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Messages - Zhaxor

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Granted or negated Wishes / Re: Carrying weapons
« on: October 26, 2007, 11:37:25 am »
While we are on it, why are so many people wearing armor while in town?

I don't really see that being an issue, you wouldn't take off your armour until you arrived home, that is to your house, and for most people passing through or visiting they maybe would keep wearing their light armour anyway, plate armour you would only expect people to wear gfor sepcific reasons, ie: big battle, tournament etc so that's already so OOC it doesn't matter.

But herein lies the rub. Let's say I am overweight and using a seduction weapon. am I to dequip it and be stuck or drop items before entering town or dealing with NPCs. As someone said earlier, simple requests usually have far reaches consequences we don't even consider.

Now this is a valid issue. However, and there are my thoughts here only, a character relying on the use of magic should accept that there are negatives as well as positives, in many magic systems the use of magic and magic items quite often has a negative aspect, so I would be prepared to accept that as simply being a consequence of relying on magic, and take it into account in my travels.

If I am required to hold it in my hand then I should not be penalized for using it.

And if I am required to enter the Death Realm to complete a quest should I be penalised for it by the DR curse? No it's not perfect, but nor is real life, there should be imperfections, they make it more appealing not less.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Keep crashing in game
« on: October 26, 2007, 05:42:00 am »
I would very strongly suggest your vid card is the issue, if you can check your error logs in windows that may help pinpoint the source of your crashes.

Granted or negated Wishes / Re: Carrying weapons
« on: October 26, 2007, 04:58:58 am »
You ask for a simple change and it brings into play all the things I mentioned and more. I admit my rhetoric was too aggressive but the idea is not new and has been discussed before. Was it wrong to suggest it? I don't think so, it has been a while.

No, I am asking for a simple request and you are needlessly complicating it.

When I walk through the gate into Hydlaa I just stop for a moment (or even do it on the run just outside the gates) and put my two axes into my inventory. Yes it's not completely IC, but nor is "inventory", but basically I look at "inventory" as simply a list of all things I am carryng wherever I have them, so if I take my axes out of my hand slot and put them onto an inventory slot it's good enough to imagine taking them out of my hands and popping them into their sheaths, yes it would be nice to have a sheath but not necessary.

As for it being a real threat or not, why not? You attack an NPC, the NPC goes, HELP!?! Then you immediately become a valid target for all Players in vicinity so we play pile on the robber, and whoever kills you get a reward for aiding the guards. Of course if there is no help around then you actually rob Harnquist, but your character then becomes a known thief and no NPC's will deal with you, your only way to get stuff from then on is to steal it.

Oh BTW I did look but didn't see any previous threads so it must have been quite a while ago.

General Discussion / Re: Average Ping
« on: October 26, 2007, 04:46:54 am »
Australia - high 90's to low to mid 100's on a good day

Granted or negated Wishes / Re: Carrying weapons
« on: October 25, 2007, 09:53:38 pm »
This is all kind of pointless and been repeated many times. You cannot sheath your weapons,

This was never about the action of cheating weapons, why bring it up?

You cannot put your weapons in a backpack there are no backpacks.

nor about putting them  in backpacks.

you can pretend that they are not really in your hands but rather safely sheathed just the way people like it.

But they aren't, it's really simple to unequip a weapon, not a big issue that you are making it out to be.

If this were a real wish and not just a complaint in disguise you would be asking for  a real backpack, real sheaths a belt to hang the sheaths on and a convenient way to do so.

So you are defining the context of my post? My post had nothing to do with backpacks, sheaths or anything of  the sort. I can quite happily roleplay sheathing my axes, but it sort of spoils the effect when I wave them in the NPC's face. Don't confuse the original post with other peoples responses about sheaths and animations etc, that has nothing to do with it. True there are a lot of things that we don't have control over in the game and therefore must roleplay, but there are also things we have specific control over, and if that's the case why should we roleplay it? All it needs is a simple NPC check. "if eqiuped weapon - respond thus" forget the "but if we have one hand free" and mobile phone comparisons etc, I am quite happy to see you dealing with a NPC if you are carrying a book in one hand and a lump of steel stock in the other, it's the category of the equiped item that I am discussing. An equiped weapon is a threat that simply shouldn't be allowed in town unless in the appropriate area for the appropriate reason (ie: the areana, if you are attacked by other player/NPC and etc). The NPC reaction is simply a way to encourage people to put away their weapons when in town.

Granted or negated Wishes / Carrying weapons
« on: October 25, 2007, 09:33:38 am »
I looked around but couldn't see if this has been mentioned as a wish, but, carrying weapons at all times?



Zaxor walks into the shop waving two double bladed battle axes around and says "give me a philter of intelligence".

