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Messages - Fanomatic2000

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Wish list /
« on: January 11, 2003, 03:10:23 pm »
Got me there Silverblade ;)

But how can a world have lava if there\'s no molten core ?(

Wish list /
« on: January 11, 2003, 03:01:49 pm »
More ideas coming from my head  :))

There should be different types of quests depending on what profession you choose. If you\'re a blacksmith for example, you get quests like making a hammer for a dwarf who broke his own (I know that quest won\'t make you cheer, but I just took it as an example :) ).
Anyway, the point is that you get quests related to what profession you choose.

Wish list /
« on: January 11, 2003, 11:37:46 am »
Yes, I had that scene in mind too  ;)
But I don\'t think it would be too hard to do
(if underwater-elements IS a feature).
To go one step further, how about gigantic floating fortresses?
Perhaps gigantic flying cities with hundreds of people living in it? (I know I\'ve gone too far, but it\'s just a thought  :] )

General Discussion /
« on: January 10, 2003, 12:17:40 pm »
One thing I\'ve thought about....
When PS is all ready and done...wont our computers be a LOT faster? There is NO problem with hardware. (If you sit with 128mb RAM 2005 you can take a long walk on a short pier :D

Wish list /
« on: January 10, 2003, 11:42:26 am »
There can be seasons even if the whole world lies beneath the surface. Because it becomes colder even under the surface. However snow is impossible, and I doubt that the inhabitants in PS celebrates cristmas, even if they do it in reality. That just wouldn\'t be serious. ;)

If the caves lies deeply enought, then it must become warmer the longer down you travel.
The lower parts has got to be very hot and the upper ones become colder. From what I\'ve understood there will be a possibility to reach the surface, so perhaps there will be seasons after all. At least on the surface.    

Wish list /
« on: January 10, 2003, 11:20:02 am »

If you could just buy a map, there would be no exitement. The players could just walk around and read what way were dangerous and which was safe. :(

Have you thought about the people who could just copy a story from the world wide web and then write it in a book? Think about this-If you read 2-3 pages and when you bought the expensive book, the rest of the pages were covered with LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, then what should you do? ?(
People who do stuff like that should be punished! X(
How can you know who to trust? The GMs can\'t read all the books in the world of PS.

Wish list /
« on: January 10, 2003, 10:49:14 am »
I think that the best XP-system in the world is the one in Elder scrolls lll: Morrowind. It\'s perfect because everything you do will affect you (like if you run a lot you get XP for that \"Athletics\" If you jump a lot it\'s called \"acrobatics\" etc.) Then you can become good in what skills you want. You can choose a class in Morrowind, but I know it won\'t be included in PS.
It doesn\'t matter because I don\'t really like the class system anyway. It\'s good but it makes players create a lot of characters instead of just having one. Every account should only have ONE character.
I like the idea about quests for gaining levels. I\'ve played 4\'th coming for some time, and I thought the quests were a good way to create variation in the game. The best about quests is that you often team up to reach a common (or different) goal.

General Discussion /
« on: January 09, 2003, 06:44:05 pm »
Here comes some commercial ideas for PS.

1. If you want you can manifacture your own Coka-Cola, Pepsi, NIKE shirt, and then you sell it to the crowd.

2. When you die you go to the Coka-Cola hell and have to walk by 200 Coka-Cola posters before you can ressurect.

3. The stadium is a perfect place for commercials. Between the fights a guy drinks a Pepsi and tells you how great and refreshing it tastes.

4. If you\'re a hight lvl cook you can make Big-Macs to sell. They will increase your stamina and your HP

PvP,PK and Thieving /
« on: January 09, 2003, 06:03:40 pm »
If you want PK\'ing, then play TIBIA or something. It\'s very funny when you try to grow in levels and all of a sudden someone come and PK you, then they laught at you and tell you to \"come and get your loot\". And every time you try to take it he kills you and you go down to lvl 7 again. It\'s really funny! And then you try again and some other guy kills you again, and again. Yeah, Tibia is SO much fun.
Seriousely, It\'s much more fun to cooperate with people who don\'t wanna kill you for your loot.

