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Messages - lyistra

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Poetry, Comedy, and other. /
« on: May 07, 2005, 02:29:31 am »
At this point, go for it.  Fraid I\'m a little strapped for energy at the moment, hoping to be back on keel by the morrow, when I have coffee. ;)

You folks take care, and I\'ll work on seeing what I can think up tomorrow to continue.   My apologies for my continued absence, but hopefully I shall be able to return forthwith.  Or possibly thirdwith, then proceeding to fourth. ;)

Collaborative Stories /
« on: April 29, 2005, 06:11:19 pm »
Lyistra and Emaarhe continue down the corridor, their paws quiet, the claws not even ticking on the stones, from fairly long practice on Emaarhe\'s part, having been used as an assassin and thief before.  The bardess, mostly from hunting, sometimes over stone.

Lyistra wanders, till she spots the white cloth, then blinks a litle, tilting her head as she gazes into the narrow opening.  She nods to Emaarhe, her gaze fierce, her tail flicking as she grasps the opening, using muscles she rarely does, trying to press it open, then grabs one of the nearby braziers, breaking a statue, then taking the iron spear to use as a lever.  She nods to Emaarhe, looking down the hole, her nightvision active, then pulls, the door slowly grating back a bit, till Steuben grasps the opening, and with a sort of groaning sound, something gives behind it, leaving the door open almost three feet.  She looks at the door, then nods. \"Well, this is either an obvious trap... or someone is definitely wanting us to find this.\" She growls.  \"By Talad\'s stone...\" She blushes. \"Umm.  Nevermind.\" She looks down, then shrugs, steps through.. not having anything hit her immediately, she looks around, small markings of paint of orange marking traps that have been disabled, or that can\'t be... she looks, nods. \"Some help, maybe.\" She whispers, grasping her blades.  She slings her lyre across her back, growling softly, then nods.  \"Well, they\'ll likely know we\'re here since Fen\'s... announcement, so let\'s go.\" She whispers, something dark and cold in her eyes, fire simmering under it all the hotter for the tight control.

Emaarhe nods a little. \"Let\'s give them a tune.\" She whispers.  She gives a kind of wry grin. \"I figure they deserve it.\" She gives a soft chuff sound, then deep rumble, almost going to a basso profundo, then a soft howling mrowl, then almost into chanting, which Lyistra joins, the echoes enjoining it into a kind of martial chanting that would stir the blood, or chill it, almost sounding like a hundred voices, or a thousand with the echoes... they continue down, to a large chamber, marked along the floor with some sand in a very specific pattern, a small amount of wear right around it, almost invisible.  She hmms, nods to Steuben, then looks at the mirrors on the sides, considering again.  She nods to Steuben, meanwhile Emaarhe just steps out on the pattern, her eyes showing she has nothing really left to lose, her paws following the trail, then finishing at the other side, still chanting the whole while.

Poetry, Comedy, and other. /
« on: April 29, 2005, 05:56:04 pm »
Regrettably, the player is having some severe neurological problems, so my time here has been limited by my pain tolerance.

So, without further ado, I\'ll be back for a bit, I hope.

Collaborative Stories /
« on: April 06, 2005, 08:12:55 pm »
Lyistra watches as one of the towers crumbles, nodding to Emaarhe as she gets out a material made of charred wood ash, grease, and scent-blinding compound, starts applying it over the few bright spots in her own fur, then helps the other enki with hers, making a face at the scent, while it numbs her nose a bit, it\'s better than attracting attention, she nods, offers it to Steuben, and watches the people running toward the tower, then nods again. \"Good time to hit it.\" she mutters, her eyes calculating.  \"They\'ve withdrawn from the wall, the main keep is exposed... umm.. the main keep is crumbled.\" She mutters. \"If he\'s still alive in there, we\'ve got to stop him, and find out what else he\'s done.

Emaarhe nods, then says softly. \"They walk the dark path.\" She says.  Then looks at Lyistra. \"I will sing for my daughter, if you can teach me.\" she looks to Steuben. \"Thank you sir.\" She looks over at the tower, a growl on her lips.

