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Messages - Tharizdun

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Linux Specific Issues /
« on: March 07, 2006, 02:47:29 am »
If \'glxgears\', the 3d graphics benchmarking utility is giving you very low FPS then this is a sign that your system will struggle with PlaneShift. Of course, RAM and CPU also need to be adequate.

No real rule of thumb exists for glxgears benchmarks needed to run planeshift properly, but if your FPS is in the low hundreds or less, then its likely to be a problem. Its not a great benchmark incidentally, as it doesnt test a range of 3d functions that most modern renderers will use, its a rough guide only.

Nvidia cards are well supported under Linux via proprietary drivers, somewhat more so than ATI cards. Check what slots your motherboard has ( I imagine your on-board vidcard will be using an AGP interface meaning that you only have PCI slots available ), and buy whatever fits your board and budget. The -MX series geforces are lower performing ones than the non-MX ones - if you can, get a geforce4 rather than a geforce4-mx, for example.

Linux Specific Issues /
« on: February 28, 2006, 07:36:41 pm »
If you have in the past found Gentoo to be too difficult or intimidating in the install process, then 2006.0 which has just been released has a graphical installer - it might be a more comfortable and familiar environment if thats what you are used to.

As for your laptop Induane, do you have any idea of the bits that Ubuntu cant work with, is there a new piece of hardware that is yet to be supported, etc? Theres a whole bunch of LiveCDs around that are fairly diligent and aggressive in probing for hardware and figuring out the right drivers, kernel modules, etc to use, if you are stuck for ideas try out the latest SLAX or Knoppix, see how well everything works, and get a list of all the kernel modules they load, output of \'lspci\', \'dmesg\', etc.

Laptops usually have odd video cards compared to desktop systems, if I had to hazard a guess as to how to get Linux working I would suggest using the latest driver package from ATI and see if that makes a difference.

Linux Specific Issues /
« on: February 27, 2006, 06:06:38 pm »
There was a recent post- change committed to CVS -

2006-02-26 by Michael Gist
- Work done on linux updater support.

So its possible that the initial release of .13 under Linux had a bugged updater that didnt download world files properly, an issue that has now been corrected.

After being bitten in the past when trying to do cvs updates, I never make any major changes to planeshift without backing the whole lot up first with a \'cp -rp planeshift planeshift-bak\'

Linux Specific Issues /
« on: February 23, 2006, 11:13:46 pm »
Dependancies are more of a distribution / package-management problem than a general Linux problem, in my opinion. If you stick with vendor software repositories and upgrade & install how they want you to ( rather than manually downloading & installing stuff from other places - binary rpms built for different archs or distributions, source .tar.gz files that require a ./configure && make install, planeshift :D etc ), then the dependancy problem will hopefully not be a major one for you.

With newer distributions or one that have a very large software base ( ie anything based on Debian like Ubuntu or Knoppix, source-based ones like Gentoo ) this problem is fairly managable even for new users.

That said, expect to break stuff as you go, especially when poking around as root, its all part of the learning process. When your fancy linux desktop stops working or your network dies horribly its always handy to have another system or OS nearby so you can google up your problem, figure what you\'ve done and what you need to do to make it all better.

Getting planeshift working on linux can be difficult though, have patience and check through all the system and driver requirements in detail before taking on the planeshift software itself.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Shattered dreams
« on: February 23, 2006, 10:42:43 pm »
Does this mean that all my backbreaking toil and labours at collecting saltpetre, lead, sulphur and charcoal have been totally for naught? The endless hours and dangers of mining, the fumes and burns of the sulphurous pits deep in the Labyrinths, the foul denizens of the deep places that bought such peril to every expedition to retreive the precious substances? The hell I say!

*shakes fist at sky*

Oh there will be guns.. oh yes.. and on that blissful day when the rabid and close-minded gun-haters of Yliakum have been struck down and smote asunder by the beautiful divine thunder of my experimental artillery barrage the world will remember all too painfully how they forsook my genius calling it madness..

