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Messages - Oronec

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 9
General Discussion / Re: What is your least favourite race
« on: December 02, 2010, 11:01:58 am »
my least favorite is whatever you peoples' favorite is.

Dayum. Hater.  ;D

My second least favourite race has always been the Fish elves. :love: Too many were surfacing, and they were just too hard to drown. (No one said I had to cover the gills) :sweatdrop:

:devil: I'm seeing more comments than least favourites and awesome excuses to back them up. This is upsetting.

General Discussion / Re: What is your least favourite race
« on: November 23, 2010, 10:45:26 am »

*Brings down the mighty gavel*

I hereby sentence ye dwarves to me least favoured list - For not one of them have ever been seen wielding a hammer in 'my time'!

Fan Art / Re: OTR's Crayon Wonder-party-fun-time-place
« on: August 09, 2010, 05:38:01 pm »
Draw Timmothy and Sinaho.  O--)

Just thought I'd be friendly and stray away from the whole 'asl' junk.

You are now talking to someone. DonĀ“t be Shy, Say Hi.
You: Hello!
You: How are you?
Stranger:good you
You: Not bad. Very happy. It was a wonderfully sunny day.
Stranger:screw you
Your talking partner has just left.

Aaand that obviously gets us nowhere. So I tried what some of you had.

You are now talking to someone. DonĀ“t be Shy, Say Hi.
You: Hi! It's a great day today, no?
Stranger:what city are you in?
(Why would you answer a question with another question? Fine then.)
You: Hydlaa.
Stranger:where is that?
You: Between Ojaveda and Gugrontid.
You: You?
Stranger:where are those?
(and again.)
You: Those are in Africa.
(hee~ Africa)
Stranger:in what country?
You: Yliakum
You: It's a rather small place.
Stranger:that country doesnt exist.
(I bet he googled it.)
You: It does. It's inhabited with many races.
Stranger:ok. bye
Your talking partner has just left.

You've just gotta belieeeve.

Fan Art / Re: Baldur's Art Thread
« on: April 18, 2010, 10:39:25 pm »
I love the warm colours, Baldur.  :flowers:

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Which GM is the coolest?
« on: April 17, 2010, 12:29:35 pm »
Marathal! She's a wonderful roleplayer, and her characters are super-fun!

As for the rest of the team I've bothered, they've always been there to help with icky last name changes, bugs, Roled, getting stuck in places someone shouldn't get stuck in.  :innocent:

That was my favorite one, too :D

Lol Geoni. I loved that one too.  ;D

You are now talking to someone. DonĀ“t be Shy, Say Hi.
Stranger:hey 18 and horny
You: hi horny, i'm stranger.
Stranger:YOUR F****N STUPID
Your talking partner has just left.

Yeah, okay. I may be stupid for going on to the site, but at least I still have my grammar <3

You are now talking to someone. Don't be Shy, Say Hi.
You: Hiyaaa
Stranger:Are you a Boy or a Girl?
You: I'm a boy. You?
Stranger:A Giirl
Stranger:Do you speak French?
You: A little bit, not well, though.
Stranger:Okk! Haha
You: Are you laughing at my lack of francaphone-ness? D:
Stranger:Hahaa! Nooo xD
Stranger:What are u doing?
You: What am I doing? I'm typing, I think. :) How about you?
Stranger:Haha! xD
Stranger:Me Humm.. I am practicing my show (Theatral) And... Yeah, You don't wanna know :)
You: You're right, if it's theatral, I possibly don't. xD There's nothing talented about me.
Stranger:Haha! But it is Arcenic and old laces.. I don't know if you know what it is..
You: I'll have to say 'no' to that one. What is it?
Stranger:It's an old movie that we transfer in thatral
You: Oooh... I still don't understand. But that's alright. xD
Stranger:3 old grand 'ma who kill mans with Arecnic, and no one doupt it.. Haha
You: Oh my. Evil old lady indeed.
You: Do you play that evil old lady?
Stranger:Yeah! Pouhaha
You: Haha, very convincing. I could really hear the evil in that ..uh.. pouhaha
Stranger:Mouhahahhaha xD They are Very nice, and every one Loves them :)
Stranger:Do u like twilight?
Stranger:. . .
You: Twilight? I personally hate it.
Stranger:Ohhh =/
You: Sparkling Vampires are unnatural.
Stranger:Humm.. Guy conversation... Hum... Oh! Do you like Sex? xD
You: How stereotypical of you. xD I'm offended. ...but maybe. >3>
Stranger:I like to suck (duck).. :) Its soooo Good!
Stranger:Do u ever suck a (duck)?
You: I'm glad you like it. Personally, I've never tried it. I stick to putting edible things into my mouth. Unless it was prepared in China...
Stranger:But hum.. do you ever (masterfisher) with another boy? (A friend) ?
You: Ah.. can't say I have. Why, do you?
Stranger:Yeah.. Lolle
You: That's uh.. very dirty of you. You're quite the evil old lady, I'd have to say.
Stranger:Yeah, i'm very Bad.. Rawnnn :)
Stranger:I need to Punish Youu!
Stranger:Your'e been Bad!
You: Oh gawd. Need I say I'm a very good liar? D:
You: Personally, your creepy. And that's coming from another girl. Aka, me. Hi :3 I'm a roleplayer. How did I do? Was I convincing? I think I was. Haha
Your talking partner has just left.