\"Let\'s take them.\" She draws a unique set of weapons, designed to cover her paws, gotten from the armory, made of steel, with silver and platinum, and gold inlays.  She settles in a stance, stretchign a moment, Lyistra also preparing herself, her falchions at the ready.

The enki nod, preparing, then with a nod to Steuben, start running to the keep, finding a breach in the wall, as the two shadowlike enki seem to be of one mind, out for blood.  

Emaarhe approaches a side door, Lyistra near behind her, and nods to Steuben, pretty much undetected as a fire starts nearby.  An old, grizzled guard sees the pair, grins, nods, winks to them, and tosses them a key, laughing, then drops his seal and armour, and straightens up, starting to toss torches into various buildings, mostly the armoury and guardhouses, whistling merrily as he then proceeds to leave the keep, as though washing his hands of the whole business.

Lyistra raises an eyebrow. \"Looks like our erstwhile host isn\'t that popular, all in all.\" She blinks, lookign around finally, seeing a set of gallows and an executioner\'s block, all of which still bear bodies, all female... \"I... see.\" She says coldly. \"killing the families to force the guards to work.\" She nods to the guardsmen who are taking what they can, and moving as many of their family as are left out as possible, one claws at his throat, falling, another, as a man in resplendent robes curses at them from nearby.

Lyistra prepares her atlatl, and placing the shaft on the end of the throwing stick, pulls it back, the stick and shaft both bending as she puts her might into the throw, and the stick flies at the enchanter... she growls, almost a feral sound as the enchanter disappears into the rubble, and nods, her blood up as Emaarhe runs after.

Collaborative Stories /
« on: March 28, 2005, 07:55:15 pm »
The hammerwielder upon questioning reveals that his attack was due to his wife\'s murder, and her amulet, or a perfect copy, ending up with the felines.  He admits, however, he doesn\'t know how the magic of the glyphs of warding could be so violated, to place it in the feline\'s hands, even through the glyphs.

As Lyistra speaks of the things she heard, she clsoes her eyes, her head lowered, something dark and feral deep in her soul growing stronger.  She growls a moment, then shakes her head. \"I.. am no puppet.\" She says, in a cold whisper, a whisper with the sound of a thousand deaths coiled in it like asps.

She looks to Emaarhe, then squeezes her paw. \"Thank you.\" she whispers... the other looks back at her, the feline\'s eyes very quiet, the white cheetah gazing over at Lyistra.

After a moment, she speaks. \"Ly\" she whispers. \"You.. grew up a lot.\"   Her head shakes. \"I.. am a little lost.. so much time.\" She whispers.

Lyistra, for the moment, is dumbstruck, then she squeezes Emaarhe\'s paws, her eyes opened wide, so many questions fighting to spill from her lips that they stumble over each other, and Emaarhe\'s paw simply touches her lips. \"No.\" She says, softly. \"No.. don\'t ever force me to speak on those things.\" She whispers. \"I never want to remember or relive them.\"

Lyistra\'s head nods, at that, her muzzle closing. \"Sis...\" She whispers, softly, tears in her eyes. \"Lelackard has much to pay for.\" She growls softly. \"So much..\" Her eyes harden, and she addresses Wilhelven. \"Sir.. I would see Fen and Steuben, should they be willing.\" she looks to Emaarhe, and just holds her, rocking, this time the white cheetah whispering the \"Yiinhaaara\" and continuing.

\"I..\" she whispers, closes her mouth. \"Guess it doesn\'t matter.  had so much I wanted to say.  LeLackard isn\'t the ultimate here.  There\'s another darkness.\" She whispers, hoarsely as though her voice is rusty, from disuse... as Steuben and Fen arrive, she nods to them both \"My voice is back, which poses its own dangers.\" She whispers, the cheetah-spirit shifting within her. \"They\'ve been planning this for a long time.  We need to get to the basement of his manor, as well.\" She winces, as the spirit seems to snarl, free of her face, for an instant. \"third column, left side of the entry.  The grapes, there\'s a bronze one among the copper.\" she whispers. \"Can\'t speak much longer.\" She says, then starts writing, the shifting changing in her, settling, as she continues.

