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Messages - Aiwendil

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General Discussion / Re: Wipe y/n?
« on: September 09, 2010, 05:40:56 am »
*can't help but thanks for this Rigwyn*

*attempts to steal a handful of popcorn as he watches*
No need to steal it...I share it freely with everyone who enjoys the show.

In the whole 0.3 series of PlaneShift there were only some partial money, glyph or weapons wipes...nothing major. I don't think there was any kind of wipe in 0.4 at all. And in 0.5 the quests, pets and some containers were wiped. It doesn't seem there were many reasons to complain about a wipe in the last 5 years at all. 5 years of playing without having to bother much about a wipe at all so give the PS team some credits for this and support them in doing their wipe now. Who knows...maybe 0.6 is about to come out and a wipe is needed for the functionality. But all this panic could have been prevented by wiping at every major release...then people would have been used to it already.

Stop discussing this seriously take all the fun out of it. Just pour some oil in the fire and enjoy the players grieving and cry "My precious, my precious". As if anything that is said here would make a change at all...the wipe is going to happen and nobody can stop it.

*reads the post again and wonders if he maybe put it a bit over the edge...but then remembers that the w-words was already said and the panic will stop everyone from thinking posts it.*

General Discussion / Re: Wipe y/n?
« on: September 08, 2010, 06:22:03 pm »
If a dev doesn't say there will be no wipe but "don't panic" it's time for a mass panic.

*gets some popcorn and watches the show that repeats every year*

Server Status / Re: RP Server help
« on: September 08, 2010, 01:01:16 am »
You both already know how to change the IP address of the latest, downloadable client so you hadn't to read the post at all. But telling people that it's a bad idea to write a lot in the forum of a roleplay base game just seems wrong...Ah..sorry, my fault again, still can't get used to the fact that PS is not focused on roleplay anymore. So yes, you both are right, I should have just made a list of possible solutions where each point does not have more than 5 words. Will do that now
  • run pslaunch as root
  • change file-permissions before editing
  • install somewhere else

Oh..and to get rid of the last anachronism of roleplaying focus the chat window and press <esc>. (Haven't I already said something like this before?...Must have gotten lost within all that text people don't want to read.)

Server Status / Re: RP Server help
« on: September 07, 2010, 04:54:16 am »
Aiwendil: Use smaller words, >.> people like short and sweet.

Sorry, I played PS at a time where reading was still a requirement for playing. But yes I's not like this nowadays anymore. That's one of the reasons I stopped playing. But if I choose the help someone here because I think that new players are for sure not the ones to blame for the stupidity that is going on in game then I want to be at least free to also choose with what words I help them. I for a difference still think that some people take offense by assuming they are to lazy to read more than two lines.

And that wasn't what I meant. I meant what I said...only reinstalling for example won't help a bit in windows if you don't know how to get admin but keep installing it in C:\Program Files again. Use a different directory and you won't have the need to become admin at all. And if I would know what system Fubsss is on I could have given better instructions and had typed even more. There is a slight difference between doing a "sudo pslauncher" in a shell or a run-as-admin in windows and not wanting to explain all possibilities for all three systems if two of them are useless.

Wish list / Re: Server Fail-Safe
« on: September 07, 2010, 04:44:38 am »
At Awendil, the whole point of the suggestion is for people who choose NOT to log their PS chat, some people Dont need the space taken up, some people dont want to scroll through the loooonng page of chat, ect ect.

That's what I don't get...If you turn off logging then you request from the game that you can't look at previous chats. Logging is a comfortable solution that gives you the ability to exactly do what you want but also for so much more. No need to keep in mind what the question before the crash was for the time it takes to restart the client (what can be a very long time for some people). You just keep the logs open and answer to them as soon as you and the one who asked are logged in again. If you are concerned about the space logging takes just remove the logfiles once a months and it will hardly ever exceed 1MB.  For the too lazy to scroll...computers have such a nice (but I know it's almost forgotten now) feature that is called keyboard. In windows <ctrl>+<end> brings you to the end of every document in a text editor..two keys to get you exactly to the place you want to read. Even esier than having to switch through 5 tabs to make sure you haven't missed anything.

And while I usually am with people requesting new features I really don't get it this the end you want something that is already there just done another way. If you don't like logging like it is now maybe think of some suggestions to make it better suited for you...something like giving it an option to only keep the last 2MB of the logs or like Vakachehk suggested to put the text from the logs in the correct tabs after a restart and maybe make it possible to define how many previous lines you want to see there. It was even suggested recently to give logging the ability to write the different chat tabs in different files..then you only can look through the guildchat. And several times in the last years it was suggested that it would be nice to be able to read the log from within the game. Or maybe ask having the chat removed at all and replaced with a voice communication system as reading logfiles seems already too much for the PS players nowadays...must be the same with the chat in game then.

And don't get me wrong...I completely agree that showing a pop-up saying the server failed and after you click it you get thrown out of the game and have to restart it is not a good solution. I would go without the pup-up at all and just kick player back to the game lobby and give them a notification there that the server failed.

