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Messages - Eonwind

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Wish list / Re: Vigesimi Banquet
« on: October 20, 2016, 04:48:28 am »
But can it be automated? It seems time is something players who organize events and GMs are both short on, or they can't necessarily be around at the same time. The idea is to have a regular event that players will get in the habit of congregating for. Yes, it would be an OOC reason in the case of some but PS doesn't have the luxury of being picky about that anymore.

so you mean a server event. The answer is not exactly easy to come by. Many features required for what you're asking are present, but to really make it happen at predictable time (every saturday evening) it would require a server event scheduler, something we don't have yet. At present day the npcclient can schedule events on his own, but it's not made to be predictable nor stable enough for this specific purpose. I tried to explain as easily as possible.

Technically speaking adding "random" bonus modifiers to ordinary crafting could be doable, and not terribly hard to implement. However PS has already a way to do this and let people add the modifier *they* want, not just a random one. In fact it's possible to enchant every currently craftable equipment in game.
I'm a bit unsure if adding random modifiers could really improve the game playability or fun. I will consider the idea, however.

Speaking about rewards, some of you may not know we have recently implemented "daily" quests.
These quests can be taken every X hour of play, adapt to the player's level (ask different tasks based on what the player can do) and reward the player with experience, money AND a skill point. Yes a skill point.
This means, for example, that rising your cooking skill no longer requires the player to grind for hours to practice the skill (players can still do it if they wish, of course) but there is the option to go in game, and ICly quest to raise your competence every once in a while (e.g. Sorry buddy, I'm busy helping Harnquist produce 20 maces for the BD fortress).

We still don't cover every single implemented skill for now, this include several crafting skills and the combat skills. However we have a plan to implement them all, one by one.

So why isn't everything done yet? Simply put: time and manpower.
However the good news is everyone with a bit of creativity, a bit of time and the will to help can help us. Coding, syntax etc. is not even required. We already have a technical format ready to fill in.

General Discussion / Re: PS Website Event Calendar
« on: October 19, 2016, 08:30:51 am »
... and if a player wants to add his own event idea to the calendar, what he needs to do is contacting the GM team (PM on forum or IRC #planeshift-gmtalk) and the GM team will submit to Talad after having worked out the detail with you.

Wish list / Re: Vigesimi Banquet
« on: October 19, 2016, 08:27:32 am »
This kind of events can be done, but they require the collaboration of GMs and players alike.
The GM team is always helpful, but it can happen real life things happen to them too, therefore an extra hand from player is more than welcome.
The GMs, can reward players with both experience and money so it should be some thing worth having. It would also be possible to award skill points (but imo there would have to be an IC reason: i.e. Banquet with a show from an entertainer showing people how to play music).

Can guards pass word that they heard the bronze doors needs extra defenders?

Do you mean if it's possible to create a feature where the guards ask payers, or tell players BD needs extra help? Or are you asking if the GMs guards can do this?

From the point of a programmer (or mathematician), "recursive" means a special kind of technique which describes a sequence as relation of a desired element to each previous element(s) of this sequence, starting with constant value(s). The Fibonacci sequence is a famous example, starting with (1, 1) and containing sums of each two previous sequence elements. An explicit formula to calculate elements directly is very complicated, in contrast.

I can hardly imagine a "recursive event" without assuming that the result of each next event will depend on the results of previous events. Instead, the term "recurring" (known from "recurring payments" for premium services) means only "regularly and repetitively occuring" to me. This is just my experience.

From a programming point of view the npcclient code and server code are looping programs, and therefore the term recursive, describe better and more precisely (for my experience) what really happens code-wise than the "recurring" term  :P

Ok I will now stop with esoteric explanations because I think you all got the message anyway  ;D

For sure I agree on the fact these in-game events may need a bigger public exposure. But imo this is not the only feature not very well known by players. A few examples:

  • did you know the Ojaveda rogue will not attack character with enough faction point in the thief faction? (call it professional courtesy)
  • did you know some monster can be charmed (and commanded like pets) using an AW spell?
  • did you know the planeshift code host a feature that may eventually hallow to hire NPCs and eventually allow players to script simple quests themselves in-game through hired NPCs?

Of course, that's no players fault, it could be devs fault eventually but honestly none of us has the time to develop and make PR at the same time.  :(

General Discussion / Re: Whats Happening?
« on: October 17, 2016, 03:16:27 pm »
*I am still very concerned as to why there has been no news or confirmation on being able to change masteries.  It seems only logical that this would be done.*

We want people to have the opportunity to be specialist in their own field of choice, we don't want to impede them from training whatever skill they want. But from a IC, and gameplay perspective there must be choices to be done.

Therefore the basic idea is players will be able to train whatever skill they want but only pick up a single specialization for a given category (i.e. choose to posses sword or axes special attacks, but they can train both skills up to 200).
We are also accounting for the possibility for players to forfeit their previous choice and pick up a different specialization. The price is to give up the previously obtained special attacks and pick up the new ones.

There will also be set of special attacks everyone can get no matter what specialization they pick up (i.e. shields and two-handed).

I hope this explain a bit more.

