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Messages - netforce10

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General Discussion / Re: Death
« on: June 19, 2017, 06:05:24 am »
"Natural" occurring RP is indeed sparce and far between and usually very shallow(my own fault aswel). I wouldn't go as far as to say that the game stifles players's creativity but more than it doesn't necessarily aid them with it. And there should be a look at how to have some form of strive, competition or atleast something which occasionally pushes certain situations onto characters.

I don't think being able to play a guard, government official or any other vocation that has "official" power is the way to go. It would most likely create too much OOC conflict. Imagine a guard or official that, lets say locks up or prevent entry or otherwise hinders someone for a semi legitimate reason(i.e. accidentally having a weapon unsheathed or a staff in hand.) then the person would complain to a GM, GM would either punish the guard making the guard's player pissed as he considered it just his job or the GM would do nothing about it making the player of the victim pissed. In short, conflicts will arise which causes the people playing the characters to be frustrated, unhappy, etc..

Some official occupations could perhaps be filled by players but they should have no way or authority to enforce anything beyond what any other player could enforce and is authorised to enforce. That should be the case both IC and OOC to prevent a player being forced to rp something because he is ICly required to have his character comply. In short: Government vocations should only be a task the characters do and they should not have any power because of it.

As for a rebellion leader, you could occupy any of the pvp places?

Ultimately the game will always have limitation because it has mechanics, such is simply the nature of it but it would be nice for the game to accomodate RP more than it currently does but I have no concrete ideas or concepts on the topic.

Wish list / Re: Single workplace for most jobs or Personal workshops.
« on: June 18, 2017, 06:54:47 am »
Ahh, seems I misinterpreted that sentence.

For me at least the time spent crafting isn't really time I don't want to RP, if RP comes up then I'll just RP instead of crafting (except sometimes just before the market but that is negligible).

Crafting is more there for when there is nothing to do, just like the quests most of the times. The crafting system should nevertheless be discussed and looked at.

Wish list / Re: Single workplace for most jobs or Personal workshops.
« on: June 18, 2017, 06:32:33 am »
The second idea is redesigning the gameplay so it wouldn't be so time consuming and wouldn't distract from the actual point, roleplay. Idea i strongly favour myself.

Perhaps I am missing something but how exactly would crafting become easier by my second idea? Nothing changes to the amount of time a player would have to spent crafting, it just changes the location where they would craft.

RPing while crafting is something I really appreciate as a player.

Furthermore my 2nd idea would increase the chance that people visit you while you craft because they know where they can find you and have an excuse for knowing how to find you, there is that shop with your name on it after all.

I'll also re-mention that the personal workshops shouldn't(in my own opinion) be a place where they can craft everything but just their main profession.

Crafting should be looked at and discussed, especially given the port to a different engine. My intent however was to provide something to improve the game(especially the RP scene) in a way that can be done now and with relative ease.

Oh, of course. :-[

Well, I think one of the reasons for that not being implemented nowadays is the fact that it would lead to unnecessary contention.  See to the recent closing of the RCD for an example of why.

It would be nice if you could rent venues for a certain amount of time — but what would happen with evicted items?  Again, contention and nastiness bleeding over from the simulated world to the users.

Alternatives:  I think you can ask a GM to lock–down items of yours which would make for a stall somewhere.  Almost like a brick–and–mortar shop. 

First off, I hope you don't mind I reply here but it's more fitting I think.

I'll be honest and say that I only know the RCD as either the seized and closed building or the public use space that it is now. But given what little I know about it it turned to a situation where a small group/one person controlled the building and it stopped being a place for the benefit of the public. This most likely is wrong so please correct it if I'm fundamentally wrong.

This type of contention would not be present as a shop would be owned/rented by a single character and wouldn't be allowed to be sold to another character or rented out to another character. (both reselling and re-renting would create undesirable situations in my opinion).

Therefore the only contention arising is from characters not doing anything with their shops and gms evicting characters?

The first, is a problem which I don't think there is a real solution for except if all those hiring would accept the decision from either a GM, a commitee or another entity. Something like that is easy to get people to agree to until something they don't like happens, then there would be contention.

As for evicted items, they could be held in storage by one of the gms(whom supposedly evicted them) or in a bunch of crates or the like in a gm only location. After a while all items could be "destroyed"/"converted" into tria (or something) except the "special" ones at discretion of the person handling it.

I think that as long as it is clear that you may be evicted at the discretion of a gm, that it is possible to lose any items you place inside, that you wouldn't lose your items immediately and you have some ability to protect against abuse from GMs (just in case it were to occur) then I think that dissent about it would be minimal and worth it.

