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Messages - Allive

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In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: the finding of the grey glyphs
« on: July 14, 2007, 03:05:43 am »
a cloacked figure stands at the edge of the canyon leadeing to ojaveda seacking alliva and those that stand with him. A dwarve by the name of teraree appears and the figure aproaches the dwarve. is this the way to ojaveda asks the figure the dwarve nods what are you looking for he asks. the figure replies alliva alyeve oh what do you want with him the figure squints im going to kill him he replies. so your him your the one replies teraree well i am sorry i cannot allow you to do that he is my friend. the figure just scofs. the dwarves quickly pulls his daggers and rushes the tall figure but is quickly put down with a fist full of dark magic and red way energies. standing up teraree sheaths his daggers and launches bolts of ice at the figure the figure quickly grabs his masive sword and shatters the ice. teraree starting to wonder if he can handle the person he pulls out his grey glyph. the figure now intertwined with darkness and red way glow he sniggers. teraree concentrateing summons many bone creatures as they attack a shower of meteors start to hit the ground the figure standing strong and smiles slightly as one hits teraree. the bone creatures are struck also destroying all but one that mannages to hit the figure again the figure grabs his sword and with a quick turn he brings the massive sword crashing down crushing the creature. terare trying to get up to his feet the figure grabs his head and starts to prob his mind rendering teraree unconcious. just as the figure is about to aquire the glyph gag comes along and hold him at bay long enough for teraree to gain conciousness and just in time to see the massive sword above the figure head.mustering all his might teraree summons a bone ulbernought catching the figure of guard the figure is sent flying as teraree passes out again. the figure coughing up some blood from the mouth retreats shouting that he will be back.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: the finding of the grey glyphs
« on: July 02, 2007, 12:36:11 pm »
well as duraza already know my aincent blood and the spells connected to it dose drain alliva a hole lot every time ive used one of the spells alliva has been drained nearly to the point of not being able to continue. But the grey glyphs have the negative effect of the fact that it will drain ppl a lot and they should be rped that it drains them a lot also the glyphs that perhaps do have a overpowering power dose infact have a specific set of rules such to the fact they can back fire on that person. but the story of the grey glyphs have just started bilieve me these ppl that wield the grey glyphs will be faceing trials and a great threat.


[but anyway it seams this topic has gotten a bit of it so heres a quick storie of what has happend so far]

Alliva sits in the library the third stone tablet in front of him on a table as he attempts to decipher it and find a possible location for the third glyph. Cracking his bones Alliva stops for a moment and starts to write down on a piece of parchment some of the important events that has happend so far.

The grey glyph of the Ranger.

ah yes the tablet i found fragment and took time to repair and find a translation for. something strange happend and it showed us a vision of sorts of what happend in the past. how the grey glyphs came to yalikum. This glyph was gaurded by a guardian that had turned himself into a tefusang and in doing so could not turn himself back trapping his restless soul forever in that form. Tungor of the way of the hammer recieved this glyph.

The grey glyph of the necromancer

From the second tablet handed over by the first guardian it was found in the hands of a menki not the original gaurdian but one that took the job willingly. this menki made a deal with the first guardian that he would guard the glyph untill someone came and his love who had her life taken from her as she walked home from the tavern one night in a viscous attack. in return he would get his wife back with the help of many zwenze, kitiranna, Teraree, karark, raoni and myself the menki was able to restore the fenkis soul with her body so she may live again. Teraree of the way of the hammer a powerfull dark way mage recieved this glyph.

