...

Zhai arrives at the ruins while still eating her apple. "Now, this is odd" she thinks to herself as she finds no sign of any ulbernauts nearby. She sighs with disappointment tossing the half-eaten apple. "Kergen! He must've been here...". She wanders for few minutes through the ruins sensing no particular activity. Suddenly a familiar voice gives her a simple explanation: "They left". Zhai turns to find Nyshyn chewing on some dried meat tucked in her favorite nook. Nyshyn just stares at her with no intetion of uttering any other sound. Her big eyes bare only indiference yet Zhai nods politely and resumes her search with half a smile.. Soon after that she finds some ulber footprints. "They're grouped. Ten of them, at least, fully grown...", she warns herself as she starts tracking them. "I just hope they don't go on the Oja road..."

"Pretty", Zhai says to herself as she looks at the azure light through the leaves above. The old tree moves gently and she's already lost track of the time she's spent lying under it. "You've been here quite a while" she says, both to the tree and herself. "Where would you go if you could walk?". She laughs a bit. "Me too". She stands up and stretches her legs and back, getting ready to wander, maybe hunt a little. The tree is far behind after walking for a few minutes and as she reaches the top of a hill she turns to the oja road and then to Hydlaa wondering what may be happening there now that a certain peace dwells within its walls.

General Discussion / Re: pretty
« on: June 27, 2006, 01:03:07 pm »
i dunno, but having an actual lake/river/beach out there would be really cool... without the "you drowned and died" msg.  ;D


General Discussion / Re: Update coming.
« on: June 26, 2006, 04:33:10 pm »
The client will be released as soon as internal testing is done - it could take 2-4 days, but there is really no way of predicting how many bugs we may find and have to fix before releasing.

would be nice to see the mac version up at the same time as the others...  :sorcerer:

General Discussion / Re: Update coming.
« on: June 26, 2006, 03:04:10 pm »
will the update be for all os or only for pc?


In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP]The Master Ranger no more
« on: June 24, 2006, 12:28:33 pm »
[awww Farren... :'( well, i can't write as well as you but here it goes...]

Angadu vs Farren Kutter

Zhai's memories start to get into place as she runs to Hydlaa along with Satayne. Everything seems so surreal. No more excrutiating imprisonment. No more hatred controlling her every move. No more sensation of falling endlessly, fearing the final hit at the bottom of a dark hole... She's free again. In her mind, all what happened is replayed as she gains consciousness of all the things she'd done while possessed by the entity known as Angadu...

Angadu left the arena, saw Bodacher there and couldn't resist it... what's a minion of darkness to do with no war as a purpose? He felt restless and the sight of the victorious dwarf made him feel impotent and angry. A mortal life isn't as fun as he thought when the limits we all have to live by got to him. He walked up to Harn's and looked around. He sensed something odd and readied his blades. He was right. Farren, the Master Ranger, was there. They didn't talk much for they both knew they couldn't put it off any longer. They started fighting. "This isn't right", said Angadu to himself... "Something's not right"... Farren was fighting in a different way, as if he were baring a strange confidence he didn't have before... "What has he learned?". As it commonly occurs with lesser deamons who by spell and will grow powerful, Angadu kept the very essence of his being: his insidious ways, his cowardice and malice, his keen intelect to plot and bring chaos... he was all that but with the strength of a higher level deamon, as he fed on Zhai's soul as he kept her imprisoned in darkness. He didn't torture her only because of the pleasure he'd get from it but because that's where his main strength came from. He clinged to her as a parasite.

But now he felt fear, as he couldn't tell what the Master Ranger's next move would be. He fled the plaza, leaving Hydlaa behind. "Run! Hide! ...This is not right! ...What's happening?" He feared as he tried to evade Farren's skilled attacks while the chase took them out of the city and into the woods, past the iron mines and the canyon. Suddenly he heard a childish scream of alert and saw Beanius standing on a hill nearby. "There he is!" and all of a sudden Satayne, Indygo, Anfa, Xylaal, Corune, Navarr and Beanius charged. Farren kept striking until Angadu wasn't able to move anymore. Corune held him down while the others tied his limbs. He was taken up the hill and placed in the center of a pentagram drawn by Beanius. "How did they know? HOW?!" he thought as he screamed and twirled desperately. Then he saw Beanius and a strange scroll sticking out of his pocket... "It was you! You stole it from Drahlian? You little worm... You'll pay for this". He couldn't move as Corune was still holding him still. The strange mark on Zhai's forehead, written in blood by Drahlian when she captured her with Kergen's aid, burned in rage. Xylaal tried to wash it away using a piece of cloth and water but it wouldn't work. Angadu tried to fight back but Indygo then drew a holy axe given to him by Einnol and blessed by Peacer and kept the deamon subdued. Angadu couldn't move. The light was too strong... Anfa shed a tear for the soul of her friend as she tried to figure out what to do and Angadu screeched in agony as it touched his forehead. Everybody looked at each other and understood what had to be done. Holding him down, they used Anfa's tears to wash away the markings, as Beanius chanted the spell written on the scroll he took from Drahlian. The real Zhai could feel as if crystals shattered around her in the darkness. A holy light surrounded Anagadu as he hissed at his enemies unable to stop them.