Planeshift isn\'t for PKers, sorry  :P

Wish list /
« on: January 09, 2003, 04:21:37 pm »
I\'m a blessed warrior (Paladin). How can I go to hell? I think there should be a heaven or a \"hell deluxe\" for us players of the \"good\" type. :P
And how can Diabolos go to hell? I thought they liked heat :D I think evil-minded persons should go to hell, and good-minded people should get deluxe-treatment  like free massage and the ability to ressurect where they please  :D.
One thing that would be really cool was if the players who have died ressurected with wings. \"Good\" players with white wings and \"evil\" players with black ones. These wings should dissappear after a day or so. (No, you cannot fly with the wings. It just shows that you have died)  

Wish list / Houses under water?
« on: January 09, 2003, 03:45:01 pm »
I don\'t know if somebody have already thought about this but..

I think races like Nolthrir should be able to live under water in houses or caves.
They could live in gigantic underwater cities where they grew seaweeds and hunted sharks. I think it would be great. :P Then you could ride on gigantic sea-horses and search for treasure in underwater caves.
(Ok, I know it\'s a lot of work, but it would be fantastic)

Wish list /
« on: January 09, 2003, 03:35:07 pm »
I\'m new here on the forum and I have some neat ideas! :))

These weapons is for players who wanna get away quickly from their foe, or just trap them to make pets of them.

Net-gun:  (Got this idea from \"Predator\") When fired, it shoots out a net over the foe, making it immobile until hit, or until the player destroys the net (the time it takes depends on the players strenght, if you\'re too weak it may not even be possible to get out by yourself).
This weapon are often used by Nolthrir because it is good catching fish with as well. It\'s also very popular among gladiators (if there will be any)

blowgun:  The blowgun can be used with many types of ammunition. There\'s a poisonous type of dart which will poison the foe, making it lose some stamina and lose life.
Then there\'s a sedative type which will make the foe lose most of it\'s stamina, or even become unconsious.

Blackjack:  A club known from the game \"thief\" It\'s good for knocking a foe unconsious from behind.

Mindstaff: This powerfull staff will drain the stamina from your foe really fast. You\'ll need a spell to resist the draining.
It\'s useful if you don\'t wanna hurt a creature (I suggest GM\'s will have this staff  8) )

Smokebomb: It\'s just what it sounds like. A smokebomb is good if you wanna get away from a foe, or you could use it for the next party :D  

Wish list /
« on: January 09, 2003, 02:31:18 pm »
The idea about changing characters bodypart-colors is not a bad idea. But you shouldn\'t be able to change the colors of blades. A blade is made of metal right? Metals in the game has different colors don\'t they?
If you paint the sword, then you cannot see what kind of metal it\'s made of. Therefore you should only be able to change the color of the handle, not the blade.
I feel sick thinking about all players running around with green, pink, black and green swords. 8o
One cool thing I have thought about were if the players could paint their faces with different markings, so that you could see what clan they belonged to.  :D  

Wish list /
« on: January 07, 2003, 07:43:35 am »
Good idea with a clock, but as Jessyn mentioned earlier, it would be better if it was mechanical.
The best thing to do is to create a clock-tower (Zelda: majoras mask)? :D  And then every hour (in game) it would sound.
I liked the idea with the snakes too, so I\'m not sure. It would be extremely beautilful with a huge statue of the sun-godess. :rolleyes:

Wish list / Jedi knight
« on: January 07, 2003, 07:21:21 am »
Not a bad idea, then there were players who became \"paladins\" (light side), and \"dark knights\" (dark side). The Paladins for example could heal themselfes and their companions, using \"holy light\" and spells like that. They could also use \"holy shield\" and other more defensive spells. The opposite side dark knight would use more offensive spells like \"force grip\" (just kidding :D ). They could use \"dark strike\" and \"unholy shield\" and stuff like that.
Also every class should have their opposite side, like \"White mage-Black mage\", \"Healer-drainer\", \"Monk-Dark monk\" etc. Every \"bad thing\" you do will make you become more and more evil and vice verca.
\"don\'t underestimate the power of the dark side\"  :]
I think it would be cool if you could see if people were on the \"good\" side or the \"bad\" side.
Just imagine the \"bad\" side walking throught the city, and you can see the flowers and the grass die when he walks by, (he didn\'t brush his teeth this morning did he?)
And when the holy Paladin walks by you can see him glowing and everything around him will become beautiful. :rolleyes:

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