As to the alternative: I'm failing to see the difference between that and asking a gm for a personal building to use as a shop from a minimize contention point of view, from a functional view however it lacks the inherent physical storage a shop building would provide as any items not locked down by a gm could be taken by anyone.

General Discussion / Re: Death
« on: June 17, 2017, 03:34:24 am »
Shot down?  There is the Hydlaa Market.  Or do you mean automated shopkeepers controlled by users?

No I meant player owned buildings specifically for shops, so that you could set up a shop (in which they could work their main profession) and just lock it when you are doing something else or offline. Player owned buildings have been proposed or has been asked about a couple of times but the short answer was always no if I recall correctly.

Wish list / Re: Single workplace for most jobs or Personal workshops.
« on: June 15, 2017, 12:52:36 pm »
To clarify a couple of points: I don't think any crafting areas should be removed, All should stay where they are. Only that a single one should be added in an accessible place (preferably hydlaa) with a storage.

I'm also not saying that players should be able to buy stoves and set them up somewhere, I'm suggesting that having a series houses of which the door are unlockable and serve as a workshop for a character. In that house there would be the crafting stations(locked in place by GM) that the character would need for their main profession. It would then also serve as a shop where they could display their wares so that others can easily find them because i.e. the sign on the door says it's larili's shop which sells drinks and a green book on it which says it's open.

It is true that I could put down a bookstand+book, except I don't think there is a spot with a "lot" of traffic with pot,preparation table and brewing facilities and it's still a book not an array of goods displayed, the markets would be a lot bleaker if people only used books.

Well then why don't I put items on display? Because it's more of a pain to do compared to having a place where you can keep it on display and not have to grab and bring everything to storage every time. That is especially true as I don't just would want to have a shop myself but I want others to have one aswell making it a lot more likely you'll be able to procure something you need for a quest or something you would like. For multiple people to do it it would need to be no hassle. Basically whenever you set up shop the only thing you would need to do is unlock the door, go in and do your main crafts till someone comes in.

I hope this doesn't seem to you like a rant as it certainly isn't meant that way but purely to know if people would want this and if this is possible or a even good idea.

Wish list / Re: Single workplace for most jobs or Personal workshops.
« on: June 15, 2017, 09:06:51 am »
Yes there is the Bronze door which has a herbal/cooking/brewing area and a smithing area, but as you said, they are out of the way and smiths would most likely never(or rarely if they happen to be there and need to craft something) seeing as the storage is further away than any of the other smithies. I'm also not saying that the other crafting areas should be removed but that on should be added as I think having one accessible area for all craft will natural attract people, especially those who wish to RP.

Could you explain why the 'doubles' would prove a problem, seeing as you could simply add them to new crafting areas aswell? I completely agree that guildhouses should not have crafting areas, however my idea would be to require that workshops/ateliers are required to be open if the owner is inside (this isn't that enforceable but I would like to believe it would be followed, especially if it is checked at random.)

It is true I could just put a book somewhere(and there is one on the merchant board) but, that is not as much fun, there is a huge difference between actually having player run shops with a variety on display and having people put up a book on one of the billboards(it's like having an empty guildhouse with a description book telling what the room looks like versus having a guildhouse with furniture.) Another large difference, assuming the workshops would mostly be placed in a specific area, is that people can go to that area and see which shops are open.

Now lag is an issue, I have no clue how the server works or how much strain it would put on the server to have x areas without anyone in them and y with at least a person in them.

Wish list / Single workplace for most jobs or Personal workshops.
« on: June 15, 2017, 06:14:53 am »
As is clear we need more RP in planeshift, currently the most effective way to RP is to whisper to someone or ask in gossip. There are the couple of meetings you might have but in general those are sparse. To me it is clear that our characters either need to share a common place where they often stay/meet or be able to easily find eachother. To that effect I have the following ideas on which I would like to hear everyone's opinions and especially those of the devs.

1. Have a place where all/most crafts can be practiced, this leads to everyone naturally gravitating to a single place, meeting often and staying in the same place for extended periods of time making spontaneous RP more likely.

2. Give characters the ability to own a workshop/atelier, this creates the possibility to have shops which are open on specific times without the player having to waste their time standing around waiting (they would be able to practice their craft while they wait). It would also increase the chance to find someone specific if that person owns a workshop. Furthermore, it would increase trading between players.

Both ideas aren't completely thought/written out but if they are well received I'll make a more detailed proposal if needed.