Zhai opened her eyes. Anfa was right in front of her though everything was blurry. She was back. She could feel her body again... but she wasn't alone. The spell had broken her imprisonment but not vanquished the evil spirit within her. Gathering all his strength Angadu fled again, taking Zhai to the underworld before her friends could stop him. Farren led the party to the death realm, knowing the final battle would take place there...

Angadu was waiting in the library. He was soon surrounded again by Zhai's friends. Einnol and Ralarssenth joined the rescue party there, so there was no way now for Angadu to defeat so many excellent opponents... he calculated the risks and then he challenged Farren. "Defeat me and i'll leave. Die, and she'll be mine forever". They all looked at each other, placing their trust in Farren as he accepted the duel, but at the same time they knew he'd need their help so they all focused their will to strengthen him for the battle. Angadu charged striking Farren with a first blow... but Farren didn't fall. His aura was impenetrable and what would've been a deadly wound was only a scratch now. "How?! This is my realm! This is where I'm stronger!", Angadu thought. But then he heard another voice in his head, a voice he didn't recognize at first, perhaps because he'd only heard it screaming in pain and now it spoke clearly and softly: "Think again". He lowered his guard, frozen by Zhai's words. Farren saw the opening and took the chance, swinging his swords at Angadu with both might and skill. Angadu fell and as he finally left Zhai's body, Farren used a summon ring to trap the spirit.

Zhai's eyes open again, this time to see herself standing next to the Death Guardian. She could feel her body again, her voice and breath... She was herself, saved by the Master Ranger and all her good friends. They all came to see her and although they weren't sure the deamon was gone at first, it didn't take them long to recognize her. Zhai tried to articulate her thanks but the emotions wouldn't let her think straight. She looked at her hands, trying to convince herself it was finally over but only her friends' words would help her clear her doubts. "Welcome back", she heard... and she really felt that. Farren then said: "Zhai, are you ready to come back to the Rangers now?". She looked at him warmly and smiled. "Yes!", she finally said and huged her fellow rangers. "Let's go back to the world of the living!" someone said and she couldn't agree more.

And thus, she's crossing the wilds again. Hasting towards Hydlaa to see her friends there, ready to celebrate at Kada's, Satayne running by her side, making sure the journey's safe. When they finally make it to Kada's everyone's there. Zhai hugs each one of her friends as tears of happiness run down her cheeks. Beanius is already serving drinks and it all seems right, after such a long time, it is right. And then Farren makes a surprising announcement: "Greet Zhai, the new Master Ranger of the Rangers of Yliakum!". Einnol's jaw drops to the floor and everyone's eyes open wide. "Farren? Are you serious?!" they ask. He nods smiling as if he had just passed a drink instead of his rank, but that's how he often does with those things that matter most, making everything seem small and safe. Zhai smiles and bows. Beanius then says "I think I found myself! I want to join the Rangers!". There's so much to celebrate now but also so many things that need mending and being righted.

* * * * *

As Farren ponders his decision and reflects on what he's to do now that Zhai's the new guild master, he takes out the Summon Ring he used to trap Angadu. Such a small trinket now holds the creature that brought so much havok. Drahlian will pay for what she did. She should be scared now, very scared. Zhai touches his shoulder smiling and he quickly puts the ring back in his pocket, promising himself not to mention it ever again. "There's much to do now, Farren", says Zhai. Farren nods in agreement as they start discussing the future of the guild...

[ \\o// thanks a lot to everyone! i really, really had a great time. i wrote this without my logs cuz i can't find them :-[ , so if i missed something it really wasn't intentional. please let me know of any mistakes/omissions by sending me a pm or in-game and i'll correct my narration of the events immediately. great rp everyone!]

sounds great! and hopefully, i'll be good old me again  :innocent: by then  \\o//


rewards depend on the character and that's how my char would react and of course she warned him about how she expected him to use that weapon... and i guess i did that because he really tried and told me a pretty good story. he's been the only one i've found so far willing to put his "immediate" needs on the side for roleplay's sake. yay to him for that.  :flowers:


2. If you ask a question, please wait for an answer before walking away.  :sleeping:
Many answers go beyond "yes" and "no" and you probably want to hear them. so, typing them takes a bit... wait please. leaving a conversation before the other person has a chance to talk back is also rude. yes, some players may ignore you but sometimes, there's a reason for that (they might be afk, rping something or their characters are just not the helping kind and they rp as that). when you talk to strangers, check their description and check if they are alone or in the middle of something (it's pretty easy to tell).