Belated April Fools!  :flowers: ...I don't think she found it funny.   :oops:

You are now talking to someone. Don't be Shy, Say Hi.
You: hello
You: so uh... you got the stuff?
Stranger:nope, you're looking for bob, he lives across the street
Your talking partner has just left.

Bob has my stuff? D:

You are now talking to someone. Don't be Shy, Say Hi.
You: Oh! I know this one; American Sign Language!
Your talking partner has just left.

Was I wrong...?  :detective:

You are now talking to someone. Don't be Shy, Say Hi.
You:  asl?
Stranger:16 m nova scotia
You: Finally, we meet again, my love!
Your talking partner has just left.

Hee~ Inside joke right there. I bumped into that guy 5 times. He must hate me by now.  :innocent:

You are now talking to someone. DonĀ“t be Shy, Say Hi.
Your talking partner has just left.
You: hi
You: 16/f/nova scotia
Stranger:15 m alberta
You: is it true that alberta is rat-free?
You: how does a country manage that?
Stranger:i dont know
You: does your police force tazer the rodents before they cross the border?
Stranger:i think so
Stranger:and they tell their rat friends not to come here
You: woah... that makes sense
Stranger:i know
You: is that all I need to know about alberta? or are there more mysterious secrets?
Stranger:nope no more secrets
You: secrets lead to anger; which leads to drinking; which leads to beating others; which leads to being tossed in jail; which leads to getting a tattoo with your jailmate's name in a heart on your forearm to which you disappoint your mother, causing her to suffer a fatal heart attack. Is that what you want to happen? Huh, Chuck?
Your talking partner has just left.

Alright, so his name's not Chuck.

You are now talking to someone. DonĀ“t be Shy, Say Hi.
Your talking partner has just left.
Stranger:do you like to be naked
You: I find it therapeutic
You: Really.
Stranger:in what way
You: Every way
Stranger:let your boobs hang out
You: That's not all that hangs out. ;)
Stranger:o god
Your talking partner has just left.

He set himself up. Disappointment to the extreme.  :lol:

The things we say when we're bored.. good grief.  ;D

You're now talking to someone. Don't be Shy, Say Hi!
Stranger:Hey asl
You: Is it safe?
Your talking partner has just left.

(a suspicious Stranger indeed)

You are now talking to someone. DonĀ“t be Shy, Say Hi.
You: Good lord, I just committed a terrible crime! D:
Stranger:ohh no, and what was that??
You: I killed them, Stranger! Each and every one of them! They were suffocating, so I had to..
Stranger:oh my goshh...
Stranger:thats terrible
You: And I FEEL terrible! They didn't deserve it.. the way I put them at ease; when I took the bag off their heads they were deathly white! So I tried to put them near the fireplace to warm them up...but...but...they began to burn!
Stranger:ohh... well thats not good. i dont think theyd like being burned
You: That's just it! I didn't think.. I tried to pull them away, but their burnt layer was molting off! I quickly threw the remains into theh fireplace, but it stuck to the brick. :(
Stranger:ohh snap... well maybe you should like get rid of the bodies already
You: Oh but I did! The smell of their cooking remains was overpowering.. too much so that I popped each one into my mouth. And you know what? I would do it again! In a secluded area! With friends at a campfire!
Stranger:eeewww.... omg thats nastyy
You: Nasty? Not at all, I heard they taste better between gram crackers with chocolate. You should try it some time.
Stranger:uhmm... i think i might pass
You: Not a fan of the sweet gooey goodness?
Stranger:not really....
You: That's a shame.. I don't know how I'll ever tell my mom that I finished them off.. hopefully she understands.
You: Perhaps she'll even buy some more off the corner of Braid St. >:)
Your talking partner has just left.