\"The charm made my voice the vessel of the beast\'s release.  I.. stopped the voice.  It made me useless for that part of the plan, but it made Lyistra very attractive.  Our Mother was a Walker in Spirit, she passed it to both of us, gifted by laanx, perhaps.  it\'s hard to say, Talad might have done it as well, or it might be something else.\" she shakes her head to clear it. \"Lelackard carries control stones below his keep.  Part of the flesh of each person is kept there.\" She closes her eyes. \"In my case, it was taken from my toes.\" She looks at her missing toe, after a moment, anger burning there. \"Lyistra from her tail.\" She looks at her sister\'s tail. \"And from the youth... it was the umbilical.  She\'s my daughter.\" she writes, eyes sad. \"It controls us both.\"

She looks at Steuben, and Fen. \"We will stop him.\"

She nods to the clerk, then growls softly, as Lyistra simply nods,   then blinks, as the clerk brings in a box, handing Lyistra her weapons, and each of the feline adults an amulet. \"It will protect you from control, for a time.  You must act quickly, we\'ve a Megara ready to carry you, with a spell of avoidance for sight.  He\'ll be expecting his column soon, we\'ll march some of our soldiers there.\"

The clerk nods. \"May Laanx help you find vengeance.\" as he turns, and releases the seal. \"This LeLackard will be judged by his own doings.  We must see the evidence before he can be judged.\"

Lyistra simply nods, and puts on the amulet, helping Emaarhe with hers. \"Sir?\" She offers. \"Take care of the youth.  She\'s very young.\" She whispers.  Then nods to Steuben and fen. \"Let\'s go.\"

Lyistra supresses a stab of terror as the Megara lifts off, her eyes gazing over at Emaarhe, looking through the distortion at the other two birds, as they circle the central chasm, then start to fly down, to the second level, floating toward a large fortification near the central pit.  The trainers land a decent distance from the castle, as close as they can get without the spell burning through... then fly away, nodding to the troops nearby, they must have left just after Lyistra and Emaarhe were taken into custody.

Lyistra nods, then looks at the castle. \"Well.\" She whispers. \"We have a couple of choices.  There\'s supposed to be an old servant\'s entrance, or Emaarhe and I can pretend to be controlled.\" She whispers, \" \"And bring you two in, Fen wrapped in his chain, and Steuben by oath.\" she whispers. \"Know you both are worthy of trust, or I\'d not be here.\" She shudders. \"Up to you, or we can storm the place, but I\'d rather the casualties be minimal.\" She whispers. \"I.. I\'ve seen. too much bloodshed.\" She whispers, something brittle and at the edge of hysteria in the sound of her voice. \"Let\'s end this.\"

Collaborative Stories /
« on: March 20, 2005, 11:43:30 pm »
Emaarhe blinks once or twice, looking over at Fen, at Steuben, simply looking dazed, then goes looking for Lyistra,   She finds her still atop the litter, sleeping, a small amulet pressed into her paw... she blinks a little, looking at it, then looks at Steuben and fen.

As the chain touches her cheek, she shivers a little, her mouth opening as though unwilling, a thin croaking sound coming from her throat.  The scars at her throat are deep, it almost appears from the patterns she used her own claws to make them, but across her form something shimmers at the contact, something odd, something, perhaps.. utterly alien, yet within her, an echo of that panther spirit that came from Lyistra, activated by the small sound from her throat.

She nearly falls, as though the flicker weakened her. her eyes closing as she falls to her knees.  She looks up at Fen, saying nothing, her eyes hollow, as though every nightmare ever seen lives there, as though everything has come to naught for her, for a single moment, a glimpse into the parts of her mind she keeps hidden, where so much sorrow is held.

She stands again, after a moment, and flame burns in her eyes, looks to Fen, to the chain, to that golden link, and to Lyistra, tail flicking, then, as though unwilling, kneels quietly, her head bowed, though it is no doing of the chain or even the bearer, almost as though her strings were cut.

