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Messages - tygerwilde

Pages: 1 ... 48 49 [50]
Wish list /
« on: June 09, 2003, 02:38:00 am »
I\'d like to see it these things myself, I\'d love to see poker tables in game, but I wouldn\'t wanna see em wasted, on ac, they have chess now, but no one ever plays it, I love chess, but I can never find anyone to play with cause no one\'s interested in it... a magic style game would be cool too, but they would have to write up rules, and all that, and they have enough on their plates as it is... now if someone were to write up a game to include, with rules, leaving few details out, but willing to let them make any changes they see fit, it might make things more manageable for them.

(imagines himself getting a royal flush in game... and dying of a heart attack on the spot)

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: June 09, 2003, 02:15:04 am »
this system used to belong to my little bro, who\'s an even bigger gamer than me, (which is hard to say, I blame it on the wife and kid, they soften me up... ;D) he\'s pumped a lot into it, in fact, the only thing in here that was in when he bought it is the motherboard, he\'s doubled the ram, it had a new soundcard put in last year, all that good stuff.

I\'m not broke, I\'m financially challenged...

I\'d like to get myself a system I saw last week for 500 bucks, it was a 2.6 ghz pentium I think, with all kinds of toys... not the best, but a damn good price, but if I did, I wouldn\'t have rent... or electricity... or phone... or internet...

Ahh, being a family man....

PvP,PK and Thieving /
« on: June 09, 2003, 02:00:51 am »
I have to say, PKing is fun sometimes.


if you have open pk capabilities, you invite griefers to come into play.

does anyone see the problem with this? I play on DT, the pk server of asherons call, I don\'t know how many, if any of you play AC, but there is a definite problem with griefers on that server, you log on as a fresh lvl one n00b, and the second that you leave portal space, you find yourself BACK in portal space, you\'ve just had your first PK death.  In five minutes, when you return to pk status, you are dead again, because a griefer has followed you from the starting outpost, and it continues forever. of course, that is an exaggeration, because very few have the patience to put up with it. most log after a few moments. I was only able to manage getting to lvl 15 because I play late at night, and early in the  morning, when there are few players on that world. even with the late night hours, and my low lvl, I\'ve managed to accumulate roughly 60 deaths, it\'s a pain. My daytime hours are spent on leafcull where I can be safe from lvl 126 characters hunting me down like a rabbit.

like I said, I enjoy pk myself, but if you make any game open pk, it would make it completely out of reach for any casual, gamer, and would drive most new gamers away. I vote for that old standy, the pk server...

Newbie Help (Start Here) / OOooh, new toy >:-D
« on: June 09, 2003, 01:30:33 am »
hehe, I love mmo\'s and I\'m lookin at this and liking it, I\'ve read most pages on the site, and several threads here, and I gotta say I\'m impressed to think this is supposed to be a free game when it\'s released, as grand as your aspirations are, you could probably charge top dollar for the finished product, kudos to the designers...

now, is there anything that I should know that I haven\'t already read, beyond the thread about faq, downloading and installation process{have about four hours of downloading to do :*-( } or such.

also, I need to know the bare minimum, I\'ve been able to get games that req 750 mhz to run on this old 500 mhz, but that\'s as far as I can say, will it be possible to run this on the machine I\'m using or will I have to upgrade before I run it... lemme know before download is complete if you can, if not, oh well.

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