Alliva sighs i wonder what other crazy things we will have to do to attain these other glyphs they seam to just get more and more dangerous the more we find is it worth finding them all. Alliva sudenly feels like someone is watching him not from close by but from a distance. what is this hmmmm i dont like the thought of what i could have unleashed with finding these glyphs.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: the finding of the grey glyphs
« on: June 30, 2007, 04:41:31 am »
like i said before these glyphs do not give a lot over over other players these glyphs are infact giveing ppl abilities that they normaly wouldnt have. now for the sake of the rp i wont reveal anything that isnt already known but for example "the grey glyph of the ranger" gives the ability to talk with animals. an ability that ppl already rp and are not called god modders for this i know already. and the newest one "the grey glyph of the necromancer" as it stands at the moment it gives the ability to comunicate with the dead im sorry but i fail to see how this would give an advantage over anyone in things infact these abilities open up some nice rp oppertunities. if you still think those are god modding then your welcom to your view and after trying to tell you for so long that these glyphs aint all powerfull and such like you still call it god modding i really couldnt care about your opinion. as for asking me if you can have a glyph that i havent already designated these glyphs are designed in a specific way as to not one being more powerfull than the other and well it is my rp if you supposedly have one of these glyphs not sanctioned by me then im afraid youll just be ignored if you try to use it or you will be at least by the main ppl and you name will be made known.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: the finding of the grey glyphs
« on: June 29, 2007, 06:28:30 pm »
there is plenty chance for you to get involved in this rp find a way to get yourself in if you want to go to the extream of finding a glyph let me know of it and your suggestion of how it works and i will see if acceptable for the rp or not. many of the powers the glyphs give are passive anyway so it only really adds to an rp element that ppl can use in other rps. and as for my aincent blood i have coverd a lot of it in me story on the ps boards it gives me some powers outside of glyphs also that some of the more basic spells you get as glyphs i can cast without the use of said glyph.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: the finding of the grey glyphs
« on: June 29, 2007, 03:02:03 pm »
hahah nice on draklar so you guys see that could well indicate that the glyphs were not infact made by talad they existed before talad even knew of there existance.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: the finding of the grey glyphs
« on: June 29, 2007, 01:12:58 pm »
i never said they were more powerfull than any in game i never once said this. pls highlight were i said this ofcourse i did say that a fragment of a glyph is more powerfull than the others yes but this is so i can maintain some element of crontrol over this rp. {i dont see why i should allow an rp that io created be totaly out of my hands]. pluss there is rules over the fragment of the glyph that is designed so that not just one person can control it even alliva with his aincent blood cant control this glyph totaly by himself. and yet you are all flyiong of the handle without even knowing what power or rather abilities these glyphs give {the main point of this is so that the rp has some element that is hidding and is in effect out of my hands as to how ppl go about rping the glyph they have}.

Single Author Stories / Re: Story of Alliva
« on: June 28, 2007, 06:23:16 am »
         Alliva's continua’s training

