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Messages - Alfonso Knaf

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
General Discussion / Re: German PlaneShift Community and "spoilers"
« on: April 28, 2008, 07:24:37 am »
I am too a member of the staff of as well as founder of the site.
It's true we have spoilers publically available and the reason is exactly like peeg phrased it.
We provide help (you can call it spoilers) for the same reason the official boards provide the tutorial walkthrough, to avoid frustration.

Anyhow "heavy" spoilers are only available after registration and therefore not visible when searching for "planeshift deutsch hilfe" (planeshift german help) via google.
I would be really disappointed when the link to in the other languages section would be removed.
We provide much more than just spoilers we provide a community base and help in general. Besides we are a few months away from providing the first working translation since MB as well as a platform for translation open for every language. We wouldn't have found helfull (and nice) community members which dedicate their time to this if it weren't for our site.
We encourage roleplaying whenever possible, in fact our staff values rp in PS over most other aspects and that's what we try to get across to our community.
I would really like to discuss all this further with the PS team, maybe we find a solution...

General Discussion / Re: PS Survey
« on: December 11, 2007, 01:00:41 pm »
This project is jinxed, or at least I am as for the survey.
There is always this last step I can't take, I don't know why but I always delay this (and only this) project.
So I'm putting this on hold, maybe if it isn't on my active-list I will be able to finish it someday...
I'm terribly sorry!  :-\

General Discussion / Re: Graphics testing
« on: October 17, 2007, 12:18:55 pm »
No crash on GeForce 6150 (OnBoard 128Mb SharedRAM), Running Windows Vista 32bit, drivers Version:
(played for about 30 minutes)

Just out of curiosity and for future references, can you tell us which program interfered with PS?

Are you playing in windowed mode? What are your system specs? Does it happen after you logged in? Only at area changes, or randomly?

General Discussion / Re: PS Survey
« on: October 14, 2007, 07:55:23 pm »
Well, well...
I ended my involvement with PS about a year ago, I left all PS related projects behind me cause I was disappointed with it (no detaills here this is not the post to write about it ;-) ).
Now a week ago I rejoined the german PS community and even started playing again.
So as I like to commit myself to projects alltogether, I want to reactivate this survey.
Most of the stuff I created is still on my computer, so I guess it could be ready at the end of this month.
I wasn't active here in the last year at all, so if there allready is such a survey, let me know :-)

And please excuse my sudden "departure" without any notice...

General Discussion / Re: PS organisational issues and some proposels
« on: November 25, 2006, 08:15:56 am »
Obviously we're not the ones who need to be convinced that PS development should be more community-oriented, it's Talad who needs to be convinced, as he holds all the power.
Yay, and deep inside I hope this thread convinces some devs who then convince Talad  ::)
If nothing is done, nothing will change...
A lot however depends from the circumstances, which are not always the happiest one. We have always to keep in mind that what it is behind PS is a group of people that are devoting part of their free time to something and what arises in the real life is (at least imho) more important and has higher priority.
Of course, RL comes first but if the framework is good, it's not such a big deal if one person takes a time of, because there are others to do his/her job. Working groups do a great job here.
I know how hard it can be to gather a trustfull team, but the open-source-community is full with commited individuals, so many projekts - even of a bigger scale than ps - just work.
The fact is, there are no more people.
We are already quite overloaded and it takes time and you want to have people that do a good job, becauses otherwise you end up just correcting what the other people have done wrongly.
And you don't want to waste time when there is already little time.
Can you rephrase this, I really don't get it, sorry  :-[
We know which are our responsabilities. Or is the community that should know who is doing what? In that case, It hink it is enough to ask. There are no secrets there.
A example may be the homepage. There was a thread in the forums about creating a new one.  Bastiq volunteerd to create a new one and started - parallel others from the dev team started, but didn't mention it in the thread, until one day accidently it was mentioned in irc.
So I am speaking about everything - every process - of course ingame-surprises are nice, but because there is no roadmap for the projekt, I only can guess wich direction it will take in the next year - so I am also speaking about "the big picture", well the absent of a roadmap is indeed another issue.
Because certain things are pretty delicate and at the moment there is nobody with the perfect knowledge to fulfill such task.
What is so delicate about this one? Why is there nobody with the perfect knowledge? Could you be a little bit more precise here?
Why there are few people there? Because the setting department focuses on a really delicate part, you need not only talented people, but also people with the right set of mind. And it needs time before the person is ready to be actually 200% productive.
Indeed the setting is a delicate part, non the less it should have higher priority - there are talented people "out there" and even on this forums. A little step in te right dikrection is better than nothing. Why do they have to be 200% productive, 50% would be sufficent for the moment, because 50% is far better than as it is know.
It is also true that some good applications have been slipped away for some unknown reason, and I am really sorry for this, but I know that not everything can be done unfortunately in a perfect way.
If good applications "slip away" there definitly has to be done something. This should be a alarm signal and things really should change.
About your suggestions, I honestly see a bit dangerous creating community working groups, simply because you need reliable people (and I know there is) but then the ones that are excluded will start to rant because they are excluded (even though, if they would participate they would contribute nothing at all).
I could only repeat what Asraniel said and want to add that the system even works in projects of a larger scale than PS.

