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Messages - .:ZEN:.

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Sexiest Celebrity
« on: February 12, 2008, 04:08:19 am »
why lock things when the delete button is faster.   :devil:

well, looking at your signature reminds me of Tsunade... Pitty she's like 276

Fan Art / Re: Adraax: Klyro's City Project
« on: February 12, 2008, 04:01:19 am »
Great work...

[hahaha page 69 XD]

General Discussion / Re: Deity Poll
« on: January 22, 2008, 04:51:44 am »
Laanx for roleplay... its good to have a place to pray to the almighty gods

But hey, Talad kicks ass =) we thank him for creating the game... along with all the other DEVS/GMs

A smiley balloon for Talad O--)
Fresh charm flowers for the alter of the laanx temple  :flowers:

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Kittens are always cute.
« on: January 12, 2008, 09:43:27 am »
The cutest most popular & cutest cat IN THE WORLD!

The mean kitty song - Cory "Mr Safety" Williams

Not sure if this has been posted before.. This guy is the greatest... I've seen like all of his vids..

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Watch some videos!
« on: January 12, 2008, 09:39:47 am »
Imaginative    - Very
Cool             - Very
Disturbing     - Very


Good music though

General Discussion / Re: pie [ π ] art
« on: January 12, 2008, 03:50:14 am »
your sig scares me .:ZEN:.

What is there to scared of? Out of address, browser and location the only thing it gets right for me is the address.

Haha, so it's all completey rubbish? Wonder what it would do for me then? I DO live near kwinana

Yes - I stalk all of you.. =)

No this sig accesses your IP address and reads its information.. Its to help people gain awareness of the kind of information hidden in your IP adress so this sig would be different for every internet connection.
Getting this sig isn't hacking, your computer automatically sends your IP address for every site you visit.. or when you are on google images and search for 'dogs' all of the sites that have pictures that show up in the results get your IP address.. Even the sites wich host the popups get your IP address, freaky eh? But 'most' sites dont save your IP address.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Watch some videos!
« on: January 11, 2008, 09:12:56 pm »
No, Lambchop... the lamb of course!

Humm... You're quite small for your age arn't you.. Little lambs shouldn't be that small..

Fan Art / Re: Adraax: Klyro's City Project
« on: January 11, 2008, 09:10:07 pm »
Great Images... Truly amazing.. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

As for them looking like earth animals... I think just about all planeshift animals bear some resemblence to earth animals... So I think that makes it even better - It will help the new animals fit in.

General Discussion / Re: pie [ π ] art
« on: January 11, 2008, 08:51:20 pm »
Apart from that, what other artisitic endevours are actually available for a artsy inlcined player? None!

Really? There's sketches...

I meant that were visible to the general public, like an art gallery say. An art display where you have to trek to a remote part of the world is not really viable.

One can also hum, write poetry, put on a play, be a mime, do interpretive dance. Some are more limited than others, of course. Some would say role playing is an art in itself.
Running a (test) server is welcomed, trying to clone the data base is not allowed. I was just suggesting that such an installation would give you more leeway in your pursuits. Who knows, you might even find a few bugs that would otherwise go unnoticed.

I suppose you cuold stand in the plaza and say your poetry out loud, but mime I don't see being a viable art form in PS, nor dance or any sort of noise based art.

As for doing it on a private server, the entire point of visual art is for it to be obnserved by the general public.

That is very true... I completely agree with you.

but as for running a test server, I doubt its ever going to happen..

Yes, people who build from source may start a test server

I don't build from source,

Yes I have read all the guides

Yes I am completely hopeless

Yes I do use a mac

Yes I have read the mac guides.

No I'm not a perthite :P I'm a Hong Konger

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Watch some videos!
« on: January 11, 2008, 04:58:00 am »
Hey! I make an appearance here at about 4:10 into the clip.

Woah, are you like the guy in the pink undies >.>

General Discussion / Re: pie [ π ] art
« on: January 11, 2008, 04:41:31 am »
How about you build your own server from sources and paint it all you want! Blatantly disregarding the rules on the official server and posting the evidence on the official forums can only lead to a bad end. I believe the in context penalty for littering is permanent death.
Some people don't :)
Besides... I don't know how to build my own server... And I think thats even more against the rules than littering - besides.. It wasn't littering... I pick up afterwards and nobody complained of lags.

I am not sure it is any more pointless than any other type of art but if the themes are not contextual then there is no possible justification. Simply writing your characters name is pretty uninspired and would not give a presiding magistrate any cause for leniency due to artistic merit.
I plan to write more things... This was a test to see if it was possible and how hard it was..
I am actually kind of ambivalent about this because an artist is something that can be role-played but this instance does not seem to qualify.
Yes I am too... This sort of thing is very easy to RP... And I plan on making a good RP background for my competition.
@Erisnas it might if it was one player and a bunch of alts....but what would be the IC justification for it anyway?
Don't suppose there would be much.. But GMs can ban your IP adress... And all your friend's IP adress' if they help.

Sorry for the long wait - I have been away for quite a while.

General Discussion / Re: Favorite Npc
« on: December 24, 2007, 09:03:16 am »
Who: Harnquist

Why: He has money.. I want to kidnap him and hold him for ransom [ insert evil laugh here ]

General Discussion / Re: pie [ π ] art
« on: December 23, 2007, 06:18:12 am »
^^ I found out from a few friends that I was mentioned in this weeks newspaper [ woot ] !
But for those of you who are wandering i'm going to be a little dormant while I plan my  'DropArt' Contest
and try and figure out what and where my next piece will be  :devil:

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Sexiest Celebrity
« on: December 18, 2007, 03:15:30 am »
Edit: I must clarify I do not actually find these sexy. I don't find anything sexy, which is peculiar. However, I do find these to be extremely pretty.

Emilie Autumn
Aya Kimiki
Cristina Scabbia

For male...

Aoi (pic is too big to post)

I'm attracted to females yet find the guys prettier... That's disturbing

I personally think that they cross all limits of ugliness... apart from the second one. But I guess thats just my opinion and well, I'm not really into  Emo chicks.

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