Groth walks through the doors to the training yard behind the ojeveda guard building he seas Alliva practicing alongside Garithor. As he watches closely he seas Alliva now around 9 years old intrinsically copying and duplicating garithor’s movements. Garithor stops and turns around bowing toward Groth turning to Alliva and talking in a low voice “sit child you are doing well rest for a few moments”. Groth smiling and bowing toward Garithor “Alliva is getting better” Garithor nods “yes we will have to accelerate his training. He is learning faster than you did”. Groth nods “that is good may I see what he has learned almost 2 years and he hasn’t shown me what he has learnt”. Garithor nods “yes I believe it is finally time for him to show others what is possible although still young he has great skill”. Groth nods and leaves the training yard for a while return Groth walks through the door in full battle armour. Garithor looks at Groth and laughs “scared are we Groth” Groth shakes his head “accidents do happen” Groth laughing as he stands in the middle of the square and beacon’s Alliva to spar with him. Alliva grins as he seas his father seemingly having a little trouble moving. Alliva stepping into the ring not drawing his swords bows to Groth and drops into a fighting stance. Groth looking over to Garithor frowns Garithor smiling “just try him you may find something interesting”. Groth draws both swords and falls into a common stance that was taught to all the guards taking a breath he lunges forward with his left hand sword Alliva spinning slaps Groth's back knocking him forward and out of reach. Frowning Groth gains his footing again only to a fist of Alliva cracking him on the nose Groth’s head snapping backwards causing Groth to take a few steps back. Groth shaking his head seas Alliva grinning Groth now dropping to his own stance quickly moves toward Alliva bringing one sword striking at the waist the second at Alliva neck. Alliva dodging both seas another sword strike coming toward his waist quickly blocking the hit Alliva’s  wrist warping around Groth’s makes Alliva’s and Groth’s arm turn catching Groth’s wrist Alliva launches another strike to Groth’s nose and then jumps up using both feet knocking Groth down to the floor. Alliva quickly standing back up seeing Groth doing the same and taking a few steps back Alliva takes out both swords and falls to a stance Groth isn’t familiar with. Groth frowning attacks in a thrashing motion with his swords Alliva parrying or blocking each and every attack Groth throws at him. Alliva seas both swords coming down Alliva hastingly blocks the attacks. Then something happened as the swords crashed together everything seamed to move slower and Alliva closed his eyes. In his mind he saw what was to become Groth moving one sword that Alliva blocked thrusting it towards Alliva’s middle Alliva would then block it and Groth would swings another at Alliva’s neck. Blocking again Groth would quickly spring back coming back to Alliva spinning allowing for each sword to continually strike Alliva’s as he blocked after about 3 and a half spins Groth would then sweep Alliva of his feet and win the fight. As Alliva opened his eyes everything seamed to snap back the sword strike still ringing from the downward attack from Groth. Knowing what was to become Alliva quickly in a spinning motion allowed both blades to clang of Groth sweeping him and quickly thrusting his sword to Groth neck stopping a few inches from Groth Alliva smiled. Groth shaking his head admits his defeat Allowing Alliva to help him up he smiles to Garithor Alliva bowing to Groth goes and sits down drinking some water and eating some fish. Groth walking over to Garithor “how did he do that” Garithor smiling do what he asked. Groth shaking his head “it seamed he done what I was thinking of doing” Garithor laughing “remember the esp. ability me and Alliva share?” Groth nods “well it seams Alliva’s is a lot more developed than mines and he has been training it a lot”. Groth frowns “this means what?” Garithor sighs “It means Alliva can know what you’re thinking. His ability allows him to effectively enter your mind and find out what you are going to do. Thinking of it as telling the future but there is a problem here. He can only gain bits and pieces and some isn’t even about what your doing or going to do so he has to decide witch is true and piece things together to attempt to find out what you’re going to do. Based on what he find out he can device ways to stop it.” Groth frowns “so he could know everything about me” Garithor sighs “in a sense but when fighting he can only concentrate a little so only the most recent things in small details can he find out. If you allowed him to he could probe your entire mind. But even that has limits some things are protected as instinct in your mind that you must allow him to access he can force into it but for now he has little knowledge of these things”. Groth nods walking over to Alliva he bows “good duel remember though use your knowledge and fighting ability wisely and honourably” Alliva nods as his father leaves. The day dies and Alliva returns home to plunge himself into some books of magic and swordsman ship long into the night Alliva reads until he falls asleep. . 

