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Messages - Koios

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General Discussion / Re: The Great inconsistency hunt is on!
« on: October 12, 2010, 04:45:17 am »
Don't forget that the Tavern is, as told by some NPCs, to the northwest of the Plaza Fountain. And here's a fun fact if that is true: East Hydlaa is to the east of Hydlaa Plaza! What a funny coincidence  :woot: *Koios brings out his rubber mace again and goes LigH hunting while whistling to a crazy tune*

Guilds Forum / Re: [CLAN] Kore Irka-kor
« on: October 12, 2010, 04:37:15 am »
*Koios bangs on LigH's head with a rubber mace and parodies a Dev* There... are... no... directions... in... game! Although alot of NPCs sure know them, they are confused with East being a name and thus "invented" west, north and south.  \\o//

Wish list / Re: magical wrips
« on: October 11, 2010, 09:18:17 am »
So... You want "wrips" in the fabric of the PS universe that will crowd the area of the "wrip" with monsters from other universes..?   :o

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Newbie makes a comeback
« on: October 10, 2010, 08:24:53 am »
I have some questions, why is there now two servers?
And why is the RP server never working when I go on there?

First, welcome back :)

Two servers means one for RP (gonna get my head chopped off for claiming that it is), and one for non-RP; full PvP, uber-1337 names and so on and so forth... 
I'm guessing that you've tried to logon at some bad moments, the server isn't that unstable anymore. Or that you haven't update completely and have another servername than Zeroping?
Could be your firewall preventing you from logging on, but then you should be prevented from the non-RP server as well.

General Discussion / Re: Grinding and Roleplay
« on: October 08, 2010, 10:54:14 am »
Not familiar with either of the above.

- Nova
Turn-based combat, basically. A quick youtube-search will show you, although they use more creatures at once. But if this were to get implemented down the line, I would imagine group combat looking similar to it. Or if one of the duellers uses summoned creatures  :sorcerer:

General Discussion / Re: Grinding and Roleplay
« on: October 07, 2010, 06:13:28 pm »
You make good points Phage. A real compromise would be a third option to the PvP configuration which would allow the contestants to progress through the battle one strike at a time in alternate turns. A swing would be made and then the next player could wait until they were ready to continue with their swing and then back to the other. They may decide to make a description of how the blow affected them, or some comment to the other character, etc..

In this way one would get the full impact of game mechanics yet allow the experience to be slowed down to the speed of the players' desired.RP  You could then have all the detail given in RP combat (which is no question a cool part of it) yet rely on the game mechanics to decide true outcome.

- Nova

You're thinking of something similar to older Final Fantasy or Heroes of Might & Magic style of combat? Could make things interesting... Also agree to make it a 3rd choice instead of switching it with the options already available.

Wish list / Varying weight/size
« on: October 04, 2010, 07:46:15 am »
This might be a redundant thread. However, if this is being looked into how is the progress going? If not, then it's not redundant :)

I propose a randomized system for varying weight/size of certain items (ores, fish, herbs, plants). These are items that would vary from a realistic point of view, it doesn't always has to be random either. Maybe a field of Hops out in the far Wilderness has a rich mineral soil that makes them grow bigger. Or the experienced miner has a greater chance of digging up that huge gold nugget that will make him famous. The only problem I see here is that it could be difficult to stack items with varying weight with the current (Y items x Z weight) display.

Personally I thought of this idea mainly for fish, but it applies to many other items as well. I also think this is a good idea because it can make skills like fishing even more interesting. You can make RP events based solely on fishing/mining, having competitions like "Biggest fish", "Heaviest fish" and so on.

At the moment I'm only talking about theoretical size, as I understand there are some issues with sizing the actual models. In the future, however, some of us might want to hang that huge [insert fish here] on a plack to boast.
And at first I wouldn't say there would be a need for heavier fish to be worth more, or that you could make more dishes out of just one fish (since all fish right now are worth the same anyway...). It doesn't all have to get here at once, just the randomized weight would make the fishing more interesting for those interested already.

Is this doable? And is it being looked at or currently gathering dust at the back of the line (which I reckon must be huge)?

actually, you don't have to limit yourself to the choices ingame, either.
for example you may play a character that isn't atheist (i.e. doesn't deny the obvious existence of gods), however doesn't follow a specific one either, which would probably fit a very well educated character that doesn't fail to see the relation between the gods :)

Or Klyroses in general if they know their history and generalizes some things  :detective:
I believe your point is the reason why some have previously wished for a change of word for it. A slight change in definition, or another option altogether might be viable to ease the masses.

Guilds Forum / Re: New guild creation! The Crimson Tear.
« on: September 29, 2010, 07:18:10 am »
A character who hasn't suffered great pain and sorrow sounds like a boring character. I know at least every person in Yliakum has been through pain, so just about anybody can join this guild, which makes it seem generic.

On a side note: Therapists could be fun. Or any other kind of philosophical group.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Have you ever? (game)
« on: September 29, 2010, 05:34:51 am »
How high is remarkable? I won a trip to London for a week at a 5 star hotel worth ~2,600 $ once. Highest monetary win in close family has been ~31,000 $

So yes/no depending on your definition.

HYE met/talked to a celebrity? (I met and talked to Kiefer Sutherland on aforementioned London trip  :thumbup: )

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Happy Halloween 2010! (ghouls are coming soon!)
« on: September 28, 2010, 09:07:43 am »
Be something that frightens you.

Imma be a knight who says NI!  :o

But seriously, I'm going to a hockey game and after that a Europa League game (football/soccer)  \\o//

This is written as an IC view from the somewhat medieval values the game has. This should not be taken as an OOC offence against atheists. This is more of a way to say that if your character is an atheist in-game, it will have consequences in the way that no gods will help you in certain situations. So IC atheism isn't the best choice, but a choice nonetheless.

From one OOC atheist to another ;)

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Jobs in Planshift
« on: September 23, 2010, 08:59:18 am »
And the Octarchy will enjoy banishing (and possibly do worse to) your character, should he ever be caught in a Burial Well or committing necromantic arts. So be careful who you offer your services to ;)


Tazen is a GM who has been around for quite some time.

Who did, but not really, steal your name?

Complaint Department / Re: haters gonna hate
« on: September 17, 2010, 08:37:32 am »
I agree that the person was wrongfully dealt with, hence my quote of the gaming policy. I was just trying to say that the way the link was presented, I saw it as an attempt to discredit all GMs.
Everyone can have a bad day once in a while. And as we all know, the best solution wasn't to then respond in ways that could potentially be seen as snarly.

would you make that excuse for a cop out of line? a bad day?  :thumbdown:

I was going to make my statement clearer, but others (derula & Tessra) have said it better than I could've done already :)

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