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Messages - Vladamir

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Wish list /
« on: January 18, 2003, 04:44:27 pm »
*Scratches his head lightly*

I don\'t mean to sound offensive or anything, but for some reason that sounds like something a newbie would suggest.  

Personally, I\'d prefer if it was made that there was an offline tutorial to get them started rather than make some island in game for them to be let loose on.


Guilds Forum /
« on: January 18, 2003, 12:28:51 am »
Insolent peons!

Baah!  None of you know what you speak of.  Balance must be kept within the realm at all costs.  Therefore go about your business as usual.  Good is no better than evil but both serve there purpose to create a balance, and if that balance shall ever be compromised, only Laanx himself knows what could happen.  But of course, my brethren (which do not exist as of yet) shall never allow that day to come.  None shall triumph even if that means an eternity of war.

Ponder this, when all beings considered \"good\" are destroyed by the foolishness of the evil ones torture and destruction, what will you do?  There shall be no sense of morality.  Soon you will all resort to killing each other, claiming one is less \"evil\" than the other.

Or if good is to triumph, then shall we live forever in peace and harmony?  Of course not!  Evil can never be truly eradicated.

With that I leave you.
Fare thee well and may the balance be maintained for the sake of us all.


PS.  But of course we all now see why evil will triumph over good, because good... is dumb.  - So sayeth the great Dark Helmet - Spaceballs...

Wish list /
« on: January 17, 2003, 04:20:05 pm »
(However I think it would be cool if you could make your own potions and antidote with different types of ingredients)

That would be called alchemy, which it appears is already implemented in the game.

As for regeants and components I feel that for certain spells it could be understandable to have to have a certain item in order to cast such a crystal or some gem.  Also for summoning spells I would not be against components.

One thing that I would like to see though is the ability for PCs to craft their own spells, although I doubt it would happen.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: January 16, 2003, 10:22:59 pm »
Oy, this problem is starting to just get a tad annoying.  

But of course I\'m sure your very busy doing other things that are most likely solving this problem for a few people that have experienced it.  Well, at least I did my part in finding a solution.  


Hail fellow wanderers,

I seemed to have experienced a slight problem while attempting to login.  I can get as far as \"Initializing World\" but then it stops.  Don\'t worry I\'m not asking about that.  I looked at the Debug file and found this little interesting line. \"cel.persist.classic: Property class \'pcregion\' for entity with id \'100\' failed to load!\"  That is the direct quotation from the debug file save the quotes.  I\'ve tried numerous alterations to settings and what not but to no avail.  So if anyone has any suggestions it\'d be much appreciated.


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