General Discussion / Re: Death
« on: June 09, 2017, 12:44:52 pm »
Part of it is, I think, that PS is a roleplaying game and beyond rp there isn't that much to be had in the game. Crafting is meticulous past the first few hours where it is sort of novel because it feels very different from other games, the combat is clunky and subpar to other mmo and neither is that fun because they feel like the same repetitions over and over. As for quests they are about what you would suspect I suppose, there are a few nice ones asking you to decode a secret message or the ones where you have to go to the library are nice aswell  (Although Dependant on the circumstances the game should assume you would have known the answer) as well as a couple of others but the bulk remains a "talk to x, walk and talk to y, (give z to y,) walk and talk to x" with some variation in the amount of different people you have to talk to. These complains can't be solved easily and I certainly wouldn't have the answer to them.

So RP is about it for things that keeps me playing and even then, I end up mostly playing the mechanics in the game. So, how could we foster a more active RP scene? My suggestion would be to attract characters naturally to a single spot, currently most crafting spots have only 1 or 2 jobs which can be used there and therefore only attract characters with that occupation, exceptions would be for example Harn as he is a storage but even then most people coming there for that come and go quickly. My suggestion for that would be to have a crafting hall in which nearly all jobs can be practiced.

Another proposal, although similar ideas have been shot down already, would be to have workshops/ateliers for characters. That way it would be easier to find specific persons to interact with and selling things to other player characters would be easier aswell. I for one would love to run a shop and I'm sure there are others aswell.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Feelings and responsibility
« on: June 03, 2017, 08:19:22 am »
I disagree, seeing as you marginalized it to nothing originally. Germany as a whole still has 16 times the influence of Luxembourg. and if you look at it from a citizens perspective then a citizen from Luxembourg has ~8.5 times the influence of a German citizen.

The amount of votes are not directly proportional to the amount of seats but the amount of a country's seats does relate to its population. That said, there's also the European council which evens it out even more so in the end its quite close to even for every country but not completely so.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Feelings and responsibility
« on: June 03, 2017, 05:04:23 am »
I'm aware of these, and this is why I wish Le Pen had a chance in France. Also, lacking conflict doesn't immediately equate to a good thing. I'm actually shocked that your countries haven't revolted against their respective governments and the EU, but that's probably due to a lack of liberalism within your cultures.

I think there's actually some conflict in Europe, but I don't think the people from most countries in Europe have a strong tendency to go on the streets to protest. What we do see is that more extreme parties have formed. And I'm actually quite shocked you would revolt over things like those happening in Europe, for me personally it would take a lot before I would revolt against my government, something in the order of them abolishing our freedom of religion or our democracy would be needed(to name just two things). I may have missed a large issue in some country however as I dont track news as much as I should let alone that of other countries.

As towards the Europa lacking liberalism within our culture, I strongly disagree with that but that most likely comes from different definitions and opinions.(I'm from the Netherlands btw and can't really speak about the culture in other countries.)

Lastly, small note/question Gonger, the influence of countries in the EU does depend on the size of their population as countries with a larger population hold more seats in parliament than those with small populations. Or am I missing something?

General Discussion / Re: Death
« on: May 17, 2017, 05:22:20 am »
Like others have said, there is still rp, it's however occasional and often you need to go out of your way to find/create it. Most players will gladly take part if you strike up some rp.

I would point to the boring gameplay (most things are just the same few actions you repeat.) and there not being much rp which you would just stumble on as reasons for the current lack of active player. Jonobe's parties were very nice because you could meet quite a few people and have some light interaction with them. She hasn't held any for some days now so I might consider holding one occasionally.

Complaint Department / Re: Death has no impact
« on: January 19, 2017, 01:45:45 am »
If Death should have a larger impact then I think the only thing that needs to be changed is the lore, as it is it is posed as something not really all that bad which is why Larili, after having died multiple attempts, doesn't mind it as much anymore. I should however have RPed the discomfort more but I was quite tired at the time.

As Tidebringer said, Emaline is pestering as hard as she can. She did it some time ago on my behalf and got the job done after a while.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: An assortment of minute questions/remarks
« on: October 27, 2016, 11:38:43 am »
most of the time basic recipes have been shared across similar patterns to avoid changing book too often. If you can be more specific I can look deeper into the subject.

It's mainly a point with cut gobo and lavender and to a lesser extend: kingsfoil, red mangrove, sinaflar and wyn which could be put into "Nature's secret". Having the prerequisites for the salves in "Gifts of Xiosia" would be nice as well but that might go a bit further.

brewing is implemented, the combination is working too (just tested), double check, you may be doing something wrong.

I Looked again and yes, I made the mistake that a pot of water isn't a heated pot of water. Still the 0's in the crafting book are weird.
Edit: I just saw every crafting book has 0's, guess I'll go to the bug tracker.

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