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Messages - capetorial

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: furries
« on: June 14, 2008, 12:58:31 am »
PlaneShift is not made for furries ;)

WELL THAT WAS A SOLID ANSWER.  lol.  im not questioning you, you're obviously a booming voice around here but i wanna know - what makes you so solid w/ your answer?  was this topic discussed prior?

General Discussion / Re: What makes you not want to RP?
« on: June 14, 2008, 12:57:18 am »
What makes me not want to RP? People who are bad at it and try to make themselves gods amongst men as soon as they join. THAT bothers me to no end, and is why I quit in the first place. When I came back, I found out that my characters significant other left because I left, and the same old people were god-modding to beat be band, so I left again. I'm back (again), and maybe this time to stay... we'll see.

What makes me want to roleplay? A good, hard story/plot, people who can do a fight without the damnable dueling system (rolling is ftw. Use it =P), people who WORK for their power. A willingness to roleplay WITHOUT having it initiated by someone else. If you have to start roleplay by announcing your characters arrival with fanfare and trumpets, do so! (Anyone remember Nixe being her depressed little self in a corner of the tavern, drinking herself away? Yeah.)

How good at roleplaying am I? I'm not one to judge, but I will leave you with a quote for Noriin... or... That one elf dude who she loved whose name I cannot for the life of me remember "This is Nixe, he's one of the major roleplayers here." Take that as you will =/

P.S.: Nixe is back... Phear me ;D

EDIT: VELH! That's his name (the elf). And BTW PS team. You do a wonderful job on the world, despite its many bugs. Keep it up.

hey, i just wanted to say im sorry your significant other left.  i realise s/he didn't leave you, per say, but still.  (or maybe you were just together for rp purposes)

General Discussion / Re: Roleplaying Focus
« on: June 14, 2008, 12:38:21 am »
here's my take.  i think although it is in the rules to be RP, people don't obey them outside central zones (and even then, not all the time).  for this, i don't think it's the cause of a low player base.

what i think's the cause is that it IS an rp game - it's not meant to be like other mmorpgs.  i see it as half a conventional rpg and half a rp area.  also, think about it, have you ever seen PS give you a better reason to give you money other than "it'll help out PS as a whole" which, though VERY honorable, doesn't lead to many upgrades on the game's part.  for this, i commend PS for not selling out.  i honestly don't get how it's still up and running w/ how little money it brings in.  PS doesn't have a $100,000 budget to keep up w/ new game trends and a $50,000 budget to advertise.  this is why we have few players.

nonetheless, it's VERY impressive what you've done, devs.  every time i see PS i wanna rip out 3ds and photoshop and help in the work

thank you, donaters, we love you

General Discussion / Re: furries
« on: June 14, 2008, 12:27:13 am »
really?  youve heard 100k?  ive heard only 20k.  though i havent put much research into it.  im glad i didnt get flamed.  i know most lg. fursites have a userbase of 'bout 5-6k, 'least from what i've seen.

im a long-time PS player as well, i played back when there was nothing to do except walk around trying to find tria drop spawns - no mobs to kill, 1 npc, unattackable -- never made the furry // PS connection 'til today.

y'know, im not big on furcadia (just not my thing) but its not all X.  in fact, most of it is just normal chatting, i'd say it's only about 40% X area population.

thank you for your post, i desperately wanna see where this goes, too  :D

General Discussion / furries
« on: June 13, 2008, 10:14:00 pm »
ok, i recently thought about furries, planeshift and furcadia at the same time and i thought "hmm.."  and i had this question about planeshift - is it meant to be furry?  did anyone else make this connection?  did any devs?  i realise how 'flammable' this topic is so here's what i quite literally beg of those against furries - please dont flame.  thank you.  im simply curious of these questions

P.S. though im a friend of furries and the furry community, im not a member

you rule man.  i cant be doin this at this hr.  but ill make a note to do it by the end of this week.  your solution works completely (as long as i got a spare ethernet cable, which i probly do).

again man, you rule

Fan Art / Re: New UI Concept
« on: May 13, 2007, 12:27:35 am »
that LOOKS easy to do..might be able to..not sure tho..but the basic scheme of colors, etc. would be easily done


hey, i made a ui too (not nearly as good) but i got a tip you may not know of:  sign up with a guild or something and every time you make a new pane or something, have some fresh eyes look at it, like what i found myself doing is starting off with everything oversaturated then everything turning black so id have 2 schemes int he same ui (not in a good way).  this i found is prevented by having someone with your tastes looking at it with fresh eyes that hasnt been staring at it the whole time.

[ Please avoid making one post right after the other in the same thread. Just "Modify" your first post to add more information. Thanks! --Karyuu ]

Fan Art / getting ps stuff
« on: May 13, 2007, 12:20:41 am »
ok, i think you guys got a place for this somewhere but im having trouble understanding so imma ask.

i have 3ds max 9 and i would like to mess with some of the ps sprites (characters, objects, etc.)  where can i find them?

ok, but still got probs, first one:  i dont know what distro of ubuntu i got.  second, i am dual-partitioned and my 'nix and read my xp 'drive' but not vise versa, this could be good considering i cant do one thing that you said was essentual - i cant connect to itnernet from 'nix, i mean, if theres no other option, i can try for it but were looking at taking down the internet from my house for however long i need it (everyone in my house uses wi-fi and i cant be the host, dont ask why).  if theres an alternative, like d/l it in windows then have 'nix read from xp that can be done but otherwise, damn.

note:  windows xp pro is what i got and i have an ipod video that can act as an external hard drive

You know why I like Induane?

Because if you need help, he takes the time to do a really good job explaining EXACTLY what needs to be done without attitude or expectations.   \\o//

This is a rare quality (as you can tell by my  rushed post).


i second that man

Fan Art / Help with 3ds max
« on: May 06, 2007, 01:14:20 am »
modifier menu > object (in this instance, its a cone) > under the sides prompt, its a check button

also:  prob:  every once in a while, i start seeing my camera and my mouse wheel wont zoom it, i cant move the camera around my pic and it strafes  it aint a bug, it must be a feature of some sort but how am i provoking it?

*edit* do i check the angle with a taper?  i want to hook something onto it properly angled

Fan Art / Re: New Weapon
« on: May 06, 2007, 12:53:22 am »
wow, youre good.  but the stance and animations for the weapon..were talking a whole new weapon class (i think) although, it could merely be a sword with slightly different stance

it says autodesk 3ds max and autodesk makes alotta CAD so is this CAD?  if it is, i can actually get inclass cred. for doin 3ds stuff in my architecture (ya..) class.  i dont know what CAD stands for but he lets you use it in his class for w/e reason

Fan Art / Help with 3ds max
« on: May 06, 2007, 12:47:00 am »
sweet, EXACTLY what i wanted


sry for all the questions but does the smooth button change the final product and should i have it checked? (3ds max 9)

[ Please avoid making one post right after the other in the same thread. Just "Modify" your first post to add more information. Thanks! --Karyuu ]

Fan Art / Help with 3ds max
« on: May 06, 2007, 12:05:20 am »
concave bend, picture B.  hey man, karyuu, youre my favorite forumguy, youre awesome, btw im potheade if you didnt know, this be my ancient account

Fan Art / Help with 3ds max
« on: May 05, 2007, 06:11:14 pm »
ok, im using 3d studio max 9 (dont ask) and i want to make a concave cone, how do i do that? 

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