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Messages - Lumi

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In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Yace [yet another combat event]
« on: October 31, 2013, 01:56:06 pm »
And YACE is back \o/
The funniest way to experiment PS's pvp :P

Boni, what about this "Team fight" we spoke about ? Do you think we could introduce it in YACE rules after all ?

@Kull: that would be awesome. Impatient to see how you will RP this with Kull "style".

Complaint Department / Re: (Others) throwing in the towel
« on: October 30, 2013, 05:37:40 pm »
...even if I'm trying to step outside the box as it will and RP something different
You mean like going on improvisation?

Big tread you opened there Kaerli. I never RP-ed before joining PS and i must say that i don't really know for sure what is RP-ing.
Tho i don't understand how we can actually plane in advance how your char will be in a few, along his/her "development". Isn't PS a giant improvising party, based on our char background, or is it a already a written novel (so predictable) that we are playing day by day ?
A bit off topic tho, sorry about that.

Maybe you should try to RP with "new" people, some you aint used to RP with and that will open new challenges ?

Wish list / Re: MENTOR petition/ button for new and returning players
« on: October 25, 2013, 04:33:45 am »
I totaly agree with Mouli. "Relationship" is what made me stay on PS, or even come back to it after some time away.

Grinding can be utterly boring but if you are blaberring on /tell or even on channels/Guild Chat with a bunch of funny comrades, it just make it awesome lol

The goal is not to "Chew the work" for the newcomers so he just let himself go and blindly follow, but to make him somehow understand that the key in this game is to interact.

Roled, idea is like in university when the first years arrive and are  given automatically a tutor. It's not a bad idea, it's even sweet in some way but who will do that ? :-\

Wish list / Re: Current Player Levels
« on: October 25, 2013, 04:13:03 am »
I am not saying to make it so someone can max a skill in a day. From your post, it sounds like you think my wish is to make players max immediately when they enter the world. This is far from the truth.

I wasn't implying anything Eatuck, i maybe makes it look "big" just to go more directly to the point  ;)
I recall when i started PS, i took herbal and was so proud, starting to imagine selling my potions on markets, training leatherworking and planing on doing the same. I very soon discovred that most of the current players were level 464894849 in both of those Skills, able to craft 300Q goods. I was completly discouradged by this for a long time.

You do are right on that point : "Players can't be retained"
The tutorial makeover is maybe a step toward a better already.

But honestly, in each and every MMO of this planet, the grinding do is boring most of the time. But once again it's a game, with more or less goals to achieve (goals that YOU and only YOU fix).

All of the other "fun" stuff that maxed players can do (helping new players, holding events, role playing) can be done just as easily without being maxed.  If they're not doing these things now, what's going to make them suddenly start when they hit the level cap?

Exactly, that's the point.
I don't know if you would enjoy more the game beeing 200 in a Magic Way or in a combat skill. But if yes then it's your goal and work hard to reach it ? And i can assure you that i am the first to grumble and sweat while training lol

If you want more RP, create it! If you want more events, the same. That's my opinion.  :P

Wish list / Re: Current Player Levels
« on: October 25, 2013, 01:46:13 am »
They already made most of the crafting faster (except shield making, why???). I wont start on the Mental and Physicall Stamina point :@#\ .

I am not judging, i am curious. What could it give you exactly to be a super maxed personn in no time ? I know how much frustrating and long can be the training sometimes, but it's always the same : The reward is even more enjoyable.

Do we want a complet community of maxed people running around PS ? Or do we prefer to keep a relative hard to get skills to keep the interaction between player, necessary? I am not so sure of the answer honestly. We aint that much already, are we going to finish all alone in our corner, auto-sufficient ? ;-o

Collaborative Stories / Re: Ojaveda News Bulletin
« on: April 11, 2013, 03:40:53 am »
A old lady dwarf wrapped in an past fashion self-made dress approach the bulletin building in small steps, her hairs tied in an high bun, pince-nez stuck on her nose. Winnifer read the last news , her face almost pressed to the board, eyebrows raised in astonishment and shakes her head : " The Ham..... this must be an error !..."
She sighs, mumbling about an urgent visit to a certain Rheos and finally nail the bulletin she's carrying.


Bonifarzia Borunthar strikes again.  This past week-end, Hydlaa Arena has been the theater of a new Champion Cup. Spectators came from all over the Dome, causing Gregori, the manager of the Arena, some maintenance difficulties.
The finest of the top level's warriors registred for this prestigious event :  Hirene Penifur the almighty of the Family organisation, The Brown Way Mage Wolferz, a complet contingent of the Way of the Hammers Guild and the multi-champion, the great  Bonifarzia Borunthar. After an intense battle where her terrific axes has the last word, the majestic Ynnwn went back home once again with the Cup, in the name of the Order of Light. Like a spectator said at the end : " Boni stays indisputable but i think her opponent should come more prepared. "

The Fishes invasion. The day after the cup, the cleaning team of the arena, drived by the eccentric Lono Fett, struggled  under the challenge : " We saw many curious things in here, but this... never yet !".  A large quantity of fishes, not always fresh, was dispersed all the over the tiered seating above the champion cup pit. To the express command of the Vigesimi Amidison Stronghand, an investigation has been opened.

Eheh Why not "Dweomonstration" ! Lol

@ Caraick : I will try to catch you IG because i can't send PM here  :-\
Anyways, i will be there if only no Azure Master show up.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Yace [yet another combat event]
« on: March 19, 2013, 02:16:02 am »
* Lumi is honored by both Esanor's words and Bonifarzia kind intentions

Thanks !!  :-[

It's a good idea to have 2 different people, one to "RP" the event by announcements and comments on the matches and one for Referee. Might even add some more fun.

And i agree with Caraick, thanks for hosting this Boni  :)

Me is Ok for the 30 of March !

I left a "recruiting cooks" book in each Yliakum kitchen tho i haven't been contacted so far about it.
But i could contact Minks, so seems were 2 already for sure.

+ Lumi is actually an Azure Way Master tho not as experimented as the other actual masters  :sweatdrop:

* Lumi lend her Hammer to Roled to " Nail the date"  ::)

Bringing Food, sound good to me. I will look up for this and spread the word in Kitchens to bring all kind of meals =]

Wow Roled you really was serious =]

Awesome ! Count me in for any kind of help you might need for preparation.

+ Azure Way Master signing in ! :sorcerer:

Maybe a message on Hydlaa board ?
If each people advertise inside their guild already, it would spread the word !

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