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Messages - Aiwendil

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Wish list / Re: Enhance crafting with "determined studies"
« on: July 11, 2012, 02:05:49 pm » previous post was deleted? I's fine as long as I say the PS team does it right by now but not fine to revert that opinion when they change their politics again. But I guess that is to be expected...never was any different. Same idiocy around here as always.

@tman: Assuming you use linux and get a self-compiled version of PS at hand already. Just download the patch and put it in the base dir of the PS code. Then run a "patch -p0 -i craft-filter.patch" there and recompile PS (a simple "make" should do...the patch doesn't change the configure scripts and it's not needed to recompile every single PS file). Depending on your distribution you might have to install the patch program first...shouldn't be too hard to find in your distro's repos. In macOS it should work basically the same..though I really doubt there are many that go through the hassle of compiling PS on macs. For windows...sorry, I have no clue. I'm sure there are some tools that can deal with patch files...but never really had to apply a patch on a windows system. Maybe some windows dev can explain this if necessary.

Complaint Department / Re: Animal naming
« on: July 09, 2012, 02:09:55 pm »
Code: [Select]
<replace bad="chicken" good="kikiri" />
in <config-dir>/options/chat.xml and problem solved Candy ;) ...Do you really think I typed "kikiri" all the time? Chickens are matter what settings says. So just think of them as chickens and have the chat filter deal with it.

Wish list / Re: Doing away with speech bubbles
« on: July 02, 2012, 02:29:10 pm »
I'm a tad long do you all play this game by now?

Disable chat buddles: In game options (<o>-key) -> Interface - Advanced -> Chat bubbles -> Enable Chat bubbles (or if you like it better just disable the those chatbubble you want bellow there)

The idea of allowing arbitory player text not starting with /me or /my is around also already for a very long time. But it has a serve disadvantage that must be solved somehow to make it even possible. The coloring of the chat window as you see it is done on the client (If the client sees your name in one of the chat lines it colors it). The server only sends pure text lines. Now to the problem...if you allow /me anywhere inside a chat line no player around is able to tell who actually worte that line. Example

>The whole room is silent, almost everyones attention focused on the cute little cub except Dannae, /me and Aramara who watch Cairn pick his nose with pleasure.<

For everyone around only the own name will get highlighted...and it wil be impossible for anyone around to say who of those four mentioned in that line actually wrote it (Of course this is even worse if you allow lines completely without a /me at all). So Bonifarzia's /narrate suggestion is really the only way to go about it and prevent misuse at the same time. (And for GMs such a command already exists: /impersonate. It just doesn't put the players name in front yet. But changing it to always put the name of player in front if executed by a player is no big deal at all)

Copy and paste: Yes, there is some code for that already. No, it doesn't work as you except it. And no, you can't select text. And it's only available on linux so far I think. (Not that this is a real issue...the spellchecker isn't available for windows either). But to make it really work it would require a lot of changes to the basic text widgets. It's not really hard but simply a lot of work probably nobody is willing to do.

General Discussion / Re: You Might Be An Oldbie If...
« on: July 02, 2012, 01:44:01 pm » times ;)

And no idea if Noriin is still banned far as I know even he doesn't know himself. Lurks only in the OL forum if at all.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Not rendering anything 3d [SOLVED]
« on: June 19, 2012, 05:07:05 am »
Aww, sorry Roled. The answer I gave here is VERY gentoo-linux specific. It probably won't even help much on any other linux better just ignore what I said (well in fact that is usually true with almost everything I say ;)).

For windows LigH is most likely a better contact person. First of course what he said...try using the drivers from your graphic cards vendor instead of the standard microsoft ones. But it also might help to know a bit more about your new computer...for example if it is a notebook. As far as I know even on windows the nvidia optimus technology used in almost every modern notebook can cause problems with PS. I fear I'm the wrong person for giving a step to step guide on anything in windows...but I can try my best. Please be aware that I didn't test any of this (I don't have a win7 installation at all)

For getting hardware information:
- Press <windows><r> (you know...that windows key usually a the bottom left of your keyboard). Should get you a "run" dialog
- type "msinfo32" in that run-dialog and press enter.
- Should get you window with almost all system information anyone can desire. Have to look through the tree-view on the left a bit to find your graphics card infos. Feel free to post a screenshot here then to get someone help you to find the best suited drivers for your card.

Also, as you said "new computer" I expect you still have at least some manuals. Often there are some hardware spacs in them...typing those here could be a great help too. (and of course the model name of your computer..if it has one)

Oh..and hi Roled... ;)


Wish list / Re: Enhance crafting with "determined studies"
« on: June 12, 2012, 10:12:03 am »

Development Deliberation / Re: Private server: can't connect
« on: June 10, 2012, 04:42:52 am »
Let's start with the default accounts...those are defined in "src/server/database/mysql/accounts.sql". If you are able to fix this yourself just change that file accordingly and then post a "svn diff" patch on the PS bugtracker. If you, like me, aren't that fluent in sql (and especially the mysql variant) just posting a bug on the bugtracker stating the issue would be a start I guess. The files in "src/server/database/mysql/" should be GPL licensed so no big deal there.

