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Messages - Bragan

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first of all my updater isnt working, i cant edit files like it said because all my .xml files seem to open some chess program on my computer and i dont know why, i dont know what alias to make it.  Also the frag server fails and i dont know if i have to open a port or what, i am having a whole chain of problems and i tried everything but a new problem just keeps popping up! any help would be appreciated.

If double-clicking the .xml files opens a program you don't want it to, right-click on the icon, there should be an "Open with" option or similar. Windows users you may have to SHIFT+right-click.

If you go down a steep slope, would you run like mad and break your neck, or walk very very slowly?

Except I'm walking very very slowly and still getting my neck broken ;) The thing is that I'm still taking the same damage as if I had taken the full fall, so if it's to prevent death by falling it's not working. If the code's to improve stuck behavior then I can't say anything about that, since I only remember SB (I had a character under CB but only played that, probably a total of 1 hour)

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Re: Servers
« on: June 26, 2008, 05:08:25 pm »
Speaking of the frequent downtime, does anyone know if it's an issue of hardware/operating system instability, or if it's the ps server app? Just feeding my curiosity

Hope this is in the right place....

A lot of the steep slopes in the game slow my character to a crawl when going down them. Going up them is impossible, since they're too steep. But going down, the animation switches to walking (even if I had run on at the time), and the actual movement speed is even slower than that. Reaching the end of the steep portion where my character then resumes moving normally I receive a health hit as if I had fallen the vertical height of the segment. Which makes sense, since my character should be falling down these segments. I don't mind the damage, but is there anything I can do to my client to fix the issue? I've searched the forums and the bugtracker and my search isn't pulling anything so I wonder if this is isolated to my client.

Mac OSX client, Intel MacBook Pro, OS 10.4

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Re: Bronze Doors laagy and black
« on: June 26, 2008, 03:16:26 pm »
Wish I could, but I'm actually already there, so I'm somehow stuck until the next release. Unless I find some spare time in my schedule and ask kindly the GMs to move my location.

Check the guide here:
It details the installation of a simple Java program that allows you to run PS with your desired arguments (it's towards the bottom of the post). Just follow the instructions and use
Code: [Select]
-fullbright as your option, and that ought to fix it for your current char -- my re-lit BD map looks great, but without this it still lags incredibly.

Guides and Tutorials / Re: Advisors, Advising, and Advice
« on: June 26, 2008, 12:32:24 am »
Wow, that's a great guide. It's nice to see some clarification on what exactly an advising session entails (I'm sometimes not sure whether something I'm about to say is outside the purview of an advisor, which means I usually don't end up saying it).

A clarification on the don't-tell-NPC-locations rule: there's a post here somewhere, I imagine it's in General, naming Allelia as the Hydlaa tout. Since it's been posted in the forums, and not been condemned by a moderator, GM, or developer as being spoilerish, is it ok to direct advisees to her? (Or Brado, if in Ojaveda). In fact, searching the forums for the post, it was made by an associate developer, so I'll assume it's sanctioned. So what's the stand on this, and other cases of "official" OOC knowledge (locations in the FAQ)?

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Giving items, etc
« on: June 26, 2008, 12:11:31 am »
Also, for those using a Mac laptop with touchpad, excuse me, trackpad ::) check System Preferences > Keyboard & Mouse > Trackpad. You may have the option to "Tap trackpad using two fingers for secondary click" (if you have it set up so that tap = click), or "Place two fingers on trackpad and click button for secondary click" (if you don't). I like to only use the mouse when using the mouse and only use the keyboard when using the keyboard, so this solves that issue for me.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Health spell
« on: June 25, 2008, 11:37:47 pm »
Mmasemo, if you forget the exact details of a quest you're on (that's what the quest notes are for, btw), you can consult your character's chat logs, which records everything that appeared in your chat window, from the time your character is created. The file is located in different spots according to your operating system:

Windows: In the user home directory, usually in "Document and Setting\Username\Application Data\PlaneShift
Linux: ~/.PlaneShift
Mac OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/PlaneShift

Note that one of the Windows folders is hidden (I think it's Application Data), and that's for WindowsXP. I forget where it is for Vista, but it's similar, only the path starts in \Users\...

Nope, there's no such thing as "special item needed". But it's true that some quest rewards are needed in later quests as prerequisites.

That's good to know Thom, thanks for the info. Would getting those quest items back via an alt work, or are those items "keyed" to the char they were originally given to?

From the beginning: I spoke to an NPC who said they had something really heavy they needed transported. I could just barely lift that weight, so I went somewhere to hide my inventory. I finished the quest, went to pick up my inventory but it was gone -- apparently I didn't hide it well enough, or rather I probably should have used an alt.

I was aware of the possibility, which is why I kept the things I considered irreplaceable with me -- my crafting recipes. Other non-purchasable items brought me over my limit and weren't central to my character -- glyphs, a certain ancient sword, a certain note i got as a quest reward.

My question is, will not having these in my inventory hinder me in acquiring quests? I don't mean not being able to finish a quest because I needed an item which was a previous quest reward, but not being given a quest because I did not have a particular item on me. I already figured that certain quests are pre-requisites to others (even not from the same NPC), but I read a thread somewhere that suggested even the presence of certain items might be significant.

Could someone in the know comment on the issue, and if it's true, is there anything I can do to un-block myself?

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Magic Stats
« on: June 22, 2008, 10:08:47 pm »
Presumably they affect the power of the spell. Increasing intelligence will increase the damage/duration of a Blue or Brown spell, but not Dark, Crystal, Azure, or Red

Unnatural is right. I had a rogue do 600 damage to me, and with only a dagger. Anyway, thanks for the info Lanarel. It makes me much more comfortable about seeking out some Ulbers now   ::|

Complaint Department / Re: Advising chat window is inefficient
« on: June 22, 2008, 04:38:02 am »
@Rizin that's a useful thing to know, I didn't know the chat window had autocomplete. Thanks.

General Discussion / Re: Alternative Solutions
« on: June 22, 2008, 04:19:58 am »
That was pleasant.

I do wish that there were a way to cancel a quest -- maybe a second confirmation if it's a one-time only quest instead of a flat denial, or some way to tell the NPC that you don't want to continue it anymore. I do like a clear quest book.

Being able to clear the quest is useful not only in cases where you can't/don't know how to complete it, there's one quest I decided I don't want to complete since the item I'm supposed to bring back, I want to keep for myself even though it properly belongs to a certain stuttering dwarf  ;)

Is this normal? How is the power evaluation determined? Does it have anything to do with the fact that I'm wielding hand-crafted weapons?

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