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Messages - BlackAcre

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: So, what other MMORPGs have you played?
« on: May 23, 2006, 11:55:16 am »
I've played Anarchy Online, Everquest, Star Wars Galaxies, and World of Warcraft.  They're all pretty incredible in their own way. 

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: mining levels
« on: May 08, 2006, 02:49:33 pm »
As far as I can remember, I could mine anything at level 1.  In any event, I'm level 5 and can mine anything (unless I'm missing something).

Fan Art / Re: Unofficial Fanart Challenge #2
« on: May 08, 2006, 02:42:38 pm »
Elentor and Wired Crawler both knocked it out of the park.  I like that both of them used large natural pieces of rock for their structures, which seems more "kranic" since you imagine stone beings being excellent and strong stoneworkers that allow stone to flow naturally and not chisel it down unnecessarily.  Those were both excellent--wish I could draw anything nearly as good. 

General Discussion / Re: Non-Profit devs? ForEVER?
« on: May 08, 2006, 01:57:39 pm »
It seems counterintuitive, but they have no plans of making money on this ever.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Fist-Fighting
« on: May 08, 2006, 12:30:03 pm »
There is a sport the Gladiators play to keep in shape: They call it 'Boxing'. 
Partners are chosen randomly, always mismatches--The strong fight the weak;
I admit the first time I punched a Gladiator, he punched me back twice as hard.
As cliche as it sounds, I saw my brief sojourn on this plane in that moment.

The fighting goes all day, sometimes all night as well.
It hurts, but at the same time, as the blood swells and the hard,
calloused knuckles of your sore right fist throb, there is another pain
that eases and moves away.

The dance of fist-fighters is an orchestra of fear
where the actors become their fear and move through it.
Gladiators know where their life leads, and we who visit them and practice
bare knuckled and sweaty can look at them with pity they don't ask for.

I won my first fight against a dwarf who grunted loudly each time
my hard left fist the size of his face made dull meaty contact.
He was bloody and almost dead but the smile on his face spoke to me
of a child who knows the faces of his parents, loves and laughs.

The hardest training one can entertain is one that makes them move
in ways they don't move, or do in some fashion they never have.
I came to the arena to learn how to pack more platinum.
I came away understanding courage and victory inside the broken teeth of the dead and dying.

In this way, I found them more holy than saints.


Yeah, down in the dungeon, there's a thug who falls down the stairwell on occasion, he doesn't get hurt, neither.

Wish list / Re: Never bring a knife to a...
« on: May 07, 2006, 10:20:51 pm »
Guns on the order of blunderbusses might be alright.  They are slow to reload, and extremely inaccurate, so it's more or less a fire and forget weapon.  I remember R.Lee Ermey had a guy use on one mail call and I had the distinct impression that a guy with a crossbow is in better shape--especially if the guy with the popgun missed.  But, of course, we're assuming that gunpowder exists in the Planeshift milieu: Are their even bats we can collect saltpeter from?  These little details seem important.  For that matter, as far as ideas for things like 'greek fire', it is known that 'greek fire' was basically crude oil that seeped to the surface.  There is obviously 'coal' in the PS landscape, but is there oil?  I suppose it wouldn't be a stretch, but it makes one wonder what created the coal in the first place.  If we really are a stalactite hanging from the roof of the world, the geologic processes needed to form coal (and oil) seem a distant possibility. 

I have terrible lag, and my system is better than some I've seen saying they have no problems.  It could be any of a thousand things, really. 

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: Cut off their hands!!!
« on: May 07, 2006, 06:34:17 pm »
The easiest system is to let failed pick-pockets on NPCs go ballistic on a thief and failed pick-pockets or other thefts on PCs more or less give that character a message and the two of you can roleplay it as best as you can.  Anyway, the PC should be off-limits to that theif in perpetuity.  Screw up with everyone and you're out of business (you should be dead, but that's undoable) as a theif.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: System Memory//ram
« on: May 07, 2006, 03:35:31 pm »
I have burned up RAM mixing and matching before, so definitely don't do that.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Your 3 most favorite songs?
« on: May 07, 2006, 03:34:13 pm »
Right now:

Genghis Tron -->Laser Bitch
Holy F**k (that's the name of the band, honest!) --> Cadio Bossa Nova
Clutch --> Hoodoo Operator

General Discussion / Re: How big a PS world is too big a PS world?
« on: May 07, 2006, 03:28:41 pm »
I played SWG from beta through the initial release (it disappointed most beta testers that they released it so early) for a while, and talk about enormous, that MMORPG is gigantic--10+ planets that were several hundred square kilometers apiece.  You can walk around for days if you feel like it.  The population did spread out in that case, for a number of reasons, but it was pretty fascinating to wander through, and there were still centers of population to be found on each planet.  Another gigantic MMORG is WWIIOnline, which is like, a 2/3 scale mockup of western Europe, and some have tried to walk the entire distance, but nobody has succeeded in one 'life' that I know of.  Truly enormous, but the playerbase keeps up the intensity by fighting where...the fighting is.  Enormous MMORPG playing fields are totally doable, and no hindrance to roleplaying, powerleveling, or anything else you want to do.  Ideally, I think they should expand Planeshift in perpetuity, whenever they get the resources to do so.  Eventually, It seems like money will probably become the issue limiting size, however, as all those servers have to add up, no matter how big the devs hearts are. 

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Re: Crash When Training From Harnquist
« on: May 07, 2006, 02:08:26 pm »
Apparently it is in bugtracker, as noted above.  I have no way to know if this happens on a PC, as I'm confined to a powerbook.  The bug only occurred with harnquist, and only with metallurgy.  Very strange. 

General Discussion / Re: I hate Planeshift advisors...
« on: May 07, 2006, 12:36:02 am »
It's never been called 'beta' by the developers.  Technically, it's still a 'tech demo'. 

General Discussion / Re: I hate Planeshift advisors...
« on: May 06, 2006, 09:12:17 pm »
I'm thinking the quests are as alpha as everything else.  Hopefully they will improve like everything else.

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