Lyistra is held there, on the litter, even as the city guard arrives, a cry is raised from a nearby home, a cry of murder, and theft.  Emaarhe reaches for the amulet, finally, and is frozen, her hand on Lyistra\'s by the power of the box, touching the amulet.

The city guard tries to sort out the mess, looking at Fen and Steuben, they demand answers, then look to emaarhe and then to the gesticulating Hammerwielder.  He spots the amulet, and draws his hammer, a snarl of rage on his lips, going in a dead run for the two frozen beings.

Collaborative Stories /
« on: March 14, 2005, 08:49:06 pm »
For the first time since she was taken, Lyistra stirs in her sleep, muttering softly, and shifts again.  Her eyes open, a gasp of intaken breath, and then she tries to sit up, her weakened body simply falling back again, with a bit of a panting breath, \"Fen.\" She whispers, glancing over, then settles once again, her tail moving slowly. \"He told me. LeLackard.  He has to be stopped.\" she whispers, sagging back.  \"Got.. to..\" she stops as Emaarhe presses her back, with bandaged fingers, and she blinks. \"E.. Emaarhe?\" she whispers. \"It..\" She touches the other\'s cheek, and nods, tears running down hers, as her hand drops back to her lap. \"Not a lot of time.\" she whispers. \"I.. I don\'t know everything that happened.  But... he\'s done enough.\" she whispers.

She curls back up, taking Emaarhe\'s wrist carefully. \"I need you to find Wilheven.\" She whispers. \"City guard.  Council of the Otarchy.\" she whispers. \"I trust him.  Known him for years.  there may be a way to bring this to a close.\" She whispers, the sigils on her glowing on her fur, her eyes closing tight.

\"Find him.  Tell him I have what we were waiting for, and the trap is closing.\" She whispers, her eyes burning fever-bright, then closing, as she settles back, her lungs rasping a little, as though coming out of the coughing-sickness.

Emaarhe nods, then writes this down on a sheet of paper, with far less pain it seems than the claws caused, at their removal, and then nods to Steuben.  She nods to Lyistra, writes. \"Guard.\" then disappears, into the night.

Collaborative Stories /
« on: March 14, 2005, 10:21:04 am »
Emaarhe just nods, and earflicks once, just keeps pushing the creaky cart.  As it returns to the hotel, she earflicks, pushes a small pouch she got from the oubliette into Steuben\'s hands, a pouch of circles, a few octas, and several hexas.   She says nothing, unable really to speak, and continues to the back door.  She slips one of the coins to the cook, and helps carry the child up the stairs, checking the puppetmaster\'s bonds quietly.  She glances around, then takes the stick of glyphs, looking at it dubiously, slips it back into the pouch, and hands it to Steuben with a shiver, a look that says \"I\'d rather not have the responsibility\'\" plain on her face.

As we carry the puppetmaster and Fen upstairs, she settles Fen in the bed near the cheetah, shrugs, and looks lost, waiting.  She nods to the puppetmaster, mimes gagging him, so they don\'t end up with too much attention, then checks the kitten.  She nods, and traces a glyph in the air, her eyes quiet, the crystal energies feeding into the glyph, then settling on the girl.  She nods once, and settles quietly, her eyes on the puppetmaster with a look of venom.

After a moment, she checks Lyistra,tears in her eyes.  She pets the cheetah-bard\'s forehead, slowly, then rests her cheek against the other cheetah, cradling her against her.  She looks at Steuben, anger and fierce determination in her eyes.  She looks down at the runes on her fingertips, and sets Lyistra down, picking up a dagger.  She looks to Steuben, pain in her eyes, then picks up the dagger, sharpening it, and nods again, as though coming to some inner decision.

She takes a roll of leather, sticks it in her muzzle to keep her from biting anything else, and then gets out her bandage kit, and with a careful cut, removes each of her claws with those glyphs, the knife smoking as they get too near to the claws themselves.