Shop owner dives behind the counter gibbering in fright and screaming "HELP, I'M BEING ROBBED!"


Now that's what should happen, but what actually happens is that the shop owner blithely ignores the axes and chats away in a friendly manner.

I personally try to be consistant to the setting, if I am in the wild I carry my axes out, in town I put them away, after all people in the tavern swinging axes and swords and all sorts of weapons would surely attract the guard. Now I am not saying that if someone does walk around with drawn weapons they should be set upon by the guard, a much simpler wasy of doing it would be to have the NPC's refuse interaction if the player has a weapon equiped.

A simple, "now friend put the weapons away while in my shop or I will call the guard," type blanket response would suffice

I have just started axe crafting myself and was dissapointed to find that the larger axes were vanishing, now the last post here was in May, it's now the middle of October and still not fixed? I thought it was a new bug, or just me, but apparantly not. I am not here to pressure  anyone to fix it, it will be fixed when it's fixed, but would it be useful if we had a sticky about this so that newcomers to the game (like myself) don't waste huge amounts of time mining materials and crafting re-inforced double bladed axes only to have them vanish during assembly?

Wish list / Re: A possible compromise for RP/powerlevers
« on: October 16, 2007, 04:32:09 am »
Hmm, interesting discussion, and I have some thought on PL that I would like to share. There are always going to be powerlevelers, that's not an issue to me, however it does seem rather strange that a PL'er can be a master at mutliple tasks. For instance a craftsman can be a masetr at both axe making and sword making, or alterntively in combat they can have extreme skills in fighting with many different weapons, basically maxing their characters in all the different skill branches. But I have a though that maybe there should be a way to limit this so that in certain areas you can only be a master at one task.

For instance making swords versus making axes. I can make a basic axe and a sword, adn it would be no trouble for a blacksmith to do either with moderate skill, but I wouldn't expect him to be a master at both. So what I would suggest is a limit on training which should be simple to implement. It would work like this, if I have trained my sword making to say 150+, I can't train axe making any higher than 150. So power levelling in sword making means specialising in sword making and only achieving moderate axe making skills, so I could be a master sword maker but only a moderately good axe maker, or vice versa. The same method could be applied to just about any branch of skill, magic for instance, if I trained in the blue way to max skills I could only ever train up to 3 quarters in the other ways, combat the same, I could be a master swordsman but only a moderately good axe wielder.

It shouldn't be a complex chnage to make (of course speaking as one who is not familiar with the code that may not necessarily be true), but I should think a simple database check when training should be all that's needed, if you go to an axe trainer the program checks your skill level in sword making and doesn't allow the option to train higher than 150 if your sword making is already trained to higher than 150.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Quest help please.
« on: October 09, 2007, 10:42:59 am »
The fact that he wasn't getting any rhymes is indicative of a larger bug.

? he said he found the first rhyme but could't get the second!

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Quest help please.
« on: October 08, 2007, 08:37:10 am »
I typed "rhyme with colder" into google, it was second page in the list and even listed in the page summary, can't get easier than that!


Server Status / Re: Server unstable do quests at own risk...
« on: September 14, 2007, 12:06:42 pm »
Do we have any Korean players? I would love to know what their latency is.

I'm in Australia, Perth, and often play with a friend from Korea, I also have a very low latency, usually in the very low 100's. If I get disconnected while we are playing I always check to see if she was dissconnected also, and that has always been the case. Given that there are no issues that affect the individual user (ie: ISP having problems) then there doesn't seem to be any more issues connecting from Australia than anywhere else. In fact I have noticed the last week (before the current downage) that there has been very few service outages from the server. However getting back to there only being one server, there will eventually have to be more servers as the number of players increase, has any thought been given yet as to when and where other servers are going to be set up?

Perhaps jumping the gun here but I would be interested in being involved in that process since I work in the IT hardware industry.

aaaaa and i have the windows Vista and i play the game before install the video card... soo this is all

Then  you need to download and install the Vista drivers from, if you have just installed the vid card it will have defaulted back to the Vista standard Nvidia drivers which only have support for DirectX.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Re: Please help me!!!!1
« on: September 14, 2007, 01:38:11 am »
Hi, all,

I had to register just to reply to this, the Intel GMA chipset does NOT support OpenGL, a requirement for running Planeshift. Oh BTW I run planeshift on a Vista 64bit so that's not an issue. I don't believe there is any way to get Planeshift running on that video chipset, or any way to update it wihout getting a new laptop. Some laptops have decent Nvidia graphic chipsets such as the 7600, 7800 or 7900 a o rthe ATI X1300+ and will run planeshift fine.

Hope this helps.


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