The compile-guide is also part of the PS source code. It can be found in "docs/compiling.html". Basically it would be the same procedure if you are able to adjust that file yourself...but I see one little problem there (at least from my point of view). I have no clue what licenses applies to that file (the whole licensing model of PS is a complete mess. Apparently the source svn repository contains files from both licenses but lacks a file that states which licenses applies to what files) but given the general attitude of the PS team and seeing that this is a documentation file I can very well imagine that this file is seen as AB-License. So either you are fine with that license or you better ask someone in charge what license really applies to that file. In any case a bug with the general issue on the bugtracker should be the first step anyway. (Btw, that wordnet issue if kind of funny...because I remember the compile-guide having a paragraph on that subject. No idea why it was removed)

And there are of course always the #planeshift and #planeshift-build IRC channels on freenode if you want to get in contact with the PS team (Though those channels are pretty dead most of the time but it might be worth a try). Just poke random people with OP or Voice status in those of them should be able to direct you to the correct person (and no ranting about star wars or lilura will kick you for "bad taste" ;) ).

Development Deliberation / Re: Private server: can't connect
« on: June 09, 2012, 05:12:50 pm »
Yeah, the PS documentation is rather...thin ;). There are some docs in the wiki...but not really many and I don't think there is anything on how to get the server to work. Best available PS docu is still the sourcecode. ;)

Not sure if it matters but -run only has one "-" for me.

But more important...-run doesn't take a OS path. The parameter is a CS virtual filesystem path. Easiest way to get a text file with commands loaded is creating one in the same directory as the psserver executable and start the server with "-run=/this/<yourtextfile>"

Now to the accounts...sorry, I haven't tried this for some time so I can only guess. For me the example accounts worked in the past...but PS changed the password encryption system lately and no idea if the accounts.sql was updated accordingly. Probably best to get in IRC and ask a dev there... (also check the output of the server if there were some mysql connection problems or something like this). As far as I know there isn't any other server command needed to make the server connect to the mysql database.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Hello Again
« on: June 09, 2012, 03:35:59 pm »
Hey Illy, hope the lurking takes you to other places as well...

Development Deliberation / Re: Private server: can't connect
« on: June 09, 2012, 03:34:41 pm »
Did you issue some "loadmap" and more important the "spawn" and "ready" commands on the server?

It simply doesn't work with resolutions below 1024x768. (Not that is really matters with all those other bugs in the login least PS shows already in the first 20 seconds that it's still in alpha phase)

Edit: But hi Tinwei...even if you can't get PS to work you can at least say hi in IRC. ;)

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Newbie install help ubuntu 12.04
« on: June 06, 2012, 11:10:42 am »
There is no need at all to install the game in /opt. During the installation you should be asked where to install PS..just don't do a system-wide install and then select a path in your home-directory (for example "/home/<username>/games")...that way you will also have far less troubles with updates (which would need root rights otherwise)

For starting in a shell.
First you need to make the installer executable:
Code: [Select]
chmod +x PlaneShift-<whatever>
Then yo can just start the installer with:
Code: [Select]
If you really want to do a system-wide install as root start the installer with
Code: [Select]
sudo ./PlaneShift-<whatever>
but I really recommend against this. If you do this and there is an update available you have to run the pslaunch application also with sudo just for the update. (And even this can lead to troubles as the PS-updater sucks and at times forgets an update if you couldn't do it as normal user)

Wish list / Re: Map Mode
« on: June 06, 2012, 11:01:03 am »
You do it wrong Ligh...just change "MaxCameraDistance" to 500 for freerotation camera mode in ~/.PlaneShift/ That way you can scroll with the wheel as much as you want and still don't reset the setting. And if you want an overview just go to free-rotation camera mode and scroll out as far as you want. The only time this gets reset is if you do some changes in the camera-options tab in the in-game options...what I think nobody ever does at all. And while at it...disable the camera collision by setting "UseCollisionDetection" to "off" in the general section of that file.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Not rendering anything 3d [SOLVED]
« on: June 06, 2012, 06:41:01 am »
First need to be sorry for asking questions...that's what this forum is for and I'm glad I could be at least of some help ;). The OS drivers tend to have some nice advantages like better xrandr support so I think it's normal for a lot of people to install those. But for 3d graphics the binary drivers of the venders are still a lot better..especially for PlaneShift which doesn't work with the OS drivers at all (doesn't work with nvidia nouveau either as far as I know).

Just allow me a few more..hints. It's not needed at all to install dev-games/crystalspace and/or media-libs/cal3d. First the versions gentoo provides are not the versions PlaneShift needs and second the binary download version of PS comes with prebuild versions of those two libreries already. Having those packages installed shouldn't hurt long as you do no crystalspace development. But as soon as you define your own CRYSTAL environment variable pointing to the gentoo packages you are bound to run into troubles. ;)

But while talking about gentoo...a general note. Seems like the gentoo ebuilds here are either dead links or completely outdated...might be a good idea to at least unsticky that forum thread. Same for the gentoo compile guide...but that's not so important I think as most gentoo users will probably able to work around the little difficulties like gentoo providing only an outdated version of the nvidia Cg toolkit.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Not rendering anything 3d
« on: June 05, 2012, 05:43:15 pm »
Using VIDEO_CARDS="radeon" or VIDEO_CARDS="fglrx" in make.conf? As far as I know PS only works with the binary fglrx drivers...though not sure as I have a nvidia card.

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