Heh, interesting point.  But, if you put yourself in the newbs boots you can understand why they run off so often.  I'll be sure to start answering those who ask me for help with a quick response ("((Just give me a second to type it out))" or something like that) from now on.

yeah, i've been doing that lately, and if my character is not possessed by evil (as she is now :devil: which has me helping [ooc] when necessary) i normally explain ic that there's a lot to learn and that they should be patient. sometimes, tho, there's always someone saying "ok. i don't care".

You know, I made a character once (forget the name) who was going to be a pack-leader for a certain group of Enkidukai IC. He asked in Hydlaa (ICly) how he could become stronger, since pack-leaders were only chosen by strength alone according to Enkidukai customs. I know how to gain strength, of course, but my character himself didn't. You know what he said? "Fight rats and get progression points, then go to Percival for sword levels."

I have nothing more to say about that.

yeah, i agree that if we all expect roleplay from noobs we shouldn't just give the quick answer to brush them off OOC. but, even if they don't speak IC, just being polite makes a huge difference. otherwise, as Indygo once put it: it makes you want to give the DR quest... and you know what? if you can spare a couple of k's or equipment i suggest you try to give simple quests that can help noobs get experience or improve their rp. i once asked a new comer to tell me his personal history. i was at kada's then and it seemed natural to ask for a good story. when he finished i rolled 1d6 to see how much i liked it. he got a 6 so i rewarded his effort with a /4 sword. we both had a good time and that's what this is about.

oh! and thank you for the kudos  :woot:


Newbie Help (Start Here) / asking more experienced players for help
« on: June 22, 2006, 01:46:15 am »
hello newcomers! O--)

i hope this message can help you out. in my own experience, only very few people have ever refused to help me when i needed guidance and i'm sure for you it should be no different. now, i haven't played that long but i do go out of my way to help noobs a lot. however, here are some major problems i've come across in doing so:

1. Who are you and how do you know my name???  ???
Please introduce yourself and rp. Don't just come up and interrupt a conversation with "how do i get experience?" or, even worse, "give me a weapon". it's plain rude and probably won't get you the help you need.

2. If you ask a question, please wait for an answer before walking away.  :sleeping:
Many answers go beyond "yes" and "no" and you probably want to hear them. so, typing them takes a bit... wait please. leaving a conversation before the other person has a chance to talk back is also rude. yes, some players may ignore you but sometimes, there's a reason for that (they might be afk, rping something or their characters are just not the helping kind and they rp as that). when you talk to strangers, check their description and check if they are alone or in the middle of something (it's pretty easy to tell).

3. depending on the kindness of strangers...  :whistling:
yes, you can get lucky and someone might help you out A LOT, giving you not only information but equipment and money. this isn't the rule. you should not expect that from anybody and, most importantly, you should appreciate what they are doing for you. YES you might need all that stuff so asking for it sounds reasonable, but unless your character was actually born to beg, don't go asking people to give you stuff. there are many other ways to get things from other players.

4. if you find that you dislike the game...  :@#\
don't go saying that it's stupid or that all who play it are. it's childish and annoying for those who do enjoy it.

having said that...

what puts me on the best disposition to help (for nothing in return) is:

1. when they are polite.

2. when they talk in character and are willing to roleplay.

3. when they don't barge in but check descriptions first and choose a good time to engage in conversation (if you have to interrupt a group in the middle of roleplay because nobody else is around when you need help, try saying "excuse me" or "i do not mean to interrupt" or things like that before dropping your questions. greeting might also work. generally those who roleplay more are those more willing to offer help).

4. when they appreciate my help (as in, they pay attention when we're talking and they thank me afterwards. NO, saying "OK" is not the same as saying "Thank you").

i don't think i ask for much so if you don't approach me having this in mind i'm probably gonna limit my help to the minimum or even ignore you completely and i'm not the only one who sees things this way. finally, in my own experience, i've learned and received many more things roleplaying than begging or using OOC conversation. i suggest you do the same because it works and it's a lot more fun. i don't mind at all answering /tells afterwards and it's always nice to hear someone you helped is now helping others. i hope you take this in mind next time you're on and need a hand. see you in yliakum!


In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Dwarvesbane vs. Dwarven Star
« on: June 18, 2006, 10:10:22 pm »
Recovering strength in the underworld after Proglin defeated him with a brilliant performance (for a dwarf anyways), Angadu, the spirit in control of Zhai's body, answers again the call of Mistress Drahlian. "This is just the beginning... Everything will go as planned now...", he tells her.