A knock at the door comes in the middle of the night Groth gently stirring from his stole he set against a wall waiting for the knock answers. In a low voice Groth smiles “hello Garithor” Garithor only nods and presents a second person “this is Seseloricus” Groth nods and shows him to Alliva. Garithor sighs “do not worry Seseloricus will place Alliva into a deep sleep we will move him and he will wake him up gently. Then the test will begin”. Groth nods and allows the mage to continue after a few minutes the three menki's move quickly. As the day came and went they arrived just outside hydlaa leaving Alliva in the hills with his equipment and a letter. The three watching closely as Alliva wakends and continue to watch him through out the entire trial. Seseloricus looks to the menki’s “I will guard our minds he will not detect us” Groth and Garithor nods. Alliva wakes up to find himself in a strange place a place he has never seen before still disorientated he stands and looks around. Alliva frowns as he looks but seas nothing he notices suddenly realizing he is in a strange place he snaps his head down to his waist. Alliva smiles slightly as he seas his armour and weapons laying on the ground just in front of himself equipping his armour and weapons he looks around again the sun now setting he decided that that was the way he should head to get back to ojeveda. Alliva taking of eventually finds a road with a passing trader on it “excuse me” Alliva says the trader stopping for a second “yes?” Alliva smiles “it seams I am a bit lost were dose this road lead to” the trader frowning slightly “to Hydlaa were are you wishing to go?” Alliva smiling “Well back to ojeveda I don’t know how I got here but I need to get back to ojeveda” the trader frowns “very well then tag along with me I will be able to help you to hydlaa then your by yourself”. Alliva frowns “well thank you but I cannot repay you at all” the trader smiling “you are young but you seam experienced with those swords you carry I guide you and you shall protect me if anything happens deal?” Alliva nods and both set of toward hydlaa.

Approaching the gates of hydlaa Alliva stops looking up above the walls he seas a great white windowless tower and takes a moment to reflect on its beauty. Hearing a voice calling to him to hurry he moves inside the gates as Alliva dose he is dumbstruck by the different races on display. Alliva looks on with amazement as blue figure seemingly made of stone pass by or other with scales and wings move of at high speed. Alliva walks around seeing elves and demorians always thinking to himself that they looked a little funny but still amazement was in his eyes. The trader laughing “come now young one I need to see the smithy get his ore to him then perhaps we can eat yes?” Alliva nods as they set of. Coming to the centre of the city a hugh white statue stands Alliva gaze turning to it asks the trader who the statue is of. The trader laughs a little “that is of the god laanx. A spiteful god by most accounts but a god none the less”. Alliva nods looking to the temple and that Alliva asks the trader “ that is the temple devoted to laanx if you wish to know more you should talk with them” Alliva nods as he follows the trader over to a small wooden hut with many people gathered. The trader pushing through with Alliva behind him goes up to the man dumping the ore in front of him. Ah well done the figure man speaks well done indeed the trader nods as the blacksmith hands over some tria and takes the sack of ore. The trader smiling “thank you harnquist you always pay well even when time are hard” Harnquist nodding “I pay well for the best my friend I suppose you don’t want to tell me were you keep getting this ore” The trader laughs “why do that I would never making an earning if anyone could mine this quality”. The two laugh as harnquist attention turns to Alliva hello young one what would you like Alliva shakes his head “nothing I am only protecting this trader” Harnquist laughing ready to speak but stops himself “hmmm you have a fighters stance but still so young” Harnquist eyes the menki as his sight draws to Alliva’s swords. Harnquist with a slight grin “may I see those blades of yours”. Alliva nodding unsheathes his swords inspecting them he smiles “Ah I would recognize this type of blade any were. Dwarven crafted and the mark of the star hammer clan. These were gifted to you” Harnquist asks. Alliva shakes his head “my blade master gave me these” Harnquist nods “The one who was initially gifted these must have been a great warrior in there day. And I can see why it was gifted down to you”. Harnquest pauses for a second “Your blade master must see some great skill in you little one learn from him learn well from him” Alliva nods.

