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Messages - Siofra

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Comments on "Faces Behind the Players"
« on: November 12, 2007, 10:26:12 pm »
Soylent Blue is KITTENS!!!

I wondered why it gave me furrballs... -cough cough hack choke spit-

General Discussion / Re: In game languages
« on: November 02, 2006, 08:49:59 pm »
Here are some additions to what's been posted so far:

Wonderful! Thank you Darkmoon.

General Discussion / Re: In game languages
« on: November 02, 2006, 07:02:52 pm »
That's the kind of distasteful and exclusive behaviour people are hoping to avoid though.  It's like having a private discussion (group chat) infront of Harnquist, or having a loud "RP" infront of Harnquist but not letting others contribute or interact with it.

I completely disagree. They would still having the conversation in public chat, and potentially others could understand if they had knowledge in the language. It would be in character with the world, whereas any group or guild chat is simplly OOC in my opinion. I have passed large guild meetings many times and wondered why a huge group of people were standing around in silence. If someone is having an loud RP in from of Harnquist and does not let anyone else interact, that is simply a bad RPer.

General Discussion / Re: In game languages
« on: November 02, 2006, 06:53:30 pm »
It makes sense :) Silly to put in a language and then ask players not to use it. I'll add a note however that English should still be the main language, and playing a character that only speaks your (anyone's) version of Enkidukai or similar, won't do.

Agreed. I like the flavour a few words can add to a conversation. That said, however, I would find it amusing to see a group of snobby enki sitting in the Kada-El conversing quietly amongst themselves in pure Enkidukai.

General Discussion / Re: In game languages
« on: November 02, 2006, 06:35:04 pm »
Whoa, you found all that out in game?!  Shows what I know!

*I* didn't find it out personally. Of course, i could have been misled by the whole thing  :whistling: . Can others confirm any of this?  :detective: Moogie?

Did you try explaining to the GM who contacted you that you were only using known Enkidukai words? I think in this case it's perfectly fine, and to restrict the usage of all non-English words in public is rather harsh. As long as you're not writing out paragraphs, that is ;)

I am not complaining about the GM as they were just doing thier job. My question was whether the player policy could be modified to allow usage of in game languages so that the GM does not *have* to warn about non-english languages all of the time.

General Discussion / Re: In game languages
« on: November 02, 2006, 06:25:35 pm »
Definitely post your findings -

Were you warned because you were using the non-English language extensively, or just bits and pieces?

I was warned after using one phrase (three words). I use the greetings and farewells as often as I would normally say hello and farewell.

Below is the enki I have been sent to date. As said in my previous post, I can't claim any credit for discovering any of this, just for using it  ;)


Simple words

mo = my
tabei = friend
samota = thanks

Suffix "olo" means "you" or "your". Examples: Samotolo (thank "you"), puntijholo ("your" presence)

Suffix "eti" is personal possessive. Example: Dirapheti (my child).



Grrensholo, Taajho = I greet you, stranger. (Pleasant)

Grruenshgho, Taajho = Greetings, stranger. (Unpleasant)

mo samoti = my thanks

samotolo = thank you

puntijholo = your presence

samota de puntijholo = thanks for your presence

Mo samoti da rrrive = probably means "my thanks for your welcome" (after being welcomed with 'Sibh Tabei')

Mo tabei = my friend

bon shrdah = good journey/farewell

sibh tabei = welcome friend (not welcome = hello, but welcome = delighted to see a friend)

dhuryas en'ta = take care, be careful

Vensalla demahin da pontolo = Joy on the day of your creation (birthday)

Chulota jho napherr da mojilanodh = (I never worked this one out, so I don't know its translation)

Tresshalnolo, dirapheti.  Aralost nofsa bishnahg. = patience, my child. All things in time.

General Discussion / Re: In game languages
« on: November 02, 2006, 06:13:39 pm »
The problem with inventing languages is that they aren't a part of the settings and so you'll encounter problems like people not agreeing with them, or taking too many liberties with them, and so on. 

This isn't something invented by players. You can find out the various enki words and phrases by talking to NPCs in Oja etc. I figured as the *developers* put this in the game it should be allowed to be spoken in game.

I am not saying that this is all that you would need to do but certainly posting a discussion thread here in the forums might be a start.

Indeed. I think Moogie (?) Did most of the hard work and and research to find out what the various words and phrases mean. With their permission I would like to post what has been worked out so far.

General Discussion / In game languages
« on: November 02, 2006, 06:00:12 pm »
I understand that the player policy states that you should only speak english in main chat. However, I was warned with muting by a GM earlier on for speaking the *enki* language in  the main chat.

Fair enough that it goes against the player policy, so I understand the GM's point of view. However.. can the players policy be modified to take into account in game languages like enki or dwarvish? I find they really add to the in game experience, adding a touch of realism and diversity to RP.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: The UN-common Cold [devious RP]
« on: October 29, 2006, 02:57:09 pm »
* Siofra curses her timezone yet again.


In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: The UN-common Cold [devious RP]
« on: October 24, 2006, 01:55:10 pm »
* Siofra sneezes, releasing a cloud of fur, then scratches her arms and glares at Moon.   >:(

General Discussion / Re: preganany span
« on: October 23, 2006, 12:39:23 am »
I would expect, if Enki are anything like cats and are prone to having more than one bubs at a time, that pregnacy terms would be quite short. There would not physically be enough room for a fenki to carry multiple kittens for more than a few months growth before requiring birth.  *pop*

* Siofra imagines a fenki with 6 kitts in tum tum at 9 months term and winces.

I guess that also means that the kitts would mature quickly so as not to remain helpless for long.

Edit: I would also be interested in what the average lifespans of the various races are.

Guilds Forum / Re: the germ of a guild idea, is it worth developing
« on: October 12, 2006, 01:07:13 am »
Ooooh! You want the *classy* insane ones? Excellent, we will compliment each other nicely I think. If any of yours are not up to scratch, please send them to me. If any hoity-toity philosophers or prophets turn up at my door I'll send them your way, muttering insanely all the way  ;D

Guilds Forum / Re: the germ of a guild idea, is it worth developing
« on: October 11, 2006, 06:40:50 pm »
Thats my only real question, and it is vital, because what is your guild going to do?... ya know?...

See my previous links. Simply put, survival and companionship for the outcasts. In reality, entertainment for us and the masses.

Guilds Forum / Re: the germ of a guild idea, is it worth developing
« on: October 11, 2006, 06:30:44 pm »
Mmm, agreed. IMHO group chat is always OOC (unless telepathy exists?), as are /tells outside of whipsers and written messages. I find it amusing running into a large guild meeting group and they all appear to be standing around in complete slience. Recruiting for this sort of guild can make for some very interesting (and sometimes lengthy) Rp..

[edit: Oh, and the guild tag is optional - guild can be set to 'secret']

Guilds Forum / Re: the germ of a guild idea, is it worth developing
« on: October 11, 2006, 06:20:16 pm »
Good idea though, but... a guild, meh, I see little point for a bunch of crazies to become a guild, though yes it would be interesting.

Unfortunately there is no other in game mechanic for managing groups in any other way. I also dislike the Guild concept for what I am trying to do, but is the only functional way of having a 'group' in game. <recruit> That said, you are all free to contact me IG if you want to play  :whistling: </recruit>

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