This recursive treat ...

Rather "recurring", I believe...

I'm curious if that will actually "happen" some day, as a scheduled "world event" which can either be stopped with a large raid, or will cause an increased population of monsters in this area for a while when not...

it already is, at least partly. There are several invasion scheduled on given in-game months, if not stopped or killed the invading monsters will roam in the area usually considered a lower danger (BDroad 1, for example). These invasions are active since quite some time and the hydlaa guards tells the population of any incoming danger from the bronze door area.
The frequency of these invasion is not too often on purpose, for now but they could be increased in the future.
Of course low danger areas (like hydlaa-oja road) will not have such problem. That's made on purpose.

Another necro, I still think this would be nice project and maybe on people can work on it through the Knowledge Seekers initiative to get book into Jayose's library. I don't know if they still use their forum for that or if LigH is still keeping tabs on the linked thread, but it wouldn't hurt to try if you have an idea.

Devs are still accepting submission and proposal for inclusion in the official lore.

You just have to set up a goal system. I bet a modified quest line that works like a regular job for a character and  lets the players become a junior guard would work. Then you can send them on regular directed hunts that gradually build up to higher strength mobs. It always surprises me but it seems to hold true for most players, the game has to tell them what to do or they won't figure out what to do or will lose interest in doing.

You just have to set up a goal system. I bet a modified quest line that works like a regular job for a character and  lets the players become a junior guard would work. Then you can send them on regular directed hunts that gradually build up to higher strength mobs. It always surprises me but it seems to hold true for most players, the game has to tell them what to do or they won't figure out what to do or will lose interest in doing.

Not sure you have recently done some questing lately (in case I would be interested in hearing a feedback), however some quests including the tutorial are currently trying to focus the players on a "main theme": the stone labyrinth invasion.

This recursive treat is intended to be one of the main "world problems" to create tension in-game and keep the Yliakum society unitedo to some extend and - why not - create conflict as well (between PC and PC , between PC and NPCs, etc.).
Also many in game mechanics have been shaped that way in order to create that same feeling (there are recursive invasion of monsters coming from the bronze doors).

It could be the message and the goal is not clear enough, or hasn't been added in enough place to feel like enough of a threat for everyone. In case this can be fixed, more hints can be added in the quest and - why not - players can even propose more game mechanics around this (like more frequent invasions, repeatable invasion quests, etc.).
I'm sure many of this features can be added, given time.

Interesting, what we really need is letting people know about PS by any means. Even the occasional players could help by posting on the FB page.

General Discussion / Re: Whats Happening?
« on: October 16, 2016, 04:24:38 pm »
I agree with Venalan answers, I will only add this:

Weapon Balancing - [...]  Looting aside, what about two handed weapons?  Their damage per delay ratio is always worse than duel wielding two one handed weapons and they have no noticable damage reduction or block advantage or rating on them.  On the opposite side of the spectrum daggers have a fixed delay that cannot be modified by either enchanting or looted names.

Before going back to check each weapon DPS, we are working on a new damage calculation system that will be more balanced as a whole. Once this is done it will be possible to check the weapon balance.
Regarding dagger speed there is minimum delay set by the server of 1.5s no weapon (daggers included) can have a lower value.

General Discussion / Re: [ABC License] Comments, flaws, questionings...
« on: September 15, 2016, 09:00:44 am »
Yes but, for example if Aeghiss saw some effort to do something for the game but could use it otherwise aswell and the team decides to not use it, it wouldnt make sense. OFC its possible to ask the team about usage of it before submitting the ownership...
Yes. If there are questions it's always possible to come to us and ask. In IRC or here on the forum are two good places.

General Discussion / Re: [ABC License] Comments, flaws, questionings...
« on: September 12, 2016, 08:50:32 am »
Speaking about player character names and history: I think this answer is pretty accurate:
As for players... I have not signed the contribution license... or at least not that I am aware of... so my character Thoss... has not been submitted as a permanent part of the world... if he becomes famous, all players know about him, he is still not a permanent part of the world... as I could simply never play him again.

If the team wants to immortalize Thoss as a permanent part of the game, and I agree that that would be super cool, I am assuming that I would then need to sign the contribution license... because the years of development put into Thoss and making him awesome... would be a hefty contribution to the game.

The character you have created as a player belongs to you, the name, the concept, etc. on top of that the scope of the sentence is to prevent characters' ownership created and submitted to the settings (read NPCs) are not claimed back creating big problems to the project as a whole (imagine what would happen if harnquist or Trasok's creators decide they don'y want us to use the characters anymore).

So, don't worry feel free to use the character as you wish :)
Also we like PlaneShift side projects started by fans :)
Usually we have no problem at all letting people use the art owned by ABC for fan project, just make sure to let us know if/when is the case :)

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Female Klyros?
« on: August 25, 2016, 12:17:40 pm »
Shyndora, I think once new options for character appearance are available, I'm sure you will get a chance to have your existing characters updated. It may take some GM assistance, for instance during a small event, but it has definitely happened in the past.

Yes, the base model will be changed by default (when ready), any customization (e.g. color) will be available by asking GMs support.

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