Collaborative Stories /
« on: March 11, 2005, 08:12:55 am »
In the \'real world --

Emaarhe picks up the kitten, then blinks, her ear swiveling, and draws a dagger in a smooth move, the weapon singing as it flies and hits an old Ylian in the chest.  The man drops the throwing knives he was using, they clatter as they hit the floor, and she shakes her head.  it was a sloppy shot, the man falling to the floor was hidden in the shadows, a robe around him that shimmers with colors behind it, giving a kind of effective invisibility. \"free\" he says, with a sih, and a smile. \"Look for LeLackard\" he wheezes.  He pulls the dagger out and looks at it, the wound bubbling, as he coughs. \"Finally.. free.\" he whispers, and falls to the ground.

Emaarhe strips the cloak from him, and then looks around.  Finding a small block and tackle, and a cart, she climbs up to toss the block to Steuben.  After winching the cart up, and  helping with the three of the unconcious folks, she struggles to move the thing through the cobby sewer.

In the \'dream world\'

Lyistra looks about \"There must be some story to this.\" She whispers, and looks about, her eyes gleaming. \"I would.. have liked to meet her.\" She whispers, and smiles to Fen.  Then looks about.  \"No.. cave.\" she whispers.   Then looks to the full moon as it rises.  \"I feel ill, like something in me was.. violated.\" She makes a face.  \"I dreamed I was killing things and couldn\'t stop.  I..\" she shudders.

\"No.. no need for change, unless it causes you pain.  Fen.. isn\'t your name.  But then you never claimed it was, you just said to call you that.\" She whispers.

After considering a few moments... she says softly. \"Thee was much I.. didn\'t want to talk about.  I wonder if death is like this.\" She whispers.

She shrugs. \"I.. feel a little lost here.\" She whispers. \"Almost like I\'m fading somehow.\"

Poetry, Comedy, and other. /
« on: March 10, 2005, 10:03:37 am »
Fine with me.  Can do part of that through private message.  Other ways we can talk too.  Dunno if you yahoo or AIM.

I have a couple of things I\'m working on, so pretty idly here and in-game.

Collaborative Stories /
« on: March 10, 2005, 08:41:43 am »
Lyistra looks around in this new place, where time is not time, and the skies go on forever, a little dizzy, she sits down, but continues looking around, shading her eyes from the bright light, as the ball in the sky moves.  She looks over to Fen, and tilts her head... \"Where am I?\" she is a little dazed.  \"I was dreaming about trying to find my friends, but...\" She notices the other lady. \"Hello.\" she whispers.

She folds her hand son her lap, watching as the moon rises, blinking a little, then the stars come out, and she shivers. \"The cave ceiling must be high, and those must be some very big glow-bugs.\" She giggles a little, nervously, definitely rattled.

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: March 08, 2005, 09:45:44 pm »
First, a little bit of info, OS, and Browser, and your system setup.

Also, what speed is your connection?

Poetry, Comedy, and other. /
« on: March 08, 2005, 03:51:10 pm »
No interrupting involved if it continues the story somehow. *smiles* Private message me, with ideas, I\'ll see what I can do.

Poetry, Comedy, and other. /
« on: March 07, 2005, 12:22:46 pm »
Protecting the puppetmaster.

NOt sure how you will deal with it, but should be interesting.

Collaborative Stories /
« on: March 07, 2005, 07:54:32 am »
The man chuckles. \"Only one? I\'m almost insulted.\" he sneers a moment, then hmms. \"odd blade.  No matter.\" he chuckles. \"Both of you.  Kill him.\" he nods to Emaarhe, and a relatively young Enki girl, probably only ten years old.

\"Do feel free to kill them.. blood will only make the Shadow stronger.\" he chuckles.. the ghostly cheetah coming between him and Steuben.  \"In anther two kills... this will be all that\'s left of your cheetah bard.\" he snorts.

\"Though I admit, I\'d much rather employ you than kill you.\" he continues.  Emaarhe is still standing very still, though the kitten leaps toward Steuben, ferocity in her moovments. \"I told you to kill him.\" he says, frowning.  \"Very well.\" his distraction is plain, as he fingers a rune on a bracelet, and Emaarhe goes down in a writhing heap.

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