[thanx a lot to the dwarven star and dwarvesbane for letting me be a part of it, i had a blast. illori, thank you for the great screenies of the last battle. let's see how all this ends... and somebody please rescue me already! ;D]

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Dwarvesbane vs. Dwarven Star
« on: June 14, 2006, 03:10:35 pm »
[An embellishment of the battle between me and Zhai is coming soon]

[and here it is as written by the Master Ranger himself]

Zhai vs. Farren
[Embellishment of the Battle between the Master Ranger and the subverted Ranger Zhai]

Farren Kutter, the Master Ranger, leader of the Rangers of Yliakum, walks up towards the gates of Ojaveda for his monthly visit, a look of slight sorrow on his eyes. One of his best Rangers and friends, Zhai, had been taken and somehow subverted against him by Drahlian. He nears the gates and sees a female Enkidukai. As he draws nearer, he is disheartened with the grim realization of who it is. Standing in the gateway of Ojaveda is Zhai. But she appeared different, darker, wild. Seeing her, the pained Master Ranger stops, mind racing, thinking of what he should do. The once-Ranger enkidukai walks up to him.

"Zhai..." says Farren, lost as to what else to say to the creature in front of him as his former friend looks to him. She wasn't Zhai anymore, not truly. The Ranger he knew did not have eyes filled with darkness such as hers. The subverted Enkidukai readies her blades, an action she had never performed in hostility against a Ranger before. The leader of the Rangers feels a deep pit forming in his stomach. "Zhai, don't do this..." he says. But Zhai just stares at him, blades ready, dark eyes focused. "I can't win. I can't fight my own Ranger. Not full-heartedly." he adds.

Again, the other replies with silence. Resigned to the inevitable outcome of this battle, Farren sighs and says, "But if you are against the dwarves, you are against me." At this, Zhai, in an unrecognizable voice, says "You won't have her back, Farren Kutter." her eyes burning with hatred as she does so. Seeing this, the Master Ranger crouches slightly, his blades out and held in a slightly defensive position. He gives a half-smile and, with a hint of confidence in his voice, but apparent sadness in his eyes, replies, "I think I will... Eventually."

Zhai replies saying, "... Fool...", to which Farren promptly returns to his true personality for an instant, replying with a smile, "A fool only when I was the Jokester of the Guild Knights. I am the Master Ranger. I may not be the greatest physical fighter. But I tend to overcome odds in other aspects." The former Ranger senses something about Farren that threatens, and decides to end the threat before it causes too much trouble. She raises her blades and readies herself to charge at her former leader. Farren lowers himself into a full defensive crouch, ready to counter-attack his former friend. "Will you really attack me?" he asks with a deep sorrow, knowing the answer even as he asked the question. The subverted Enkidukai's answer is silence as she crouches, about to attack.

Zhai lunges forward at the Master Ranger, both swords slicing for him, but he rolls to the side, slashing her lightly with one of his short swords. "Hmm... Well this is a first, fighting my own ranger." he remarks, more to himself than anyone. He rises from the crouch he landed his roll in, and parries the others' blade as it soars in at his chest, bringing his other shortsword up to parry the other as it slashes from the side. Zhai backs off for a few seconds and then charges the ranger, both blades in a semi-defensive position, ready to switch to an attack. as she reaches him, Farren falls backwards, rolling his body back a little and pulling his feet in front of him and catching the former Ranger in the stomach, vaulting her over him to land in a heap on the ground and using the momentum of it to roll backwards to his feet. Taking a lunge forward, he spins to face his old friend.

Zhai gets up and begins her attack on Farren anew. She succeeds in opening a gash on his arm, and then another across his side, attacking furiously. Farren is horrified at how much she has changed. This was not the style of his friend. He takes many more hits, delivering a few blows himself, but not fully able to bring himself to attack the other full out. Weakening from his various wounds, the Master Ranger flees to the Death Realm.

[thanx for the story Farren  :woot: ]

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Dwarvesbane vs. Dwarven Star
« on: June 11, 2006, 12:07:25 am »
Zhai's eyes are shut, her voice lost... Her last memory is being tricked by Kergen when she tried one more time to break the spell that holds him in Drahlian's forces... he pretended to remember and she lowered her guard and now everything's a shadow around her, with no air, no space, no hope... only one thought remains as she loses all her senses: "help..."


[update: 10-12 of june]

After revealing her new self to those who once were her friends, Zhai charges against the dwarves as one of the Dwarvesbane. She's a completely different person now, possessed by an evil spirit called Angadu. She faced Farren Kutter, Master Ranger of the Rangers of Yliakum, Zhai's true guild. They fought at the gate of Ojaveda after the dwarvesbane took control and Farren was defeated. Days after, however, the dark spirit was unveiled by Anfa and him. The spirt fled to the underworld before they could find out more about the whereabouts of the real Zhai. His hatred now is also aimed at Anfa and the Rangers of Yliakum... 


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