Oh and by the way, the gun code is up-down-left-left-right-fire, and you need to have the bloody tarnished amulet of lore equiped and 3 flawless rubies in your inventory first. Dont let any one tell you otherwise.

General Discussion /
« on: January 26, 2006, 07:52:38 pm »
The first time I saw the head I thought of:

Maybe its someone who crossed Laanx in ages past, who in a fit of divine wrath choose to petrify and bury the unfortunate soul while condemning them to an eternity of having trash, garbage and other assorted filth poured down their throat.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) /
« on: January 26, 2006, 07:35:56 am »
Intel x86-ISA 32-bit CPUs of i686-class and above ( ie pentium-pro, its successors and AMD / Cyrix / VIA / Transmeta equivalents ) are capable of addressing RAM in quantities > 4GB, even though its 32 bit address bus can only directly address 2^32 bytes/4GB of memory. It does this via a process known as PAE ( Physical Address Extension ), which gets the job done with a few limitations and caveats - one is being able to only address RAM segments of 2ish GB or less in size, so for example even with a 16GB ram system your Oracle database process cant have more than 2 GB of ram allocated to it. Theres also a performance hit as the kernel has to do extra work in looking up and mapping memory addresses in an indirect way such that it can address the higher RAM areas.

64 bit systems ( like a G5 ) dont have this problem, regardless of whether the OS is \'server grade\' or not. 64 bit windows on Itanium, Tru64 unix on 64 bit alphas, Linux on a G5, all should theoretically be able to manage large amounts of RAM without breaking a sweat.

/getting wildly offtopic

Linux Specific Issues /
« on: January 25, 2006, 12:39:11 am »
Its been my experience that any problems with sound isnt usually a show-stopper, unlike GL problems. The .xml file your installation is complaining about is part of CrystalSpace and can usually be found under /path/to/CS/data/config/gldrivers.xml.

You can use the CVS web interface to download the latest .xml file if yours is missing, or try earlier versions of the same one, it seems to have been undergoing quite a few changes lately. I suggest using a version of this that matches as near as possible the date of the rest of your CS install.

The \'walktest\' program is a good way to test if problems are located within CrystalSpace itself, if it works then CS should be troublefree. \'jam walktest\' will build it if you havent done so already.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: January 17, 2006, 06:50:43 am »
Installation under FreeBSD should be no different than a source compile install under any other *nix, assuming it has the prerequisites like OpenGL support, working builds of curl, jam, etc.

Rather than messing around with linux binaries ( which FreeBSD can run under emulation ), go for a FreeBSD native build by following the various guides on compiling from source.

The above should get you started hopefully.. I\'d also advise on using gcc 3.4.x if possible to compile, 3.3.x is known to have some issues, and 4.0.x is still being polished up to a decent release quality.

The hardest part will probably get CrystalSpace working, due to it being a larger more complex bit of code with lots of dependancies and optional features, if you can get over that hurdle building the rest should be easy. Stick with the CVS dates suggested in the build guides unless you really like debugging bleeding edge code :)

One of these days I\'m going to try getting planeshift working under linux/sparc64 as well as solaris/sparc64, I vaguely recall that others have been able to build it under FreeBSD/x86 in the past without any major issues.

Linux Specific Issues /
« on: January 15, 2006, 08:43:08 pm »
Originally posted by Bereror
I had the same issue once with the latest CVS build. I couldn\'t log in because it crashed right after loading the world. Running in debugger didn\'t help because I haven\'t compiled CS with debug information enabled:
Code: [Select]
Assertion failed: count > 0
Location:         /home/planeshift_head/CS/include/csutil/array.h:665
Call stack:
Segmentation fault

But I can tell you that it was related to the current location where my character was standing. I used the older version to log in and move him. After that the latest CVS version worked again.

My client is working properly again this morning ( as I had hoped it would ) without me changing, patching or recompiling anything, so that suggests the bug is server-side to me. Perhaps it only manifests itself on particular CVS-built versions of the client.