Server Status / Re: RP Server help
« on: September 06, 2010, 11:01:00 am »
Depends what system your are on (windows, macos, linux). Easiest way might be to just run the pslaunch application with admin rights. The latest update should already use the correct IP. If you don't want to do this you are either left with changing the permissions of the servers.xml file to allow an ordinary user to edit it, run the editor as admin or install the game in another directory which the OS doesn't protect from user editions (home directories on macos and linux or somewhere outside "Program Files" on windows).

Wish list / Re: Server Fail-Safe
« on: September 06, 2010, 09:18:04 am »
Code: [Select]
less ~/.PlaneShift/logs/<first name>_<last name>_chat.txt
Code: [Select]
notepad %AppData%\PlaneShift\logs\<first name>_<last name>_chat.txt
Code: [Select]
open ~/Library/Application Support/PlaneShift/logs/<first name>_<last name>_chat.txt
make shortcuts like this and you don't have to bother yourself anymore with finding the logfiles or making invisible directory visible in windows (what in fact wasn't even needed before if you use "%AppData%" as path). Can be even used while running PS to be able to quickly search your logs for some infos. For the people playing in windowed mode (what I guess is default for most anyway) it's pretty comfortable like this. Those who still insist on playing in fullscreen have to <alt>-<tab> out of the game to run the shortcuts (or use <alt>-<enter> to switch to windowed mode) but will get much more than just a few lines from the session before the crash and even the ability to search in the logs.

For a bit more comfort in linux use:
Code: [Select]
less `kdialog --getopenfilename ~/.PlaneShift/logs`
Then you can even choose which char logs you want to view. Exchange "less"  with the editor you prefer (for example gvim or kate). You will need kdialog installed for this.

You can even only show infos from a specific tab with this. Just change the linux command to
Code: [Select]
grep "\[NPC\]" ~/.PlaneShift/logs/<first name>_<last name>_chat.txt | less
Code: [Select]
grep "\[NPC\]" `kdialog --getopenfilename ~/.PlaneShift/logs` | less
to only view the NPC chat tab.
Change the "\[NPC\]" to "\[Guild\]", "\[Group\]" or "\[Tell\]" for other tabs.

If you turn of logging of the chat then in my opinion it's your own fault that you miss some stuff. That is what you turned off the ability to read again what happened some time ago.


If you go that way don't throw away the binary version you will need the art and data from it.

But try to update your glibc first if ubuntu allows that...sorry, no idea as I never have used ubuntu.

glibc 2.7 was released about a year after Ubuntu doubting it's included in that release ;). But the pre-compiled binaries of PS seem to depend on that library.  So you can either look if you can update your version of glibc in ubuntu somehow or compile your own client that should then depend on your currently installed version of glibc.

Guilds Forum / Re: [Guild] The Royal House of Purrty
« on: August 30, 2010, 12:27:03 pm »
Makes me sad to read this...Lolitra is one of the most friendliest persons in PS and for sure will be missed a lot. For me it was always a pleasure to play with one of her chars. (Or when I started hiding shyly behind some trees and just watching her play ;)) The several occasions Aiwendil was invited for a tea to the Royal House were also always something special for me...and I won't forget Mimmi (aka Ixala) and her own way of talking. (and getting Aiwendil in troubles). So only the best wishes from me.

Forum and Website Discussions / Re: Stalking function
« on: August 28, 2010, 05:54:50 am »
Oh, lol, I'm always lurking in "Who's Online".

Me too...It's great for trolling, when you see X... some people posting you already know it's going to be fun.

On a more serious note...I found it rather interesting in the past to be able to see what people in the forums are interested in. This not only applies for logged in people but also to what guests read. Rather than setting "hide online-status" as default why not keep it like it is right now and those people who don't want to be shown can still hide their status (to the disadvantage that others can't see at all when they are in the forums...helpfully at times when you need to discuss something with another players in PMs). Make a sticky about it which explains this all and fine...yes, I know reading stickies or reading abilities in general are a rare gift in this forum but then nobody could say he/she didn't know about this. And this function is only available for logged in accounts anyway, it was one of the few things I really missed when I deleted the Aiwendil account on the forum. (Maybe I have some strange views on this as I was also used as forum moderator to have this function in the OL forums but I often found it quit useful..and if it was just to notify a admin to move a post when I saw someone we told in game to apply for the RCO posting their application in the applications board for the outlaws again ;)).

448 I always go off topic I will use this to thank LigH, I didn't know that story and it's fact too good to be true. But because Sillamon asked and I think he might have some problems with the German original here is a translation in the ubuntu forums.

:/ Sorry, haven't played recently so no idea if those unable to load widget messages are fine...No real idea there. Have you already tried to do a "repair" from the launcher?

Ouch..sorry, I have no windows here so my commands might not be very exact..only typing them from memory. Open your windows explorer and go to the PlaneShift install directory..there should be a file "psclient.exe" (maybe without the .exe if you have extensions disabled but then it is shown as an application file) in that directory. Open the run command again then drag that file from the windows explorer in the input field of the run should end up with the correct path and filename in the input-field. Afterwards only add a --console to the command and run it. (oh, and i just remember..if there is a whitespace in the directory name like in your "Plane Shift" you will need quotes around it might work if you do
Code: [Select]
"H:\Files\Games\Plane Shift\psclient.exe" --console

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