( they didn't get it. :( )

You are now talking to someone. Don't be Shy, Say Hi!
You: Hello
You: Just turned 78, I'm male, and live next door to you.
Stranger:ahah ;)
Your talking partner has just left.

(was it something I said?)

You are now talking to someone. Don't be Shy, Say Hi!
You: Hello
Stranger:whats ur name?
You: My name is Stranger. What's yours?
Stranger:sry i cant talk to strangers

(well for their information, their name is Stranger, too. Hmph.)

You are now talking to someone. DonĀ“t be Shy, Say Hi.
Your talking partner has just left.
You: Hi!
You: old / neutral [ the choice is yours ;) ] / up the street.
Your talking partner has just left.

(they can't say I didn't give them an option.)

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: A Child's Nightmare
« on: April 13, 2010, 06:56:42 pm »
Sleep child, embrace the sweet silence of death. Let me sweep thee under my wings and take you to live in my kingdom. Live forever in the cold and darkness that I rule over. But, I offer you child, a second chance. Find the door hidden in my land, and you will have a second chance,

To live.

[I loved the little touch of Dakkruism. :D Can't wait to see what happens next!]

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] The Legacy of Caban
« on: April 05, 2010, 11:26:43 am »
[ Keep it up, this is very entertaining! :)  ... still laughing to myself about the "cord of drool" and getting struck down by laanx ! ]

[I agree with Rigwyn. This has been so fun to read I think I've gone over it twice. :D I can't wait to see more.]

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Child's Play
« on: March 25, 2010, 09:18:39 pm »
[@EStripus: Thank you. :) I was really nervous when posting these writeups, to be honest. I'd never done something like it before. ^^; I'm glad you liked it.

@Dralion1221: Of course I'll stay around the forums.  ;D It's never a dull moment.

@Geoni: Awe, I miss you too Geoni! Be sure to stay on the good-guy side. ;) They don't /burn/ their cookies. I'm still poking around at the downloads now and then, but they're a hassle, and refuse to cooperate.

*flicks Garoninja* :P

@Rigwyn: Oh, I know that all too well. ;) Keep up your amazing roleplays, Rigzy. You've really flourished since that first time we roleplayed together. :D

In the mean time, it's finally Spring Break! I get to catch up on my homework, have fun, and possibly attempt to fix my computer's lack of tolerance towards Planeshift. :D Merry Springmas everyone! I might even attempt writing a background in the story section for one of my old (and somehow enjoyable) characters sometime later.]

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] The Rough Streets of Hydlaa
« on: March 23, 2010, 05:26:58 pm »
[Very well writ on everyones behalf so far. :) And I love the large font, Vikka. It made reading a whole lot easier.  :P]

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Child's Play
« on: March 22, 2010, 09:56:58 am »
[Alright! So I can officially say my computer's blue screenage was caused by attempting to run the new updates that came with downloading Planeshift. I'm done trying, and am not willing to risk getting those cursed blue screens EVER again if I can help it. xD

Thus, I bid the IG world farewell!  :flowers:  If someone wants to delete this "RP" post attempt of mine or stick it in the other roleplay section for storywriters (maybe I can finish it *shrugs*) feel free!]

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] The Bloodline
« on: March 18, 2010, 10:34:54 pm »
[ *steals one of Shangshi's cookies*

The suspense is just about as murderous as Jacula's personality.  ;D Can't wait to see what happens next!   \\o//

P.S. I always get a giggle out of natural selection and reproduction. Mini fishelved giants running about.  :woot: ]

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