As Alliva takes his swords back and turns around to follow the dwarf to the south gate of hydlaa a screech comes Alliva looks up to see a massive creature crashing down to earth. The dwarf knocks Alliva of his feet as he runs away from the approaching creature. Alliva standing up dives out of the way just in time as it lands o other citizens suddenly a clanging of metal shields and swords is heard coming from the garrison. As soon as the sounds are heard 20 men surround the pterosaur they looks at each other “careful men” comes a belch from there commander. The creatures anger enflamed it starts to thrash around killing with its wings tail and mouth. 15 guards left standing and another belch comes from the commander “kill it”. At that point the men don’t hesitate but just as fast as they rush the creature they are sent flying back one landing at Alliva’s feet. Alliva looks up to the creature is slight disarray but starts to focus on its mind. The beast suddenly snaps its head around to look at Alliva directly and lets out a loud screech Alliva unfazed by the screech continues to push further into the creatures mind. As Alliva pushes harder he begins to feel himself detaching from his body but none the less he knows it must be done. The creature now stomping its way toward Alliva lifts it head as if to strike him down but Alliva doesn’t move. Just then as the creature is ready to bite down on it suddenly stops turns around and takes of at full flight Alliva feeling weak collapses to the ground.
The commander rushing over to Alliva is stopped short by Groth’s shouts “Alliva Alliva are you ok”. The commander turning around sees the three menki running toward him. Garithor walking up to the commander giving a slight bow as dose the commander to Garithor “we will take care of him”. The commander nods and calls 2 men other make “sure they get back to ojeveda safely” The men saluting the commander help Groth load Alliva onto a cart and take of for ojeveda quickly.
Alliva wakening up notices the familiar sight of home and smiles slightly. Picking himself up from his bed he notices Groth his head in his hands. Groth looking up “I’m sorry Alliva we only meant to test you to see how far you had developed”. Alliva grins slightly “How did I do” Groth taken back a little by Alliva’s words “you have developed a lot my son”. Alliva smiles “good but I feel weak” Groth nods “Garithor said you may feel weak for a few days it wasn’t some mere trick you pulled on that beast rest now son and we shall talk again”. Groth stands up tucking Alliva into bed and smiles.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: the finding of the grey glyphs
« on: June 16, 2007, 01:18:18 pm »
sorry when did i ever state that any of these glyphs gave you godlike power and when did i ever state that you needed godlike power to wield any of these glyphs the only ones that may not be wielded by the commom person is the fragmented purple glow one. and other realms could have had glyphs well before yalikum you gotta remmember were these "glyphs" came from presends yalikum and is therefor not tied to the laws of yalikum these "glyphs aint even the same as the ones found in yalikum. also why get so up tight about what is called a glyph when it was simply named that cause its the name that bests suits it.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: the finding of the grey glyphs
« on: June 14, 2007, 01:15:44 pm »
did talad not use glyphs himself to create yalikum from a greater god that also used glyphs to create other realms i think he did.from these other realms also came 80 % of the races that now reside in yalikum so these realms would also have to be older than yalikum as well and were did these god first come up with the ideas of glyphs ect eh ?.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: the finding of the grey glyphs
« on: June 14, 2007, 01:02:18 pm »
erm no cause there is ways to explain all these points the fragmented glyph is actualy a glyph that is older than the realm of yalikum itself so yalikums lays of magic wouldnt apply to such a thing. also the explostion is what we heard we do not know exactly what happend what we were watching we couldnt tell what happend inside the cave just there was a large explostion and blast waves sweapt across the landscape for miles. and again the glyph that is more powerfull than the 14 even in its fragmented form is again the one i pointed out first it is millions of years old older than a lot of realms also the fragmented glyph is not part of the 14 mearly a blueprintof sorts the mages that made the other 14 wanted to make a glyph as powerfull as all 8 fragments would have been together but cause of there fienight knowladge they couldnt make it as powerfull as even a fragment. but someone controlling all 14 glyphs although now it seams impossible would have the power perhaps that could over come several fragments of the 15th glyph. also you have to take into acount the 15th glyph even in its fragmented form cant just be used by anyone it has to be used by someone of one of the bloodlines of the 14 mages in the cave.

