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Messages - Lidren

Pages: [1]
Collaborative Stories / Re: Snakewall Ruins
« on: August 10, 2006, 07:37:41 pm »
The Menki smiles and pulls the speared meat out of the fire.

"My name is Oriok, and I am better for somones company. These caverns are not safe."

He puts the meat on a flat rock and sprinkles some seasoning over it. He pulls a short eating knife from his bag and looks up.

"Would you care for some?"

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Re: Java updater issues
« on: August 10, 2006, 07:29:34 pm »

No dice...

Thanks for the quick response. Heres what terminal says to you (as I know only a little more about java than a rock does)

[Lidrens-Computer:~/Desktop/Planeshift3D] lid% java -jar Updater-old.jar -debugmode
Debug mode on.
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
        at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
        at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
        at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
        at Updater$
java.lang.Error: Do not use OmissionDialog.add() use OmissionDialog.getContentPane().add() instead
        at javax.swing.JDialog.createRootPaneException(
        at javax.swing.JDialog.addImpl(
        at java.awt.Container.add(
        at OmissionDialog.<init>(
        at OmissionDialog.showOmissionDialog(
        at Updater.compileModuleFileList(
        at Updater.compileUpdateList(
        at Updater.access$2600(
        at Updater$

EDIT: Through your advice, searching the boards, and my own tinkering...Ive made the java-old updater work just fine...8 minutes.
Thanks again for all your help, and Ill see you around online!

EDIT2: Blast! got it updated...but planeshift app will not run....Any ideas?

EDIT3: Read through the forums, anything with "pssetup", "Mac", or "won't open" in the title. My base account is an admin, and all the files are read/write to at a loss

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Java updater issues
« on: August 09, 2006, 10:21:23 pm »

I have been active on the forums, mostly because of the facination I feel for what Atomic Blue has been doing.
I have downloaded the executables for macintosh, and then the java-old updater.
This updater stops at the "compiling list of files to update". I know that it is said that it takes a loooong time,
but I have broadband, and 8 hours (while I sleep), seems excessive for Nothing to happen.

Is there ANY other way to get connected? I have been pining over this project for a week now.

Thanks for your help, I check back often.

Collaborative Stories / Re: Snakewall Ruins
« on: August 09, 2006, 09:46:46 pm »

Points for responding, though ruins are hardly a forest...


The catman waits to see the response of the stoneman. He looks slightly suprised to see the new arrival, since he gives off little to no scent.
He waits, flexing slightly as he sees the tense demeanor of his visitor.

Collaborative Stories / Re: Snakewall Ruins
« on: August 09, 2006, 12:52:40 am »

Its an introduction to a scene. Think of it like this. Thats my character, and thats where he is, and what hes doing.
Posting it here was an invitation for other players to have their characters find the scene, and hopefully, interact with my

You could reply with what your character does...

Try and hide from the keen senses of an Enkidukai, or step out and say hello?

Think about it. Its a somewhat more free form roleplay than you would find in game, constrained by rules.

Feel free to insert your charachter into the story, my character is pretty lonly so far.

Collaborative Stories / Snakewall Ruins
« on: August 08, 2006, 03:42:55 am »
This is my first, hopefully of many, rp threads. No fighting, though in later threads we can arrange fights online as they come up here. To those of you who have yet to read me, greetings!

The area you just passed from left you fatigued and perhaps injured. Here you enter into a place of peace. Glowing mosses and lichens coat the high vaulted roof of this cavern, as well as many of the half crumbled stone walls within it. Another light, of a campfire, colors the higher walls toward the center of the ruins.

A soft melody floats out to you at the same time as the smell of roasting meat. The song is an Enkidukai one, but the words are not being sung. It is a soft melody, full of longing and sorrow. If you choose to stay hidden to see who makes camp, you easily find a vantage over the cookfire.

A small Enkidukai, even for his race, sits on his haunches next to the blaze. He holds a stick with a slab of dark meat in the fire, and he is the source of the song. His fur is dark brown striped with black and grey, three long claw scars run from his right ear, over his cheek and down to his shoulder. He wears only brown leather pants, though a woolen cloak is laid out nearby. On the cloak is a leather bag lying open, containing only other provisions and a pair of torches.

If you approach, he looks up from his cooking and half smiles.
"Peace, and you are welcome..."


Occasionally, he looks away from the fire and sneezes. Then takes several breaths as his nostrils flare. After this happens several times, he nods to himself and leans the stick on a rock to continue cooking. He rises to a crouch and moves very nearly silently around his camp, peering into the crevaces of the ruins. With each step coming closer to where you are concealed.

General Discussion / Greetings!
« on: August 08, 2006, 03:17:05 am »
Good evening,

I am new to the game (waiting on the dl), and these forums. I Atomic Blue, to say the least.
Im sure I will get a chance to speak to many of you in the coming days, months, etc. So for now I will keep it short.
I would like to invite anyone who is interested to a roleplay thread. Mostly for my own benefit to get used to the world,
though I hope it will entertain all involved.

I will start the thread in the roleplaying category, by the name Snakewall Ruins.

The setting is an ancient ruin akin to some kind of temple complex. The ruin lies in the caves close to the city, and is
safer than most of its surroundings.

Please come and join me.

Well met,

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Issues
« on: August 08, 2006, 02:44:50 am »


I do not know if you have a version for mac ready with this release. I am patient.

Command line or double click (either) does not work to open the client or the updater.

700MHz PowerPC G4 (emac = an hour to replace 1 hard-part!)
650 MB Ram
OSX 10.2.8 (soon 10.3.#)

New PC/red hat platform on the way.

Feel free to email me.


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