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Messages - Zig

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Granted or negated Wishes /
« on: July 19, 2002, 02:37:52 pm »
yeah you dont have to be good to do good things but the only thing that the reputation system would be about is how well liked you are by the npcs in the game and nothing more now if the game creators want to take it beyond that its up to them :O

ps your right i dont understand you elkano :P


Granted or negated Wishes /
« on: July 19, 2002, 02:02:07 pm »
well the reputation doesnt have to go an a number value scale some one in another post had an interesting idea about having titles maybe you could get it that way like neutral reputation would be common and good would be heroic  and bad would be dispised or something like that and there could be diffrent ranks that you could earn. The alignment thingy would be a deciding factor about it too and maybe if you did too many good deeds your alignment would change to a more suiting one.


Granted or negated Wishes / Reputation
« on: July 19, 2002, 01:40:41 am »
This is a continuation of the cow tiping idea. Im interested in what other people think about my idea. The is an issue about the penalty of tipping cows. I think that there should be some kind of system that your char has reputation for doing eather good heroic deeds or for doing acts of delequency or even evil. Another rpg that has this system is Baulder\'s gate.  Some benifits with a high reputation would be like the shop keepers would like you better and you might get small discounts on buying stuff and if for some reason a player needed to gather information for a quest or something it would help to have a good reputation so that npc would be more likely to help that person. A bad reputation would bring about penaties of its own like incresed prices in stores or towns people being rude to you and sometimes getting attacked by farmers if you tip too many cows. Man thats lengthy. :D  well anyways tell me what you think about it.


Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: July 19, 2002, 01:22:27 am »
Thanks for everyone help but i still dont know what it is, i have 512mb of ram free so i know its not that but i dont really know what kind of graphics card i have i guess i should try to figure that out. Like i said though my computer is brand new so i should have the best drivers and stuff for it to be using right now.


Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: July 17, 2002, 08:05:40 pm »
well what i ment was its not just lagging alittle its lagging a lot like really really bad, is that normal? ?(

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: July 16, 2002, 07:16:31 pm »
ok...its nice that people are looking at my topic but someone please post something. Is the game supposed to be running this laggy? ?(


General Discussion / wtf?
« on: July 16, 2002, 06:36:56 pm »
Planeshift is way better than runescape, how dare you even compair planeshift to it. First of all Planeshift is starting at a higher level of complexity than runescape and also runescape was really fricking crappy at the begining.


Every time that i try to get on ps when i do it runs really really slow. Not just the game but when im logging in and i typed my name and password it was slow to actualy show that i typed something. Also when i am in the game and try to move it will take any where from 15 secs to 30 secs to actualy move one step. I dont think its my internet connection because i have a cable modem and my computer is brand new. I have windows ME if that helps any. Please help me, the game looks really good and i want to play sooooo bad. ;(


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