In-Game Roleplay Events / the finding of the grey glyphs
« on: June 14, 2007, 06:06:36 am »
once thousands of years ago a sect of mages of aincent blood were ran out of an accademy in another realm. becuase of the side affects there eperiments had leaveing in a hurry they pick up 8 fragments of an altogether older glyph. Working in secerate to create glyphs as powerfull as the whole glyph of the 8 fragments. they slave days and night to create these glyphs to further mankind but can never make them as powerfull as even one of the fragments. increaseing there experiments and furthering there magic more and more the sideaffects get worse and eventualy they make 14 glyphs. these glyphs were come to be known as the "Grey glyphs". eventualy the ppl of the land again got anoyed of these side affects and set to run these mages of once and for all. a fight ensued that killed many and 8 mannaged to escape. were they went noone knew untill now.

Alliva stands ddigging for ore out by the old ruins and stikes something strange picking it up he relaises he struck some sort of incent tablet. wipeing it of he seas symbols words that he can only slightly make out. reserching these symbols and words he find it is an aincent language that his ancestors used. deciphering the tablet a cryptic message is discoverd.l "fifteen in total 3 broken 2 lost 3 traveld and six reside in yalikum". Thinking it was strange alliva asked nyshyn if she could dig out the rest. a few days later Alliva recieved a message from nyshyn saying she had finnaly got it takeing of with kitiranna and zwenze on his heals he gets to the ruins. there he digs out the last few fragments and set the tableton the ground pieced together. Sudenly a portal opens and the three are sent back through time to another realm were they observe what happend to these glyphs and found out what the 15th glyph was that was mentioned. upon returning to there bodys the tablet refers to were one of the six "Grey glyphs" maybe found.

{Pls if you wanna join in feel free this is a bit of the backing story that has happend IG so far. And anyone is asked to particapate both good and evil light and shady characters. who knows you may even be chosen to wield one of these glyphs.}

Guides and Tutorials / Re: Alliva Alyeve magic guide
« on: June 11, 2007, 12:46:53 pm »
i have asked many times the formula and got told no every single time so i cant help you there sorry and your energy arrow atm chould do more dmgg than your summon missle

Complaint Department / Re: Using ooc knowlege ingame
« on: June 05, 2007, 10:50:23 am »
to be honest i knew of the silverweave/iron slash reduction for a good month before it happend i didnt exactly know when it was going to happen till about a week before it did but teven then it was only a very soon but i knew of it comeing and they would be reduced for a good month before hand.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Duraza Disappears
« on: May 19, 2007, 04:02:35 am »
alliva hears the news of duraza leaveing "hmm duraza seams you got lucky this time my travels took me away from your little turnament. but i will destroy you your leaveing just gives my power time to grow and mearly perspones your fate".

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / The road less traveld
« on: May 07, 2007, 05:23:35 am »
As Alliva sits under the tree like he has done for some time now await the next batle he suddenly feals
a strange lonelyness come over him. Grabbing a quil and a piece of partchment he writes something down.
obviosly not likeing it Alliva finishes crumples up the parchment and throws it away wanting to see what he wrote
you look fr the parchment finding it you open it up to reveal.

the road less traveld is a lonely road
a road of hardship and of turmoil
a road of pain of lonelyness
a road as dark as the abyss itself.

the road less traveld is the road of
the warrior a gentleman those of us
that respect that of the world and of others
the road that end in death a lonely and
sudden end and noone that remmmembers them.

the road less traveld reviels the true person
that hides away within us all the person
that wishes to be seen but never is the person
that is inside and wishes nothing of themselves
but everything for everyone else.

the road less traveld is the one of selflessness
the one that is dark and unforscean the one
that at the end reviels no light the one that
ends in happieness for the world that is left
behind is not welcomeing to those that
travel the road less traveld.

yes the road less traveld is one of
complete and utter sadness and self loathing
the one that requires the pure and utter will
of the traveler the one that end in nothingness
but ends in everything helping everyone else
and the traveler asks nothing for themselves.

the road less traveld is a lonely road
a road of hardship and of turmoil
a road of pain of lonelyness
a road as dark as the abyss itself
and at the end the nothingness becomes
everything to the traveler of the road less traveld.

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