General Discussion / PS organisational issues and some proposels
« on: November 24, 2006, 08:10:49 pm »
First, please don't take this as a rant thread, I honestly would like to see PS evolve, but I also see some problems in matters of organisation. Here I would like to address some:

The processes are too closed. You barely know what is happening right know, on what the devs are working. If this work would be more open, the community could give much more feedback, even before things "go live".

The community as a whole should be much more integrated in the development process. I think much bigger steps could be taken much faster if some work would be delegated to the community.
So connected to this issue is the problem that applications are much too long in the queue, without "somebody looking at it soon" ;-)
So maybe more people should evaluate applications.
Actually it seems far too much is only the responsibility of Talad. More things should be delegated too other Devs or as said the community whenever possible. Anyhow anyone has to know exactly what his/her responsibility is.
A quote from Karyuu:
"Other NPCs are involved, and their involvement needs to be approved by Talad. Hopefully approval of the new quests won't take long, as well as loading them into the game."
Why does this have to be approved by Talad? Why not other people who maybe are not so overworked? I suggest to transfer such tings to the matching department, or a work group.

The setting should be much more detailed. If there is more, release it. I do not mean to release huge spoilers if there is a big story going on, I mean different details about the world. Like descriptions of flora and fauna, politics, who is who - things your character would know if he lived a couple of years in Yliakum.
The reason for this is simple: good role-playing needs a common basis. If everybody creates their own world it is hard to come together.

To solve some of these problems I suggest to create community-working-groups. Special groups to work on a single field of interest. Those groups could get support and input by a developer who coordinates a single group. And they should have the promise, that their work somehow really would get implemented.
Developers, or any other dedicated group leaders, could define precise goals to speed up processes.
Some groups I thought of:
- Setting
- Artwork
- Rules
- PR
- Homepage
- ...

Of course it would take some initial effort to set up those structures and to create a manifest on how things should be done etc. but ones established things would speed up and really involve the community.

And now start the discussion, cause my proposels are by far not perfect - some issues stay untouched by this post and of course not everybody will agree.
But I do not want to see this thread burried in small rants about single persons or anyting like that and of course I really would like to see some developers taking part in the (maybe) discussion, posting their point of view.
And I would really like to see some changes in the nearer future...

General Discussion / Re: Damage dealt in a single hit by sword.
« on: November 23, 2006, 06:37:18 pm »
As I consent that it is only a game and things shouldn't be taken so personal I have to correct/complete the statement about the gladius.
It was a short sword, but definitly longer than a dagger (~50-60cm) and they had really huge shields to parry (about 120cm in height and 60cm width).
One more thing: The shown videos are training videos and as I know out of RL experience you almost always train given moves, so you know what to do cause you know what your "enemy" will do.

Use Bittorrent whenever you can! It's the better solution.
But a testdownload was down in under 10 minutes for me... so yes it seems to be your connection ;-)

Linux and Windows clients are up-to-date.

General Discussion / Re: Yliakum Trivia Game
« on: November 20, 2006, 05:20:13 pm »
If I got the question right (and I doubt it ;-) ) then it's 0.

General Discussion / Re: Yliakum Trivia Game
« on: November 20, 2006, 04:22:29 pm »
Hadfael, the cave wasn't always that big as now, in "the old times" it only was a niche and Laanx and Talad made it as big as it is now... so if the crystal does melt the earth it does it really slow :-)
"Therefore, they used their powers to enlarge the niche and created the huge cave comprised of eight levels."

General Discussion / Re: Yliakum Trivia Game
« on: November 20, 2006, 04:15:06 pm »
seaweed... hm yum-yum dried seaweed

Yes I checked permissions via IRC with Talad :-)

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