While the server has been up the graphics and transitions between zones seems to happen a lot snappier, so its all a move in the right direction even if there are teething problems. Hell, its worth it just to stop DaveG complaining about how out of date the laanx build is :)

Linux Specific Issues /
« on: January 15, 2006, 08:11:47 am »
I\'m having the same error. After one of the server crashes that have been common for the last 24 hrs I cant log back in anymore, it draws my character on the screen halfway up some stairs then crashes before I\'m able to rotate the view, move, or anything else with the above error. And thats with a CVS build too Bereror

I tried a CVS update and rebuild of planeshift today, approx 12 hrs ago ( as well as the same day one week ago ), the code is too buggy to compile even after a few hours of fiddling with .cpp and .h files - trying to rollback to previous versions one at a time trying to find one that is compilable, trying different permutations of recent/old .cpp and .h files, etc.

So no new CVS build will help either, at least not until we get a run of client code thats stable and working enough to compile. A bug thats theoretically fixed in current CVS is still no good if the code base as a whole is busted, sadly.

Any other suggestions? At the moment I have the awful feeling I wont be able to log in for quite some time, hopefully things will magically come good overnight.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) /
« on: January 14, 2006, 05:56:22 pm »
I discovered this bug the hard way too. No matter, Death Realm is lovely this time of year :)  It seems to me that the MOTD seen at login would be a great way to communicate known temporary issues like this to players, is that sort of thing possible?

As mentioned on one other thread the server is down at the moment, looks like this bug is being fixed plus other updates rolled out, yay!

Linux Specific Issues /
« on: January 13, 2006, 12:15:41 am »
Both are interesting problems, isnt it wonderful that things can break in so many varied ways just to keep things from being boring and stable? :)

I agree with Bereror in the other thread when he suspects that Crystalspace may breaking things or be broken itself.

Do you have different versions of everything ( not just Planeshift, but cal3d, crystalspace and cel as well ) all installed under different paths? I have related environment variables that point to where I have installed these components, maybe you need to update yours so that they point to versions of CS, cel, etc that match the version of planeshift that they were compiled against..

> echo $CEL
> echo $CRYSTAL

You could try running the updater in GUI mode ( ie with no -auto switch ), to see if the video works under it ( I assume it also uses CS ), then maybe try the CrystalSpace walktest program ( which loads up a demo world to showcase all of the snazzy special effects that the engine can use ) to see if its all working properly.

Linux Specific Issues /
« on: January 11, 2006, 09:03:19 pm »
/bin/sh cant run the program because its a binary executable rather than a shell script, which is why you are getting \'cannot execute binary file\'.

The first way you tried to run this is correct, by chmodding it to be executable, then executing it directly as a program.

The problem seems to be that you have a missing dynamic library that the binary calls,

On my system this is present, is in the same location (/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/engines/ ), and belongs to the gtk-engines package. I suggest you install ( or reinstall ) the same package using your distributions management tools ( rpm, apt-get, emerge or whatever ) and try again.

The locale errors on the other hand are likely due to you using a different system language or international settings of some kind compared to that of the compiled binaries. I dont believe this will prevent planeshift from running, but may have other strange affects later. Compiling the binaries yourself will resolve this.

For future reference. including such basic info as distribution, version, cpu type, etc would be very helpful in tracking down what needs to be fixed.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) /
« on: January 09, 2006, 10:47:27 pm »
I\'m not quite sure what \'Easy PS\' is, I\'m assuming this is something that you have compiled from source as no self-respecting Gentoo\'er would accept  any less :) has a good building guide. Most crucial in this process is picking the right CVS timestamps to use for cal3d/crystalspace/cel and planeshift. Too new and there will be newer bugs introduced which make the source unbuildable or fatally busted in some way. Too old and components might have needed features missing or API differences. The ones on the Laanx server are known to work, and should be good until the server version is updated beyond 0.3.012 and you therefore will need to rebuild the client with newer code to match ( otherwise you will get the dreaded \'you are not running the correct version\' error )

Missing textures sounds a lot like a missing art error though. If you have run the updater recently then theres not much more you can do to correct the issue unfortunately.

Maybe an AMD64/linux specific problem?

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